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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

We the 3 Elites class demand nerfs to Operatives!


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Fellow Sorcerers, Powertechs, Assassins! I Bring grim news...


There are roughly 35 of these, scoundrels... operatives... who dare bask in the shadow of our Tier 1 Glory!

(Many of which are the same players running alts of the same pleb of a class) these players should be removed from our entitled leader boards!



For now there are over 300 Tier 1 Sorc/Sin/PT Legion strong! Our power has been slightly threatened by these... pleb scoundrels...


I will not stand for this! For we are Legion! We are the many! We must rally ourselves and continue to complain on the forums! Till our royal entitlements and justice is done!


Bioware our lord...something must be done!

For our classes has been privileged and shall always be entitled as the 3 Elites!

There cannot be a 4th!!! That would ruin the triangle of the power you so carefully designed!


So NAY I say... to operatives.. those scoundrels...


Nerf them to oblivion till their scrubscription runs out!

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Fellow Sorcerers, Powertechs, Assassins! I Bring grim news...


There are roughly 35 of these, scoundrels... operatives... who dare bask in the shadow of our Tier 1 Glory!

(Many of which are the same players running alts of the same pleb of a class) these players should be removed from our entitled leader boards!



For now there are over 300 Tier 1 Sorc/Sin/PT Legion strong! Our power has been slightly threatened by these... pleb scoundrels...


I will not stand for this! For we are Legion! We are the many! We must rally ourselves and continue to complain on the forums! Till our royal entitlements and justice is done!


Bioware our lord...something must be done!

For our classes has been privileged and shall always be entitled as the 3 Elites!

There cannot be a 4th!!! That would ruin the triangle of the power you so carefully designed!


So NAY I say... to operatives.. those scoundrels...


Nerf them to oblivion till their scrubscription runs out!


Can sents join this nerfoperative movement or is it trinity exlusive?

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Of the top 100, 28 are not of the big 3, and 11 of those 28 are not op/sco (numbers based on me just now glancing at the boards, so there may be an error).


sorc/sin/PT = 72% (3/8 or 37.5% of classes)

op/scou = 17% (1/8 or 12.5% of classes)

other = 11% (4/8 or 50% of classes)


So, 50% of the classes occupy 89% of the top 100. The other 50% occupy 11%. I'm not a statistician, but that seems like it might be indicative of something.


I don't know why the tiers are based on rating opposed to some predefined percentage of a given class. Example, set tier 1 for commandos as top 5% (ish???) of all commandos. So now, commandos are competing on an equal playing field for tiers (versus other commandos). You can completely eliminate class balance from the tier equation. So, a commando might get tier 1 with a rating of 1250. A sorc with a rating of 1600 might not get tier 1. A sorc may say, "but my rating is better, therefore I am a better player!!" Well, your class is better. I wasn't aware that this was supposed to measure class balance, but instead player skill.

Edited by teclado
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Silly girl, sentinel,snipers,mercenary, juggernauts are just myths.


Ok then I join on my sin alt. Btw wouldnt it be enough if they buffed us more and leave everyone else as it is? Maybe like this: Leeching Strike gets replaced with Force Leech for sins, too; Force Leech has been redesigned for inquisitors: Channel time: 9999s Leeches life force from the target, dealing 9637 internal damage each second, targeted player is stunned for the whole duration. Casting player is immune to stuns, knockdowns, physics, interrupts, movement incapacitating effects, crowd control effects that break on damage. Force Leech can be channeled while moving through the level 10 inquisitor passive ability, Force Mobility. For PT: Any player who gets in the vision field of the player gets blown up immediately, as intended with the launch of 3.0. We are sorry for this late fix, to make up for it, PTs now have 99% damage reduction through the level 10 Powertech passive ability, Cased in Metal.

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Ok then I join on my sin alt. Btw wouldnt it be enough if they buffed us more and leave everyone else as it is? Maybe like this: Leeching Strike gets replaced with Force Leech for sins, too; Force Leech has been redesigned for inquisitors: Channel time: 9999s Leeches life force from the target, dealing 9637 internal damage each second, targeted player is stunned for the whole duration. Casting player is immune to stuns, knockdowns, physics, interrupts, movement incapacitating effects, crowd control effects that break on damage. Force Leech can be channeled while moving through the level 10 inquisitor passive ability, Force Mobility. For PT: Any player who gets in the vision field of the player gets blown up immediately, as intended with the launch of 3.0. We are sorry for this late fix, to make up for it, PTs now have 99% damage reduction through the level 10 Powertech passive ability, Cased in Metal.


You should be a dev.

