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Who is the female Twi'lek Sith leading the charge on Korriban? She is the only other "unique" character highlighted in the other than Valkorian and his sons, So I guess she was someone of some note. Tell us more about this ill fated Sith.



This is exactly the question I have, i want to know about the female twi'lek sith, that is really the only thing from the trailer that i am curious about, the rest I am fine waiting to find out. I would love to have her as a companion, to bad it appears she bit the dust.

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I'd be happy with pretty much any kind of lore about the Eternal Empire and their culture. What kind of rulers are they? What makes them different from the Sith Empire? What's their policy on Force users (This one I'm very curious about, since we only see the Twins)? How do they view the Light and Dark Side (also very curious on this)? How much of the Republic and Empire will they conquer? Are they going to be evil *****s like the Sith or are they smarter? What allowed them to conquer the galaxy so easily, aside from the Republic/Empire being weakened already? What does the Eternal Emperor dude really want? Will major leaders like Saresh and Marr survive? Etc, etc. Literally any lore/background on the new baddies would be super awesome.
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Many of the questions I'd like to ask about the story likely involve spoilers, but I'll see what I can do:


1) What incentive do we have for opposing the Eternal Empire? Valkorion seems very Sith-like, so I would think many Imperials would have an interest in following him.


2) Approximately how long is each chapter?


3) Could you summarize the culture of the Eternal Empire? Maybe with comparisons to existing Star Wars cultures, real history, or other IPs?


4) With the change to Legends canon, has the writing for SWTOR changed to allow more elbow room now that the game is currently in "unofficial canon" territory?


5) What of the Chiss Ascendancy? Were they conquered as well, or did they return to their extreme isolation?


6) For that matter, what about the Hutt Cartel? Conquered or did they sell out to the Eternal Empire?


7) Can I finally get rid of Kaliyo for being the traitorous slimeball that she is? Or can I at least choose to not take her back?


8) Will post-expansion players be able to see any effects of the Eternal Empire on the galaxy, such as through phasing?

Edited by Rodyn
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Most people have asked what I'm already wondering.


1. What happens to our companions? We're kind of, uh, attached to a few of them!


2. Where is Theron Shan?


3. Why have they been promoting Lana (who is admittedly great) for the new expansion and not her Republic counterpart?


4. No, seriously, where's Theron?

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Most people have asked what I'm already wondering.


1. What happens to our companions? We're kind of, uh, attached to a few of them!


2. Where is Theron Shan?


3. Why have they been promoting Lana (who is admittedly great) for the new expansion and not her Republic counterpart?


4. No, seriously, where's Theron?


^^ This.

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.........................caauuuse its gonna be kinda weird if you get through the new content go back to Coruscant and it still looks like nothing ever happened... :rod_confused_g:


Given that some people will have invested real money into their Strongholds, Coruscant etc, I would suggest they would be stupid to alter the environments they are based in.

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Is there more behind Darth Twi'lek in the Korriban battle than her looking cool? Twi'leks are massively disdained in the Empire in the existing game. Half of the Sith Warrior's dialogue choices with Vette amount to "you people are slaves."


What's with the Eternal Empire's Force user ethic? The black armor twin seems plenty dark in all aspects other than snapping at his abusive father, but this isn't good enough for the Emperor. Normally a guy who executes a defeated Jedi is going to be a pretty unpleasant guy.


What happened to the Sith hierarchy on Korriban? Fight or flee?

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"Where is Theron?" is gonna be part of some bad joke some day.


It's funny how everyone is ************ about Theron being mia and nobody seems to mention Jakarro and that stupid droid he wears as a tie. I hope they won't come back at all.

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It's funny how everyone is ************ about Theron being mia and nobody seems to mention Jakarro and that stupid droid he wears as a tie. I hope they won't come back at all.


Amen to that!


But seriously, I want some closure to Theron's and Darth Marr's stories. And Vitiate's, of course. They can't just disappear.

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1. Will outlander character still be able to participate in old flashpoints/ops or will he/she be shut out of them?


