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is that possible leveling up to 60 in 3 days?

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Hey, I just wondering leveling up to 60 is THAT easy? I mean we have glorious story boost now but still, which things I should do and I shoudnt do? I'm not a keyboard-button destroyer and I mostly playing with normal human speed (lol)


I'm thinking to open a vanguard in rep side and a sith sorc in imperial side, can you folks please list the things I should do while progressing in storyline,


thanks in advance

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It is. In 24 hours of playtime, while listening to story, and dying, and being afk, you can get to 55. 12 hours a day, in two consecutive days, eh? Then, on the third day, do SoR content, and it... well, will take you around 12 hours to glide through, if you know what you're doing.


Sometimes, you will get bored, so just listen to something in the background, and (obviously) try not to die. I *always* jump too far on Hoth, and end up running a kilometre, which eats valuable time.


I suggest replacing gear around every ten levels. Send over commendations from other characters by buying creates from the supply area on the fleet, putting them in legacy storage, and selling them on your new character. I'd suggest replacing them before Coruscant, Alderaan, Hoth and Corellia. Maybe you can add a planet in, if you need it. Corellia and Alderaan are especially important to replace gear before, as they do have very powerful mobs, compared to other planets. When you're around level 47, you can skip the ending of your class story, and head right for Makeb, if you want to level. Additionally, always keep an xp boost on, if you can, as it gives that precious bit extra.


But, most importantly. have fun. If it takes longer to get to 60 in 3 days, so be it. :)

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My suggestion is use XP boosts after level 30, as otherwise you risk graying out the content. Unlock the Class mission boost in the legacy perks, join a guild with 10% bonus. Also, you only need to get to Level 55, because at that point, the FA to Ziost stretch guarantees a fast level-up even after the boost is done.


Then just do class story, and don't worry about anything else. Use the QT copiously. If driving becomes too boring on the big planets, drop into a warzone once in a while.


If you care about gearing up at 60, make sure you are crafting gear while you are playing on alts on you armmech, synthweaver and biochem and save all the comms. If you don't or intend your characters as PvP characters, just use comms to upgrade every 10 levels or so.


All and all, with 4 quests, each planet should take about an hour. So, just for the class story you should be able to do it in 12 hrs on a relaxed pace. If you are still not 55 at that point, either Ilum or Makeb will get you there, then you are ready for FA. Which can be done at any time after the 12xXP boost is done, as it is not impacted by it.

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Several people reported getting from 1 to 55 in 6 to 8 hours, so in theory if you have absolutely nothing better to do, you can get 6 characters to level 55 (Where the 12x boost runs out) in your three days


That will burn you out pretty fast though... especially on Makeb.

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Hey, I just wondering leveling up to 60 is THAT easy? I mean we have glorious story boost now but still, which things I should do and I shoudnt do? I'm not a keyboard-button destroyer and I mostly playing with normal human speed (lol)


I'm thinking to open a vanguard in rep side and a sith sorc in imperial side, can you folks please list the things I should do while progressing in storyline,


thanks in advance


It is, but you have all the time in the world to get to 60.


Some of the side quests are interesting on coruscant. The bonus series on taris is also pretty good.

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My suggestion is use XP boosts after level 30, as otherwise you risk graying out the content. Unlock the Class mission boost in the legacy perks, join a guild with 10% bonus. Also, you only need to get to Level 55, because at that point, the FA to Ziost stretch guarantees a fast level-up even after the boost is done.


Correct me if i'm wrong but i thought the legacy class xp boosts don't stack with the 12x. At least i remember seeing that sort of info when the first 12x boost was on the last year.


About the topic, yeah three days to 60 is perfectly doable. Took me one day to level up an old lowbie char from 32 to 60. And 1 to 32 takes only a few hours... (I didn't take too many breaks during that day though).

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The real trick is getting from 55 to 60 without getting burned out... :D


I love this game, but after 11 alts the elder game does tend to get repetitive.


11...try 22 lol.


I am really sick of those fp's. I don't mind the planetary story quests so much but those solo fps....just so sick of em.

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It's really easy to get to 60 in under 20 hours, if you're not on your first character and know what you are doing. But that's a crazy way to play this game. The point of this game is to enjoy the experience, explore the world and have fun at all times. Endgame is not going anywhere. In fact, in October, every single piece of endgame content ever released will be on-level at 65. So there is 0 reason to hurry there.
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The real trick is getting from 55 to 60 without getting burned out... :D


I love this game, but after 11 alts the elder game does tend to get repetitive.


Because the expansion lacked content to bring you from 55-60 even whilst doing all the available content.

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Correct me if i'm wrong but i thought the legacy class xp boosts don't stack with the 12x. At least i remember seeing that sort of info when the first 12x boost was on the last year.


About the topic, yeah three days to 60 is perfectly doable. Took me one day to level up an old lowbie char from 32 to 60. And 1 to 32 takes only a few hours... (I didn't take too many breaks during that day though).


That was my understanding too. Has it changed?

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11...try 22 lol.


I am really sick of those fp's. I don't mind the planetary story quests so much but those solo fps....just so sick of em.




personally I just watch a movie while letting GSIsus do all the work. just move my character forward every few minutes :p.

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I'm not entirely sure of my play time per 60 but I didn't take my 3rd 60 very seriously and honestly, spent a lot of time AFK. Still did 1-55 in like 12hrs (12xp). You can knock our Rishi/Yavin/Ziost in a night though so 20hrs if you are taking your time seems about right.
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The quickest Ive levelled a toon is 13hrs and a few minutes. On average takes me about 18 hrs of gameplay. Just a fyi, 3 days is waay to long unless youre playing 6-7hrs each day only.


Only 6-7 hours a day? That's a massive amount of play time for a day, even if you do nothing else. On a lazy Sunday I might get in 3-4 hours of play and that's pushing it. There is a world outside of the game to enjoy as well.

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