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A bit harsh Bioware ? The one chair infraction.


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I do not like exploiting, but it seems that bioware have made me one :p

Today I got a warning in the mail for selling and rebuying chairs.


I know for a fact that I bought 51 chairs (bought 1 first, and then a stack of 50 to fill up available) It seems i inadvertandly must have resold one (1) chair.


While I cant argue that in the most extreme interpetation I accidentaly managed to exploit, I do find that lumping me together with the people that exploited for several millions a bit harsh :rolleyes:


Now, I am not gonna threaten to ragequit, unsub or anything like that, but the fact that the appeal took less than 2hrs and a got a copy/paste answer basicly stating that they had "investigated" the matter and they would not change their ruling a bit hard to accept.


I assume it is a bit of software cheking for ANY resales, but I think the threshhold might be a bit low :p


Not really angry, just a bit sad that my account now have an infraction for something that I never intended to do, and the fact that the apeal system is such as it is.


I assume that a few post will follow with "you know what you were doing", Punish all who resold, etc are comming, and I can't really say I blame you, as I thought the same until this morning. :rolleyes:





There have been a lot of good points raised in this thread, and I guess I kinda ended up feeling that it was a fair enough ruling, even if it was a result accidental error on my part.

Edited by Elothan
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Yeah, I agree it's a bit harsh. Anyone could've sold back a few extra chairs, even half a stack.


Seriously, I'd rather see them leave everyone who made less than 50k alone and punished those who set multiple desh/rubat crystals/implant processors for sale for 200k, then created a f2p account with VPN, abused the exploit to hell and bought all those superexpensive rubat crystals from one account. I assume that's pretty much crystal clear exploitive behavior.

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I can see why you would be concerned, I guess from this perspective is that you did use it even though it was an accident. That is why you just got an in game mail with a warning. It wasn't meant to lump you into a group with others but just to let you know that "hey, you did this, we can see it was probably an accident but just FYI". had they truly lumped you with the rest that really exploited it, then you would have been immediately banned just for selling 1 chair.


They probably saw that it was just an accident on your part which is why all they did was just a warning letter, but for any exploit in any MMO you are notified regardless of whether it was intended or not.


I've seen in WOW once where someone was fishing in a lava pool for an achievement, found a ledge that they could jump on and were immediately teleported off back to the actual floor above the ledge and got a whisper from a GM stating that was an exploit and to not do it again.


I'm sure it an "accident" but regardless Blizzard or BW in this case still have to acknowledge it to the player.

Edited by Nightblazer
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The exact same thing happened to me and it's a poor way of handling the situation. There should have been a threshold for this. Just take the lousy 99 credits out of my account and call it a day. That's like crossing the street and going a step out of the crosswalk zone then having to listen to some tuff guy cop giving me a lecture on how lucky I am for him giving me a warning for jaywalking. Edited by CaptMurphy
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I do not like exploiting, but it seems that bioware have made me one :p

Today I got a warning in the mail for selling and rebuying chairs.


I know for a fact that I bought 51 chairs (bought 1 first, and then a stack of 50 to fill up available) It seems i inadvertandly must have resold one (1) chair.


While I cant argue that in the most extreme interpetation I accidentaly managed to exploit, I do find that lumping me together with the people that exploited for several millions a bit harsh :rolleyes:


Now, I am not gonna threaten to ragequit, unsub or anything like that, but the fact that the appeal took less than 2hrs and a got a copy/paste answer basicly stating that they had "investigated" the matter and they would not change their ruling a bit hard to accept.


I assume it is a bit of software cheking for ANY resales, but I think the threshhold might be a bit low :p


Not really angry, just a bit sad that my account now have an infraction for something that I never intended to do, and the fact that the apeal system is such as it is.


I assume that a few post will follow with "you know what you were doing", Punish all who resold, etc are comming, and I can't really say I blame you, as I thought the same until this morning. :rolleyes:


So you got done for 100 creds? astonishing.


Looks like bioware decided to choose " black " in a " black or white " policy regarding the chairs. Scary.


So they're really taking seriously exploits now, which is good. (not saying that getting done for a week over 100 creds is cool, but still)


Not sure if to be happy for BW's now-serious dealing with the exploits, or what.

Edited by Tachenko_Yuri
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The exact same thing happened to me and it's a poor way of handling the situation. There should have been a threshold for this. Just take the lousy 99 credits out of my account and call it a day. That's like crossing the street and going a step out of the crosswalk zone then having to listen to some tuff guy cop giving me a lecture on how lucky I am for him giving me a warning for jaywalking.


