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Player Character with the best chance/skillset to stop Zakuul


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Which of the 8 potential Outlanders has the best set of skills (storywise) to stop the Eternal Empire?


In my humble opinion: The Barsen'thor


Building an alliance of disparate groups and individuals? Done that already, no reason they can't do it again.


Epic Force Mojo to go toe-to-toe with Arcann and Valkorion? Check.



I have a hard time seeing the Smuggler or Bounty Hunter having a genuine shot.


Cipher 9 and Havoc CO? eeeehhhh, maybe.


The other force-using classes are the most likely candidates besides the Barsen'thor in my opinion. Likely Darth Nox since s/he at least has something of a power base to call on (though how much is left?) much like the Barsen'thor has the (remnants of?) the Rift Alliance to call on.



Just my thoughts on the matter.



Edited by MattRhodes
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I strongly assume the resistance/anti Zakuul alliance will already be well established and run by familiar faces working together from the Empire and Republic. The Outlander i think will play the role of poster boy/girl, a source of inspiration while also taking care of the toughest jobs. Think Katniss from the Hunger Games in the later movies/books.


With that it could be any one of the classes as they have each proved they can go up against the best of the best (some due to plot armor). I think personal powerbase won't come into play, as the story will be roughly the same for each class meaning despite the Inquisitor having force ghosts, a super fleet (probably already destroyed), an underground cult etc they likely won't be utilized at all ( or will be off screen not making any real difference) so with that said i look to the Knight and Warrior who are the most powerful offensive weapons out of all the classes.

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I strongly assume the resistance/anti Zakuul alliance will already be well established and run by familiar faces working together from the Empire and Republic. The Outlander i think will play the role of poster boy/girl, a source of inspiration while also taking care of the toughest jobs. Think Katniss from the Hunger Games in the later movies/books.



I think the resistance will be small at first, to tap into the feel of Star Wars Rebels, or somewhat established already, but lacking any big victories. Which is where our characters come in.


As for who stands the best chances? All of them.

The Agent and Smuggler work with secrets, and how to exploit weaknesses best. They're also very creative fighters who use tech (like stealthfield generators and hi-tech weaponry) to gain an edge over their opponents.


The Trooper is a master tactician and combatant. The Bounty Hunter is pretty much the pinnacle of human fighting ability and skill, an incredibly creative with gadgets to make up for the lack of Force abilities. (Which how they took down such powerful Sith and Jedi in their storylines)


The Force users are among the strongest in the galaxy. All four of them are incredibly gifted (except maybe the Inquisitor, but they make up for it by stealing power elsewhere). The Warrior and Knight are born front-line commanders, while the Consular and Inquisitors have vast knowledge to draw upon. (The Consular leans more towards making friends though, while the Inquisitor prefers gathering ancient artifacts and secrets to boost his power)


Hopefully their strengths and weaknesses can shine during the upcoming storylines.

Edited by Callaron
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And if there force resistant? Somebody mentioned in a test run that you jedi mind trick doesn't work? Then your jedi and sith are screwed.


Jedi Mind tricks only work on the weak-willed, so they're not going to win the war by mindtricking every enemy they run into. (It only works on lowlifes and junkies. Cad Bane for example in the clone wars is more than capable of laughing the attempt away similar to what our BH does in Chapter 2. :cool:)


Of course Jedi and Sith have a bunch more tricks that are much more reliable too. :D

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My sneaking suspicion is that among the eight, the best is going to be Nox with the five force ghosts still bound. I'll add that if there's a converted dark side Ashara backing her up then Nox isn't going to be stopped....


Granted, all of them should have a really good chance.

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My sneaking suspicion is that among the eight, the best is going to be Nox with the five force ghosts still bound. I'll add that if there's a converted dark side Ashara backing her up then Nox isn't going to be stopped....


Granted, all of them should have a really good chance.


Since when can you make Ashara dark side?

