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if your 50 now, what are u actually doing?


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lol, so your rebuttal to my statement of vacations not being valid is because YOU dont have time off that means other people dont have time off and chose to spend it playing TOR? Listen to yourself here buddy.


Secondly, as a CBT'er, I was one of those who chose to play shadow in both beta and retail, as I said while im not 50 yet, I am in no way bored; furthermore, I have plenty of things i want to do once i hit 50 including PVP, maxing social and helping my lower level friends/guildies level. With this in mind I will go on record and say the OP is a moron for complaining about a lack of people at 50 already.



To your third rebuttal, you go on to a redundant statement about #3 about how -you- or others havent had the time to level. Again, some people have more free time/vacation time then others, this is shocking, I know but try to grasp the concept. You have 5 characters which is why you're highest is only 26? That's great! Personally, I hate having multiple alts until I finish leveling one, again this is personal preference, you do your thing we'll do ours.


And of course lastly. There is no "point" to the game besides playing it how you decide to play it, the only true objective is the game is to play through your class story. Like I said, people choose to spend their time playing it their own way, I do not see how you people get off telling others how they should play their game.


Please re-read your first sentence, I'm almost certain it makes no sense.


I'm glad you're not bored but you better be watching every single cut-scene or you're proving the point that your wanting to get to max level asap. I'm sure there is plenty to do at 50, but there's also plenty to do on the way to 50, why the rush? Helping your mates level is great, but why are they in such a rush? Why do you hate leaving a character before beginning another? The game isn't going anywhere. It just seems like a vicious circle of I must reach max level, so i can max (random stat), so i can help my mates, so they can be max level, so they can... and so on. You get my point.


Yes the OP is a moron. Some people have more time than others yes, this is why it is silly to complain about not enough level 50s correct? If you put a ridiculous amount of time into the game, don't be surprised when the majority can't keep up.


My understanding was that the objective of the game was to have fun, but sorry my mistake. That being said, people can play however they like, but they aren't justified when they come complaining about such things.

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Your kidding me right? I have played a good 6-10 hours every day for those entire 13 days and I am level 34... those who are higher level than me did rush to their level and missed datacrons and other things. They also played many more hours than me... truthfully anyone at 50 right now rushed there most certainly...

Yeah, I agree with you on this. I played about 3 hours a day and am only 24. They seriously rushed to 50 if they are 50 already.

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since i reached 50 3 days ago i didnt do anything at all... i want to to pve but its imposible to find any party for hard mode flashpoints... there are an acceptable number of others 50 but they looks like sleepeing or something because they dont do anything too, ive spend hours trying to find group but nothing, i guess i must wait weeks to do some pve :/


now i wish we had a lfg tool...


also i am hoping for extended space content


Think about this logically. The average user is going to put in between 2 - 4 hours a day, and you're expecting them to be at level 50 like yourself?


I have put in about eight hours daily (prior to up until about two days ago due to family/friends and whatnot), and have about a day and 15 hours so far logged, and I am only level 23.


It sounds almost as if you people don't eat, ****, or sleep or go outside. What do you do? Getting to 50 so quickly would ruin the game entirely for me. I want to immerse myself in the vast universe of this game, so I am trying to take my time.


There is so much to do in terms of quests and stuff. Every time I complete a quest, it seems as if I get three or four more to do! It's nuts! And you people are way at the top with 1million credits while I am down here at level 23, content with 30K+.


Sounds to me that you rushed to the top to feel better than everybody else (ie. an ego boost).

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Please re-read your first sentence, I'm almost certain it makes no sense.


I'm glad you're not bored but you better be watching every single cut-scene or you're proving the point that your wanting to get to max level asap. I'm sure there is plenty to do at 50, but there's also plenty to do on the way to 50, why the rush? Helping your mates level is great, but why are they in such a rush? Why do you hate leaving a character before beginning another? The game isn't going anywhere. It just seems like a vicious circle of I must reach max level, so i can max (random stat), so i can help my mates, so they can be max level, so they can... and so on. You get my point.


Yes the OP is a moron. Some people have more time than others yes, this is why it is silly to complain about not enough level 50s correct? If you put a ridiculous amount of time into the game, don't be surprised when the majority can't keep up.


My understanding was that the objective of the game was to have fun, but sorry my mistake. That being said, people can play however they like, but they aren't justified when they come complaining about such things.


I watched every cut scene in beta up to where i stopped (level 38). So part of my fast leveling has been attributed to me mashing spacebar. Once I surpassed where I had left off, I started watching the cutscenes again.


I hate leveling multiple characters at once because it was something I did often as a kid. I would make a character in a MUD or Diablo or something, get to a certain level, get bored and reroll, I could never focus. Now I prefer to finish what I start and believe the philosophy of "if you chase two rabbits at the same time you end up with neither" applies to me.


