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So, if Created 60s cannot go to old content...


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I think you're confusing the idea that an insta-60 presumes that you've already completed class story, as stated at the SDCC cantina Q&A, and the idea that you won't be able to do anything at all with previous content.
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How can they pick up Treek and HK?


For those of us that may roll a 60, I'd imagine we'd do it the same way we do it on our 10s currently, by going to our perks, and getting a contract. For new players, I'm not sure, but since I haven't seen anything yet that states that these options will be removed, I'd imagine it would work much the same way. At some point in the expansion, we're going to need a power base, somewhere from which to access FPs and Ops that are on the fleet currently.

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They should clarify as it is pretty vague.


Not really. Not in the original context at least.


Someone asked them if the insta-60 could go back and play through the old class story. They said no.


Then after that, people started saying stuff like "insta 60 can't do old content", which is pretty disingenuous, as that is not what they said.

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fastest way to roll a flavor of the month class, why balance pvp when everyone can play the OP class of the month.


because you only get 1 free and it can't be by boosting an existing char....I doubt many will shell out the (likely high) CC's just to make a new lvl 60 fotm. Certainly not enough to make it anything to bother worrying about.

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I'm actually wondering if fleet will be "fleet".


That once you start down that path, your map on your star ship will be changed and any icons or links for fleet travel will be directed to a new destination.


In other words our own version of Battlestar Galactica for fleet.


The reality is, fleet is running out of space for new vendors. This could address the problem as "fleet" would then be a new place with only level +60 vendors.

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I'm actually wondering if fleet will be "fleet".


That once you start down that path, your map on your star ship will be changed and any icons or links for fleet travel will be directed to a new destination.


In other words our own version of Battlestar Galactica for fleet.


The reality is, fleet is running out of space for new vendors. This could address the problem as "fleet" would then be a new place with only level +60 vendors.


Well, they could just add new sections via the elevators on the fleet if they need more room for more vendors.

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I believe based on the impression is they don't want individuals getting the instant 60 and then going to do the class stories, which some would do and therefore it would actually negate the reason for the instant 60.


I believe that if you want to do the class story, then they would want you to do it the correct way and then do the new expansion story.


That does not mean you cannot go back to the old planets or even do the dailies in my way of thinking.

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From what I've gathered from ALL the information we currently have...we CAN still go to old content, Belsavis, Taris, Tython, Hutta, etc. The planets won't suddenly disappear. The Zakuul Empire doesn't have a Deathstar blowing planets up like Alderaan. You'd be essentially 'going back in time' but we do that whenever we take our level 60 to Tython or Hutta to roflsmoosh the mobs for an achievement we missed.


When you make a new level 60, I'm talking no 1-60 leveling just BAM, you're level 60, they're saying you will NOT be allowed to do that level 60's class story because the game will ASSUME you've already done it. Take your Merc, Jugg, Knight, Smuggler, whatever who is level 60 now and you did the class story from 1-50. You can't go back to Hutta and see Keeper or your Bounty handler again, can you? No, because you've finished it, it's done, nothing you can do will let your current 60 redo your class story (except delete and reroll).


That's what they're saying if you buy a lvl 60 out of the package, it will not be allowed to do the class story. So if you buy a Sith Warrior cause you don't have one, you won't be able to see that Sith Warrior's story.


Make sense now?

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Not really. Not in the original context at least.


Someone asked them if the insta-60 could go back and play through the old class story. They said no.


Then after that, people started saying stuff like "insta 60 can't do old content", which is pretty disingenuous, as that is not what they said.


Quoting for truth and emphasis. The only content they have said is restricted is the main storyline, because the instant 60 character is supposed to have already lived through that. HK and Treek are both side quests unrelated to the main story.

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