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Of the top 100, 28 are not of the big 3, and 11 of those 28 are not op/sco (numbers based on me just now glancing at the boards, so there may be an error).


sorc/sin/PT = 72% (3/8 or 37.5% of classes)

op/scou = 17% (1/8 or 12.5% of classes)

other = 11% (4/8 or 50% of classes)


So, 50% of the classes occupy 89% of the top 100. The other 50% occupy 11%. I'm not a statistician, but that seems like it might be indicative of something.


I don't know why the tiers are based on rating opposed to some predefined percentage of a given class. Example, set tier 1 for commandos as top 5% (ish???) of all commandos. So now, commandos are competing on an equal playing field for tiers (versus other commandos). You can completely eliminate class balance from the tier equation. So, a commando might get tier 1 with a rating of 1250. A sorc with a rating of 1600 might not get tier 1. A sorc may say, "but my rating is better, therefore I am a better player!!" Well, your class is better. I wasn't aware that this was supposed to measure class balance, but instead player skill.



Reading your post what I understand is.. we should nerf operatives and the "other" percent should be ignored indefinitely

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So, 50% of the classes occupy 89% of the top 100. The other 50% occupy 11%. I'm not a statistician, but that seems like it might be indicative of something.


I don't know why the tiers are based on rating opposed to some predefined percentage of a given class.


I do believe this has been suggested quite a few times. BW hasn't commented on it, as far as I know. In theory, it should alleviate fotm rerolls & promote diversity.

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There are 15 merc/mandos who are qualified for tier 1 Bioware.




That's 15 too many! Please do something Bioware, there are too many merc/mandos running around with t1, pls nerf.


This is how I feel when I have to play my Sin against a merc. Literally unplayable, do something and nerf them bw plserino.


That .gif. It's too much. Just...too much.

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There are 15 merc/mandos who are qualified for tier 1 Bioware.




That's 15 too many! Please do something Bioware, there are too many merc/mandos running around with t1, pls nerf.


This is how I feel when I have to play my Sin against a merc. Literally unplayable, do something and nerf them bw plserino.


Commando/Mercenary changes:

To make life more interesting for this advanced(?) class, from now on all merc damage abilities have 99,99% chance to heal their target for 1000% of the damage (would have) dealt, while healing abilities have 20% chance to fail, 30% chance to damage the commando/mercenary for 150% of the healing (would have) healed, 50% chance to permastun the commando/mercenary itself. We hope we can fix the issue where some mandos/mercs were capable dealing damage/healing in wzs, though it was not intended with the launch of 3.0

Also to make other players willing to target mandos/mercs first instead of other classes, now all classes have 100% chance to h2f if killed a mando/merc (if mando/merc commits suicide with selfheal-damage, noone will receive this bonus). We hope this will fix the issue where mandos/mercs were not burned in the first 6 seconds of wzs matches (also it synergizes well with our recent PT changes).

Edited by jauvtus
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Commando/Mercenary changes:

To make life more interesting for this advanced(?) class, from now on all merc damage abilities have 99,99% chance to heal their target for 1000% of the damage (would have) dealt, while healing abilities have 20% chance to fail, 30% chance to damage the commando/mercenary for 150% of the healing (would have) healed, 50% chance to permastun the commando/mercenary itself. We hope we can fix the issue where some mandos/mercs were capable dealing damage/healing in wzs, though it was not intended with the launch of 3.0

Also to make other players willing to target mandos/mercs first instead of other classes, now all classes have 100% chance to h2f if killed a mando/merc (if mando/merc commits suicide with selfheal-damage, noone will receive this bonus). We hope this will fix the issue where mandos/mercs were not burned in the first 6 seconds of wzs matches (also it synergizes well with our recent PT changes).


bw, make this happen pls

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Juggs have too much survivability. Also, they shouldn't get charge AND push: that cuts into a real character's running around time unless cds are up.

Sentinels have too much burst.

Snipers ignore too much cc when they don't move.

Mercs need a better fall over and die animation.

Ops can roll and heal2full and flashbang all at the same time.


All of these need fixed while I learn my assassin.

Edited by Savej
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Juggs have too much survivability. Also, they shouldn't get charge AND push: that cuts into a real character's running around time unless cds are up.

Sentinels have too much burst.

Snipers ignore too much cc when they don't move.

Mercs need a better fall over and die animation.

Ops can roll and heal2full and flashbang all at the same time.


All of these need fixed while I learn my assassin.


You are making me work overtime, how will I finish my Cartel Pack designs?

