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PvP Power Leveling Bug? Rumor?


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Play on a new server when your early beta access comes up so you don't encounter these exploiters.


THIS IS AN UNACCEPTABLE VIEWPOINT. the exploiters need PERMENANT BANS without mercy. They have broken the game for their own selfish gain. we need to tell the utter worthless pieces of garbage they're not welcome here.

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The simple fact is everyone knows what is going on and is aware of this and are using it to power level them selves. Plain and simple. Just because BW is wrong or messed up does not give you the right to take advantage.


BTW this has happened in all MMOs I have played including WoW!


There is nothing wrong with what they are doing. BioWare created this mess by trying their staggered launch. Why won't people get angry at the right people.


BioWare messed up their launch, and until they delete the characters made today and allow EVERYONE in tomorrow, this situation will only get worse.

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No. Don't roll them back. At least not yet. Because then they would fill up space in the starter areas, and that would mean we would have to wait for them to proceed the normal way, until new players could get early access.


Either fix the bug, and let them continue on their way, or


put them on ice untill the game officially launches. They have had their early access.



Maybe just delete the peoples who have been exploiting the bug - maybe just delete their characters. No need to shut all the servers down and punish everyone just because of these people.


Not a bad idea. Anyone who has exploited this bug should just lose early access privelages and have to wait to gank with their 50 til the 20th

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There is nothing wrong with what they are doing. BioWare created this mess by trying their staggered launch. Why won't people get angry at the right people.


BioWare messed up their launch, and until they delete the characters made today and allow EVERYONE in tomorrow, this situation will only get worse.


It is not bioware's problem and yes there is somthing wrong with what they are doing. They ban all people who went into warzones and got over level 25.

Edited by Meluna
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There is nothing wrong with what they are doing. BioWare created this mess by trying their staggered launch. Why won't people get angry at the right people.


BioWare messed up their launch, and until they delete the characters made today and allow EVERYONE in tomorrow, this situation will only get worse.


They are exploiting. You have obviously never played a game where exploiting in such a BLATANT fashion results in a permanent banhammer.

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Honestly, this is not the only PVP exploit. You guys need to relax, this is being fixed. Also who cares if someone gets level 50 a few hours before you..,There is at least, one other exploit which not fixed during beta. I have personal confirmation that they know about it and plan to fix it. I think the mods should delete these threads, also, because they just add to the theater of gossip. If only we could find a way to make people read! Why wont they read!
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Normal Pvp instance time in beta was 10-15 minutes if you where winning a quick match... some are just 25-30 mins long. However if you are in say one of these 30 minute matches but its empty in 2 minutes you get booted with full xp and credits and marks for box's and upgrades. So simply que back up and o no not enough players full xp credits ... repeat..


LOL they didnt fix this in BETA!!

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I'm a little upset that the main conversation here is about whether or not the players who leveled up using this method are to blame and how the staggered launch caused this. This would have happened if they'd let everyone in, just not at the same rate.


The problem isn't that there aren't enough players. The problem is that when the highest level players queue, they are in nearly empty brackets (because of their level, for the slow ones out there), and then they're awarded full XP/other rewards for a game that gets cancelled.


The solution would have been to shape the amount of PvP rewards given for incomplete matches. I realize that makes the highest level players unable to participate in PvP as a viable Server First leveling strategy, but that's pretty par for the course. If BW/EA had decided to give 10% of the total victory award to a cancelled match, this thread wouldn't even exist.


As for roll backs, it's a hard sell. I think it's only fair to those who pre-ordered but lost the lottery, but it could very easily be a deathblow to a game that has already had a rough first day with regards to PR. Ultimately, I understand that my humble opinion on what should or should not happen doesn't matter, but here is what I think the fair solution would be: for every player who gained experience from a cancelled warzone, that XP gets adjusted to X% (whatever they decide is an appropriate amount to assign to a cancelled wz), and they get their level rolled back accordingly. HOWEVER: there is no justification to punish them on successful gear rolls while they were higher levels, and they should get to keep any gear they got, just not get to equip it.


There, that's my two cents, but the hallmark of a good compromise is that nobody really wins, so I think this is a winner. Anyway... hope this gets read before this thread gets the del..


Hope to see you all in game (Aug 10 activation, so hoping for tomorrow afternoon, expecting Thursday).

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Honestly, this is not the only PVP exploit. You guys need to relax, this is being fixed. Also who cares if someone gets level 50 a few hours before you.


With that point of view.. who cares if someone complains? Heck.. why not have us auto select a level 50 character when we log in on the 20th? Who cares?

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Is it really cheating ? Continually trying to queue for a warfront if you are a PvPer and hoping there will be someone to eventually kill. how else are you supposed to do PvP ? If you dont queue for it you dont know if there will be anyone to fight. I think this will be a tricky one to call for BW. Whatever they do will be wrong to a hell of a lot of people. Maybe if they had spent les time on all the overhyping and secrecy of this game and concentrated more on the programming and final product they wouldnt be in this mess. Thats what happens when EA buys your company.


I agree, this is not an easy case, i.e. a class can buy their commendation gear without commendations and sell it back to vendor for credits. This is bad programming, how are you supposed to weed out the ones trying to take advantage vs those who love pvp? They are all doing the same action, queuing for WZs.

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Honestly, this is not the only PVP exploit. You guys need to relax, this is being fixed. Also who cares if someone gets level 50 a few hours before you..,There is at least, one other exploit which not fixed during beta. I have personal confirmation that they know about it and plan to fix it. I think the mods should delete these threads, also, because they just add to the theater of gossip. If only we could find a way to make people read! Why wont they read!


The mods are deleting these threads. However, all of this has been reposted on other MMO's forums etc.


The larger issue is that potential players are getting turned off to the game when they hear there are already exploiters at level 50. You can expect that to be worse if nothing happens to the exploiters.

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THIS IS AN UNACCEPTABLE VIEWPOINT. the exploiters need PERMENANT BANS without mercy. They have broken the game for their own selfish gain. we need to tell the utter worthless pieces of garbage they're not welcome here.


Get angry at BioWare and stop drinking the cool aid. BioWare created this mess not the players.

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