2. Will Vitiate's story from Yavin 4 and Ziost be concluded? (I'm asking this because my main character is Sith Warrior and I sorta hope there is some special connection with my character and Vitiate)


3. What exactly was the Wrath's position in the empire following Yavin 4 events? Were Vitiate's actions public knowledge? What about after Ziost?

Edited by Karkais
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Most people have asked what I'm already wondering.


1. What happens to our companions? We're kind of, uh, attached to a few of them!


2. Where is Theron Shan?


3. Why have they been promoting Lana (who is admittedly great) for the new expansion and not her Republic counterpart?


4. No, seriously, where's Theron?


Pretty much this ^ also will other NPC's such as Aristocra Saganu appear/ mentioned?


Regarding past choices, will those just be focused on decisions made in class stories?


Is Satale, Marr, Jace Malcolm alive?


Will Lord Scourge NOT be silent over Vitiate and where has Vitiate gone?


But mostly.... WHERE IS THERON? :p

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Y'know what? I'm not going to ask where Theron is. I don't actively dislike the guy, but he really just didn't have much personality to me. Not my kinda guy, I guess. Some heroes die, people. Let him be buried in the ground, next to Corso, with Qyzen's skull atop a stick marking their graves.
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Given that some people will have invested real money into their Strongholds, Coruscant etc, I would suggest they would be stupid to alter the environments they are based in.


they wouldn't need to affect the strongholds, they could change the surrounding outside environments i guess but im talking about about the areas we visited up until now or maybe add some high level alternatives to those planets showing the effects of the new war. idk its just a thought. maybe it can somehow be done or maybe not.

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It has been suggested that we will be able to retain all our "stuff". Some speculation also suggests that not all our current companions will be available.


Having spend lots of time and effort into building up "stuff" and getting companions affection maxed out, will we have access to all our current companions and "stuff"?

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Relations between Empire and Republic, same as in Revan?

Who leed Empire at that time?

How is possible that, Zakuul stay hidden so much time, growing so strong?

If new character starts as Outlander, frozen in carbonite or something, what happens wit current characters, same?


P.S. Suggestion: Update Game Settings on the web (with every major story update / patch).

Why? That "war" is loooong over. From TOC till now, a lot of happened - Empire as we know it, with Emperor and all does not exist. There was a treaty "Revan threat", and now it is over. etc


Elder game - still show level 55 as a level cap.


Ultimate Gear Vendor168

Set BonusScum and Villainy Hard

Terror From Beyond Hard

Golden Fury Hard


Throw few ppl and few hundred dollars on updating the web site. This game is about story. and story on the web is mostly 3 years old.

Edited by DarthKalldin
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Ok, let's see....


How many companions will we be able to have by the end of the 9th chapter? Up to 5 or more than that?


What happens to Marr and Shan? (also where's Theron?)


How long does it take to complete 9 chapters (counting side quests and so on)?


How much will it cost to buy an insta 60th lvl toon?


... Can't think of anything else to ask at this point in time.

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I realize the questions should focus on the story and the trailer, but the trailer brings up a point that's been put off since beta.


When people see this new villain ingame (the son), are you really going to give him the ingame yellow lightsaber? Because you and I both know it looks like garbage. Out of every Star Wars game I've ever played, I have to say the lightsaber blades in this game are the worst by far -- a lot of them are just blobs of light (white, yellow, cyan, green, etc). They were fine when we first saw ingame footage, but there was a specific point somewhere along the way in beta where you broke it, and the sabers have never looked realistic since.


It's the difference between this and this


I've tried to look past this, but it's becoming more and more obvious as I play other Star Wars games and then come back to this mess. You want this expansion to return to a more genuine Star Wars experience? Try giving us lightsabers instead of blobs.


I won't go so far as to ask you to change all the Force Lightning effects to blue because I know old habits die hard, but you should think about that as well. This is Star Wars, remember?



TL:DR - Your lightsaber blades look like complete garbage, and every new player is going to notice.

Edited by idnewton
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