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LS Sith Warrior -- what is your "rationalization"?


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Both my sith warriors are LS, with some DS. They're similar to Lord Praven in mindsight. Honor and integrity. They're both amused at people trying to goad them into a fight. They'll only fight in self defense. Especially my zabrak... despite being pragmatic, he has a 'treat others as you wish to be treated' sort of mentality.


Also... my zabrak is red, and intimidating looking. It amuses me that he's a softie, and tries to avoid conflict :p He really flummoxes Jedi to no end, and trolls Baras at every opportunity.

Edited by GabbyMe
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Innocence, ignorance and a poor understanding of how the empire operates. Others have described him as 'playing at being Sith', and they're not wrong.

This character shows up in the SFWC so there may be some spoilers for people who read that.


Okay, first of all, my warrior is 9-10 as of act I and 14-15 as of Ziost and KotFE. He was born with immense personal power and thus taken from his family and raised on Korriban by Overseer Ragate. There she resentfully instilled Sith virtues: namely self-reliance. Add into this a force-augmented sight that identifies hostile forces as red silhouettes, neutral as yellow and allied as blue or green (which he has been taught to never lower as it provides additional advantages over normal eye-sight) and he quite literally sees the world through a filter so intense he doesn't even understand what is truly going on around him. Consequently, he has grown up to be a very lonely little boy, who effectively lives in his own world.


Enter Vette, the only person who so far has treated him as more than a pawn, burden or weapon. Unsurprisingly, he imprints on her as an big sister mentor figure, and does his best to keep her healthy, happy and safe. She introduces him to stuff like the

movie, a story about a powerful outsider with a vastly different worldview. Couple this with liberating LS Jaesa (non-violently, else he would kill her) from her evil master and you get stuff like SW Taris (aka Gotta catch’em all, including the planetary storyline). Ironically, if any of the Jedi in act I weren't so far up their own behinds they could easily vanquish him by sitting down, not engaging and talking to him Instead, they treat him as a threat, turn hostile and that's that. After Nomen Karr, it's too late: he believes the Jedi to be hypocrites (6/7 of those he's met are) and that the Sith are right in wanting to wipe them out.


That’s not to say he is pure LSV, though most of his dark side choices from act I also stem from fear over losing Vette (eg burning himself using force lightning untrained when fighting someone he believes has murdered Vette) or flat out innocence and ignorance (for example, he lets Flimress take Renata Alde to Duke Kendoh because he doesn't understand Kendoh’s foul intentions).


As with most others in this thread, he is pro-empire, though mainly because he’s been told (and believes, because why would Ragate and all the other overseers lie?) it is the best thing for the galaxy. He’s been made to read (and can recite) scripture from political philosophers and Sith lords, though his understanding is limited. He doesn’t really have strong opinions about slavery because it has ‘always been there’ and is the ‘rightful’ place of people who have no power. He gets upset by Imperials who abuse their authority, as he believes it is derived from Sith like him and shouldn’t be used for their benefit. Conversely, he thinks that cruelty without a clear goal is pointless, though the reason why something is cruel may have to be pointed out to him. He has issues with mercy, not because he doesn't wish to harm others but because once an opponent is unconscious or surrenders, they no longer appear as 'red' and he loses interest in them. Their fates typically depend on whoever his companion is at the time. As for racism, well; he is racist, when he remembers he's supposed to be and actually checks what race the people he's talking to are. Otherwise he assumes human.


as for the KotFE stuff, he's one of my 2 outlanders (the only one with Valkie in his head though) and he understands what Vaylinn goes through way better than everyone else. He's used Valkie's power twice, once to save Lana (who he likes because she once called him 'the closest thing the Empire has to a soul') and again to save the other outlander, who'd been stabbed by Arcann on Asylum.

Edited by Feldraeth
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No rationale needed for my Light V Sith Warrior. He's just a really cool bro who happens to be unstoppable in combat.



"oh hey! A free scholarship to Korriban? I'm in. Oh hey! I get fast tracked before I actually have to learn anything? Okay! Oh hey, Baras is my master now? Cool!"


"Hey Baras' spies. You're cool, thanks for doing your jobs. I want to let you live. No? Okay, I tried. Hey Master Yonlach, I want to meet your apprentice. Stop attacking me and send a message. Thanks! Hey apprentice's parents. I want to move your daughter into the Empire. Want to come with and escape poverty? Cool, I'll make the call. Hey Jaesa, your master Nomen Karr is a jerk. Want to be my apprentice and see the Empire while your master gets healed? Cool. Let's make a quick pit stop to the Foundry to stop this Revan guy before he sends killer droids out to destroy the Empire, then report back to Baras."


