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The Season 5 Nexu


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As long as I get mine, I dont care about what the other people did, do, or will do. If they got it too I dont give a flying fok.


Yeah that's literally how I feel about mine. I earned it, please let me have it. :p The fact that other players who didn't even do ranked last season have it disappoints me, but I don't really care enough to whine about it. I just want what I earned.

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Eric, so do we have to file tickets or not? Will we get the Nexu without filing a ticket if we reached Tier 1 on that character? Many received the mount on some toons that were 1600, but not others.


It's almost the end of yet another work day; can we get an answer to this question please? Is there someone at Bioware currently going through the logs and giving them out manually, or do we need to write a ticket for the characters that haven't received it yet?

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So, are the Tier 1 players getting Legacy Gear like S-1 and S-3 as compensation? Thanks Eric! Much appreciated!


Yeah I wish, I'm setting my expectations really low though and I'll probably still be disappointed. IMO the Nexu mount was the coolest PvP reward since the Rancor but alas I have yet to receive one on the toons I went over 1600 with (or the top 3 title for that matter). Every time I see someone riding one I always bring up their rating on the archived leaderboards out of some kind of morbid curiosity and it pains me to say the average rating is about 1100.

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So, are the Tier 1 players getting Legacy Gear like S-1 and S-3 as compensation? Thanks Eric! Much appreciated!


Oh man, big chances it's a decoration or another crap pet. Plus, I don't think removing the exclusivity of those rewards would make more people happy.

Edited by Capote
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Oh man, big chances it's a decoration or another crap pet. Plus, I don't think removing the exclusivity of those rewards would make more people happy.


Yeah I agree... If they end up giving the Nexu to everyone it will make matters even worse.

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It's almost the end of yet another work day; can we get an answer to this question please? Is there someone at Bioware currently going through the logs and giving them out manually, or do we need to write a ticket for the characters that haven't received it yet?


I'd suggest you write a ticket, just don't expect any response...

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It's almost the end of yet another work day; can we get an answer to this question please? Is there someone at Bioware currently going through the logs and giving them out manually, or do we need to write a ticket for the characters that haven't received it yet?


Hey Aravail,


You do not need to submit a CS ticket. We will ensure that we grant the Nexu to all players who should have received them. I will let you know when we have made the grant which should have caught anyone who is remaining in Gold tier without their Nexu.



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Hey Aravail,


You do not need to submit a CS ticket. We will ensure that we grant the Nexu to all players who should have received them. I will let you know when we have made the grant which should have caught anyone who is remaining in Gold tier without their Nexu.




Any timetable for this?

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honestly this is kinda crazy, im usually a supporter of swtor customer service but it's been almost a week with no response at all to my ticket


havent gotten any of the nexu mounts on characters i actually earned them on nor on any toons (lol)


bad look, bioware

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Hey Aravail,


You do not need to submit a CS ticket. We will ensure that we grant the Nexu to all players who should have received them. I will let you know when we have made the grant which should have caught anyone who is remaining in Gold tier without their Nexu.



That's nice, but what about all the people who shouldn't have? If we don't get any 'real' compensation such as gear I'd like myself some kind of NiM mount I will never be able to get otherwise. Thanks Eric!

Edited by Hirchart
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honestly this is kinda crazy, im usually a supporter of swtor customer service but it's been almost a week with no response at all to my ticket


havent gotten any of the nexu mounts on characters i actually earned them on nor on any toons (lol)


bad look, bioware


This happened since the patch last Wednesday I believe? It's been over a week already. And since

there is NO SHOT they get an answer tomorrow, this will likely just continue into Monday of next week.....

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I am not one of those who got one but i know of loads who did who shouldn't have. Unless gear is given to the top tier players then it makes the mount meaningless honestly it should just be put on a vendor because at this point i see the mount quite alot guys who have never done ranked even. After 3 years of running this game these kind of mistakes shouldn't be happening.
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Hey folks,


Good news! We have granted Nexu to all of the remaining Gold tier characters who had not yet received it. If you were missing the Nexu, we isolated the issue to characters who had transferred or changed their names during the course of the season.


I know there are questions about what will happen now, so here’s our current plans:


  • Mistakenly Granted Nexu - Anyone who was granted a Nexu, will be allowed to keep it. This was our error and we are not inclined to take it away from everyone.
  • Gold Tier Exclusive Reward - We know letting those extra players keep the Nexu, it takes away the exclusivity for our Gold tier PvPers. So, we want to fix that situation and the plan is with Game Update 3.3.1 all Gold tier PvPers will be receiving an exclusive item. No specifics are available at this time and we’ll announce it the day we release the patch.


Thank you all for your patience as we worked through getting this resolved. We know this was frustrating so we have changed internal processes to help prevent this type of situation in the future.





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What about making the Nexu purchasable for warzone comms from the Vendor? Making an exclusive mount that required nothing other than luck to achieve doesn't make any sense. There should be alternative methods of getting the Nexu, then giving everyone in gold tier an equally attractive item.
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What about making the Nexu purchasable for warzone comms from the Vendor? Making an exclusive mount that required nothing other than luck to achieve doesn't make any sense. There should be alternative methods of getting the Nexu, then giving everyone in gold tier an equally attractive item.

Eee no? At least Nexu is half-exclusive :cool: You and me will get the chance to have Nexu when reskins appear in the packs. Be patient.

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