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Please make Lord Scourge Romanceable!


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Would never work out. Those Sith Pureblood winkies have some pretty nasty barbs on them.




Unless biology gave female Purebloods steel insides, I don't think that would work for anyone. I'm more inclined to go with the "ridges" theory. :cool:

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It took me a little while to find this, but yes, I do support this request most wholeheartedly. It's something I'd hope for from the very start.


Scourge is a very compelling and fascinating character, and I would enjoy seeing what a romance with him would be like.


Let's make it happen! :D


Edit: I think this would also be well placed in the 'Suggestion Box' too.

Edited by Lunafox
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Unless biology gave female Purebloods steel insides, I don't think that would work for anyone.



Works for the felines of Earth. Barbed winkies are a thing, I didn't make them up. :)

Edited by PLynkes
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Works for the felines of Earth. Barbed winkies are a thing, I didn't make them up. :)


I don't think Sith would have spines, more likely they would be ridged. Cathar on the other hand...


Dang it, everything funny I can think of to say would likely get me suspended :eek:

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I don't think Sith would have spines, more likely they would be ridged. Cathar on the other hand...


Dang it, everything funny I can think of to say would likely get me suspended :eek:


Great, now I'm wondering what my male Cathar characters might be hiding...


I know about the whole weird anatomy thing male cats have going on, but as far as Sith Purebloods go? We know they've been procreating with humans for centuries (over 90% of the Imperial population has Pureblood blood in them, according to Revan), so I'm going to hope that they'd be more compatible and with humanoid anatomy. :cool:

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I know about the whole weird anatomy thing male cats have going on, but as far as Sith Purebloods go? We know they've been procreating with humans for centuries (over 90% of the Imperial population has Pureblood blood in them, according to Revan), so I'm going to hope that they'd be more compatible and with humanoid anatomy. :cool:


Even if there -was- such a thing in purebloods (which I kinda doubt), it might have been lost due to that.

I mean, alchemy assisted crossbreeding, lots of human influx and the danger of getting "lightning to the face".

I just can't imagine such a trait to be particularly popular.

Also wasn't the Dark Jedi that came up with the crossbreeding also female? And even if she didn't care, wouldn't such a "mechanic" also mean, that pureblood women could not have gotten pregnant by humans?

Okay, they could, but I sure don't like where that is going.... "I swear, these aren't torture devices!"



@thread topic


Want. Very much.:D

I mean, even talking to Lord Scourge about recent events(or -anything-) would be awesome. (Or him and the SW having a chat.)

His story/conversations/character would just be great for that. He would obviously have to be "fixed" for a romance to work, but I see that as a plus.


I really want a romaceable pureblood (especially for female chars) anyways... the character being intelligent and pure awesome surely wouldn't hurt.

And I just don't like Praven as much... he went all out Jedi preacher after all, and that -and- romance would be even more hypocritical. Also he could be dead, and has no sexy cheek tendrils.

That said, I would not be sad to have him around too . Even though I want to intellectually hit him in the face...

...or tell him I agree with Scourge, and break his little heart.

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it wont happen someone earlier on hinted to scourge being numb. however thats somewhat inaccurate.


Scourge was made the emperors wrath after the events of revan and suriks attempted assassination of the emperor, unfortunately for scourge though, in return for the title and the service to the emperor, the emperor used his force abilities to strip away the moral core of scourge, in essence his emotions and his senses were erased, so he can never feel emotion or someone elses pain or delight, nor can he percieve the world around him as he once did. however he has the ability to feel pain but he would eventually become immune to it. its implied from the wiki page as well that hes incapable of having a family as well because of the emperors interference.


i cant see how someone dead inside can get into a relationship with someone else he has no feelings for and could betray in a moments notice if it brought him a step closer to the emperor and a way to kill him.

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it wont happen someone earlier on hinted to scourge being numb. however thats somewhat inaccurate.


Scourge was made the emperors wrath after the events of revan and suriks attempted assassination of the emperor, unfortunately for scourge though, in return for the title and the service to the emperor, the emperor used his force abilities to strip away the moral core of scourge, in essence his emotions and his senses were erased, so he can never feel emotion or someone elses pain or delight, nor can he percieve the world around him as he once did. however he has the ability to feel pain but he would eventually become immune to it. its implied from the wiki page as well that hes incapable of having a family as well because of the emperors interference.


i cant see how someone dead inside can get into a relationship with someone else he has no feelings for and could betray in a moments notice if it brought him a step closer to the emperor and a way to kill him.


They keep bringing dead characters back to life. Restoring Scourge's emotions should be a snap.

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I also don't remember the novel or him saying anything like that? The end of the novel had him undergo a process that would make him immortal, but leave him in agonizing pain for months which would eventually fade to utter numbness (and Scourge was perfectly capable of screaming in rage and grief after being told that. after he was already in the "constant agony" phase.)