"Baras wants me to start plan Zero? I don't know about this, but let's talk to the War Trust. Okay they're all jerks. Now I have to stop a Jedi super weapon on Hoth? I can do that. Oh that weapon is a Jedi Master who just wants to spend an eternity alone with his boyfriend? Fine by me, I have to check out this Admiral Monk guy anyway. Oh, he's a spy for Baras? Ok, I'll let him go--oh never mind. Oh my gosh, Baras is going to betray Darth Vengean? I'd better warn him. Well, that didn't work. Back to working for Baras."


"Off to Quesh. This mission is going to go great. Great, Baras betrayed me. Great! I'm the Wrath! Time to go do Wrath stuff. Let's work with the Jedi to imprison Baras' sister. How's Nomen Karr doing? Let's keep in touch once the Empire and Republic start working together from 3.0-on. For now I have to go to Voss and free the Emperor. He helped me out of a bind so now I'll do the same for him. Don't give up, Emperor! While you rest I'm going to go help out this awesome Darth Vowrawn guy, win the war on Corella for 5 minutes and then send Baras on an island vacation to think about what he did."


"Holy crap Makeb is exploding. Gotta go fix it. Fixed, and we get Isotope-5! The Emperor will be proud of--wait he's dead. Again? Well at least this Marr guy seems cool."


"Revan's back? I thought I killed that guy. Let's do that again just to make sure, and save another planet or two while I'm at it. We all did it together, and now the Emperor's back! The Emperor doesn't seem to like me anymore. Now I'm sad. And now he's eating a planet! Time to go save it! Well, that didn't work."


"Okay, Marr wants my help to look for the Emperor. Found him! Sure he looks, sounds, and acts different, but at least he doesn't want to eat planets anymore. Because he's dead. And living inside me. That's cool, he can watch me save his city, beat up his evil kids, keep his fleet from getting misused, liberate the Empire and Republic that he doesn't care about anymore from the Eternal Empire that he DOES care about, all while saving that Empire from terrorists, cultists, his own daughter, and crazy robot crime masters."



I mean, just because a government is cruel doesn't mean all the people are. I'm not a Revanite trying to change the Empire from within (except to help Jaesa). I'm not super loyal to the Empire as an organization. I'm just going where the people in charge send me, helping out as many people as I can along the way and trying to make the galaxy a better place.

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My light side SW is the twin brother of my JK (and cousin of my JC). Both were already adults (19-20) when taken into their respective orders, and my SW never really wanted to be a Sith, per se. His parents, royalty on a small world (this is how I justify the line about him being heir to a noble bloodline on Korriban, or some similar line; can't remember off the top of my head), were killed by a Sith Lord who conquered their home–after my SW gave the Empire the access codes to the planetary shields, because he believed they couldn't stand against the Empire's might. He agreed to give them the codes in exchange for his parents' and brother's lives, but the Sith Lord in charge betrayed that deal.


My JK and JC managed to flee the planet and join up with the Jedi Order, but my SW was trapped on-planet. Since he'd made a deal with the Empire, the Sith Lord in charge took him in after killing his parents. My SW decided to join the Sith with the intent of reforming the Empire from the inside. He genuinely believes the Empire is the best way to govern the galaxy, but the dark side and the Sith are ruining it. He thinks the Republic is too weak and the Jedi aren't strong enough to defeat the Sith. So he wants to try a new way.


He's done a few DS things (mostly killing people that are or could be a major threat, like Baras or the Archon on Makeb), but mostly he's light side. Really, he's practical. He will do what's necessary but isn't unnecessarily cruel, and if he thinks a person can be incarcerated, he'll take them prisoner rather than kill. Being Emperor's Wrath was a great step up for him, because he's right next to the biggest power in the Empire; he can work lots of changes from this position.


When he found out his brother and cousin had become Jedi, he had to reevaluate his thinking. He fought both of them several times, talked to them other times, and tried to convince them he was right. So when Arkous planned an attack on Tython, he was reluctant, and didn't want to because he was afraid they might die (little did he know they'd be attacking Korriban at the time). But overall his opinions haven't changed; he still wants a just, benevolent Empire that rules the galaxy through might, but fair might.

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Sith do whatever they want. They aren't bound by some code of goody-two-shoes. So, it just so happens tha my Sith, chooses to do good stuff because that's pleasuring.


There is no emotion? There is peace?

Says who? I do good shi* and it makes me feeeeeel good.


There is no passion?

Screw it. I do good shi* and I like helping people, and I do it with all the passion I want.


When I see bad guys, scums and thugs, I despise them and I crush them as they deserve.

No forgiveness. The guy's a villain, a scum, a thug. So I kill him.

For some reason my violent actions seem to have a positive effect for the local community. I wonder why.


Some 'Dark Lord of the Sith' are doing idiot stuff which I despise. So I go and crush them all.

