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I think we will hunt him but i feel Vitiate will get wrapped up sometime between chapter 9-16


I'd love it if Vitiate resurfaced on the proud, victorious Eternal Empire in one big "so you totally don't understand what was going on with the Force in this part of the galaxy."


If they've been planning this for decades, what Vitiate just did to himself would be completely new and unwelcome information. Eternal Emperor, yeah, yeah we have one of those...What. The. %&@$.

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Wait a moment so the story doesn´t start off with us being unfrozen but instead the first two chapters show how the Zakuul Empire manages to destroy the republic and empire right?


Not exactly. The first two chapters will presumably tie up some loose threads from SoR, and probably show some of the beginnings of invasion, but the majority of the invasion happens when you are already frozen, your crew captured/killed, etc.

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I'd classify my thoughts as "worries" and "concerns", not "expectations".


Sadly, those may be justified. It's the "OMG I HOPE THEY FINALLY <far fetched wish here>" ones that worry me...like engine changes, new player ships, multiple companions out...core stuff that is far beyond "story"...which is what this update is...JUST STORY! Remember how they charged us CC to allow us to mount while moving? Keep that in mind...

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Sadly, those may be justified. It's the "OMG I HOPE THEY FINALLY <far fetched wish here>" ones that worry me...like engine changes, new player ships, multiple companions out...core stuff that is far beyond "story"...which is what this update is...JUST STORY! Remember how they charged us CC to allow us to mount while moving? Keep that in mind...


However, anybody who has worries, concerns or expectations beyond a new story is setting themselves up for a potential letdown, becasue outside of "new story is coming", we do not know anything.

I for example, expect to be able to be kill or get rid of some companions I severely dislike, and have their max affection only thanks to ludicrous amount of gifts, so yeah, I will be bummed if I cannot do that. But at least I am prepared to be bummed by it...

Edited by Aries_cz
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Oooh, that's enticing. But, would it really make sense to have the tutorial Chapter be the climax to the Vitiate story?


...When was the last time any of the story-related gameplay was in any way challenging or of notable difficulty? Last time you had to "learn" something to "do" something, in gameplay?


At some point between Hutt and Revan, BW chose to utterly erase any and all challenge and difficulty from the gameplay. Parts of the community who seem physically unable to stop loving every second a head talks didn't seem to mind; I'd say it safe to say both Bioware and majority of community have grown completely alienated from actual gameplay of their video game.


With above in mind, what on earth does it matter if it is a tutorial or not? Every single stroy-related bit of gameplay has been one gigantic void of challenge ever since Makeb. They can not make it any easier, simpler or designed-for-grandmother. It is of tutorial level of difficulty and relevancy as it is. Whether or not there is occasional yellow text about WASD on screen or not doesn't mean a thing.

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However, anybody who has worries, concerns or expectations beyond a new story is setting themselves up for a potential letdown, becasue outside of "new story is coming", we do not know anything.

I for example, expect to be able to be kill or get rid of some companions I severely dislike, and have their max affection only thanks to ludicrous amount of gifts, so yeah, I will be bummed if I cannot do that. But at least I am prepared to be bummed by it...

Perfectly reasonable expectations. Mine are the same. I expect a great story, some changes in companions, and then I assume I'll be back doing laps on fleet within 2 days.

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Towards the end a "core world transformation" is mentioned.... which could allude to the previous titbits about certain non class story content being re-purposed for "alliances"...


In any case, it all sounds a lot more Cataclysm-ish than NGE-ish. Only hint of mechanical changes have been references to emphasised mobility, which I read as "more move as you cast/instant cast" stuff.


In a point of hilarious irony with your post: Cataclysm also massively increased mobility of most classes that weren't already highly mobile (notably casters). And for whatever reason, Blizzard got butthurt and reverted it in MOP. Hopefully that won't be the case here, since the flavor of SW combat is inherently more dynamic.


