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How can I level faster?


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How can someone be be level 33 in a few days then complain about levelling it too slow? This game is not meant to be completed in a month! Lemme guess. You want to hit the level cap within the first month so you can quit without paying a monthly subscription fee? Maybe you want to hit the level cap so you can complain about not enough end game content?



I have one toon at level 20 and another a 12. I am in no rush because I will be here for years just like I was in SWG.


agreed. i already have a level 45 sniper a level 11 sith juggernaut, and a level 10 mercenary

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I'm level 33 right now and it's painfulley slow to level. Act 2 is less interesting then Act one and it's horrible on scaling.


Why the rush? You got some kind of schedule to keep? Just play it, the buttons and entertainement value are the same at level 1 as they are at level 50.

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I'm level 33 right now and it's painfulley slow to level. Act 2 is less interesting then Act one and it's horrible on scaling.


Hang on, I thought you quit yesterday?


Oh, you did:





And appararntly you had a level 50 and a level 44 character in that thread...




Seriously, whats going on over there?

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Your kidding, right? You must play like 8 hours a day or something, I've played for 2-3 weeks now and my Sith Marauder is level 13. Wow.


wow what do you do to have spent 2-3weeks ingame and still be lvl 13 wow!!!



to know fo sure how long you have played typed /played

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You can't level down..you can only level up...so what's the rush?


Personally it took 3 servers starting from scratch each time, playing both sides, and most of the character types, to really decide which one I wanted to stick with.


Oh and...


There going to get they're just rewards for leveling there characters so fast and then realize their isn't as much content at 50 as all the other levels. Your just wasting your time if you're goal is 50. You're goal should be fun.

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Your kidding, right? You must play like 8 hours a day or something, I've played for 2-3 weeks now and my Sith Marauder is level 13. Wow.


He means "4 days" = 4 * 24 = 96 hours of playtime, which seems about right to 50 if you move things along. You could easily take twice that long if you're new and/or like to explore every nook and cranny of every world.


Typing "/played" in chat displays the cumulative amount of time you've played that character.


IMO SWTOR levels pretty fast, and doesn't feel nearly as grindy as vanilla WoW or something like EQ. I want to say that I took something like 175 hours (over about eight months) to go 1-60 in WoW when it first came out.

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Its taken me from 25th Dec till now to bring my main toon to lev 37 - personally, I find the levelling to be quite quick despite being only able to set aside about 2-4 hours a day for gaming in SWTOR.


Im rather enjoying the story and the journey for my main toon and would prefer the present lev cap to be much further down the line since developing your toon based on the choices you make at each juncture of the toon's story is far more a meaningful experience (to me) than "ganking" and engaging in pointless PvP orgies (but each to his/her own, as they say).


The OP may have a different set of goals when playing SWTOR but I cant help feeling that the Devs intended for this game to truly come alive via the stories, the journeys and the choices ones toon makes as opposed to engaging in a mad headlong rush to level cap - merely my 2 cents worth.

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Leveling in MMO's always gets harder as you progress, those who leveled in WoW im sure can appreciate how much better leveling in SWOTR is.


If you are playing to be 50 then its always going to be a chore, better to just chill out and level at a steady pace taking breaks when you are bored, playing some pvp etc.

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I'm level 33 right now and it's painfulley slow to level. Act 2 is less interesting then Act one and it's horrible on scaling.


Which element are you complaining about, DAO?

The storyline progressing slowly, or the amount of time it takes to physically get from level 32 to 33, then to 34...

I suspect it is the leveling time rather than the storyline, but the comment about Act 2 vs Act 1 goes to the storyline.


Oh, and which class are you playing?

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wow what do you do to have spent 2-3weeks ingame and still be lvl 13 wow!!!



to know fo sure how long you have played typed /played


I play about 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours every day. Not that much, but still enough. I will check total play time, though.

Edited by ultimatesjk
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Your kidding, right? You must play like 8 hours a day or something, I've played for 2-3 weeks now and my Sith Marauder is level 13. Wow.


how is that possible...i can get to lvl 10 in about 3 hours or less...you must be doing something wrong

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No, actually I like going slow, it means I get a lot more game time. It's my personal preference.


well at that pace its gonna take you a year to get to 50.i dont rush at all,i do all the quests for each planet and still couldnt be that slow if i tried

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I am leveling my second character to 50 now, so having done it once through it does go a bit faster. One thing I wish I had done on my first char would be taking up synthweaving and make armor for myself as i went along instead of trying to micromanage orange gear and rely on drops and quest rewards to fill in the gaps. I took armormech on my commando along with scavenging and underworld trading and the gear crafted from that makes things go faster and its better than the quest rewards and most of the commendations gear. Plus you can save your commendations for just upgrading your weapon mods and for the purple premium boxes that reward a piece of purple gear.
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There going to get they're just rewards for leveling there characters so fast and then realize their isn't as much content at 50 as all the other levels. Your just wasting your time if you're goal is 50. You're goal should be fun.


^ I see what you did their. Your funny. ;)

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Teaming up really does help in this game.


First off, heroics. The mobs are tougher, they give more exp, plus the heroic mission exp reward. Do them when you can, even if it's a Heroic 2. And you don't lose exp for killing them together. Quite the opposite. You do the killing faster and get all the exp anyway.


Second, quests move much faster when done together. Finish quests faster (and the bonuses that go with them) = faster leveling.


Third, drops are better in a group. Enjoy the pile of shinies you all get to share.


Soloing is slow mode.

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Soloing is slow mode.


It may be "slow mode", but for a lot of us it's also "fun mode." I personally prefer running things either by myself or maybe with guildies. I don't generally enjoy grouping up with random people I don't know; it's not fun for me. So I don't and I level just as well as people that group all the time, even if it's a little slower.

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