Put them out of the picture forever. They tell me to join their petty plans for power struggles and shi*.

I just go kill them so they don't do stupid things.


The Sith Code is true -- through strength, I gain victory, and through victory all my chains that tie me to those idiots so obsessed with making empires and stuff, are broken.


I'm free to do justice the way I see fit, punishing criminals, upholding the law and order under my rule.

Yes, it's a brutal dictatorship, but its only brutal against people who lie, steal, cheat, murder, and etc..


So some of my violent and temperamental choices give me DS points.. but it so turns out my wanting power to do justice with a passion... the anger and hate towards evil doers... sorta landed me in the LS. :D

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I go LS on my SW for three reasons: first, as a pureblood, she gives not one crap about what Sith are "supposed" to be. She is Sith. She has always been Sith. Whatever she does is what Sith do. Being told that she's doing it wrong is #1 on her annoyance list. Secondly, she's very pro-Empire, and by that I mean the people of the Empire - humans and aliens alike. She's a great supporter of the military. She is NOT a supporter of Sith in-fighting, especially when it harms the Empire and its citizens. Third, she doesn't kill people for kicks. She doesn't kill the weak, the helpless, etc. There's no honor in that, and her family's big on honor and duty and such. And she has great respect for worthy opponents - even Jedi.


Take all those things together and you end up with a very LS character.


It's like you described my warrior, the only difference being he's DS.

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It has been really interesting reading all of the responses here.


Anyway, I have an easier time playing a LS or Neutral SI that hates the Empire and the Sith than a Warrior. While my Warrior do picks LS choices out of self interest, long term thinking regarding what's best for the Empire, pragmatism and a warped sense of honor, but she's not really one to go around kissing babies in the forehead or letting jedi alive. She's a Sith and a really pro-Empire as it stands (maybe with a few reformations, whatever makes the Empire stronger), so she's basically Lawful Evil.

Edited by Maevena
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My Warrior is LS because I hate making the dark side choice, My warrior is Vette's long lost twin and wants to make the sith empire light sided and surrender to the republic. I loved talking back to darth cartmen, the emperor, and any dark sided authority figure I met. Also the republic characters were surprised I had honor and behaved like a Jedi and not a sith.
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My light side warrior thinks he is a normal Sith-y type, but ends up making nice-guy decisions anyway. Inspired by the "but I am dark" line on Tatooine, though that was probably supposed to be a moment of realization and not a character definition. He would probably realize that he is strangely merciful if someone confronted him with the evidence, but that hasn't really happened (and I don't know that he'd change).


It's only weird with Jaesa. No, I am not working against the Empire, and I am not creeping around hiding my "true nature!"

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(Well all my mains, one of each class, are light side 5).


My Sith Warrior, first born biological child and second oldest once her older sister was adopted, was raised in a loving family. Sure, her father was a Sith and her mother a loyal Imperialist, prefer the Empire over the Republic, but they're good people. Her parents are both human, but they have no xenophobia or racism against aliens. I mean, they adopted a Chiss daughter when her parents were killed in one of the wars when she was two. So my Warrior grew up with an alien sibling and considers her her sister.


My Warrior doesn't like slavery whatsoever, especially since her youngest sister was kidnapped at a young age and forced into slavery. Though they reunited when she got a holocall from her younger sister saying she had her own ship and was helping a darth search for some artifacts.


My warrior has taken a dark side option or two, but only when it came to hurting her crew. That one dude who you find at the airlock? Yeah, dark side option all the way. But mostly she and her four sisters grew up in a loving family, spoiled and told her Chiss sister should be considered her biological sister.


She loves the Empire, but hates all the stupid in-fighting the other Sith do. Yeah, she could have gone off and become a Jedi, but she wanted to be like her father and try to change the Empire for the good. Besides, if everyone hates you, they're not going to help you when you need it and what's the point of force choking everyone who disagrees with you? Her husband Quinn is a complete nerd with military strategy and taking his advice about what to do on Taris helped her greatly and even though he had some issues with some of her decisions, he could see why she did what she did.


Jaesa and Vette are both her best girlfriends. She gets all girly with the two of them and Vette never once wanted to leave because my Warrior respects all her companions.


Her one sister went off to join the Republic military, but that never stopped her loving her sister or their parents loving their daughter. They know she needed to find her own way, and my warrior cares not that her trooper sister married an alien. Remember, her older sister is an alien who also married a human/hybrid joiner.


She does what she thinks will work well for the Empire, for the Sith to stop being in it for the evulz and she knows especially now that Zakuul has made everyone's life miserable, she can't let any sith/jedi fighting happen. I think she's working harder to keep the peace in her alliance, then she ever had to do with just her own faction. And she still misses her crew, she's got Pierce back, but she wants her two BFFs, husband and fuzzy body guard back.

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