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Do the right thing Bioware: Go free to play with periodic DLC.


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At least in WoW, new players have a reason to stick around for a while — explore the world, meet people, try Raids and Rated PvP, etc. In TOR, new players won't stick around long, because the game is awful past level 40. The current number of 50s (a low number) won't change much, and that's why it's not an MMO


looks like you haven't played wow for a while,I'd say bout 3-4 years....

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There's your problem. This early in the game's life there simply aren't many people at level cap yet. It's the price one pays for hitting the cap so fast. I'd say, deal with it.


Yep. all us level 50's can do. I my self am working on PvP gear to more people hit 50. in a week or two a lot more people well be 50 or close to it.

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What level are you? I ask, because the game gets a lot worse after level 40, and even worse still at 50. Very few level 50s I've talked to are satisfied with the game


Level 43 smuggler here, doing quests/bg's and flashpoints (yes, not many people of my level due to instancing but i'm getting groups).

As soon as lvl 50 i can go and see what operations are like.

Instancing will be turned off soon and it will be huge galaxy full of players.


What is getting worse after lvl 40?

What did you expect of this game?


f2p isn't the way to go, only greedy people want that, the only thing they don't understand that such a promising project will turn to trash right after turning f2p.

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looks like you haven't played wow for a while,I'd say bout 3-4 years....


I haven't played WoW seriously for about 3 years (I stopped when Wrath of the Casual King came out), but I have still played on, and off some until this month, when I actually cancelled my sub (Mists of Pandaria is just too much, I can't handle that... market)


So, I see what you're saying; but there's still nothing stopping new players from exploring the world, making friends, etc. Sure, someone that levels from 15-85 solely through LFD won't make many friends until he's 85, and he won't see much of the World, but he could still be occupied for a while just flying around Azeroth on his 310% Flying Mount... this game just doesn't have a World, period

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how is this not a multiplayer game?


you have to group up for heroics, pvp and flashpoints.


if you group up with friends for regular quests you get social points for some cool gear.


I guess your idea of multiplayer is standing around in iron forge seeing about 300 people do running from forge, to mailbox to AH, while waiting for the lobby games to start.


Becuase I activated my free account abouta month ago on a pact server and went from level 1 to 40 with out seing one person in the game world not one. COuld not find one person to quest with becuase everyone was just playing the lobby game.

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Why are you still here arguing on a message board? Move on, do something else, and check back in in a few weeks/months.


Level 50 by 12/22/11 and one of your complaints is lack of population? :rolleyes:


The population isn't changing though. There's still only about 40 level 50s, every day.


Most people are quitting before they even reach 50, and that's the key issue here; one that won't be solved by waiting until more people hit 50. They're never going to

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It is sad that people believe they will somehow get a better game with a model that is tailored in order to draw in the unemployed, poor students, and children, yet still manage to suck the paying customer dry thrice in the process.


I am not willing to be a part of a system based on deception, for the term "free to play" is misleading. It should be "pay to get ahead" instead. For nothing is ever free.



Edited by Sernon
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The population isn't changing though. There's still only about 40 level 50s, every day.


Most people are quitting before they even reach 50, and that's the key issue here; one that won't be solved by waiting until more people hit 50. They're never going to


Most people roll alts to enjoy the joys of the inheritance.

Nice try though!

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I haven't played WoW seriously for about 3 years (I stopped when Wrath of the Casual King came out), but I have still played on, and off some until this month, when I actually cancelled my sub (Mists of Pandaria is just too much, I can't handle that... market)


So, I see what you're saying; but there's still nothing stopping new players from exploring the world, making friends, etc. Sure, someone that levels from 15-85 solely through LFD won't make many friends until he's 85, and he won't see much of the World, but he could still be occupied for a while just flying around Azeroth on his 310% Flying Mount... this game just doesn't have a World, period


you are wrong, in wow they removed all the feel of a world because there is no reason to go exploring, actually they disincentive it, they keep on moving you from hub to hub semi-automatically

really it's not an hyperbole, I see more people here in any zone at 4am than players outside SW/ORG at peak time

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Why are you still here arguing on a message board? Move on, do something else, and check back in in a few weeks/months.


Level 50 by 12/22/11 and one of your complaints is lack of population? :rolleyes:


For those of us that played Beta and that got early release it is not unrealistic to think of getting to 50 rather quickly. We didn't rush through the content we just now how to level faster. I am currently not at 50 but that is because I am swapping between alts frequently but I could've been at 50 and still not have rushed.


