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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Warzone AFK exploiters


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If someone's game locks up THAT much they're probably not having a fun time either. Sadly as long as there's anything that isn't stated in the rules not to do, someone will take advantage of it, no matter how much of an *** they know they're being. Maybe some day people will stop exploiting every faulty game mechanic they can take advantage of, but we all know that'll never happen. It'd be better to have some sort of solution instead of none at all. Unless you're happy with all the noobs at level 50 who don't even know what they're doing because they afked the whole way.
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Starting to see multiple people afk in warzones. Seems like this issue should have been anticipated. What does bioware plan to do about it? With only 8 ppl in a match, 1 or 2 afkers is a game breaker.


when they /fix pvp they fix AFKers ppl are only afk cuz lvl20 cant compare to lvl50..


im lvl20 and tho best gear constantly get 1hit in Warzones by lvl50 tho im tank... what more reason is there to be afk?

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You're stats are increased during PVP to help you. Higher levels may still have an advantage, but if you're just too lazy to play the game and AFK for levels, why even bother having an account? How many people are going to report you on your way to the top, when soon you'll find nobody wants to party with you because you have a bad reputation? Nobody likes a douchebag. Especially a noob one who isn't familiar with any of the game. Nobody wants to be FORCED into powerleveling someone they grow to hate. Seriously why play a social game just to make it tougher on others? Edited by CelesWylder
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I would say clueless people running around trying, do a lot more to ruin my warzones than people doing nothing.

Especially in Huttball.

Like taking the ball to their own goalline and dying to give the enemy an easy score and so on.

Using stuns in the wrong time and place to give ballhandler immunity so he can just walk in and score. And so on..

Should they also ban these people then? Should I report them for ruining my Warzsone experience?

Edited by Propanelgen
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This is a Huge problem in the game. We had a guy that did this a sat right in the middle of the warzone.


He must have had a extra copy of the game on a another computer. The other faction knew where we were going at all times.


He was reported by a lot of people, but I never heard back from Bioware on it.

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ive reported afkers multiple times and they still havnt got banned or anything. 1 dude on our server called michael has afkd all the way to 50


Every single game i see him in he sits behind a crate just outside the safe zone. never dies, no damage, no kills.


*********** like this need to get banned to hell.

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They haven't been able to do something effective about this in any game since instanced warzones were invented. Why do you think SWTOR would suddenly have a magic cure for this? It sucks, it's a problem, and there isn't a lot to do about it as evidenced across multiple games.


Perhaps if they looked at those people being reported multiple times doing exactly what this fellow said


My day on warzone ->






Hehehehehe--- :D


and randomly have the csr's hand out 3,4,5 day bans for doing it, well.. word gets around quickly.


Once a week? Every two weeks? Eventually you can space it out farther.

Doesn't have to be every day, just do it randomly, and let the word spread, by the playerbase.



People tend to not cheat when they can't play.

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Mythic made Warhammer Online. Mythic was folded into Bioware.


One thing Mythic knows is PvP (RvR there)


They have a great system for scenarios (called warfronts here).


It is called idle hands. If you are afk and not moving, you get get booted and a 15 min debuff before you can re-queue for pvp again.


You can't even just hit numlock and go afk. System knows and boots you.


Works really well.


Again, Mythic is part of Bioware..


Should be easy to get that going here.

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Mythic made Warhammer Online. Mythic was folded into Bioware.


One thing Mythic knows is PvP (RvR there)


They have a great system for scenarios (called warfronts here).


It is called idle hands. If you are afk and not moving, you get get booted and a 15 min debuff before you can re-queue for pvp again.


You can't even just hit numlock and go afk. System knows and boots you.


Works really well.


Again, Mythic is part of Bioware..


Should be easy to get that going here.

PvP in Warhammer Online was utter bollocks, so I have no idea what you are talking about.

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This is what you get from "Arenas" "Warfronts" "any-other-name-for-instanced-pvp".

Know where you won't get this?

World PvP / RvR.


So fix some decent RvR instead.


And I actually enjoyed the RvR in WAR. But then again, I tried to play with and against organized players, instead of zerging around like an AV-beginner.


I was promised RvR. I have yet to see it though =(

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Terms and Policies you agreed to. Section 11. Near the bottom.


You may violate the Terms of Service if, as determined by EA in its sole discretion, you: Interfere with the ability of others to enjoy playing an EA Service or take actions that interfere with or materially increase the cost to provide an EA Service for the enjoyment of all its users.




IDC if you think it is your way of playing. You are breaking the rules and foundations laid out before you.


Anyone whos arguement is that they can do as they please since they spent the money, well guess what! Wrong. Thank You EA.

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I would say clueless people running around trying, do a lot more to ruin my warzones than people doing nothing.

Especially in Huttball.

Like taking the ball to their own goalline and dying to give the enemy an easy score and so on.

Using stuns in the wrong time and place to give ballhandler immunity so he can just walk in and score. And so on..

Should they also ban these people then? Should I report them for ruining my Warzsone experience?


No sir, a person clearly as elite as you should go play solitaire instead.

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Someone can help me to remember how long this game was in development?


Six years? And they have not done something with AFKers?



I do agree.



It is not as if this was an unforseen issue or 'first time ever seen'.



Seen gamers present some ideas, so I am disappointed that paid professionals proved to be so obtuse.

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Terms and Policies you agreed to. Section 11. Near the bottom.






IDC if you think it is your way of playing. You are breaking the rules and foundations laid out before you.


Anyone whos arguement is that they can do as they please since they spent the money, well guess what! Wrong. Thank You EA.


Right, so I will start reporting the clueless people ruining my experience of the warzones then, thanks for clarification.

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Let me start with a preemtive "cool story bro" for this but...


Last night had a first for me. I saw a level 50 shadow behind west turret on Alderaan on my map. I assumed he was waiting for help as there were 2 defenders. I came over, drew out the defenders assuming he'd cap while I did. No. He was afk. I died in vain. Avenge my death Bioware!

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Bump. I usually try to get the opposite team on top of them and hope they get booted from the Pit. Reported 3 so far, and have seen 2 of them at it again.


Name and shame:

Server restauration zone


Insert random guild name



And having pc trouble is no excuse. If it happens once ir twice nobody will ban you. But if you repeat it several times.... You are guilty of destroying other peiples game experience.

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Other than causing you to lose a pretend internet game, they do nothing else. Stop crying and deal with it. If that's how they want to spend their $15 bucks a month, that's their choice.



That leaves you with 4 options:


1. Pay their sub and tell them how to play the game (bad move)

2. Quit the game (Good move. Less queue time for me.)

3. Shut up and deal with it. (also acceptable.)

4. Cry on the forums about it. (Does nothing except tell the players unaware of of this how to do it causing more AFKers.)




I don’t usually post much here, but this post has forced my hand.


This is the most arrogant, self centred and intellectually dishonest post I’ve read on this forum to date. I hope for your sake that you are a troll and not trying to be serious.


This is the wow woltk/lfg tool generation right here ladies and gentleman, come and see the selfish children at work!

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