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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do the right thing Bioware: Go free to play with periodic DLC.


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Hi all,


I just wanted to post and try to encourage Bioware to not be greedy and do the right thing. I usually have no problems with paying a subscription fee for MMOs. I understand that they need the money to turn a profit and keep servers up. It's the price you pay to play with a massive amount of other players.


The thing is this isn't an MMO. There is nothing massive about it. The worlds are barren waste lands devoid of other players... Yet we still have to sit in a Queue to explore those barren wastelands.


Since this is basically a single player game and quazy lobby game I have a hard time understanding how they justify the subscription fee. COD multiplayer is more of an MMO than SWTOR yet they don't charge a subscription fee.


If Bioware doesn't do the right thing and go F2P with periodic DLC every few months I'm afraid I and many others will not sub after our free time is used. I have a hard time justifying paying $15 a month for a single player game with a chat room.


Bioware either needs to up the server loads and get rid of sharding or stop calling the game an MMO and go F2P. There's no way around it.

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I agree, I will continue to play the game if it goes Free To Play, but I'm not likely to pay a sub for it, as like you said — it is not an MMO


This would change of course, if they made major changes and improvements during the next month; but I'm a realistic person, and I know that's not likely to happen

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You guys are funny I have seen tons of people in tons of places. This whole barren wasteland crap is ridiculous. This game has plenty to offer and if you'd rather drop a year subscription to get a free game so that a company can lead you with more promises of great things then I hear WoW is free til level 20 have fun k thx bai.
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I tend to agree with the sentiment of the OP. I have been paying a monthly sub for MMOs since Ultima Online days and I favour the P2P model over the F2P by a laaaaaaarge margin.


that said I've never found a MMO less MMO-ish as this one in 15 years of online gaming.


you cant just put a wing in a car and call it a plane. SWToR is a single player game (and a fairly mediocre one tbh) with limited, neglected and underused multiplayer capabilities.


us customers should draw a line on whats acceptable and what isnt.

Edited by blackcerberus
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I have one... A rather good one actually.


That doesn't mean I don't value $15 a month and require my money's worth.


I went to the movies last weekend to see a 2 hour movie that I didn't know if I was going to enjoy or not. In the end, me and my girl ended up spending ~ 35 dollars...for 2 hours of entertainment.


You pay 15 bucks a month for ~720 possible hours of entertainment. That my friend, is value.

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What level are you? I ask, because the game gets a lot worse after level 40, and even worse still at 50. Very few level 50s I've talked to are satisfied with the game


Is it because of the actual game itself, or the lack of level 50's to do anything with / against?

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What level are you? I ask, because the game gets a lot worse after level 40, and even worse still at 50. Very few level 50s I've talked to are satisfied with the game


Thats because the rushed through the game and didnt fully enjoy all the content it has to offer.. that is like beating an RPG in one day and saying that it wasnt long but then you didnt go do anything but go straight to bosses seriously guys the game hasnt even been out more than 2 weeks and people are judging the ENTIRE game because theyre 50 and have **** to do....

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I went to the movies last weekend to see a 2 hour movie that I didn't know if I was going to enjoy or not. In the end, me and my girl ended up spending ~ 35 dollars...for 2 hours of entertainment.


You pay 15 bucks a month for ~720 possible hours of entertainment. That my friend, is value.


I don't see movies in theators for that very reason. To each their own though.

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I have one... A rather good one actually.


That doesn't mean I don't value $15 a month and require my money's worth.


I pay more for coffee every day. If you do not think that the game is worth 15 dollars a month, then why even bother caring about its future ?


I happen to like p2p games. I think people should be payed for their effort and in the case of swtor i like the result.


f2p is good for two kind of games. Games that would otherwise not attract enough attention or games that would otherwise have to close.

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LOL! I can't believe this. Ya know, communication skills are a necessity to be able to call your self a MMO player. Lots of Group stuff to do, bunch of flash points. Use those skills your parents taught you, talk to people around you, or go crawl back into a ditch.


This game is a hell of a lot better than WoW, don't bother calling me a noob either, I'm already at level 36 and I still love it.

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No, this shouldn't happen. Plain and simple. 'DLC packs' for an MMO wouldn't work and wouldn't be what the vast majority of people wanted. If you, however, don't think this is worth subscribing to then vote with your wallet and clear off.
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Is it because of the actual game itself, or the lack of level 50's to do anything with / against?




There are a lack of 50s to do anything with, because of the actual game itself


Most people lose interest around level 30, or 40, and just don't bother playing the game anymore


I know a guy who preached how good this game would be for like 2 years, and he doesn't even play it hardly ever since he got to level 30

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I went to the movies last weekend to see a 2 hour movie that I didn't know if I was going to enjoy or not. In the end, me and my girl ended up spending ~ 35 dollars...for 2 hours of entertainment.


You pay 15 bucks a month for ~720 possible hours of entertainment. That my friend, is value.


Entertainment is subjective, and a lot of people play MMOs, because they're cost effective; which is true, but this is barely an MMO


Again, Entertainment is subjective, 15 dollars a month for something that's not what it claims to be (an MMO), is not worth it; especially if you rarely use it


At least in WoW, new players have a reason to stick around for a while — explore the world, meet people, try Raids and Rated PvP, etc. In TOR, new players won't stick around long, because the game is awful past level 40. The current number of 50s (a low number) won't change much, and that's why it's not an MMO

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What level are you? I ask, because the game gets a lot worse after level 40, and even worse still at 50. Very few level 50s I've talked to are satisfied with the game


There's your problem. This early in the game's life there simply aren't many people at level cap yet. It's the price one pays for hitting the cap so fast. I'd say, deal with it.

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What level are you? I ask, because the game gets a lot worse after level 40, and even worse still at 50. Very few level 50s I've talked to are satisfied with the game


Know why because there are not a lot of us right now so we can't do end game. When more people hit 50 things well change. Also I run into 50's all the time they just do PvP arena's.

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