The point of the game is to have fun, certain people do it different ways is my point. Some like it slow, others fast. Some people need to rush to their goal so they dont lose interest, others need to not rush so they don't burn out.


The chastising of level 50's in general is stupid except in cases of the OP here which was my point. Someone can be 50 already with plenty of legitimate reasons, and they usually are.

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I would consider myself "high casual" gamer and I'm only 31. My frds who are more casual probably 25.


The leveling does take time for us because we are watching all the cutscenes. I play more than avg gamer per day. However, I do enjoy going outside grabbing some drinks with frds and hanging out in general

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since i reached 50 3 days ago i didnt do anything at all... i want to to pve but its imposible to find any party for hard mode flashpoints... there are an acceptable number of others 50 but they looks like sleepeing or something because they dont do anything too, ive spend hours trying to find group but nothing, i guess i must wait weeks to do some pve :/


now i wish we had a lfg tool...


also i am hoping for extended space content


Why would a "lfg tool" magically fix your "I leveled too fast and there are not enough players in my server with the proper level to play with"?

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Dailies, bit of pvp, working on Ashara affection and now doing up some alts - I'm having no trouble waiting for the rest of the guild :)


It was my choice to play ahead of the game and I knew I'd be waiting - but I don't feel it was a mistake, in fact it's nice being able to offer help/advice to guildies leveling, or warn them of issues (like when I got stuck in Taris for 24hrs!)

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It's been 13 days (almost two weeks), since Early Access Day 1


"you rushed to 50" isn't a valid argument for you people to use anymore


Yup... You Won the game Shadysketchy. It is abundantly clear from all your negative posts, that you are the expert.


I hear there are a couple other big games in development. Was wondering if maybe you would consider heading over to their forums and leaving us poor uneducated country folk alone.

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It's a pity people throw around the same old cliches.


I've a wife, daughter and job. As well as visiting family at Christmas. All of which have received attention since the game was released.


I have been doing PvP, Datacrons, Flashpoints, crafting, world bosses. I've done all the quests without once spacing through dialogue. I've thoroughly enjoyed the game so far, it's fantastic and I'm savouring every moment.


I'm not flaunting that I'm 50, I'm not rubbing it people's faces as an achievement, and neither are my guildmates.


......Bad Father Here...... Spend time with kids or play TOR.... He chose TOR..... LOL

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I dinged 50 two days ago. Unfortunately the day I dinged I started recieving the error 9000 that thousands of players now suffer from. It basically disconnects your modem and drops you from the game. However it only happens if you play swtor.


Anyway, as to what I was doing; I was doing dailies on Belsavis and Hoth, for the daily marks, and the lvl 50 companion weps. I had just given my two favorite companions the epic 51 hilts/barrels and was working through the armoring and mods. It was actually a lot of fun and challenge to do the heroic 4s and 2s just me and my hubby, so we were having fun.


He is a BH so there is no Ilum breadcrumb for him as he didnt chose lightside at the end, and since he cant go there, we do dailies on other planets. We had done the bonus quest series up and till voss and were gonna do the rest - but for now we cant play the game.


Our routine is - dailies for marks and cash, bonus quests, and flashpoints. We also would like to play our mirror classes on republic side at some point.


When we get bored with doing that we are in a guild of friends and when they level up we will start doing flashpoints 4 man and heroics. Plenty to do basically.

Edited by Nilenya
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I hit level 50 two hours ago. Im abit confused to be honest.


I still got class quest left, so im going to that to start with ofc, but what after that?


Do you just enter instances to get better gear?


What about daily quests ?


Do you farm "other" marks someplace else?



Enlightmen me :/

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I hit 50 last night.

I plan to:


  • Go through every planet and make sure i've completed every single mission on each planet.
  • Find all the datacrons on each planet and all the lore objects.
  • Get all my skills to 400 (2x done already).
  • Raise my companions affection to the max on all of them.
  • Improve my gear.
  • Sell stuff I craft on the GTC to make some money.


By the time i've done all that I imagine a lot more people will be level 50.





wow this is electrifying exiting !!! .................... besides the things youve done allready is there anything new you can do?

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No, if youre a normal player, you just play the game, if youre a "hardcore" in lack of a better word, player you will max everthing out asap.


Just because that is the way you play games, does not mean it is the norm.


So the reality is that there is no norm...(especially not with MMO players lol..).


The author was not hostile about it, he just asked what there is to do.

Amazing how many socialite wise-asses jump in here and knock him for PLAYING THE GAME.


Anyways for grouping, just do flashpoints on hardmode. Surely you can find four level 50 on your server.

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