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Anyone else feeling hopeless?


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I'm starting to get to that point of: "What's the point?"


PvP hasn't had any new maps of game modes in years. Class balance is a joke. Every arena consists of 50% minimum of the same AC. This community is so small that everyone practically knows each other. The forums consist of the same threads by the same posters on just a different day ending in 'y'. We argue and bicker about what's balanced, what's not balanced, what's OP, what's UP, how casual PvPers don't matter, how ranked doesn't matter except 4s, how terrible class balance is, how mercs suck, how sins are OP, how snipers need survivabilty, the same posts just on different days.


Ingame is the same players trash talking others, streams consist of the same forum drama just in a different setting. All this sameness for what? No updates to PvP in 1 1/2 year, no updates planned for the new expansion, no communication from the Devs despite our pleas.


I've personally just given up on PvP. I'm honestly just thinking of turning in to a casual who only plays for story. Maybe then I'll be able to enjoy this game that BW is pushing to be more of a single player RPG.



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I think I gotta go ahead and agree here with ya Krea, I'm feeling the same way. Ever since the x-pack announcement I've found my desire to log in and do something go away almost entirely. With nothing new coming down the pipe for a LONG time, why bother. I'm not even hurrying to stockpile comms for 3.3 since I assume that when the xpack hits we're going to be getting a new tier of gear anyways, so why bust my butt getting my alts geared out in Dark Reaver and expensive augments, only to have them replaced in a few months anyways. I'm assuming that PVP will get new tiers of gear in the xpack as well.


Shucks, I'm not even trying to get my alts companions affection maxed out cause I don't know which, if any of them, i'll have access to when the xpack drops.


Out of sheer neglect, most of the PVP'ing community has already left.... I guess we can all look forward to Battlefront coming to scratch our Star Wars PVP itch.

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PVP is getting quite boring tho tbh and they dont even ever mention anything coming EVERRRRRRR . No new nothing ever except season rewards that look like *** 99% of the time. Only whiny little *****s in q that blame everyone but themselves when they lose a game and win traders in 4s that think there the best. Nothing ever changes and they don't give a **** about it either. Only care about the CM. Pretty done with this game myself after seeing that no new ops either seems like they finally gave up on pve to so nothign else to do either while we wait for non existent pvp content :/ anyways cya all around im gone. Edited by Potato_Chipz
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I think I gotta go ahead and agree here with ya Krea, I'm feeling the same way. Ever since the x-pack announcement I've found my desire to log in and do something go away almost entirely. With nothing new coming down the pipe for a LONG time, why bother. I'm not even hurrying to stockpile comms for 3.3 since I assume that when the xpack hits we're going to be getting a new tier of gear anyways, so why bust my butt getting my alts geared out in Dark Reaver and expensive augments, only to have them replaced in a few months anyways. I'm assuming that PVP will get new tiers of gear in the xpack as well.


Shucks, I'm not even trying to get my alts companions affection maxed out cause I don't know which, if any of them, i'll have access to when the xpack drops.


Out of sheer neglect, most of the PVP'ing community has already left.... I guess we can all look forward to Battlefront coming to scratch our Star Wars PVP itch.


made a mistake wasting money on a star wars game ea made already called SWTOR not gona make it again fk battlefront

Edited by Potato_Chipz
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Honestly the Devs could care less about PvP, I mean they show it already. They think this game's population is like 90% PvE but I doubt none of them have actually played the game over a week course. The game is about 50% PvE and 50% PvP but the PvP population is diminishing due to no content over the pass year and a half, it's just pathetic. They could've made atleast 12 more 4v4 maps over the year(s) :(
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I was a raider (and prog raider, actually) in the 2.x days. Why did I stop? Because my mains were melee (Scoundrel, Shadow, Vanguard, Sentinel) the new endgame is making melee life extremely difficult. On top of re-gearing 8+ characters...I just gave up.


I did find new enjoyment in PVP though, and unless things like this gem start becoming reality, I'll still be pewpewing.


There are other MMOs out there, RIFT, FF14, WoW, but I'll still be playing this game -- why? They all have problems, and this one is a Star Wars problem, at least.


That being said, I have suggested innumerable map and gamemode concepts and the fact that it has been ages since the last update (which was Queshball) has not escaped me.


It also hasn't escaped me that 3.3 is a fairly PVP-centric update, but I'm about to sound very ungrateful here - 3.3 is a PVP QoL update with cosmetic content. 3.2 was a questing (solo) QoL update with PVE content....


I'll leave this open-ended, make your own conclusions, I guess.

