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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Patch 3.3 healing changes


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And if you notice, your OP Sage self healing leaves the Sage at roughly 60% Force. That's a bit of a detriment to continuing to function if you need to eat up 40% of your resource pool while contributing no damage to your group along with the fact that they would not be going into that with full Force.


/Implying TK sages/lightning sorcs need more than 100 force to function

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/Implying TK sages/lightning sorcs need more than 100 force to function


Actually I am, particularly for pvp where Force Armor is necessary and rng fails can happen for resource generation procs. TK is no longer Force positive like it used to be but this is beside the point.


I stand corrected, Bacta Infusion does have a net cost of 2.something ammo over the course of its gcd. But it's still useful and significantly more useful than medical probe as it's an instant and stronger. Off heading got nerfed across the board with the large spam heals being removed from every class. Self healing being the main factor is inherently not part of the devs idea for survivability in pvp

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/Implying TK sages/lightning sorcs need more than 100 force to function


Actually if you get slightly unlucky with crits and have optimal APM, you most definitely need a lot more than 100 force to function. I've started parses (and even bosses) from full force and found myself in the 30-40% range a minute or two later. I've had to use Consumption on bosses (especially bosses like Torque or Revanite Commanders) at times. I've rezed with 25% force and had to actually delay things in my rotation in order to avoid running out of force.


Energy issues are real, they're just not as serious as they are in literally every other spec in the game.


In any case, we're once again falling into the "derail a merc/sorc thread with discussions about the other class" trap.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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Actually if you get slightly unlucky with crits and have optimal APM, you most definitely need a lot more than 100 force to function. I've started parses (and even bosses) from full force and found myself in the 30-40% range a minute or two later. I've had to use Consumption on bosses (especially bosses like Torque or Revanite Commanders) at times. I've rezed with 25% force and had to actually delay things in my rotation in order to avoid running out of force.


Energy issues are real, they're just not as serious as they are in literally every other spec in the game.


In any case, we're once again falling into the "derail a merc/sorc thread with discussions about the other class" trap.


Yeah... I was just making a joke over the ridiculously cheap cost of sorc abilities whenever something crits and the fact that you'll have pretty much 100% uptime on the 75% cost reduction. Wasn't meant to be taken seriously.

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Actually if you get slightly unlucky with crits and have optimal APM, you most definitely need a lot more than 100 force to function.


That's not gona happen in PvP. They stun you, interrupt you, push you, target runs around LoS or out of range etc. Also you'd use the new 6pc setbonus so more crits :p

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I am not in favour of healing to full. I am in favour of vastly more practical heals as part of improving Merc DPS survivability in PVP. They are not the same thing.


DPS Sorcs can't do what now?





*edit: and here's a BiS Sage at level 60 because doubters.


Bit critty so maybe a couple less Benevolences than average.








Heal to full is not even slightly the point or on the agenda so take it off your mind.


Neither is there a desire to equal what Sages have.


The very simple objective is.... better healing.... no extra grief....


With high emphasis that pre-3.0 heals were better in every aspect even when removing the AOE factor of Kolto Missile.


The primary no-CD cast heal was a large healing value, 25 cost and 2s cast time.


Now it's half that healing value, 20 or 15 cost and 1.5s cast time. For increased cost/healing, increased time to heal and worse healing per cast. PLUS new factors to cripple DPS tied to them.


The instant heal of Kolto Missile on a 6s CD is replaced with Emergency Scan for the same healing value on a 20s CD.


Tell me that pre-3.0 DPS Merc had unreasonably good healing, a powerful resource system to back up the healing output and was highly survivable pre-3.0.




Offhealing got crushed all the same.


di...di...d....d...did you just use force speed back pedal?:rak_02::rak_02::rak_02::rak_02::rak_02:

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Commando Medics are just a novelty character in PvP....


I've played a Sorc and a Commando for over 3 years and it's never been any different - and i doubt it ever will be...


Here's a score card comparing my Trooperette with a Sage in a warzone -



(for those that don't bother with links: )

Me ........ DPS - 21,803 __ Heals - 1,391,516 __ Deaths 8

Sage......DPS - 805,906 __ Heals - 508,623 __ Deaths 4


The telling point is the deaths... I died 8 times and was lucky to respawn when the doors were open... If the doors were closed, my numbers would have been considerably lower...


There's virtually no decent PvP stat info on medics anywhere I've searched, which seems to highlight the obvious...


I have heard people carry on about how great their medic is and blame everyone else in their group for being 'useless noobs'... But cry, spit or argue all you like - no matter how creative you are with stats or rotations - you need to face facts and build a bridge... Commando Medics are great fun, but they're seriously PvP challenged...


Thank goodness we can finally shine in PvE (for now at least)...




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