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SWTOR is dead threads Need to Stop


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This has been going on for 3 years. Yet to prove true.


You really want to make the rest of us and the Developers believe you? Well band together with all that haters on these forums and STOP making threads and post. When the forums are a Ghost town the game is dead. Not before. Period.


I wish we had more positive threads. I really do. So if you enjoy this game like I do, do not let these folks get you down! I am very excited for Fallen Empire. Kudos to others who are also. :D

Edited by Zergnaut
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This is counter productive to the forums.


Anything positive seems to be counter productive to the forums. Which is sad. If this thread was titled "Proof SWTOR is dying" it would be 3 pages long in 5min

Edited by Zergnaut
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I think it's getting hilarious. We're nearly 4 years into the game and it just got a cinematic trailer and a massive new expansion on the way.


Will not ever stop. People love drama. They drink it in like water in a desert.

Proof of this can be summed up into two words. Reality Television.


People on the internet love negativity.

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the general bitterness of the forums tells me this game is more than alive. people can't be bitter and not care. them caring (regardless of whether or not its the right kind of caring) is proved by said bitterness. It's like they say you can't hate something if you did not once love it. I think it is the same with the bitterness they would not be bitter if they did not care to play the game.
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I wish we had more positive threads. I really do. So if you enjoy this game like I do, do not let these folks get you down! I am very excited for Fallen Empire. Kudos to others who are also. :D


The doomsayers can never get me down, I am excited about the expansion and will play it when it launches.

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I wish we had more positive threads. I really do. So if you enjoy this game like I do, do not let these folks get you down! :D



Almost everybody who complains here likes/cares of this game a great deal. If that wasn't the case, they wouldn't. If you are worried or let down due to the current direction, then holding silence and uselessly seeing if a video game can be hugged is the last thing anyone should do. It'd make a foolish approach on personal level and something of a disservice to the game as a whole.


Above doesn't mean that making a " omg this game is dead" thread where content is " omg this game will die" would be a good idea.


Neither does it mean that it pays to dismiss the current uproar of the pve community as " lulz just doom and gloom nobody cares!" however.



When the forums are a Ghost town the game is dead. Not before. Period.


Some rare, drastic and sudden plug pullings aside, do you wanna know how MMos usually die? They do so in small amounts.Consider the following:


Currently loads of people in PvE community feel worried and let down. They flame the forums here and reddit and everywhere. Meanwhile, have you heard anything much from PvP community? These guys were busy burning them forums to ground a number of times previously. Whole hazzle with arena season one, misleading and klies by devs, unfulfilled promises etc. They've done their share of flaming here.


Now, PvP community gets to hear how they, too, will be completely ignored in coming expansion. On top of this, in recent Q&A it gets casually dropped how there won't be any new content in foreseeable future either. It has already been like two years since this MMO in live dev saw an update of novel PvP content. AND YET... where is the fuzz? Where is the let down..where is the great old forum rage and disappointment by them? Nowhere, really. Why do you think that is? Because these people are gone now. For them, the game is dead and they are dead for the game. They make ghosts in this town already. They do their complaining, griefing and pvp elsewhere. No matter how disconnected you are from any kind of PvP and no matter how much you decided you hate these people, I'd like to believe you can see why this is not necessarily a good thing for the game.


If they stick with the current direction, it'll take one or two more expansions and I bet your echo chamber and hug box remain intact. Nobody who enjoys meaningful PvE will be making complaints all that long either. Instead, they too will be ghosts here. That doesn't kill the game either. But optimist in me likes to believe at least some of you understand why this would not be a good thing for the game either.

Edited by GalacticStarfigh
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I wish we had more positive threads. I really do. So if you enjoy this game like I do, do not let these folks get you down! I am very excited for Fallen Empire. Kudos to others who are also. :D


Forum negativity is everywhere. It's like this for almost all games, not just SWTOR. Even great single player games attract trolls to spam their forums with venomous criticism.


I too wish forumgoers were more inclined to praise and celebrate the greatness of this game. But it turns out most of those people who love the game are busy playing it.

Edited by Hebruixe
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Anything positive seems to be counter productive to the forums. Which is sad. If this thread was titled "Proof SWTOR is dying" it would be 3 pages long in 5min


It's sad to say this is true. I literally saw that happen in one afternoon. It was funny and kind of irritating at the same time.


Regardless of what people are saying, SWTOR is still very much going strong. If they weren't, do you really think we'd be getting a HUGE expansion with plans for monthly story updates, an overhauled companion system, new operations... I could go on, but you get my point. Which is that SWTOR is far from death's door.


I'll admit I'm worried about the whole companion thing (because I really want to keep them, or at least some of them), but I love SWTOR. If the companion thing turns out to be terrible, I'll just make a new level 60 toon and start from there. SWTOR is alive and kicking, and this is actually a brilliant way to get subscribers and keep them, I think.


I had this game pre-ordered when it came out three years ago. I intend to be there when (and if) it actually does die. But fortunately it doesn't look like that'll be any time soon.

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I agree with the OP, continuing on that course of action also discourages potential new players when they happen to look at the forums, to perhaps, gather more knowledge before trying the game out. Hurting us all.... Edited by Themanthatisi
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I think it's getting hilarious. We're nearly 4 years into the game and it just got a cinematic trailer and a massive new expansion on the way.

Pretty much this. We're getting a new expansion, and a new starwars movie, both of which should cause some buzz and bring in new or returning players. Not to mention WoW flopped pretty hard with their current expansion, causing some of the quitting players to scatter between other MMO's, including SWTOR.

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Customer feedback is counter productive? Telling the business what you want is counter productive? Only thing counter productive is all you pansies wetting yourselves when someone tries to offer criticism to the business billing them every month. Hard core defenders seem religious. For real, religious. Edited by Ruskaeth
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