Juggernaut changes: Our internal metrics show that juggernauts have to much mobilty. From now on Ravage will root the juggernaut and all slash attack will slow the juggernaut for 10%, the debuff lasting for 60s and stacking 12 times (after 10 stacks, which is a root, trying to move will cause the juggernaut to move slowly in random direction except the intended direction). Force Leap doesn't work on targets further than 10.01 m. Intercede now kills the friendly target, except if it's a trinity class, then the jugg will die. Also we think Saber Reflect fits assassins better, since their blades are bigger, so we moved that ability to the assassin AC. Enraged Defense is called OP by many classes, finally we realized that and removed it completely. Arena metrics show that some juggs "skank-tank", this was not intended, so from now on guarding another player as a jugg will cause the jugg to take 200% of the guarded player damage, converted to elemental damage. We hope this will fix the problem where juggernauts were useful in a match.

Sniper changes:

Our internal metrics show that some snipers are capable dealing damage before dying in 10 secs, MM snipers even deal 15-16k crits at least. This was not intended with the launch of 3.0, so we nerf all sniper damage by 60%, to make sure they can't hurt any of the trinity classes. Other classes will get killed by trinity classes, so no problem there. We also discovered that snipers use Entrench to be CC-immune with high uptime, but that was only intended for assassins so we decided to remove Entrench from sniper class while increasing Deflection duration by 300s and making Dark Stability an assassin passive. To have balance, Vital Regulators now heal the sniper for 1% of their maximum health every 2 seconds (down from 3 seconds).

Operative changes:

We are deleting the concealment and healer spec. We leave lethality in the game only because noone plays it anyway. But to be sure, we are nerfing lethality dots by 80% and removing stealth.

Marauder changes:

Our internal metrics show that marauders move freely, can heal themselves, have too much invincibility uptime, have great burst (especially Carnage), vanish too much and are overall too close to the trinity. From now on, sent base movement speed is reduced by 50%, Predation increasing movement speed by 5%, also Predation requires 40 stacks of Fury and have 5 minute cooldown. The healing of Annihilation is too similar to hatred sin healing, so we changed Hungering: your Force Rend makes yourself hungry, reducing Strength and Alacrity by 33% for 10 s. Cannit occure more than twice every 2 seconds. Bloodward is now a marauder passive and have been redesigned: getting attacked while Saber Ward is active have 1% chance to heal 20% of the marauder's current health and 99% to cause the marauder to bleed out internally and die after 1 minute. Of coure the marauder won't see when and if he will die from this effect. We also realized that Annihilation has single target damage, and since that never was intended after 3.0, we changed Annihilation spec: picking this discipline permanently removes all warrior and marauder active abilities and grants only Force Rend and Smash (for dotspread) for the discipline. We hope these changes completely destroy Annihilation. As for Carnage spec: we removed Gore, since noone should have 100% armor penetration (except madness sorc ofc, with only internal damage from now on), and nerfed Ravage damage by 90%, so marauders finally understand they shouldnt use it. We also removed all saber throws from this spec, so the rotation will literally be nothing else than a Massacre spam, we are so proud of its animation (the sound effect bug is just an urban legend). Fury got deleted because once upon a time its father, the Rage had too powerful Smash for AoE. We also moved 2 abilities from the marauder class: Force Camouflage and Undying. We discovered some marauders used Undying to survive 4 seconds longer than intended, so we moved this ability to sorcs, because we can. Also sorcs have been asking for stealth for so long and although there is no particular reason to justify it, we also moved Force Camouflage to sorcs. We hope these changes will fix the issue of some marauders being able to be a threat, disrespecting all our nerfs.

I hope these 3 waves of patch notes will satisfy all players and ensure trinity being FOTM. Now I need to go to redesign some old gear and special mount for the next cartel pack.

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TLDR From what I understand you were trying to say to nerf operatives and I agree please remove their roll ability they should not be able to do anything so my pt and sin can proceed to pwn cause im a super elite god of pvp and you are all skrebs


:rak_03: :rak_03: :rak_03: :rak_03: :rak_03: :rak_03: :rak_03: :rak_03:


Lets post more nerf opreative threads!

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TLDR From what I understand you were trying to say to nerf operatives and I agree please remove their roll ability they should not be able to do anything so my pt and sin can proceed to pwn cause im a super elite god of pvp and you are all skrebs


:rak_03: :rak_03: :rak_03: :rak_03: :rak_03: :rak_03: :rak_03: :rak_03:


Lets post more nerf opreative threads!


Not far enough. Punches and stabs should all be 1.5 second channels. It's ok because they will get one free one coming out of stealth. Remove Stealth from healing spec. Cull needs to be channeled like sniper version.

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Sorc OP--Nerf Operatives.


Exactly. LOL When a sorc can nearly one shot you with Death Field and lightning...nerf Ops instead. The ONLY thing, even as an Op/Scoundrel player, I would have nerfed is that blasted 8 second stun from the flash grenade. Mainly because it's an insta cast with a brutal duration. In PvP 8 seconds is an eternity.

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