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Is space combat a let down?


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I just experienced my first introduction to space combat in this game....such a let down. I figured since it was an mmo it would have open space. Instead its a rails shooter... thats awful :(


I was picturing something like the original xwing games on pc, having actual control over your ship, dog fights, missile locks, zipping back and forth to avoid fire from a large ship, wingmen. But from what i've seen, SWTOR flying is made for dummies. on rails, arcade shooter. Point and click shooting...lame. I'm sorry, but its true.


I hope the space combat part of this game isn't always like this. Because its not fun to not truly be free. Rails shooting is for the arcade...fun for 10 minutes until you go to the next arcade machine. Its not built for an mmo that should have hours and hours of gameplay.


I know production costs would be more but, I'd rather the game had an expansion that added flight combat than see what I just saw. I hope I'm wrong and there is more later on, but I'm doubting it.

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Rails shooting is for the arcade...fun for 10 minutes until you go to the next arcade machine.


I kinda think this is the point. A little break from the other MMO activites. Personally I think it is well implemented. They gave me a feeling of space, travel and a huge universe.


Maybe they can expand on it in future expansions. Going off rails and make it more free. I'm just happy they had some "space" stuff from the launch :)

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I like it, used to hate it.


If it was a full space sim, with actual objectives etc, it would detract from the rest of the mmo. It would draw population away from what they're actually focusing on. As it stands now it's something to do while waiting for a friend/guildy to get on, do a couple between planets etc.


It reminds me of Starfox 64 <3

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i guess to each their own, but i love flight sims. I've never dug arcade style.


I guess i'm comparing it to starwars galaxies, which was really cool in space. You could have multiple people on your ship and you all had control over different turrets while someone would pilot the ship. But SWG failed, so I guess I'm a minority.

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I like it, used to hate it.


If it was a full space sim, with actual objectives etc, it would detract from the rest of the mmo. It would draw population away from what they're actually focusing on. As it stands now it's something to do while waiting for a friend/guildy to get on, do a couple between planets etc.


It reminds me of Starfox 64 <3


Holy smokes! Someone who actually understands what space combat in this game is all about



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I kind of agree with you here.


The space missions and space combat although fun to play do not really hold you to the game as say the land missions do.


I would love to see this area of the game expanded upon greatly to match or maybe even surpass the land based side of the game. (ok maybe not surpass but it does need some work to bring it up to par lol)


I have a few ideas regarding this..


How about some dual content missions, that content being land and space mixed missions not only for solo play but also for group play.


This suggestion ties in with the one above in that some group space missions and group play in the space area of the game is needed imo.


Free roaming would be an amazing addition but it would imo require a complete revision and relaunch of the entire space based part of the game, something only a dedicated team would possibly be able to do. (meaning also that this would likely come in the form of an expansion pack sometime in the future)


larger planet areas, so how about alongside the regular planet areas we have how about moulding in or launching seperatly larger planet areas to explore (in your ship of course) and maybe find resources or whatever. ( the possibilitys of content addition in these areas is unprecedented and could be a good way to enter a sandbox kinda planet exploration theme)


So linking in with the above suggestion, we bring to mind the fact many players have been discussing that this game is seemingly quite linear, with respects to the planet progression, and the storyline (dont change the storyline its awesome).

There are some cool ways to combat this linear feeling and althogh you have tried this a little bioware, I think you could improve upon it. we could say add in those larger areas and also expand upon crafting in a big big way, add in some other side or mini games or micro managment (possibly micromanagment of your own estate and mines etc??).


Anyway thats a few of my many ideas please what do you people think?

Edited by timowade
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