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Making all Ops scale to level is a rediculous plan.

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Eh not necessarily. As the prices go up less customers can afford it unlike now with cheaper prices more customers and you end up with Bulk sales. And also it shuts out competitors which further increases the price. For example Brontes will have to be done in equivalent of 180 Gear as no NiM gear exists. How many guilds will be carry the least skilled through it. Hardly few. I don't see any upside to this. It's why everyone was selling this summer. Like everything else with BW, take advantage now before they mess with it.


You make a good point. I admit, I just like the idea of the vanity items being harder to get so possessing one feels like more of an accomplishment. That's what they are there for after all: to reward people who put in the extra effort.


Am I the only person who likes playing the game for a challenge and not for loot? I hate waltzing through content I out level, the only interesting thing about it is trying to underman it, and even that is a bore for the 50 ops which almost can't even deal damage to you.


Right now the game sorely lacks interesting and challenging things to do at level 60. There is HM Ravages, HM ToS, 6 HM Flashpoints and... that's it. So I'm welcoming this change in hopes that there will be more fun gameplay challenges available for a change.


You are not alone. I stopped enjoying all of the older content when it turned into something I could get through without even trying. It was boring. I never had the chance to complete a lot of the old HMs/NiMs at level, so I look forward to experiencing them as they were meant to be.

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well if they won't make rescaled ops(even hms) easy for everyone, this game is sure dead


SM will be the difficulty easy for everyone, HM will be the difficulty that's easy for top players, a challenge for most players and very difficult for bad players, and NiM will be the difficulty meant to challenge top players. If hm will be easy for most players, then they might as well rename sm to tactical since they would be so easy. I don't see a lot of players wanting everything to be that easy.

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The system that exists now is fine. There are Ops for those players wanting a challenge, and there are lower level Ops for those players that just want to experience content and hang out with their friends. So what they aren't a crack Ops team.


The net result of scaling all Ops will just be to eliminate content for +90% of the player base. A few vocal die-hards will be pleased, but most players don't stick around long enough in this game to develop the interest to form accomplished Ops groups and do challenging content.


I agree a 100% with you. Always been against this forced push.


Bioware, again, PLEASE, give us the option of playing operations at their original level and on those challenge modes. You are discouraging a part of your player base now as well. A big part.

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I agree a 100% with you. Always been against this forced push.


Bioware, again, PLEASE, give us the option of playing operations at their original level and on those challenge modes. You are discouraging a part of your player base now as well. A big part.


Story Mode - they are even adding a bolster to it for 50+ players. Seriously, Story Mode will be your laid back, fun tier.


No, the reason some people don't want this is because they also want the rewards from NiM Ops such as the mounts, titles, etc. that they could never achieve at proper level, thus waiting until content can be over-leveled and farmed for these things that were put in the game to reward those who could achieve them.

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Story Mode - they are even adding a bolster to it for 50+ players. Seriously, Story Mode will be your laid back, fun tier.


No, the reason some people don't want this is because they also want the rewards from NiM Ops such as the mounts, titles, etc. that they could never achieve at proper level, thus waiting until content can be over-leveled and farmed for these things that were put in the game to reward those who could achieve them.




But there are lots of reasons why people don't want the old content rescaled and / or want to retain the option to run the content in its current form.


Some simply want new challenges and really don't care about the rescale per se, rather they see it as a way for Bioware to claim they are providing end-game content without adding actual new content.


Others are concerned that players who run old ops because they cannot succeed in current SM (lots of groups still fail in ToS - even over-gear, bolstered, post-nerfs) will have even less to do at 65 than they have today.


Heck I'm sure some simply want to go in and 'smash' old content just for fun, in a 'take that boss X - that's for all those months of wiping us way back when', and could care less about anything that drops.


Anyways - I don't care about the rescale personally outside the fact I don't consider running old content tuned up to be a new challenge (/yawn), though I find the lack of new content to be a major disappointment, to put it mildly.


I also don't see 'bolster' as some magic bullet for making the rescaled ops 'laid back, fun tier' content when taken in the context of running it with GF pugs.


Many pugs still can't complete SM ToS months after its launch, while over-geared, with a bolster, and after numerous nerfs.


What makes you think at launch of 4.0 such content will be 'laid back, fun tier' content for the majority of players?

Edited by DawnAskham
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Story Mode - they are even adding a bolster to it for 50+ players. Seriously, Story Mode will be your laid back, fun tier.


No, the reason some people don't want this is because they also want the rewards from NiM Ops such as the mounts, titles, etc. that they could never achieve at proper level, thus waiting until content can be over-leveled and farmed for these things that were put in the game to reward those who could achieve them.


>Implying people don't pay for runs

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But there are lots of reasons why people don't want the old content rescaled and / or want to retain the option to run the content in its current form.


Some simply want new challenges and really don't care about the rescale per se, rather they see it as a way for Bioware to claim they are providing end-game content without adding actual new content.


Others are concerned that players who run old ops because they cannot succeed in current SM (lots of groups still fail in ToS - even over-gear, bolstered, post-nerfs) will have even less to do at 65 than they have today.


