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Ashe/Lady Insanity just posted a new video with new KotFE info.

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gratz this just got added as a great forum battle...we are now arguing the difference between repeating and replaying....


we all nitpick THAT Much?


lol of course. Being an online discussion the DSM is more relevant a resource than the dictionary.

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^ Correct. Why? Because the context is MMORPG. Common language matters, not dictionary definitions.


Repeatable is: I did it. Now or later I can do it again.

Not: I did it. Now I need to create a new character so I can go do it again.


Nope. Common Language says it's repeating.


Repeatable is doing something that you've done before.


You can't exclude facts just so it fits your argument. It doesn't matter if you have to make a new character to experience the same thing again. If you are doing something again that you've already done before then it's being repeated.

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Nope. Common Language says it's repeating.


Repeatable is doing something that you've done before.


You can't exclude facts just so it fits your argument. It doesn't matter if you have to make a new character to experience the same thing again. If you are doing something again that you've already done before then it's being repeated.


Since the only person I've ever heard mention that in any game I've ever played is you, and everyone else had the other definition. Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Since the only person I've ever heard mention that in any game I've ever played is you, and everyone else had the other definition. Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Who is this everyone else? TUXs? Korban posted a definition, so it's not just me. Yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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You might just wanna point out that you can't redo the specific quests of the story that you wanna do when you want to. Like, if I feel like recruiting Ashara again, I have to replay the entirety of the Prologue and Chapter 1 just to get to Taris and do that. While if I want to replay the Foundry, I can just hop onto my main (or any other character that is of the appropriate level or above) and go do the Foundry.


quoted for relevance.


there is a difference between having to start a new character to experience content again and being able to play your existing character through that content again.

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quoted for relevance.


there is a difference between having to start a new character to experience content again and being able to play your existing character through that content again.


The end result is the same though. You're still repeating the content you've already completed.

Edited by Reno_Tarshil
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In the youtube Ashe said we will get a stern talking to and have to make a choice, but we won't lose anyone or anything directly because of SoR kisses. No reason to panic. But of course Ashe could be wrong.

Here's hoping. If it's just a convo like "omg you cheated-> I'm sorry I'll never do it again, I love you -> amazing, let's go" and then that's the end of that, it's fine. I'll just pretend it didn't happen.


If they continue staying mad and you're no longer in a relationship, and/or they don't come back, that'd be really ******.


I don't even like Lana that much. I just suck at not flirting with the pretty pixels every chance I get.


For the people who need to reroll but are worried about names, you can technically just use the same name but insert a special character. So, say, your toon is called, um... Francis, you can make an alt and call them Francís and the difference isn't that distracting in my experience. It's obviously easiest if you have an i in the name, but technically you could also call him Fráncis and it's still not terribly different. It's what I do with my bazillion replays of characters <.<

I know, but while that may be fine for the one-off clones I created to replay the class stories and then deleted, it won't be if they become the main because the other one's gone.


Plus in addition to just having the terrible luck of someone hitting create at the precise moment before you do or apply a rename, there's also the issue I heard where names that worked before now don't for random reasons.

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The end result is the same though. You're still repeating the content you've already completed.


The end result might be the same, but the, uh, means? are different and I think that matters to a point when qualifying content. There's easily repeatable content like FPs or OPs or dailies, there's replayable content like stories, there's non repeatable and non replayable content like 1 time only events and I think that sifference is imprortant when discussing what kind we're getting...


Though I also agree that from what we know, we're getting more content with KotFE than we did with SoR, or RotHC, we just, initially at least, get solely story focused, replayable but not immediately repeatable (a la FPs) content, which doesn't make it less, just different.

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They already said it will before this video came out. It'll be a class-enhanced personal story with a lot of variations based on your choices and what companiosn you choose to recruit.


I was referring to the generic stories in regards to Makeb and SOR. This will be different.


It's a class enhanced personal story focused on your player character the choices he makes which vary from character to character. Idk about you but having varied story options doesn't sound generic to me.