And tbh, for someone who says his "equilibrium never falters" he sure gets annoyed a lot, even after that very line :p I've also heard there's some cut content where he tried to get your help reversing the process? But idk if that was ever actually a thing or just Internet rumours. Nothing there to stop them from giving the option though and allowing you to romance him because yeah, an awful lot of his conversations already read as if he were an option <.< (and he's already invested in the idea of you having kids he can train! Though admittedly, that wouldn't work with all Knights :o)

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/signed *pencils in Zenith too*


Lord Scourge is not as emotionless as he's supposed to be. There's plenty of emotion in talks with him and his little off comments when exploring or while in combat. ("FEEL the power of the sith!" )

If it's a question of money to pay the VA, I'm sure one of those fundraising sites could help Bioware pull it off. (I'd donate!)

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  • 1 month later...
I also don't remember the novel or him saying anything like that? The end of the novel had him undergo a process that would make him immortal, but leave him in agonizing pain for months which would eventually fade to utter numbness (and Scourge was perfectly capable of screaming in rage and grief after being told that. after he was already in the "constant agony" phase.)

I'd like to point out that this statement is the most accurate as far as Scourge's 'state' is concerned. The exact quote would be:


“As time passes you will learn to accept and endure your suffering,” the Emperor answered. “Your mind and body will find ways to deal with the pain. After many months you will become accustomed enough to it to function in your role as the Emperor’s Wrath. Eventually you will simply become numb, unable to feel anything at all.”

“Why?” Scourge asked, his voice something between a sob and a moan.

“Everything has a cost,” the Emperor explained. “This is the price of immortality.”




As for the romance.

Signed in a heartbeat. The more I come back thinking about Knight's story, the more obsessed with Scourge I become. His silence in SoR almost physically hurt me: he must have had opinions, and very strong ones, about both Vitiate and Revan! No one in the whole game has a stronger connection with either of them! Seeing Scourge turned into a mute pet instead felt like... betrayal. There would be no in-universe explanation to his silence, and to be denied those reactions was hurtful.


All I want is to have him back, hear him talk and react again, like he was supposed to.


Speculative datamined information ahead. The datamined 'companions in 4.0' spoilers are most depressing, but I will keep hoping that the romanceable ones - AND Scourge - will be back. There is no reason for him not to be. It's not like the devs will have to spend their time and budget writing different dialogues for him since he wasn't romanceable before anyway.



The chances of a one-class content, romances included, are lower than ever now... but think about it: if the datamined spoilers are correct, Scourge rightfully belongs in KotFE's story, and I can see him bonding with the Outlander. Sure, the Knight/Scourge romance would be a million times more fulfilling, but Scourge and the Outlander share a goal, and if the player helped him to get freed from his curse (which, as you remember, his one most important wish), Scourge would be more than grateful.


There will be nothing else I will ever ask of this game ever again if only this one wish can come true...

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It took me a little while to find this, but yes, I do support this request most wholeheartedly. It's something I'd hope for from the very start.


Scourge is a very compelling and fascinating character, and I would enjoy seeing what a romance with him would be like.


Let's make it happen! :D


Edit: I think this would also be well placed in the 'Suggestion Box' too.


See what you started, Lunafox? :p

Edited by Diviciacus
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  • 1 month later...
With the new focus on bringing companion story back, this should finally be possible. Yes, I know Scourge has...ermm..."issues", but I see that as a boon, not a hindrance, because freeing him from the effects of the Emperor could make for some great storytelling. Presumably, we are headed in exactly that direction, where we will finally see the Emperor vanquished for good.


Scourge has all the hallmarks of a compelling male romance. He threw away his freedom and career all because he saw the knight's face in a vision and believed in what you were capable of. That's some powerful dedication right there. His conversations are filled with innuendo, references to passion and pleasure, hints of a past life (the color of "his first love's eyes") and he expresses a blatant desire to feel again. (It would be "worth anything" to him.) For someone who hasn't felt in 300 years, he sure holds on tightly to such memories. He speaks of them in a way that is poetic and filled with yearning. Who wouldn't want to be the one to give that back to him? To see him healed?


And how's this for another reason-


There are no romanceable male Force-user companions in the entire game.


There are 3 female ones, 4 if you count Lana, who looks like she may be an upcoming companion.


Scourge has got that Sith bad boy thing going on, he's an alien, his got a past that is deeply woven into the lore of the game.


My knight would drop Doc in a heartbeat for Scourge. I know I'm not the only one. ;)


Please, BW, let us have Scourge!


Oh, please! I can't stand Doc's smarmy ways and I actually have a great sense of humor RL. My Jedi's reaction to Doc was, "Does that line really work on women?" My Jedi's reaction to meeting Scourge was a MUCH better reaction. I just met him in game and am so sad my Jedi can't romance him!

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  • 7 months later...


Didn't Scourge tell the Jedi Knight he would watch his children (or something to that effect) in one of his last affection conversations



Edit: Why I find the above applicable is I certainly felt some love coming from the big guy despite his handicap.

Edited by Kremsau
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Didn't Scourge tell the Jedi Knight he would watch his children (or something to that effect) in one of his last affection conversations



Edit: Why I find the above applicable is I certainly felt some love coming from the big guy despite his handicap.


Yes, yes he did. He offered to train them as Sith. Poor guy was a little mistaken though as they'd definitely be OUR children and not just mine. :o

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