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So who else is looking forward to dumping off their companions?


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On my current consular, going to have to keep Cedrax. My consular's first love who turned her away, but they stayed good friend. Even good friends with Holiday, even if she has thrown a snide comment her way :p


Nadia can stay too. The rest of the crew I'm not overly fond of anymore. Iresso is just boring, especially compared to Theron and Lana, but to be fair I do think those two got better romance stories than more of the companion LIs.


Would take Lemda onto the crew if she could as well. I like Qyzen, but outside of working hard to get him the plague customization, he's just not a favorite.

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Funny thing is I find the warrior's crew the most well composed of them all (-Broonmark), all have reasons to be there and serve a purpose (from a logical and RP point of view mind you, it has nothing to do with our likes and dislikes).


Vette is either your slave or your friend, either way it's safer for her to stick with you.

Quinn is your pilot, mechanic, tactic, medic or whatever you need to prepare before a mission - simply useful.


After the transponder station his usefulness is kind of questionable but that is a matter of perspective I guess :)


Jeasa is either your partner in crime or your starved for everything life gives apprentice. She is a tool but either way a very dangerous one and extremely loyal to you. Win-win :p

Pierce is a bodyguard (if the SW even needs one :cool: ), your demolitions expert and a man that has a team of his own at your disposal. You need someone killed/somethin destroyed? Here is your man!

Broonmark is a waste of space but I guess every sith needs a bloodthirsty hulk of a pet on his side, but why on earth does it have to be a bug-faced overgrown, grey-haired wookie? :rolleyes: Still, nobody get on your ship as long as he keeps watch :p

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What???? but at least 2v-r8 promised you a foot massage. You're going to blow somebody who promised to massage your feet that have been sitting in boots for days all the while your eat a hot meal? Jeeze louise.



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On some characters, I do not really care about loosing them. Others, I do not plan on playing anymore as they have a favorite companion and from the little we know, I have no desire to play those characters anymore. Maybe that will change if we learn more.
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Only one im giddy about potentially offing is Ashara, ive wanted to feed her to Khem for years :p (to me, shes all the worst annoying / whiney parts of young Anakin & Luke with breasts added on to make the guys/women so inclined ignore the aforementioned annoying /whiney bits)


Other companions i couldnt care less if they "accidently" stumbled into a Sarlaac Pit?


Tharan Cedrax. Did he tell you hes a pacifist? :rolleyes:


Mako. Why the frack are you hanging around a bounty hunter if your going to get all pissy everytime said bounty hunter acts like a bounty hunter. So many facepalm moments it would give Picard carpal tunnel...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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ok and does anyone know exactly how this works

1 do I have to get affection all over again??

2 do they keep there gear like the stuff you bought for them not the crap 192 from yavin

3 how many do we get ?


I'd wait for the Gamesom, they said they will be willing to shed some light on companion-related stuff there.

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Only one im giddy about potentially offing is Ashara, ive wanted to feed her to Khem for years :p (to me, shes all the worst annoying / whiney parts of young Anakin & Luke with breasts added on to make the guys/women so inclined ignore the aforementioned annoying /whiney bits)


Other companions i couldnt care less if they "accidently" stumbled into a Sarlaac Pit?


Tharan Cedrax. Did he tell you hes a pacifist? :rolleyes:


Mako. Why the frack are you hanging around a bounty hunter if your going to get all pissy everytime said bounty hunter acts like a bounty hunter. So many facepalm moments it would give Picard carpal tunnel...


I wouldn't mind keeping Tharan if I could delete Holiday.

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Im first looking forward to learning how it will be done.


In a perfect world after that there is a number of companions I want to replace


Starting with that damn Cathar companion in the Trooper storyline

Gawd I hate that guy


next up would be Treek but I suspect we cant replace her

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easy list.

BH: Skadge. houk gangsta is far too brutish as a companion. far far too brutish.

JK: Rusk. he just doesnt work in any of my crew, i mean i can understand scourge but rusk is just dead weight to the ligh leaning crew.