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i think people think too much to this game. it is a game and should be enjoyed as a game not as a work

i dont raid anymore , i only just do pvp reg and some rank very casual and i also now play other game (witcher 3)

and i am actually excited to the new story line xpac of what draw me to this game for the first time


i still love pvp in this game but i treat is casually and as entertaiment. this game is my first mmo so i learn alot about it

pvp wise i start at reg and then rank , but i feel it is the same old same old. the different between this season and maybe season 10 is the title and weapon different

i got play start from season 2 thru this season 5 again for entertaintment purpose only, the weapon i love is the season 3 furious weapon, the season 4 weapon is a meh , title is meh , so i take it lightly as again this is a game


so only the casual can enjoy this game , the hardcore usually leaves first ( proven by many ranked pvpers that stop play and guild pve like zorz)


the developer have data , who pay the most , who pay cartel market the most ? the casuals so if 90% is casual

it is wise decision for them to cater the casuals


this is just my opinion

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I don't want to go into a long diatribe, suffice it to say PvP is just not fun anymore and I am at the cusp of hanging it up.



The thing I will say is that the amounts of healers in groups and the power of healing is an absolute headache and makes the experience miserable.

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I don't want to go into a long diatribe, suffice it to say PvP is just not fun anymore and I am at the cusp of hanging it up.



The thing I will say is that the amounts of healers in groups and the power of healing is an absolute headache and makes the experience miserable.


Not really.


Take a look at this.


We lost, yup (and we were the ones with more healers lol). But it was a ridiculously fun game, in fact the only reason we lost it in the first place was that we just didn't have the DPS to clear defenders on our run.


Healing's fine, you just need to take it a bit easier.

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I think the last straw for me was my commando in a warzone with some friends, and most of the other team was stealthers, you couldn't do much but die. The again thats just balance talk like the op is talking about.


Then when the devs did release new pvp content what was it more hutt ball? lol To add insult to injury they still have not added rated warzones back into the game. Everything is still mini arenas for the rated. Not really fun, and completely plain. The only world pvp zone in the game, they crushed with a pve bomb called the gree, instead of repairing it. By giving people solid rewards and working on the lag issue.


What will I be doing the expansion, I do not know, not yet anyways. Whats the point? I think anyone who has been pvping in this game for a long time is asking the same question.

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These posts urk me. Not in the sense that I disagree with you. More in the sense that i agree with you. it urks me that the game has yet to progress for the PVP community. ... le sigh.


Literally, Maniac and I went to a cantina tour in SF in 2012-13, and EVERYONE and their mom was asking for guild ships. What does maniac say thats right on the money?


Where's the love for PVP?


Where are the new maps?


Where is the incentive for people to play ranked and not troll? (this asked back in the 8v8 days)


(piggyback off incentive) Where are the credit rewards for PVPers? (Lets be real, PVP is like the life of a college student. we're all broke lol)


It's now almost 2016 and most if not all of these have not been addressed. Incentive won't really be there until 3.3. THAT fix should've been in the game during the 8v8 scene. hello two thousand and late (fergie reference).


New maps? Why not have a new map for every planet already IN GAME. new expansion? new planets? NEW MAPS. easy mode. (givin maniac credit on this again. he's the brains of the operation. I'm just a keyboard warrior).


In terms of who you can watch stream krea, I'll post a selfless plug: twitch.tv/zarrac312


I'm workin on my internet. hopefully I can start streamin ranked, regs, and raids more often. If you want to watch someone good, ha. You'll be sorely disappointed ;P


My stream won't have drama in it. I don't like that. I also don't read the forums enough to know about the drama you're referring to. :]

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No, but if I read one more post expressing similar sentiments, I might :) And if/when I do, I would stop logging in. Game's entertainment, and if it doesn't entertain, the point is lost. Hugs, Krea, you are good people, and I'll miss you :)
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I'm starting to get to that point of: "What's the point?"


PvP hasn't had any new maps of game modes in years. Class balance is a joke. Every arena consists of 50% minimum of the same AC. This community is so small that everyone practically knows each other. The forums consist of the same threads by the same posters on just a different day ending in 'y'. We argue and bicker about what's balanced, what's not balanced, what's OP, what's UP, how casual PvPers don't matter, how ranked doesn't matter except 4s, how terrible class balance is, how mercs suck, how sins are OP, how snipers need survivabilty, the same posts just on different days.


Ingame is the same players trash talking others, streams consist of the same forum drama just in a different setting. All this sameness for what? No updates to PvP in 1 1/2 year, no updates planned for the new expansion, no communication from the Devs despite our pleas.


I've personally just given up on PvP. I'm honestly just thinking of turning in to a casual who only plays for story. Maybe then I'll be able to enjoy this game that BW is pushing to be more of a single player RPG.




Its been like that since day one of this games release. A game with so much potential but botched at every turn by poor decisions made by an inexperienced development team. Yet here we are still playing the game because despite all the poor decisions made by BW, the original development team (that I wish was still around) created a really good foundation for its combat which is why pvp is so much fun despite all the problems.


Its not enough to keep me around full time though. I've literally split between two MMO's. FFXIV for consistent content and end game pve and swtor to take a break from raiding and do some pvp in swtor since pvp doesn't really exist in FFXIV (it does but literally no one plays it. Like two hour queues for wolves den and 40mins to an hour for frontlines).