Heck I'm sure some simply want to go in and 'smash' old content just for fun, in a 'take that boss X - that's for all those months of wiping us way back when', and could care less about anything that drops.


Anyways - I don't care about the rescale personally outside the fact I don't consider running old content tuned up to be a new challenge (/yawn), though I find the lack of new content to be a major disappointment, to put it mildly.


I also don't see 'bolster' as some magic bullet for making the rescaled ops 'laid back, fun tier' content when taken in the context of running it with GF pugs.


Many pugs still can't complete SM ToS months after its launch, while over-geared, with a bolster, and after numerous nerfs.


What makes you think at launch of 4.0 such content will be 'laid back, fun tier' content for the majority of players?


My thoughts exactly

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SM will be the difficulty easy for everyone, HM will be the difficulty that's easy for top players, a challenge for most players and very difficult for bad players, and NiM will be the difficulty meant to challenge top players. If hm will be easy for most players, then they might as well rename sm to tactical since they would be so easy. I don't see a lot of players wanting everything to be that easy.


top players have already done everything, i don't think any good players want to challenge everything again

if hm won't be available for masses, then it's gonna be very bad for game overall

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That's awfully haughty to say at 8/10.


Who the **** are you? Wait don't care if you can't take a joke. I make fun of myself and others and expect banter from others. If you have a stick that far up your *** please don't talk to me


Probable just another bad. /shrug

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REscaled Operations is NOT new content. I don't care how awesome the story is.. this plain sucks and I agree.




If they do it right (Which I doubt) then gear will be setup correctly and it will be worthwhile.


What will likely happen is like today's Operations moved to level 60. They would give out 186 gear for SM and 192 for HM of the older content and maybe 198 gear for NIM and say it's "BETTER"... LOL


Just not very confident they will properly "Balance" the older operations. Look how poorly 16m content for the last two operations got scaled as an example.


SUGGESTION: Mimic WOW's timewalking model and each week a different Operation is scaled up for that week. Leave the other operations as-is for folks not interested in running level 65 version ops that week. This ALSO allows you to roll them out gradually if needed and FIX any issues found during the week it was online @65 while its turn is a couple weeks away. (Just a suggestion)


I'm sorry.. BW this is not a good idea and I doubt will end well.

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I know this is going to sound selfish as hell. but right now, if I want decorations from ops/current flashpoints. I either have to hope I win the roll against a whole bunch of other people (which doesn't happen much) or grind credits in order to buy those of GTN from lucky roll winners. neither of which is fun to me.


two manning old content with a friend? allows me to not only enjoy playing with a person I like, but it removes all competition for decorations.


scaled up ops and flashpoints? means no more painless acess to decorations etc for me. solution could have been to scale them up through group finder and leave them be as is - when you walk in manually. could have, should have...

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Many in this and other threads on the lack of new Ops / rescaled old Ops want a challenge, I know I do.


Where I differ from you is that I want a new challenge, an instance I haven't set foot in with a story I haven't seen before with bosses I haven't killed over and over.


I guess I don't consider scaling the stats up in old content to be interesting or challenging.


Besides, if playing old Ops tuned up a bit is what you find interesting and challenging, you already have this available today for the 55 and 60 Ops.


Just take off as much gear as you need to balance your stats to the Operation and go enjoy your challenge, no one is stopping you, and it accomplishes the same thing the rescaling will do at 65.


Pretty much this -- as an (IMO) average player (I can pug current SM stuff, but I'm one of the weaker members of my guild's HM crew), I really don't like thinking that there is some lucky window where I can grab old operation loot/achievements that will suddenly become more difficult to obtain.


I'm ok with scaling up the old stuff (especially if it's part of an overhaul to improve future content, as they said it was), just don't take away the old stuff, add new (tites/loot/whatever) so that everybody playing the new stuff has an equal chance to get it.

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Pretty much this -- as an (IMO) average player (I can pug current SM stuff, but I'm one of the weaker members of my guild's HM crew), I really don't like thinking that there is some lucky window where I can grab old operation loot/achievements that will suddenly become more difficult to obtain.


I'm ok with scaling up the old stuff (especially if it's part of an overhaul to improve future content, as they said it was), just don't take away the old stuff, add new (tites/loot/whatever) so that everybody playing the new stuff has an equal chance to get it.


The titles/loot etc are there for skilled players, to feel they accomplished something. They are not participation medals. Lord knows there's enough of that kind of thing in the game already.

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SM will be the difficulty easy for everyone, HM will be the difficulty that's easy for top players, a challenge for most players and very difficult for bad players, and NiM will be the difficulty meant to challenge top players. If hm will be easy for most players, then they might as well rename sm to tactical since they would be so easy. I don't see a lot of players wanting everything to be that easy.


Players want new challenging ops, not old ops with level rescaled.

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Players want new challenging ops, not old ops with level rescaled.


Pretty much this.

When 2.0 hit, it was ok to raise tfb to 55. This way we had 5 ops, three old and two on max level.

If they'd give us at least one new op with FE, there wouldn't be any rage about the rescaling of the old content I think.

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