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So who else is looking forward to dumping off their companions?


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Anybody? The Sith Warrior is by far the favorite of mine. It's not about the story, because that's pretty bland anyways, but it's the RP value of the character. You're a warrior. You can choose to live out the Sith Code not as a dogmatic zealot, but to it's potential in a warrior/warlord fashion.

That being said, the companions flat out suck. The best it gets for me is Vette. Primarily because you can choose to either go about it the Imperial way and treat her like trash or act as a warrior and treat as your own since she fights for you. Beyond that, you get a sniveling little weasel, a full blown jedi or flat out psychopath (is there a difference?), some idiot who amazing was part of black ops at some point, and then a walking, talking broom monster whose very name implies as much.

Just none of them scream like they belong, but rather are bystanders that got caught up in your quest for challenges. Don't get me wrong, they'll be excellent to see how their stories turn out in the new expansion. I do want to know what they do with their lives, but as people to have on your team... nah. Why can't I have a shadow killer instead?


The same went for me with Bounty Hunter. and I haven't played Trooper yet so I don't know about that. As far as the rest of the classes, I can sort of get why people want to cling to some of their digital dolls.

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Aw lieutenant Pierce is all right in my book.


But yeah. There are a few companions I can't wait to eject into space. (First and foremost, C2-N2 and 2V-R8, if it's possible!)


What???? but at least 2v-r8 promised you a foot massage. You're going to blow somebody who promised to massage your feet that have been sitting in boots for days all the while your eat a hot meal? Jeeze louise.

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Did anyone ever care about Broonmark anyway? He'll be the first one to go for me hehe.


I only hope, that you can grab extra companions from other classes (or opposite faction even) and not just your class comps and additional Treeks, Okarrs or Therons. We dont have info on that do we?

Also, hopefully you dont need to draw companions to fill the traditional pool of Mtank, Rtank, Mdps, Rdps and heal roles. Never do anything with Mako anyway since I only ever heal on one BH and tank with other.


Yeah dumping companions for me too will be purely RP thing, though I know some peeps will be grabbing whatever crafting bonuses they want to minmax.

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What???? but at least 2v-r8 promised you a foot massage. You're going to blow somebody who promised to massage your feet that have been sitting in boots for days all the while your eat a hot meal? Jeeze louise.


Lol! He's been teasing me with that offer for years... and I've still never received my foot massage. Or non-perishable meals for my away missions. Or cozier cushions. And I swear there was never actually a .00001 power increase to the sublight drive.


That dumb droid keeps promising me perfection when I send him off on a mission, then he returns empty handed with a wiseguy remark. "I'm the best robot in the galaxy, master! But I can't do this crap!"


If it's up to me the droid will be destroyed. muahaha

Edited by Hebruixe
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Several companions across all classes i wouldn't mind leaving on a planet, or in the case of my dark side sith, throw them out the nearest airlock.


this goes doubly for that back stabbing quinn.


but others simply because i find them incredibly boring, most of the consular companions, honestly? Nadia and Theran are probably the only two if given the choice, will be welcomed back to the ship.


but i also hope i can recruit the other classes companions, a crew for my bounty hunter of mako, risha and vette would be delightful!

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I like most companions.


I just hate that I can only bring out 1 at a time.


My thoughts exactly.


That said, even though I like most of them, I wouldn't care if some of them I never see again.

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I just want Kaliyo dead, the others can stay. It's pretty ridiculous that I have to tolerate her presence after,

enduring her companion storyline, which involved me having to kill a minimum of one person from her past that she screwed over, and listening to the stories of others that she betrayed as well, and THEN the end of her companion story being that she betrays ME, too.



Seriously, considering how much it's reinforced that she does this stuff, there's absolutely no reason any class, much less a member of the Sith Empire's secret police force, should tolerate her.


I'd argue Kaliyo is even worse than Quinn in that regard, if nothing else because she has a blatant history of what she does, and you're just forced to go along with it without even a chance to punish her for it. At least Quinn can be choked.

Edited by Rodyn
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I don't think you choose, I think your companions choose if they are staying with you or not.


I think it will be a selection of previous choices in the game and upcomming quests the players do to gain affection.

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I think it will be a selection of previous choices in the game and upcomming quests the players do to gain affection.


I'm looking forward to the latter half of what you're talking about. I think that's where we'll see a lot of the MMO parts come back along with the typical side quests.

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Just make sure to strip all gear and even the customization slot off all your companions before starting the KOTFE expansion missions. Save the shells for looks or sell em for credits before you loose all your companions.
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Just make sure to strip all gear and even the customization slot off all your companions before starting the KOTFE expansion missions. Save the shells for looks or sell em for credits before you loose all your companions.


Not a bad idea. I wonder though if the companion customizations will stick? that would be awesome if so.

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I'm looking forward to the latter half of what you're talking about. I think that's where we'll see a lot of the MMO parts come back along with the typical side quests.


Yes, but not all companions will be available. Time will tell who we get to keep

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Don't think on which companions suck but which kind of team you can build,



let's say I'm playing evil dark side sorcerer...


Then I'm really going (if possible) to have full team of dark side force users + Khem... cause I want my Dashade.


another idea,

You are tech headed bounty hunter,

you grab every droid companion possible from T7 through Forex up to Scorpio.. amazing fun and pita to gear.


Another nice idea is playing Body Type 4 warrior with green skin named Hulk and spamming smash. then you grab every monster companion possible like Khem, Qyzen, Yuun... etc...

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All I want is Dark Side Jaesa back, as a bisexual/lesbian character this time around.


I only care for my main.(Sith Warrior female) All the other stories(Agent was good) and companions(Kaliyo is scum, she's what most people are like nowadays, scum) were meh to me.



If you could change the race and majority of features on companions the way you do to your character in the cosmetic booth you'd hear less contempt about lame companions.

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At first, I really hated Vik and Pierce, but you don't get to where they wound up without some kind of brains. Vik just isn't loyal to anything but a paycheck, and I really think Pierce's worst nightmare is being promoted higher than he is and then removed from battle due to his rank.


Skadge? He's getting the airlock to the best of my ability. At least on my main. I have a head canon that he thinks of the BH as a sort of potential kingpin equivalent, and a powerful ally for his Black Sun, so he doesn't go as far as he could and risk alienating my Honorable Hunters more than he already has. Doesn't mean I have to like him.


Ship droids can get the boot too.


In my head canon I also have dubbed Skadge, Vik, and Pierce as the Idiot Trio (all are tanks too, interestingly enough), with Skadge as the real idiot, since all three have a nasty habit of getting into ridiculous idiot moments. Skadge gets the worst of it.


But Risha can go away. No, really, she can.


I guess I wouldn't mourn Gault not rejoining my hunter, but I'd rather not see him go.


I will chain Blizz to my waist if I have to in order to keep him.


Not going to mourn Broonmark leaving if he has to. Hmmm... Honestly, I don't care that much for Doc on my main (and male) Jedi Knight (my alt JKs haven't gotten to him yet).


Basically, I don't want to be forced to lose comps I had from the vanilla TOR. I want to be able to rebuild my teams if I want to. Completely. Unlike ME2 and 3, where at least one doesn't return with my crew.

Edited by LyraineAlei
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