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PvP Power Leveling Bug? Rumor?


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For starters..a rollback is NEVER gonna happen...especially when you consider the only official reply has been that they are "Investigating" the issue...rather than ADMIT that it has been a KNOWN issue in beta...so no...not gonna happen. For all those saying that people are "cheating" for simply joining warzones that are granting exp even upon the warzone abruptly ending is absurd. So it is the player's fault(you and I) that this system is how bioware DESIGNED it?!? Is it the player's fault(you and I) that the made the CHOICE to let so few in this issue was made worse ten-fold? think not.....
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For starters..a rollback is NEVER gonna happen...especially when you consider the only official reply has been that they are "Investigating" the issue...rather than ADMIT that it has been a KNOWN issue in beta...so no...not gonna happen. For all those saying that people are "cheating" for simply joining warzones that are granting exp even upon the warzone abruptly ending is absurd. So it is the player's fault(you and I) that this system is how bioware DESIGNED it?!? Is it the player's fault(you and I) that the made the CHOICE to let so few in this issue was made worse ten-fold? think not.....


No, it is your fault for abusing something that was not intended to be in the game.

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No, it is your fault for abusing something that was not intended to be in the game.


This is starting to grate my nerves. I'm not moaning how you're getting xp for a story so you need to understand that Warzone rewards are part of this game too. Live and let live for god sake. When the servers are fully active this problem will disappear.

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"No, it is your fault for abusing something that was not intended to be in the game."


VERY well said sir...so is it safe to assume if you get in today or even a few days before the 20th you will NOT be joining any pvp action correct? I know, I know....I shouldn't even have asked because you would NEVER join pvp warzones out of your principle it's abusing the system (wink).... /sarcasm off

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This is starting to grate my nerves. I'm not moaning how you're getting xp for a story so you need to understand that Warzone rewards are part of this game too. Live and let live for god sake. When the servers are fully active this problem will disappear.

The problem is the rewards they've already earned. Depending on how much abuse has gone on some people will have a significant advantage when it comes to practically every form of gameplay.


Yet that will disappear in a few months once everyone has capped out their gear and await the next level of content.

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No, it is your fault for abusing something that was not intended to be in the game.


Whut? This problems been brought to thier attention before. they are the ones who didnt alter the rewards based on the warzone closing early. If they knew about it and didnt change it. Then they fueled it with this tedious staggered release crap. Then how do you blame the player? They caused it, and they knew. Some (more than youd like to admit) ppl will do anything for a compettative edge. If you set down ur groceries in front of a homeless man then walk 50 ft away to hail a cab, how suprised are you gonna be if they are gone when u get back? Sure they're using the "exploit" but bioware left it there for them to use.

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The problem is the rewards they've already earned. Depending on how much abuse has gone on some people will have a significant advantage when it comes to practically every form of gameplay.


Yet that will disappear in a few months once everyone has capped out their gear and await the next level of content.





Going to be a rough ride on the first PvP servers opened though.

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It isn't punishment to rollback the exp gained. People who gained it did not earn it properly, therefore should be ok with it.


It's the only fair thing to do.


If it were me, I would expect that "investigating" would mean that they would find out it is true, and rollback the exp.


They can do that easily enough.

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Well, I assume your wzs didn't end after 2 minutes. Because that is what this thread is about.


no the warzones didn't but the warzones that DID end early only gave out like 300xp and onlly a few commendations/valor.



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how is this an "exploit"? so you queue, scen ends early , not your fault..then you reque, because you want to PvP... it's not an exploit, system is broken, if they "punish" anyone but themselves for this it will be laughable.


Normal gamer behavior when doing an activity taht rewards a suspect amont of experience is to report it, not do it again and again before it's corrected.


Queing for BGs is not an exploit. Queuing for BGs for hours after having witnessed they gave abnormally highf XP/H is.

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Just curious, how can they take action against exploiters if players are merely qing for a pvp match... imo they should shut down the matches if this is the case till there is enough players to have full matches... this really is a unfair advantage on a pvp server.:(
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Just curious, how can they take action against exploiters if players are merely qing for a pvp match... imo they should shut down the matches if this is the case till there is enough players to have full matches... this really is a unfair advantage on a pvp server.:(


Well, i guess you can use your brain when you experience a significant xp boost after 2 or 3 matches, that this is not intended to be used in this way!


So being lvl 50 => ban

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Don't take this the wrong way, but you stated earlier that this was a known issue. If you are taking it seriously, wouldn't this have been #1 on the priority list to resolve?...i.e., "fixing" this ASAP?


Just a thought.


Known issue means you guys have posted this so much that they're aware of if. It was a way to tell us to stop posting about it basically. They had to investigate from there and figure out what the real problem was (if any).

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I may be mistaken but wasn't there a L31 character on one of the live streams. That would suggest that either the metrics are flawed or (more likely) BW are in damage limitation mode.


no its just further evidence that we are being lied to.... The statement by SR was sepcific...


SR statement


Hey all - while we have no definitive update on this yet (that'll come tomorrow, I hope, after our investigation concludes) I did want to point out one important thing.


There have been some suggestions of characters running around on servers in the 30-40 range today. We have the metrics here, and the highest level character as of 30 minutes ago is considerably lower level than that.


Again, we take this seriously, and we're looking to see if this is an exploit that we need to rectify - but don't let rumor and speculation run too rampant.


This was his statement and considerbly lower than that = considerably lower than 30.... when we have seen streams of exploiters laughing about their advantage and their excuses of being creative... and that its in game so its not cheating.... its not honest by either party


No jelous, pissed off about it being allowed to go on and the threads that were opened to turn them in were closed and the issue covered up is not a good thing management wise.

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Good day to all first thing first the battle ground are still on and people are doing it. atm i am looking at a life stream on lvl 20 he show how the BG work .He normally gets around 400 exp per min he qued for BG and it ended in 2 min he for 3373 plsu other goodies so thats about 5 times as faster to be in bg then questing. One must not be super smart in math to figure out that if normall lvl should be about 20s using a BG should and will boost your lvl to well about 40s. GG guys way to go.......
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Hello! My 2 cents on this matter:


1 - BW has to do something about this exploit, and take out the Xp from the chars who abused this levling Xp at Wz. They have to be clear about this to all community, telling exactly what was the problem and telling what they had done to solve the issue, cause Imo they will just "forget" about it and do nothing.... Beeing clear to ALL COMMUNITY its a must.


2 - Im starting to get bad feelings about this. I think the levling is too fast. Played myself a lot in testing and it was too easy to lvl up. I just assumed that @launch they would reduce significantly Xp gains. But seeing streams yesterday, and beeing at my friends house (he got in, damn), I think its way to fast to lvl up. Wich means, 100% sure that tomorow or day after there will be lvl 50´s. I bought the pre-order only in September, so I guess im going in the server Friday (more or less), and I will HATE to see lvl40+ players. Seriously?


When game comes out to stores, December 20th there will be LOTS and LOTS of lvl50´s... I imagine what they will feel to enter Wz´s and be ramped by lvl50 full PvP gear players.... Sad...

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