My suspicion is that the 1st two chapters (assuming what we've heard is correct) will set up which of your companions you save.


Set in motion the events of which ones you save, perhaps. But we are revived at the beginning of chapter 3 (so say press who have seen the de-icing), which means from a game mechanics perspective, we have to get frozen in carbonite at the climax of chapter 2.


Otherwise our toons would story-wise be stuck in carbonite but gameplay-wise still able to run around. No, the transition from chapter 2-3 is almost assuredly a single cutscene where we are frozen, time passes, and a certain Sith Lord people seem to like less than Theron Shan busts us out.


Anyway, we don't actually end up in events that occur after the new trailer until we're frozen in carbonite, so for chapter 1 and at at least part of chapter 2, we presumably still have our regularly scheduled ship and companions. Illo dicto, this means that we can theoretically set up who lives, who dies, who hates us, and who joins us again later. Possibly through dialogue and possibly through our actions in the first 1.5 chapters.


But maybe I'm just delusional.

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.........................Anyway, we don't actually end up in events that occur after the new trailer until we're frozen in carbonite, so for chapter 1 and at at least part of chapter 2, we presumably still have our regularly scheduled ship and companions. Illo dicto, this means that we can theoretically set up who lives, who dies, who hates us, and who joins us again later. Possibly through dialogue and possibly through our actions in the first 1.5 chapters.


But maybe I'm just delusional.


Therefore, it ought to be possible to level to 65 through PVP (or other means) without doing any of this new content, therefore keeping the same companions we have now! Sounds like a plan.

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Therefore, it ought to be possible to level to 65 through PVP (or other means) without doing any of this new content, therefore keeping the same companions we have now! Sounds like a plan.


Huh....that's a rather interesting predicament...

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Therefore, it ought to be possible to level to 65 through PVP (or other means) without doing any of this new content, therefore keeping the same companions we have now! Sounds like a plan.


Why don't you wait and see how crafting gets revamped before you get that gloomy attitude to a point of no return? For all we know affection might not affect crafting anymore or we won't be even using them altogether.


Because seriously...missing out content just because you won't get that few % extra to mission crit chance is just... :eek:

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Why don't you wait and see how crafting gets revamped before you get that gloomy attitude to a point of no return? For all we know affection might not affect crafting anymore or we won't be even using them altogether.


Because seriously...missing out content just because you won't get that few % extra to mission crit chance is just... :eek:


Missing out on content how? It'll be the same story for every class you have...1 toon or 22, you'll play the exact same content in it. It's not at all illogical to assume many people will skip it once they've done it a few times. My Vanguard has never even completed chapter 3 and I've had him since nearly launch...because I did it all on my Mando.

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Why don't you wait and see how crafting gets revamped before you get that gloomy attitude to a point of no return? For all we know affection might not affect crafting anymore or we won't be even using them altogether.


Because seriously...missing out content just because you won't get that few % extra to mission crit chance is just... :eek:


Well, add the fact that I can currently run 6 missions on all 16 of my L60s at the same time, that means I will be losing 96 crafting missions per hour on average. Obviously they may be removing companions from crafting altogether and allow me to run those 96 missions automatically.


Assuming companions remain an integral part of crafting, I see no need to lose any of them by levelling my existing toons via this story, since I level via PVP only in the main anyway, should I feel the desperation to play this content, I can use the premade L60 free from BW to try it right?

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no new ops or flashpoints at release.


are Bioware and Blizzard trying to compete for the spot of the company causing most disappointment to players right now or something? I mean... I'll give bioware one thing though, at least they are not charging extra for this expansion, just subscription fee.