JC: Cedrax. creepy man and his airhead hologram.

Smug: Spar. she just doesnt fit within the republic, because of her past and her mandalorian connections.

Trooper: Tanno. a liability on the ship because of his questionable and very shady dealings.

SW: Broonmark. a bloodthirsty carpet following you around with a nasty temper, i mean if you wanted a serial killer comp you got him.

SI: Ashara. a confused girl and as a result hard to understand as a comp. i cant place her so i cant see any reason why she is on the ship.

IA: Scorpio. a pyschopathic kiling machine, no thanks.

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Sith Warrior


Broonmark. Seriously. Why is he even here? He adds nothing, except possibly a healthy dose of creepy.

Pierce. He's... okay. But not really a good match for my Warrior.

Possibly Jaesa. Never felt to close to her, but she's okay.



Sith Inquisitor


Xalek. I feel like he's just waiting for the perfect moment to slit the Inquisitor's throat.

Khem Val. I don't really think he needs to be explained, but just in case- HE WANTS TO EAT THE INQUISITOR.



Imperial Agent


Kaliyo. She betrays the Agent and sells information on them. Not exactly trustworthy.

Raina Temple. Like Jaesa, she's okay, but I don't really care about her. I'd rather trade her in.

Scorpio. As soon as the Agent has shown her everything they can, she's going to kill them. I know it.



Bounty Hunter



Gault. Fun guy, but he and my BH just don't have the same long-term goals.





Risha. Kind of hard to wander the galaxy when you're a queen. Plus, being friends with a QUEEN can be awesome.

Akaavi Spar. She's Mandelorian, doesn't care about money, is obsessed with honor, and hates running from a fight. My Smuggler loves all of the above. They're just not a good fit together.

Guss Tuno. The guy does NOTHING. Seriously, NOTHING. Except complain.



Jedi Knight


Kira Carson. She's cool, but she's independent. She wouldn't be happy following the JK again.

Rusk. All he wants to do is kill Imperials, and doesn't have much else to him. Not too interesting.

Scourge. If you play LS, he hates EVERYTHING you do. They just don't work well.



I haven't yet finished the Trooper class or played Consular, but I'm sure I'll have some stuff to add to the list.

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I would send Skadge out the airlock sans spacesuit, except that I then wouldn't have a handy BlazeBolts practice dummy, so he stays. I guess.




Please let nothing bad happen to my Blizz, though. I really would cry IRL if something did :(

Edited by midianlord
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i think you should be able to customize your companion just like the way you can do it for your own character..just take to one of those barber shops or whatever they called and have full customization..from race to sex to look.

that being said you should be able to accept or reject the companion at any time..also too much negative affection should cause them to leave(escape from you) with all the gear and stuff.

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Anybody? The Sith Warrior is by far the favorite of mine. It's not about the story, because that's pretty bland anyways, but it's the RP value of the character. You're a warrior. You can choose to live out the Sith Code not as a dogmatic zealot, but to it's potential in a warrior/warlord fashion.

That being said, the companions flat out suck. The best it gets for me is Vette. Primarily because you can choose to either go about it the Imperial way and treat her like trash or act as a warrior and treat as your own since she fights for you. Beyond that, you get a sniveling little weasel, a full blown jedi or flat out psychopath (is there a difference?), some idiot who amazing was part of black ops at some point, and then a walking, talking broom monster whose very name implies as much.

Just none of them scream like they belong, but rather are bystanders that got caught up in your quest for challenges. Don't get me wrong, they'll be excellent to see how their stories turn out in the new expansion. I do want to know what they do with their lives, but as people to have on your team... nah. Why can't I have a shadow killer instead?


The same went for me with Bounty Hunter. and I haven't played Trooper yet so I don't know about that. As far as the rest of the classes, I can sort of get why people want to cling to some of their digital dolls.


If we can actually kill them ourselves, the first to die is Quinn. Out of 40 companions, he's the only want I want dead, dead, dead.

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