Even if they did do that, they'd still have to send you an in game mail, other wise those that didn't meet the threshold would be posting all over the forums: "OMG, missing credits, BW you suck blah blah blah blah blah" and you know people would do that because they wouldn't put 2 and 2 together.

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I did not get banned, but the mail was not ingame, it was to my regular mail account.

It also warned that if I ever was noticed "exploiting" again, the punishment would be harsher because of this infraction.

That is the thing that annoys me the most, as I managed to do something by accident now, what will the next be if anything like that happens again ?

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Even if they did do that, they'd still have to send you an in game mail, other wise those that didn't meet the threshold would be posting all over the forums: "OMG, missing credits, BW you suck blah blah blah blah blah" and you know people would do that because they wouldn't put 2 and 2 together.


Then do exactly that. Send an email informing me that they're adjusting my account the 99 credits due to reselling the temple chair and leave the warning part out.

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They have to treat everyone equally. So it doesn't matter if you did 1 chair or 100,000 chairs. The point is you did; even if it was unknowingly.




It is just a warning. it's not like they gave you a suspension or ban. Get over it and move on.

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So not only do you decide to really break the rules by posting about disciplinary actions, you're not even sure if you got an infraction or a warning. But I have maintained all along that you could make a legit case for selling back 49, so IMO no action should be taken against someone who sold back 49. But in your particular case, all we have is your say-so that this is how it went down. Edited by branmakmuffin
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Why didn't you just throw the chair away? You accidentally bought 1 extra at 1 credit and then broke a rule you knew they were actively (maybe even aggressively) enforcing to get that one credit back?


If trolling 10/10. If this actually happened it's a tough break to be sanctioned but just throw the chair away man!!!! Cut your losses.


Also out of curiosity did you do a shifty glance right to left before selling the one chair back? Because I would have.

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They have to treat everyone equally. So it doesn't matter if you did 1 chair or 100,000 chairs. The point is you did; even if it was unknowingly.




It is just a warning. it's not like they gave you a suspension or ban. Get over it and move on.


Exactly this. Warnings are nothing, it just lets you know they do actually pay attention. I lost count of the number of warnings I have got on the forums. I have yet to get a suspension.

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They have to treat everyone equally. So it doesn't matter if you did 1 chair or 100,000 chairs. The point is you did; even if it was unknowingly.

Who says? They do not have to treat everyone equally...they need to act reasonably. This is a business, not public school. Everyone is not equal here.

Edited by TUXs
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Who says? They do not have to treat everyone equally...they need to act reasonably. This is a business, not public school. Everyone is not equal here.


Treating people equally 'is' being reasonable. All exploited, all deserve some consequences, even if it comes down to being flagged for previous exploiting.

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This is a thread about trying to get your warning taken away and complaints as to how Bioware wont take said warning back?


Its a warning!


They did nothing to you but tell you not to do stuff like that again!


This **** is crazy!

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They have to treat everyone equally. So it doesn't matter if you did 1 chair or 100,000 chairs. The point is you did; even if it was unknowingly.


No they don't, and by their own account they are not treating people equally. Somebody who sold 1 chair is not getting the same punishment as somebody who sold 10,000. And rightly so.

Edited by CmdrShpd
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I do understand that this can seem harsh, but the problem is that even if this really is the case, no player can reasonably prove that selling even the one chair back happened accidentally without thinking of or knowing the consequences and that they were not thinking "Hey, let's try it with this chair and see what happens, maybe they won't care if it's just this one!".
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Treating people equally 'is' being reasonable. All exploited, all deserve some consequences, even if it comes down to being flagged for previous exploiting.


I'm sorry, I didn't realize you didn't understand the meaning of the word "equally". Let me help you:


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On one side, they did warn about it, it was very clear that ANY use of that exploit could result in getting banned. So it is hard to be sympathetic, when clearly Bioware are trying to crack down on the issues of exploiting.


On the other side, if what you did resulted in only 100 credits, really 100 credits in this game is NOTHING, completely laughable. So perhaps a less "harsh" warning may have been appropriate.


In my opinion the biggest problem with this game in terms of exploits if the market, the items there are extremely overpricesd. I know there are arguments for and against how it is used. But no item in this game should cost more than 5 million credits. If 100 credits is an exploit ... then action needs to be taken to regulate the market.

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No they don't, and by their own account they are not treating people equally. Somebody who sold 1 chair is not getting the same punishment as somebody who sold 10,000. And rightly so.


But, they 'are' being treated equally in that all are being punished. The punishment, however, is fitted to the severity of the transgression.


And that's both reasonable and fair.

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