Makeb and SoR had references to your class. SoR even had a class specific quests.


your stubborn optimism is touching. scary but touching.


this video is the most recent news we have so far. I wouldn't dismiss it so lightly.


we are getting flavor. that's it. nothing more. in fact - they statement that we'll be able to recruit cross faction companions is starting to sound more and more like - its just double speak for "individual flavor will not be as considerable... seeing as they are making companions from different stories to cross over into main one... just so there are fewer variables to deal with.


we are getting 1 to 2 hours of story per chapter. are there side quests? we don't know. do those count towards the story if they exist? we don't know.


what I do know is that we also have no idea what that secret new end game content is going to be. and aside from that super secret project (do I need to remind you about their last super secret project, aka GSF?) - other then story that you play through once per character ( and please stop splitting hairs about it being repeatable, once your character is done with it - that's it, they don't have any story left to play through) - we have... old group content that has been scaled up to max level. paying $15 a month to acess 1 hour of new content per month (well... lets say 8 hours, assuming you have 8 alts and there is enough variation to make it fun to take all 8 through it)... it doesn't seem very cost effective as far as MMO's are concerned.


but again. I'm going to reserve final judgement until I see what exactly is that super secret new content they are so excited about. that and whether they are adding any new pvp maps.

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I stand corrected, that's 2 people out of every game I've ever played.


lol it's like communicating with a toddler.


Replayable = repeatable to be fair. I was just amazed that somebody didn't seem to be getting that. All the content in this game is easily repeatable made more so from 12xp. The fact that this is in dispute amazes me.


Let's redefine for a moment the exact thing you mean to be talking about though. I think you're talking about grindable content. Obviously, it's content that you can do again and again and again on the same character until your eyes bleed out to get them to a certain level or a certain type of gear. It doesn't take away from other aspects being repeatable, i.e. class stories, but simply their immediate availability.


I think our difference comes in our view of the value in repeating certain content. If you value leveling and grinding more than much else, flashpoints, dailies, and ops are going to be the content you'll think of as repeatable. A story though that holds little for your immediate character's development would maybe not be repeatable to you though someone more invested in the storytelling aspect of the game would find it to be even more repeatable due to various ways in which they'd like to repeat the same story but from a different character mindset.

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no I think our difference in view comes from the fact that you are ok with shelving a character to play another one. and another one. and another one. while we would like to keep playing specific character rather then A character.


you know what would make stories repeatable? if you could replay them on the same character you already finished them on.

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you know what would make stories repeatable? if you could replay them on the same character you already finished them on.


A new game+ mode would be interesting. If it worked the same way as most single-player games do, in essence it would be rescaling the class/planetary stories to 65 (since if you're repeating on the same character with 65 gear and 65 abilities, they wouldn't rightfully be able to knock it back to level 1). HARD MODE class stories...hmm...I would actually welcome that.

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Naa, Reno just has battered gamer syndrome... He has been abused so long, he now defends his abuser. His arguments are beyond silly, but he doesn't see it... because he is battered...


That's two threads you've posted that silly accusation in. You should prolly settle down.


The end result might be the same, but the, uh, means? are different and I think that matters to a point when qualifying content. There's easily repeatable content like FPs or OPs or dailies, there's replayable content like stories, there's non repeatable and non replayable content like 1 time only events and I think that sifference is imprortant when discussing what kind we're getting...


Though I also agree that from what we know, we're getting more content with KotFE than we did with SoR, or RotHC, we just, initially at least, get solely story focused, replayable but not immediately repeatable (a la FPs) content, which doesn't make it less, just different.


The means are the same. You create a character and you play thru the story like you did before originally and are now repeating. The only possible difference is possibly deleting a character if you do not have room.


Makeb and SoR had references to your class. SoR even had a class specific quests.


your stubborn optimism is touching. scary but touching.


this video is the most recent news we have so far. I wouldn't dismiss it so lightly.


we are getting flavor. that's it. nothing more. in fact - they statement that we'll be able to recruit cross faction companions is starting to sound more and more like - its just double speak for "individual flavor will not be as considerable... seeing as they are making companions from different stories to cross over into main one... just so there are fewer variables to deal with.


we are getting 1 to 2 hours of story per chapter. are there side quests? we don't know. do those count towards the story if they exist? we don't know.


what I do know is that we also have no idea what that secret new end game content is going to be. and aside from that super secret project (do I need to remind you about their last super secret project, aka GSF?) - other then story that you play through once per character ( and please stop splitting hairs about it being repeatable, once your character is done with it - that's it, they don't have any story left to play through) - we have... old group content that has been scaled up to max level. paying $15 a month to acess 1 hour of new content per month (well... lets say 8 hours, assuming you have 8 alts and there is enough variation to make it fun to take all 8 through it)... it doesn't seem very cost effective as far as MMO's are concerned.


but again. I'm going to reserve final judgement until I see what exactly is that super secret new content they are so excited about. that and whether they are adding any new pvp maps.