I'm happy there's new story. I really am. I'm worried about existing companions (and changed my mind on first character through - its going to be new 60 rather then one of my existing characters), but its really cool that e are getting more story and more companions. as a solo player it bodes well.


but as a group content running players... the fact that there's no new group content at launch and no idea when it would be out, the fact that we've been running the same ops for a while now and will continue to do so.... this will kill a lot of raid groups through content burnout. we don't mind running old stuff as much, when there's something new to sink our teeth into. but when all there is is old stuff? people burn out and people take breaks. and it snowballs into more people taking more breaks and fewer people playing.


no bueno.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Perfectly reasonable expectations. Mine are the same. I expect a great story, some changes in companions, and then I assume I'll be back doing laps on fleet within 2 days.



.....aaand here is the heart of the matter.

It doesn't matter how awesome, terrible or irrelevant the story is. You spend some 6, 8 or 10 hours with it. Then you are done. Then you either stay as a subscriber to an MMO which just released an expansion of one afternoon and no additional longevity or content besides.. or alternatively, you call it quits as a paying customer. I suspect one of these options makes you a running joke by couple of different EA office space watercoolers.

Edited by GalacticStarfigh
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Core game is being revamped: this includes rewards, companions, and crafting.


This basically confirms what i was saying in this thread.


Sounds like they are tryingto start something similar to swtor 2 with out actually doing it to me ... if Kira is not part of my crew Im not going to be very happy.. This probably is the first "Doom" prediction i have made for any Bioware game but so far I can feel another ME3 disaster coming.


I was hoping to get more romance activities ,and options ( BD flirt packs mods for example) as i m tired of them saying ohh lets not talk right now they should be continually updated with new conversations imo. I was also hoping for more relationship cut scenes ..... just generally more depth into their romance now they are just going to cut them out and replace them and then make them "major characters" most likely not part of your crew and that is not a good thing.


One of the major problems with ME3 was the new characters if it was the last game they didn't need to introduce new characters and should have spent a lot more time on the romance and character interaction than did ... ( this is just one ME3 has tons of issues )


I subed for 6 month to get the free goodies but if i don't like what i see then well... I will simply not resub and stop playing.

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Prolly to be streamlined better, wow did it too.


So did SWG... I don't trust Bioware to not screw it up, just look at the end of ME3...


This could well go well, in which case, great... but many of us remember NGE which destroyed SWG...




Yea, yea, I know, this isn't SWG, but game companies seem to keep making the same mistakes over and over.

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Cinematic Bioware talking head experience © is very expensive to make. However, EA has no intention of earmarking another 200 mils for TOR.


Yet, there are loads of people playing TOR who absolutely must have more talking heads to look at. They can not stop loving every second Jennifer Hale speaks and absolutely need to have more of it.


BW has chosen to give these folks their moneys worth. Yet, BW themselves don't have all that much of moneys for achieving this. Their solutions wasn't an expansion but rather, a polar opposite of sorts. I claims KotFE will be the first official Contraction in history of MMO Expansions.


BW has absolutely no intention or muscle to continue two different faction stories, 8 different class stories or..what, 60 different companion stories. So all of this gets the axe. Instead, you'll get one and same story for all classes and both factions. You'll also have " revamped" companion system which translates to everybody getting all the same 5-10 companions to pick from. World grows much, much smaller and needs Less writing and affords Cheaper voice acting. Not an Expansion but a Contraction.

Edited by GalacticStarfigh
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Well, add the fact that I can currently run 6 missions on all 16 of my L60s at the same time, that means I will be losing 96 crafting missions per hour on average. Obviously they may be removing companions from crafting altogether and allow me to run those 96 missions automatically.


Assuming companions remain an integral part of crafting, I see no need to lose any of them by levelling my existing toons via this story, since I level via PVP only in the main anyway, should I feel the desperation to play this content, I can use the premade L60 free from BW to try it right?


I hadn't thought of this strategy exactly but it makes sense Thorgrim, thanks for posting. I'm hoping that we are both wrong and we don't need to do this though.

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Sadly, those may be justified. It's the "OMG I HOPE THEY FINALLY <far fetched wish here>" ones that worry me...like engine changes, new player ships, multiple companions out...core stuff that is far beyond "story"...which is what this update is...JUST STORY! Remember how they charged us CC to allow us to mount while moving? Keep that in mind...


