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Stop reviving dead characters!


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There is no death, there is the Force.


There is no life, there is the Force.


It's a stupid, pander-y copout way of not having to go through the effort of designing and characterizing a new character.


WoW has been heavily criticized for literally years because it keeps characters alive who should be dead, and now TOR is too.


Stop. Just stop. *********** stop.

Edited by Diviciacus
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I somewhat agree, but I will join the bandwagon of being glad to see Malgus back. Only because he had that specific death mechanic. Emphasis on had.


But I actually only posted on this thread to ask about this.

First was kephess (3 times!).

Kephess was revived thrice? I remember his initial death on Denova, then again on Asation, then Dread Master Brontes' clone... where was the third revival? I only count two.

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First was kephess (3 times!). Then revan... (2 times!)

And now Malgus... Seriously?



Coming back from the dead a long proud tradition of anything that is soap opera like. This includes Star Wars. They have no end really planned.

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Where's this coming from?


Video of an additional scene from the Blur cinematic, featuring Malgus:


EDIT: This is a deleted scene from the trailer that was later replaced by the "lightsaber presentation" scene. There's no official word on this scene actually having happened in the SWTOR timeline. We'll have to wait for more information to know for sure whether Malgus actually lives. (Source)


EDIT 2: Further confirmation that this is deleted footage by Charles Boyd, Lead Writer: "let's all remember, that was cut ;) just showing behind the scenes concepts." (Source)



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Under normal circumstances yeah I 100% agree with you, bringing dead characters back would damage the consistency. However in Malgus' case, you didn't kill him right way in the original FP(they later changed it to reduce difficulty), you had to push him off the bridge which we know someone had survived it in the SW movie. I think Bioware did it on purpose to not make his death 100% so they could use him in later story if they want.
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And now Malgus... Seriously?


Wait, what? Where is he revived exactly?


Last thing I saw of Malgus was him fall over a ledge...sooooooooooooooooooo...


He isn't dead Jim.


Last time I saw him he was lying on a floor, dead, after I soloed him. Also don't forget that in both cases the space station exploded due to self-destruct that he activates at the beginning of the fight. Since the explosion isn't shown (people just exit area) people forget it.

Edited by Karkais
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Malgus is still alive? Ok... Lets see here, we killed Revan on some early run once. Later on we run into him again and have to do the job twice. JK kills the Emperor, but not really. We all took a shot at Malgus and we've failed at that as well? The reason there are no "Weakest force users who are somehow still alive" threads are because those fools... are us... We really are no longer hero's anymore are we? If we can't kill an enemy then what good are we? What is the point of becoming immersed in a character, enjoying the fact that he/she is one of the most powerful forces for your faction when they can only, truly kill someone with a silver frame or less around their portrait? Do we have to fight the next crop of expansion bad guys 2 or 3 times as well? Are our characters that inept? Are we so full of fail that we will need another NPC to lead us by the hand and explain to us how to kill a fellow force user? Maybe Darth Marr can swoop in and say "nice work but this NPC over here is the real hero" once again as well? I thought we were playing larger than life hero's who had the power and intelligence see a task to its end. Returning the dead to life is just weak, uninspired and sloppy. As the OP said, stop it. Please.
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Hell, even in Game of Thrones which is considered the highest standard of fantasy writing and everyone saying what a great genius GRRM is, the "Return from the Dead" trope has been used many times!


Don't read if you dont want to get spoiled for GoT / ASoIaF




Sir Beric Dondarion i ressurrected in the books & show about 7 times

Catlyn Stark is ressurrected in the books

Mance Rider is burned at the stake, but in the books it was someone else glamoured to look like him

Ser Robert Strong is believed to be Ser Gregor Clegane brought back with some form of Necromancy

Aegon Targeryen was actually not killed and is alive and well

Other characters that are believed to be dead have been hinted to come back (Jon Snow, Sandor Clegane)


Plus... The whole white walker army is 99% dead people brought back with necromancy


So even in the highly praised GoT, the trope of "reviving" dead characters have been used plenty of times, either by blessings of the gods, necromancy, or the characters avoiding death in the 1st place and coming back later



Edited by ChazDoit
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