With that said, I completely disagree with the OP, the game is great as is. If you have a problem with the content at max level for a new game, then roll an alt, by the time that alt is max level you can start complaining.

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Hi all,


I just wanted to post and try to encourage Bioware to not be greedy and do the right thing. I usually have no problems with paying a subscription fee for MMOs. I understand that they need the money to turn a profit and keep servers up. It's the price you pay to play with a massive amount of other players.


The thing is this isn't an MMO. There is nothing massive about it. The worlds are barren waste lands devoid of other players... Yet we still have to sit in a Queue to explore those barren wastelands.


Since this is basically a single player game and quazy lobby game I have a hard time understanding how they justify the subscription fee. COD multiplayer is more of an MMO than SWTOR yet they don't charge a subscription fee.


If Bioware doesn't do the right thing and go F2P with periodic DLC every few months I'm afraid I and many others will not sub after our free time is used. I have a hard time justifying paying $15 a month for a single player game with a chat room.


Bioware either needs to up the server loads and get rid of sharding or stop calling the game an MMO and go F2P. There's no way around it.


Don't like it? Cancell sub button is your friend. But please don't try to ruin the game for those of us who like it, ok?

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completely agree. those of us that beta know how certen levels flow and how the quest went on the first 3 plants so we level quicker. Don't change it leave it alone. if you have ot pay you get better support, beter up dates, more content ect o ya better players
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I tend to agree with the sentiment of the OP. I have been paying a monthly sub for MMOs since Ultima Online days and I favour the P2P model over the F2P by a laaaaaaarge margin.



Why would you prefer paying for the samething, rather than getting it free?

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Why would you prefer paying for the same thing, rather than getting it free?


This line is by far the most self-centered reply you get on this kind of talk. Players simply want free things.


The thing is this folks, voice acting and the likes is not going to be cheap and this game has ONLY JUST CAME OUT OFFICIALLY. So i would say the F2P thing isn't happening for a while. Settle in please, there are so many posts about "i want it now" that this is getting stupid.

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Most people roll alts to enjoy the joys of the inheritance.

Nice try though!


Rolling "alts" is, for intents and purposes, quitting. They'll just get that Class to 40, and make another one


Once they've got all 8 Classes at 40, but don't feel like doing the mindless 40-50 grind, they will quit for good

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What level are you? I ask, because the game gets a lot worse after level 40, and even worse still at 50. Very few level 50s I've talked to are satisfied with the game


Anyone who played a MMO before knows not to rush to the endlevels. It typically takes 3-6 months before its good. Live and learn.

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Can't wait for the free month to run out so the complainers will be gone.


This right here.


I played WoW for years, and other MMO's to go with it over the last 12 years or so. This is as much MMO as any of them.


I'm level 48 and 400 in all 3 crafting/gathering skills - yes, I quest all day long, I pvp and I love doing space missions. At level 48 this early in the game I don't expect to see many people running around the zones, especially in a game with a story line such as this.


What I do see, are people starting to lfg in fleet for higher flash points every day, I see crowded lower level zones when I go back to them for class quests.


When I hit 50? I will either roll an alt or take a couple days off while people catch up lol.


I also think that the decision to not let people with no active game accounts post on the forums is going to be a huge blessing in a few weeks.


The 50ish? people now complaining on the forums will be gone, no more annoying rage quit posts. They also don't realize that they make up less than 0.1% of the total game population and their decision to quit will not hurt nor have any impact on the game in any way whatsoever.

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What level are you? I ask, because the game gets a lot worse after level 40, and even worse still at 50. Very few level 50s I've talked to are satisfied with the game


The game hasent been out for a week, what is it people thougt they would be doing at lvl 50 5 days after launch?

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No, **** free to play games, a game going free to play almost always means it will be some sort of pay for power scheme.



It is the reason i despise LoL and prefer HoN (legacy account) / Dota 2

Its the reason i dont like tf2 anymore but i still like counter strike


15 bucks a month is absolutely nothing, if its honestly that much of a problem for someone just put aside 50 cents everyday and after 2 months go out and buy a 60 day prepaid card

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SWTOR has more group content than many other MMOs around with its heroic quests and areas in levelling zones. Along with its warzones and flashpoints.


I'm constantly looking for and getting groups for this content. If your not and only doing the non group content, well thats you fault.


You definition of what an MMO is does not make it right.


Also the majority of F2P MMOs are failures, and former subbed MMOs who have lost subscribers due to ut being a terrible game.


SWTOR, i dont think will have this problem.

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