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Whilst I agree with the Inquisitor probably having the highest chance of decimating Valkorion's forces, people are kind of underestimating the Wrath.


After all, he's one of the best lightsaber duelists in the galaxy at this point. (Though lightsaber skill in the old republic era was pretty lackluster anyway.) And he has a lot of raw force power on his side. The Dark Council fears him for a reason. He's the Wrath of the Emperor himself.

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Bounty hunter may seem underpowered and likely to continually get her butt whupped, but she's still standing and doesn't stop.


This is PURELY unbiased by what my first playthrough is liable to be.


And on that note, by the books hunter and a well-meaning Darth Imperius (like my husband plays, for example) is clearly the best way to put beardy down hard. ;)

Edited by AKHadeed
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A lightside Empire's Wrath (after SoR).


Now this is totally biased by the fact that this is my favorite char, but he is both incredibly powerful and the republic leaders already respect him. Couple that with how much pull he can have on Imperial society being the Emperor's Wrath and having the complete trust of Marr. Unstoppable.


As I said, completely biased.

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Whilst I agree with the Inquisitor probably having the highest chance of decimating Valkorion's forces, people are kind of underestimating the Wrath.


After all, he's one of the best lightsaber duelists in the galaxy at this point. (Though lightsaber skill in the old republic era was pretty lackluster anyway.) And he has a lot of raw force power on his side. The Dark Council fears him for a reason. He's the Wrath of the Emperor himself.

Wrath of the Empire, actually, since Warrior doesn't serve the Emperor for obvious reasons.

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Cypher Nine. The brains to plan a stategy around the enemy. The skills to manipulate everyone to his advantage. The will to get things done and not care for his/her's pride to make him an easy target. And any one who can make Darth Jadus shiver deserves to be feared
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If the smuggler is allowed to keep his power base and they dont all leave, don't sleep on him. He's got more power than most people know it and he's a force to be reckoned with.


I suspect everyone will have to start rebuilding their power base from scratch consider that the two most important people in terms of a power base are the Inqusitor and the smuggler both however, move in very very dog eat dog, ruthless circles where a moment of weakness will leap to people pouncing. and they've been missing for YEARS. chances are the smuggler's orginization which was always pretty loose anyway, has drifted apart. you may have some willing to help you out but you'll likely need to rebuild. the inqusitor's entire power base is tied to the Sith empire, for the most part, which got spanked pretty hard. and while you where asleep enemies would have moved. chances are if the dark council is even still standing, you've lost your seat. (I could see a SI scene where you return, being told by Marr you've lost your seat but he'll help you regain it "when, and only when, the time is right") if the Jedi still hold a council, the JC might have a little bit of the three classes with some real political influance the Jedi are the least likely to assume someone whose missing is dead and immediatly divest them of their position.



ultimatly it's not gonna matter too much. given the way things work I'd expect our power, at the start to mostly be the "influance of reputation" which is gonna put everyone on a semi-even footing as all the PC characters are respected war heros. well except the Agent whom, realisticly outside a very small circle of people most people should be going "... who the hell are you?" :)



I think on that score the Agent is proably the worst choice as he's realisticly not gonna have the reputation to fall back on.. the SW shows up somewhere and people are imemdiatly gonna respond,. "**** it's the Wrath! wow this is big news" the JK shows up and "omg uit's the hero of tython" but the Agent. really shoul;dn't have their reputation preceed them

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I think on that score the Agent is proably the worst choice as he's realisticly not gonna have the reputation to fall back on.. the SW shows up somewhere and people are imemdiatly gonna respond,. "**** it's the Wrath! wow this is big news" the JK shows up and "omg uit's the hero of tython" but the Agent. really shoul;dn't have their reputation preceed them


A lot of people know the agent, but only as a myth. They call him 'The Imperial Ghost', though he does becoem a Commander (I think) at the end of SOR, so he does have a reputation

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