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The Season 5 Nexu


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Hello PvPers!


As of right now, we have begun to run a script which will mail the Nexu to each Character who should have received it in 3.3. This script will take some time to run, so it will not be immediate. Once I know the script has completed, and all characters have been mailed the Nexu, I will post that update.


TLDR - Nexu shall begin raining from mailboxes, if you were supposed to get one in 3.3, you will have it in the next 24 hours.



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Wow, that was a fast fix. But I think you broke the mailboxes on T3-M4; everyone on fleet says they can no longer see their mail. Hope it will work again once the script is finished. :D


Edit: Thufir_Hawat is right, relogging fixed it. :)

Edited by Jerba
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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


The script has been completed, you should now be able to get the Nexu from your mailbox. If you have issues retrieving it, try relogging and that should resolve the issue.




Edit: Fixed my bad spelling

Edited by EricMusco
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Hey folks,


The script has been completed, you should not be able to get the Nexu from your mailbox. If you have issues retrieving it, try relogging and that should resolve the issue.



wait wot

this post makes no sense lmao

Edited by EricMusco
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Hey folks,


The script has been completed, you should not be able to get the Nexu from your mailbox. If you have issues retrieving it, try relogging and that should resolve the issue.






Also a friend of mine with Tier One has yet to receive hers... wut.

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Hey folks,


The script has been completed, you should not be able to get the Nexu from your mailbox. If you have issues retrieving it, try relogging and that should resolve the issue.




I got one on my operative who was ~1730. However, I didn't receive one on either my sorc who was 1603 or my sniper who was 1956. :mad:

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Hey folks,


The script has been completed, you should not be able to get the Nexu from your mailbox. If you have issues retrieving it, try relogging and that should resolve the issue.




I didn't get a Nexu on my Jedi Shadow, Kre'á, and I was 1950 elo last season :(

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it s kind of funny, running a broken script and almost everyone gets the mount, prolly people are wondering now, why they were wintrading at all ^^



btw still waiting for season reward 4 on my sorc xD costumer service said they are looking into it., ,maybe 2k rating wasn t enough i dunno ^^

Edited by Lycy
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Confirmed, NO NEXU on my Scoundrel, Pulp, who finished the season with 1925 and NO NEXU for my Operative, Re-kon, who had a highest earned of 1648.


Seriously, I'm hearing now that people who didn't even PvP last season have the mount in their mailbox.... This is really discouraging.

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