You weren't the focal points of Makeb and SoR, shure there were acknowledgements of your class title sprinkled out and even 1 class quest in SOR but you weren't the focal point of the expansion. Even the side quest in SOR is just that a side quest. And that's my point instead they've been marketing this about you and your character.


Idk how you could have reached being able to recruit cross class companions as double speak less individual flavor? In fact to me that sounds like it would promote more individual flavor since not everyone will recruit the same cross class companions.


Idk about you but 9+ Hours worth of repeatable content and soon 16+ is a lot of content to play thru just for subbing normally. And I have 22 Alts, soon to be 24. So i will have plenty to do between this and the end game revamp and w/e secret project they have. (And yes I remember GSF).

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gratz this just got added as a great forum battle...we are now arguing the difference between repeating and replaying....


we all nitpick THAT Much?

Right?! Geezus...when DOH and I agree, you know the universe is out of whack.


^ Correct. Why? Because the context is MMORPG. Common language matters, not dictionary definitions.


Repeatable: I did it. Now or later I can do it again.

Not: I did it. Now I need to create a new character so I can go do it again.

EXACTLY! Thank you Joe. Context is everything here.

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I normally dislike tux very much so. BUT 100% agree with him here. Reno quit digging yourself deeper.


Can you do the story again with toon A? Nope gotta do it with a different toon.


But you'd still be repeating the story content since it would be the same class. Which is the whole point is regards to if story content is repeatable. It doesn't matter if you have to make a different character to do it or not. Story content not being repeatable would be BW telling you can only do this once ever on your account and that's it.

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I normally dislike tux very much so. BUT 100% agree with him here. Reno quit digging yourself deeper.


Can you do the story again with toon A? Nope gotta do it with a different toon.


Very much? :( I try to never be THAT offensive...but thank you.

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I've done it again. I just completed my second Warrior and my second Consular. I might even do another agent by the time this is over ( by far the best storyline in game). You're confusing time taken to do content with =/= repeatable.


So, either you're assuming that because you don't value repeating it that someone else wouldn't or that the content isn't repeated just because you created another character (btw, nothing is stopping anybody from deleting their char, then starting over with the exact same name and face although that would be absurd). It's still virtually the same content and with very few exceptions in this game, the outcome of the content will be identical.


I often disagree with TUXs (he says some pretty dumb things sometimes), but in this case, he is absolutely correct.


Story content is not repeatable in TOR, because you have to make a new character to do it. In the context of an MMO, something is repeatable if a character that has done it once is able to do it again, and not whether or not the player can experience it again.


Incidentally, this is why I dislike Guild Wars 2: story content is neither repeatable by a character, nor by a player, as content is periodically (within a month or two) removed forever.

Edited by Diviciacus
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I often disagree with TUXs (he says some pretty dumb things sometimes), but in this case, he is absolutely correct.


Story content is not repeatable in TOR, because you have to make a new character to do it. In the context of an MMO, something is repeatable if a character that has done it once is able to do it again, and not whether or not the player can experience it again.


Incidentally, this is why I dislike Guild Wars 2: story content is neither repeatable by a character, nor by a player, as content is periodically (within a month or two) removed forever.

Well phrased. Thank you.

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Very much? :( I try to never be THAT offensive...but thank you.


You led the charge to get raiders off pot5. Now the only guild we can sorta pug successfully with is darkside gaming. :p


If u have to create a new toon that is not repeating the content. That is starting a new run threw content. If u can't do it again with only one toon its not repeatable

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Well phrased. Thank you.


Last I checked no MMO had any repeatable story content. Well, Phantasy Star Universe did, but that was years ago. However, that was more Flashpoint based. No Actual stand alone story content.

Edited by Koichi
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