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Birthright Kits need a change


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meh.... these kits predate the move to adaptive armor proliferation via the cartel market. In other words... an artifact of a bygone era.


Personally, I never used them as I prefer moddable gear from the start.


I don't think they are worth the effort to rework. They should simply remove them, particularly given the reduced comms cost for mods now and the larger rewards of mods for class mission turn-ins now days.

Edited by Andryah
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Simple changes (other than just deleting them from the game - which is what I would do):


Add a vendor buy price to the token less than or equal to the vendor buy price for the item purchased with the token so players can sell them to the vendor rather than have to delete them from inventory, just like players can do with every other useless drop in the game.


Remove all the class restrictions and make the armor all adaptable so players can use them on more than one alt and / or use them for their companions.


Downgrade the status of these tokens in drop tables, making them equal to random junk blues and greens most players will simply vendor, not equal to purple items (they should not be on loot tables for purple lock boxes).


Alternative to above - simply remove them from loot tables but leave them on the vendors for players who wish to purchase these items for whatever reason.


Add a vendor on Fleet for exchanging tokens / purchasing item for comms as putting the vendors on the capital planets and the old level 50 daily areas is just an archaic time sink.

Edited by DawnAskham
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I have redeemed only Birthright Weapons so far - put a Cartel Market crystal into it and - voilá !

If it is anm endurance crystal, the character gets an additional pool of health points, which makes survival easier and forgives mistakes a bit more.

However, having one great health pool can also lead into sloppy play style (because it is forgiving more mistakes), as a friend told me. And I think she is right.

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Inheritance mainhands are 56s, ie a purple lvl 17 weapon you can use at lvl 14.


Birthright is a 94 IIRC, level 33 I think, equivalent to a lvl 35 or 37 purple, and boy do these pack a punch.


What is absurd is that they all have different level ranges - inheritance, this piece is 14, that one 16, etc. Birthright goes from 29 to 33. You go to Coruscant or Kaas City just for that and duh, wrong level for that headpiece.


Perhaps it would be more interesting to be able to redeem them back to tokens, or to get moddable skins/weapons with the tokens.



As someone once pointed, Luke's first contact with a lightsaber is a certain saber dropped on Mustaphar by a dying man...



Speaking of which I just found this and LOL'd :D


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They are utterly useless, I delete them as soon as get them. Honestly, we are getting so many comms every time we complete a quest that we don't need it.


For now, the 12 x XP ends in October as will the 12 basic comms for class missions. Sure there's going to be 101 thread asking, DEMANDING for them back and who knows maybe BW will ok it. Still they have said that leveing will be quicker so they may not.


I still see no reason to change or get rid of it, but then again I wont cry if they do. I do use it but if it goes I will just use adaptable gear from the start. I use it most of the time anyway and only use legacy gear for a few levels per character in any case.


If they do get rid of it I don't want adaptable gear instead, have tons of outfits already and that not including the ones easily gotten from venders. If the inheritance and birthright gear go's then something totally different in stead. Chances are though if it go's you will just get nothing. After all BW seem to only have two gears, do nothing or totally go over the top and nurff it. Slot Machines, in-game blue lockboxes spring to mind.

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First time I got one in May, when I started. I saw the birthright box and was like. Yay! Then went to take a look at it and was like... uhm.... this is good?!


So far my alts would have full adapative gear without mods till they hit 17th level when I mod them for the first time and things become easy. I do solo up to then less did a heroic but also was solo'ing heroics up to 17th level without help. *shrugs* Point of legacy was supposed to be decent gear but really looked like ..... cow patties.


I got a few sitting around never used, my gear is always better than what it gives me and pointless up to 17th. Yep, basically running around nakie for 17 levels when I finally gear up and start gearing up progressively after that. Each character, done this with after my first. My first used only drops, never bought or used comms till after 17th herself.


14 to 17th level can be bit more challenging at some points and causes me to learn ability useage even more so. If its a walk through enemies without bothering to think about what to do to win, causes lack of learning for me. :)


Legacy gear would of been awesome if started the game with my character and didnt have any alts, comms and many other options.


By the way, at 10th a crystal is added to the weapon, which tends to be enough of a boost for it.


Its junk, and either needs updated or thrown out.