So ya, swtor has a ton of problems, and even with a dead population at least people still do pvp. FFXIV has triple the population size but that is definitely a pve game. I think the main issue with wolves den though is they actually have really restrictive queues (and this is why I'm against matchmaking in regs for all those constantly asking for it.) FFXIV matchmaking is literally - 1 tank, 1 healer, 1 ranged dps, 1 melee dps. It will fill out every team exactly like that.

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2v2 team ranked. open world pvp quest, 8 man ranked wzs ,few new maps, man BW is it so hard to put something like this in the freaking game?


but making thousand of new useless cartel items every day,


putting 12 x xp into the game where all the new players don`t even get the chanse to learn the class proper.


WoW some new pvp changes,


200k wz combs limit, L O L


no rank comendations: ????


who the F blody cares about that? we want more contents.

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2v2 team ranked. open world pvp quest, 8 man ranked wzs ,few new maps, man BW is it so hard to put something like this in the freaking game?


but making thousand of new useless cartel items every day,


putting 12 x xp into the game where all the new players don`t even get the chanse to learn the class proper.


WoW some new pvp changes,


200k wz combs limit, L O L


no rank comendations: ????


who the F blody cares about that? we want more contents.


2v2? How about no. Game barely works with 4v4, you think 2v2 would be better? Lawl double stealth teams of op healer and assassin tank. Have fun fighting for an hour.

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Musco said 'no' to anything new in PvP ages ago and its probably the first time he has been true to his word. You all knew this back then.


PvP has been in rapid decline his 'no' thread - Season 5 ranked has seen the lowest number of players ever take part, PvP servers are light 247, Q pops are taking much longer on PvE servers.


Bioware said that they would lift f2p restrictions for warzones back in 1.4(I think) and still haven't. But hey, they are also neglecting PvE with no new operations or flashpoints. Meaning that the game has had nothing new added for 12 months, apart from a crappy dailies arena called Zoist.


I firmly believe that when the xpac drops, PvP will become single faction. There wont be an Empire or republic - just this 'Outlander' and whatever faction he/she is.


The base game from 1-60 will probably remain vanilla swtor pvp with nothing new added.


Thank god Wildstar is having a total revamp in October with new maps, streamlining everything and updated PvP with NEW maps....

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Musco said 'no' to anything new in PvP ages ago and its probably the first time he has been true to his word. You all knew this back then.


PvP has been in rapid decline his 'no' thread - Season 5 ranked has seen the lowest number of players ever take part, PvP servers are light 247, Q pops are taking much longer on PvE servers.


Bioware said that they would lift f2p restrictions for warzones back in 1.4(I think) and still haven't. But hey, they are also neglecting PvE with no new operations or flashpoints. Meaning that the game has had nothing new added for 12 months, apart from a crappy dailies arena called Zoist.


I firmly believe that when the xpac drops, PvP will become single faction. There wont be an Empire or republic - just this 'Outlander' and whatever faction he/she is.


The base game from 1-60 will probably remain vanilla swtor pvp with nothing new added.


Thank god Wildstar is having a total revamp in October with new maps, streamlining everything and updated PvP with NEW maps....


1.) lol Wildstar. That game is more dead than swtor.


2.) Eric said like two weeks ago that factions are not going anywhere. Personally I wish they would remove factions as it would make the new expansion more interesting but whatever.

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1.) lol Wildstar. That game is more dead than swtor.


2.) Eric said like two weeks ago that factions are not going anywhere. Personally I wish they would remove factions as it would make the new expansion more interesting but whatever.


Read between the lines. Eric says that factions wont change 'as it is now'. Which is what I highlighted above. As it is now, means before the expansion, today, this moment. Not after.


We're still waiting for the 'better than x-server' announcement too..some 12 months on.

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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Bioware said that they would lift f2p restrictions for warzones back in 1.4(I think) and still haven't.


Thank god Wildstar is having a total revamp in October with new maps, streamlining everything and updated PvP with NEW maps....

Lol WS isn't a game to reference for success. You have to get on the forums just to get leveling pvp to pop on Saturdays. Dont get me wrong I liked WS but talk about mismanagement of a game and not knowing how to fix issues in a timely manner.


And the f2p restrictions why do people still qq about that its only impact would be for current players that just pvp would unsub.


As for SWTOR it is what it is.


BW has failed to realize what the player base wants from the jump with the game and it's been pretty clear since the 1.2 debacle they don't keep to their word and have little regard for what the pvp community actually wants. At the very least they could have used this as an opportunity to mix it up and allow mixed faction WZ queues.


Also this isn't just an issue with SWTOR look at the past to AAA mmos last year.


The sooner people accept this game for what it is the happier they will be. It's not gonna change and there's been multiple pvp mass exodus threads and movements with no changes.


Despite all that's wrong the game is very profitable in its current state.


All the people on the pvp forums could leave and it wouldn't change ****. The directors and product managers are making decisions and until their bottom line is hurt it won't matter.

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