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  1. Sorry OP I AM the best Mercenary of SWTOR and I dont even play that class. Best luck next time
  2. There is in fact lvl 20 and 40 gear that you can buy with Warzone Commendations (wich you win by doing Wzs). This 20 and 40 gear does not have expertise (only the 50 gear). Note that there is a cap on commendations, so you cant get more than 1000 either Warzones commendations or Mercenary commendations. About what other guy said about keep warzones commendations to lvl 50, that depends on how frequently you PvP. AS for me, when I was lvl 40, I had bought entire lvl20 gear, all lvl 40 gear (both Tank set and DPS set), the weapons (from PvP weapon vendor), had the champion bag and 1000 Warzone Commendatios + 1000 Mercenary commendations.
  3. Unsubscribed 3 days ago with 16more days to play! Will come back when they fix huge numbers of bugs, when PVP is fixed and balanced and when they actually promote OWPvP. I really was looking forward to this game, but at this moment, I feel like I was deceived by BW. BTW, even in servers where ppl try to OWPvP RvR, its impossible to play, FPS drop to below absolute ZERO, mass disconnects etc, so, even if we want to RvR we cant.... GG Bw
  4. You meet a nice girl, going on a date with her. U like her and you bought her a nice shinny ring. hen suddently you realize it was a disguised man. You break up with her/him, but you want your shinny ring back wont you???
  5. Not even going to bother to say the specs of my com.... Just going to say this: 1) BF3 runs awesome, so should also SW TOR. 2) 4 days ago, a friend of mine told me "Hey man I have a Korean account for TERA ONLINE (dont know if you are familiar with this MMO), but it has 100% better graphics than SWTOR. I was like: M8, I cant play very well SWTOR, so no way TERA will run good on my comp. But I instaled the game, entered the Korean servers.... 15min after I bought it, and never entered SWTOR again... it runs very good, so its not my computer problem... its SWTORs
  6. I bought Digital, there is no CD/DVD... just downloaded. Bought from Origin, so shouldnt I be able to trade for another EA game? In fact, going to start to research about this. I DO WANT another EA game instead of this crap swtor
  7. I just canceled my subscription (have 16 more days to play, but I dont log in at 4 or 5) and I was thinking about this refund... Isnt there a law that "if we are not satisfied with the product they have to give us our money back", at least Origin dont have to do something like that? I dont even want the money back, but cancel SWTOR and give me instead BF3.... It would be nice. cause atm I feel like 50€ to the garbage would be better than this
  8. My healer is overpowered because, Im tank and im guarding it. I can kill healers 1v1. The problem maybe was cause that healer u are talking about was beeing guarded, therefore 50% of the dmg was redirected to tank. Plus, maybe the tank had taunt on you, further reducing dmg to healer 30%...watch your debuffs with attention
  9. Exactly. At lvl50 I will choose one tree and stick with that. What I think is, at this lvl (around 25) the cost to change is HUGE.
  10. LOLOL u are ****** m8... I Work, dont have time to play 2 chars. Maybe you are one of those kids that his work is playing, but not me.
  11. So, I am a Juggernaut. I want to play as a Tank at PvE, but I prefer to play Dps at Wzs. I changed like 4 or 5 times, but now, at this moment it cost me 20k Credits to Change again. At lvl 23, this kind of money its HUGE. So, I lost the credits I had, dont have money to buy Speeder at 25, and Im stuck at DPS tree. Yesterday people was asking me to go Tank Flashpoints and I was like: I totally loved to, but DONT have money to swap to Immortal tree... I dont want "Dual Spec" as change AC. I just want to change between my own trees. What a restard System BW!!! At leas, make Skill Mentor work for free!!!!
  12. Good community, no Kids. Server openned today so there are no Lvl 40 premades with pvp gear on Wzs. Not many people farming quests yet. And it will be crowded soon enough. Need people on both Empire & Republic (Republic is less played on every server) to make a good and competitive PvP server TY all
  13. Hell Yeah, I can 100% honestly say I switched my mind when choosed the server (at first was thinking on LoL) because of that Realz guy... **** noob
  14. Hello! My 2 cents on this matter: 1 - BW has to do something about this exploit, and take out the Xp from the chars who abused this levling Xp at Wz. They have to be clear about this to all community, telling exactly what was the problem and telling what they had done to solve the issue, cause Imo they will just "forget" about it and do nothing.... Beeing clear to ALL COMMUNITY its a must. 2 - Im starting to get bad feelings about this. I think the levling is too fast. Played myself a lot in testing and it was too easy to lvl up. I just assumed that @launch they would reduce significantly Xp gains. But seeing streams yesterday, and beeing at my friends house (he got in, damn), I think its way to fast to lvl up. Wich means, 100% sure that tomorow or day after there will be lvl 50´s. I bought the pre-order only in September, so I guess im going in the server Friday (more or less), and I will HATE to see lvl40+ players. Seriously? When game comes out to stores, December 20th there will be LOTS and LOTS of lvl50´s... I imagine what they will feel to enter Wz´s and be ramped by lvl50 full PvP gear players.... Sad...
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