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Thing about that is that they have moddable versons of that gear (though super expensive ) for sale at the legacy venders. The ultimate downside to them, besides being expensive, it they are locked to class. Making them almost 100% impractical sense there are so many cheaper legacy gear that isn't locked available at multiple venders.


So those gear themselves need a change. A reduction in price and destroying the class locks.


How I wish the Trooper would could be used by anyone, so I could put all of Havoc Squad into it!

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I have never, and never do, use these. They are essentially vendor trash to me. I trade them in, wait for the cooldown, and sell it. In fact, I absolutely hate getting this from drops, especially on places like Yavin....I just trash them if I do.


I have ALWAYS thought these were an utterly pathetic reward for completing a chapter, a piece of gear you will out level in an hour. And what person would honestly this this is a REWARD? It isn't even modable. You go all the way to fleet for your chapter rewards and you get...garbage. A complete waste of time. I have ALWAYS though that was very lackluster. Modable gear is the only gear worth having. Blue, green, and these stupid kits are just utter garbage.


Either make them a REAL REWARD what is modable, or just give us a credit box.


And stop making us go to fleet to get the chapter reward crap only to have to return where you just were. Freakin ridiculous.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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There you go, I did not know that. The class lock doesn't bother me so much but a drop to a more affordable price would be a very welcome amendment :rak_03:


Class locks are stupid in my opinion because it prevents companions from wearing that gear. Companion gearing is a decently important issue in leveling process.


I agree that birthright kits were just one example of many mistakes devs have made, which are initially good ideas but made superfluous and pointless by small oversights.

Edited by Karkais
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To me, 12x XP and the outfit designer make the Birthright and Inheritance kits more attractive than ever. Their stats being only slightly below what a purple item would have makes them good for about 8-10 levels of pve questing, and with the outfit designer you can use them as stats-carrying underwear and retain your customized look. Before we had outfit designer I was reluctant to use them because I didn't like the look, but now there's no reason for me not to make use of them.


You can also make the tokens reusable by trading the gear back (at any vendor) before the 2-hours timer is up. :)


that... is actualy a great idea for them.


that said... it still only goes so far and at the very least, could they get a vendor price? if I'm not going to use them, at least let me vendor them please (without having to trade them in and then wait for cool-down - although not that I know its possible, its probably what I'm going to do)?

Edited by Jeweledleah
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<snip> if I'm not going to use them, at least let me vendor them please (without having to trade them in and then wait for cool-down - although not that I know its possible, its probably what I'm going to do)?


You are correct in just waiting for the timer to expire. Just trade them in and stash them in your cargo hold for a while... check again later and then sell them. (note: that is 2 hours of *playing time* not real time) So if you play very casually that may be a thing to watch out for.

Edited by Zharik
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that... is actualy a great idea for them.


that said... it still only goes so far and at the very least, could they get a vendor price? if I'm not going to use them, at least let me vendor them please (without having to trade them in and then wait for cool-down - although not that I know its possible, its probably what I'm going to do)?


I likewise wasn't aware you could sell the items you purchased with the kits... but I probably will now. I've got to have at least a dozen of the things taking up space in my vault.

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What do you mean with they aren't working as intended? What do you think is their intended use?


I don't agree with the suggestions I've seen so far except the removal of class restrictions and the adjustment of loot tables. Being able to use the actual gear on companions and mirror classes would make them even more useful to me. But in general I like them the way they are, making levels 14-22 and 31-40 a bit smoother without gearing stops, but not streamlining it to a point where everything else becomes obsolete or useless. There are so many legacy sets now, even cheap ones, and super cheap item modifications, that it's really not necessary to adjust these kits to be moddable or auto-adjusting. I think rather than that I'd prefer them to be removed from loot tables and rewards altogether. (As long as I get to keep my 15 sets. :p)


I don't think they are working as intended right now because of 12xp. There is really no reason to even use inheritance gear because, on DK and Cor, most players are so over-leveled that gearing is not a concern. And they are leveling so fast that by the time it does become a concern they are way beyond the inheritance level gear. For Birthright it is even worse because many will not come back to DK or Cor.just for the gear. There really isn't a need to do it when leveling so fast.


If the gear scaled to level, then it would be worth the time and the kits would be sought out. But it is not.

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