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Returning Companions: Which do you expect?


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I'm almost completely certain that the main romances will all be available to add to your crew again. Too many people would throw a fit if you didn't at least have the OPTION to recruit them.


I also have a feeling that they'll allow you to recruit companions from across your faction's classes (i.e. a Sith Warrior could recruit all Imperial Class companions), but you'll have a limit to how many/which ones you can add. I think it'll be only within your character's original faction because there are some companions who would rather die than work for an Imp/Pub. Aric Jorgan, for example, wouldn't be caught dead following a Sith. Unless he had had a lobotomy or something, but that's unlikely.


They might also make the romances available only to their original classes. Now this one I'm not certain on, but I'm thinking that even if you can recruit them, you won't be able to romance them if you didn't in the main class storylines. It would get too confusing and weird for the players, and a nightmare for the writers. My theory is that going forward, they'll make new romances available, but if you didn't take advantage of the old romances, then you won't get them again.


For example, a Jedi Knight who didn't romance Kira in the original class story might not be able to in the expansion. He would probably be able to romance Lana, or another companion, though. They'll probably write it in such a way as to make it apparent that the former possible LI no longer has interest in that area any more.


This is, of course, all speculation on my part. But after having given it some thought, this is what would make sense to me.

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I doubt we get cross class recruitment.


Makes no sense for Raina to join Wrath or Inquisitor due to her backstory.


Which is why my female Warrior used Vette almost entirely, it just felt like she was the one the Warrior was meant to run around the galaxy with.


I disagree, Jaesa fits better and much of the story is based around her importance.

Edited by Sardorim
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I doubt we get cross class recruitment.


Makes no sense for Raina to join Wrath or Inquisitor due to her backstory.


Why not? She's a staunch supporter of the Sith.


Also, didn't they already say that there would be possible cross class recruitment in some cases?

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Why not? She's a staunch supporter of the Sith.


Also, didn't they already say that there would be possible cross class recruitment in some cases?


They did. I can't find the exact instance in which it was said, but this here heavily implies it.


We’re doing a lot of cool stuff with companions. Some of it I can’t tell you about, but the gameplay in this system reflects the fiction and vice versa. We built both together. We said, ‘What if there were an opportunity to interact with this companion in this way?’ I can’t give you too many specifics, but the answer is it is very possible that classes and the companions start to cross-pollinate.
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Why not? She's a staunch supporter of the Sith.


Because she is force sensitive and every force sensitive needs to go to korriban or gets killed. That was the reason why she joined the chiss.


Here is the quote, that some companion will be available to other classes:


You're able to recruit help and additional companions from an expanded cast, including companions who were previously exclusive to other classes
Edited by hanebuch
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I have no idea what to expect. But I will be disappointed if I can't find Broonmark, Gault, Blizz, Xalek, Talos and Jaesa.


Those are my favorites so far. I'd like to see a bit more story about all of them, at least. I will just have to wait and see.

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Because she is force sensitive and every force sensitive needs to go to korriban or gets killed. That was the reason why she joined the chiss.


Here is the quote, that some companion will be available to other classes:


If she was working directly for the Empire's Wrath or a Dark Council member, that would be a way she could get around that technicality.

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I just want the chance to torture slowly and painfully Malavai Quinn. I swear I would take my time and I would probably heal him in between to make the experience of eventually killing him take even longer.


Please Bioware Grant my wish.


Also I would like to get Khem Val back. he is by far the only companion the inquisitor's have that has proven loyal no matter what.


As for Ashara... I can't wait to kill her so I don't have to hear her telling me how much of a Jedi is. Yet she has no problem going around slaying people with me.

Edited by Hyoga_
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Priority: Dark side Jaesa, full companion, bisexual, female romanceable, still ******* crazy.


Secondary: Ashara. Must be fully turnable to the darkside, full companion, bisexual, female romanceable, no longer whiny.


Last but not least: Quinn must have the option to end his life in a variety of gruesome ways. Screams of a painful death mandatory.

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Why not? She's a staunch supporter of the Sith.


Also, didn't they already say that there would be possible cross class recruitment in some cases?


And they're the most known force users.... Raina cannot risk her Force abilities being discovered.


Because she is force sensitive and every force sensitive needs to go to korriban or gets killed. That was the reason why she joined the chiss.


Here is the quote, that some companion will be available to other classes:


I'm not really happy with that if done badly.


Like Jaesa shouldn't join anyone but the SW as she's completely devoted to him/her.


If she was working directly for the Empire's Wrath or a Dark Council member, that would be a way she could get around that technicality.


I doubt it as Wrath and Inquisitor couldn't even protect Lana from slander.

Edited by Sardorim
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I doubt they deny the LI.


Furthermore, Scourge didn't even get any new lines for SoR. Revan completely ignores his existence.


fan favorites those are terrible i have a air lock with all there names on it give me jaesa and kira

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Personally as a Bounty Hunter, my ideal cast of companions would be:


1. Mako

2. Blizz

3. Andronikos

4. Risha

5. Guss

6. Akaavi Spar


My reasons are mostly selfish but Mako because she's the Bounty Hunter's love interest, Blizz because he's Blizz, Andronikos because he seems like he would fit with the Bounty Hunter more than the Inquisitor. Risha because she's got an eye for money and would fit in with my bounty hunter, and Guss because he's hilarious. Akaavi is to replace Torian, not that I didn't like Torian, just that I liked Akaavi's blunt and buttkicking attitude more.


Of course I expect HK-51 and Treek to continue to be along for the journey if you have 'em. I'll be happy to be rid of 2V-R8 / C2-N2.

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I disagree, Jaesa fits better and much of the story is based around her importance.


Yeah I agree, Jeasa's transition to the dark side was one of the best parts of the warriors story line. I never used anyone else once she was available and always wished she'd kill Quin (still hoping!).


She is so deliciously demented, my poor warrior is suffering without her... everything just seems so empty and lightsided right now.


Maybe.. just maybe if she comes back I'll be able to same-sex romance her... then my corruption of her will be complete!


Will Jaesa be able to become recruitable again? She is my favourite companion and I really don't want to lose her. :confused:


Hey back off bro! ...She's mine! ;)

Edited by Ewacked
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I just hope Scourge gets some love. Story wise he is the most powerful and important companion. The fact he is silent during all of the Revan storyline drives me up the wall.


this struggle against the Emperor though is what defines him, really hope he has a big part to play

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