Once again Tux you summarize the thoughts and concerns many of us have nicely. Sure as hell hope were wrong though. :D

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New class would be very nice. Maybe something along those videos, class with shield and sword or some kind or weapon. Just like in the video those troops behind main characters.

Also colored name plates and shift and alt modifiers. < This is like a must every single MMO has it now.

Improving FPS in WZ and better installation process. After installing Swotr few times i noticed that not everything is deleted sometimes from last installation that creates problem for new installation. Only in SWOTR i encountered this issue.

Edited by Cherepk
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Everyone sai I was paranoid, but I love to say I told you so.


No new flashpoints, no new operations, and BW is trying to turn this game into a single player game...




Enjoy the mmo aspects of the game while it lasts, this game is going to fail miserably again, just like it did before when they ignored the elder game community while they try to turn this game into a single player game.

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Everyone sai I was paranoid, but I love to say I told you so.


No new flashpoints, no new operations, and BW is trying to turn this game into a single player game...




Enjoy the mmo aspects of the game while it lasts, this game is going to fail miserably again, just like it did before when they ignored the elder game community while they try to turn this game into a single player game.


In truth, they have only ever been dipping their toe into the murky MMO waters. A true MMO is something that is clearly out of BW's depth to manage and design, it has failed at so many aspects from the engine to the current fiasco you poor PVE endgamers are about to be shafted by.


I do expect that the future of this game will be amazing for some, but it is struggling to remain an MMO even now, and most certainly will not be one come October.


They are playing to their strengths, Baldurs Gate was an amazing single player game, this has the potential to be the same, but there is zero reason to play it online.


I only PVP, and weirdly, it is this total disregard for the PVE playerbase that will be the straw that breaks this camels back for me.


If they have lost interest in what was their main selling point to the majority, what chance is their for those of us who only really enjoy the already minority and disregarded minigame of PVP?

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Everyone sai I was paranoid, but I love to say I told you so.


No new flashpoints, no new operations, and BW is trying to turn this game into a single player game...




Enjoy the mmo aspects of the game while it lasts, this game is going to fail miserably again, just like it did before when they ignored the elder game community while they try to turn this game into a single player game.


Fixing the system to make it more appealing seems like a smarter way than making a new map that will be experienced by only the small number of people that do Operations (cannot remember what it exactly was). If this helps to bring more people to play raids, it will help in having more maps.


They give more reasons to run the existing things, and make it easier to run the existing things. Don't see a problem there.

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In truth, they have only ever been dipping their toe into the murky MMO waters. A true MMO is something that is clearly out of BW's depth to manage and design, it has failed at so many aspects from the engine to the current fiasco you poor PVE endgamers are about to be shafted by.


I do expect that the future of this game will be amazing for some, but it is struggling to remain an MMO even now, and most certainly will not be one come October.


They are playing to their strengths, Baldurs Gate was an amazing single player game, this has the potential to be the same, but there is zero reason to play it online.


I only PVP, and weirdly, it is this total disregard for the PVE playerbase that will be the straw that breaks this camels back for me.


If they have lost interest in what was their main selling point to the majority, what chance is their for those of us who only really enjoy the already minority and disregarded minigame of PVP?


Raids were never the selling point, or of interest to majority of players.

They are trying to find their own niche in the oversaturated MMORPG market. It is a gamble, but a great deal of people have been clamoring for story since forever, so it might pay off

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lost interest in what was their main selling point to the majority, what chance is their for those of us who only really enjoy the already minority and disregarded minigame of PVP?

The majority doesn't even do ops, the majority came here to play an RPG and this is what they get. Finally.


Hardcore raiders and pvpers were always in the minority here, I think it was proven over and over again they have nothing to look for here if it's the only reason the play MMOs.

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