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Can you please make the Revan weekly a little less obnoxious?

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I'd rather BW spent dev cycles on other things. The Revan fight is fine for what it is.


So please don't make the Revan weekly any less obnoxious until you fix the laundry list of bugs that are well ahead of it.


Wow...you're the first person I've seen honest enough to say this. Though it's the feeling of most forum posters.


"Don't work on this thing others want, go work on this thing **I** want"


kudos for honesty...if not attitude :p

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Oh man, I couldn't agree with the OP more. Why does he have to knock me down so much? And for so long? The fight takes FOREVER because I spend half of it on my back or running around playing floating orb tag. I really REALLY hate that fight.


I don't mind the orb part it's actually fun but I HATE the knockdowns and stuns.


I've more then once had him knock me down I use my skill to get out of it just to have him do it again or force choke me.

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Yeah, being stunned every 5 seconds isn't really that... Epic.

Seriously, who is the genius who decided to give Revan 5 different stuns that he only uses on the player character?


Gods, that fight annoys the hell out of me.

Usually I'm tempted to just afk until the bubble phase arrives, the only point where the player character actually makes a damn difference. The rest of the time you're on your back or floating in the air anyway. :mad:

I don't mind the orb part it's actually fun but I HATE the knockdowns and stuns.


I've more then once had him knock me down I use my skill to get out of it just to have him do it again or force choke me.

^Yep. It's almost pointless to break the stuns.

Edited by Callaron
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Gods, that fight annoys the hell out of me.

Usually I'm tempted to just afk until the bubble phase arrives, the only point where the player character actually makes a damn difference. The rest of the time you're on your back or floating in the air anyway. :mad:


^Yep. It's almost pointless to break the stuns.


ALMOST pointless?


Pretty sure it's completely pointless.

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Here's one I'll agree with you on.


Tho, to be honest, when I bother to do this at all, I AFK it and just return long enough to run the orbs.


This is truly a horrible 'exit, stage right' for Revan.


I'm kinda with you on that but I don't totally ignore the fight.


I LOS revan behind the pillars when he is on me. Never get stunned of any sort if you do it right and I'm always moving to the other side of the area of him.


Only time I really engage the fight is to run orbs. Then it's back to hiding. The amount of stuns, knock backs and things that take you out of the game is terrible. Interrupt one and then get hit by the rest due to the long *** cool down of interrupt skills. I found LOS'ing most of it to be more rewarding. At least I feel like I'm doing something.

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I remember the first time I did this one as a weekly. I honestly thought I was going to go into this and get my $#@ kicked. By the end I was thinking to myself was this even worth the time it took to complete it?


In most intense fights my heart will start to race a little bit, I'll stop blinking, and my palms will get a little sweaty. About a min into this fight, and the only fighting I was doing was the fight to stay awake.


It doesn't even feel like a fight. It feels more like an event you just have to suffer through to get your crackerjack prize at the end.

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A melee companion in >>dot spec<< can do 2500 on up to 3100 dps in the fight if you're quick on orbs and debuff him. Makes the fight take less than 5 minutes even with the annoying stuns. Don't take any other type of companion in there though, just wasting your time. Edited by KevMeup
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Wow...you're the first person I've seen honest enough to say this. Though it's the feeling of most forum posters.


"Don't work on this thing others want, go work on this thing **I** want"


kudos for honesty...if not attitude :p


No problem. Glad I could contribute. BTW, I think you are guilty of the same thing right?


Fix obnoxious Revan! I don't care about that other stuff. Right? Lol. Hello Pot, meet Kettle.

Edited by Rafaman
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No problem. Glad I could contribute. BTW, I think you are guilty of the same thing right?


Fix obnoxious Revan! I don't care about that other stuff. Right? Lol. Hello Pot, meet Kettle.


Can you show me where I said don't work on other stuff?

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You do understand that the point of this quest is to allow non-raiders to finish the storyline, right? After that, it's an entirely optional weekly. Hey, if it's too non-epic you, run the op instead.


You have to do it after the ops-version too.


I am pretty sure I used coherent English to express my 'issue' with the 'fight,' but if having NPCs fight the 'fight' for you is an acceptable end to Revan, or just acceptable in anything outside an obligatory cutscene, then your standards are rock bottom.

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Actually a guildmate of mine did it without bothering to do the orbs either. Apparently the stasis bubbles all pop after about 3 minutes and the fight continues. I haven't personally tried that yet but my guildie said you can LITERALLY AFK the entire fight from start to finish; it took about 15-20 minutes for her companion and NPCs to do it all.


I thought I came back to it once (I got busy on the Facey-Book and actually forgot I was alt-tabbed) and only did one round of orbs. But never got it to repeat that. I guess I just haven't stayed alt-tabbed away long enough!


This actually makes it even sadder. Just make it a cutscene and hand out the loot.

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It's definitely possible to win the fight without doing anything, as I've done it myself. It's risky, though. When Satele Shan gets taken out (like she, and she alone, always does), you lose the massive HP buff from her battle meditation. If you get bad luck on the timing, you can subsequently take enough damage during the orbs phase to die. It doesn't always happen, but it happens regularly enough that I usually just do the stupid orbs and then go back AFK.


Regardless, though, I completely agree that the fight is terrible. It was an interesting idea, and I love it from the perspective of the narrative, but the gameplay execution is just totally lacking. I mean, it says a lot that the boss that the expansion is named after can be beaten while AFK.

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It's not a difficult fight, it's pretty much impossible to fail...but...


Is it really necessary to spend half the fight on your back or floating in the air due to force choke and knockdowns? I mean it's at least every 10 to 15 seconds he spams one of those attacks.


A quote I often use in MMOs...


Tedium is not difficulty.



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You have to do it after the ops-version too.

You never have to do it at all unless you want to finish the story line and don't chose the op route. So after doing it once (if you go that route), you never have to do it again.


I am pretty sure I used coherent English to express my 'issue' with the 'fight,' but if having NPCs fight the 'fight' for you is an acceptable end to Revan, or just acceptable in anything outside an obligatory cutscene, then your standards are rock bottom.

If the encounter does not live up to your lofty "standards," don't do it. "Problem" solved.

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You never have to do it at all unless you want to finish the story line and don't chose the op route. So after doing it once (if you go that route), you never have to do it again.


Wrong. You need to complete the solo mode of Revan even if you choose to do the ToS operation. All the operation replaces is the one round of Yavin dailies plus the random bosses.


Which would not be a problem if Ziost didn't require completing the SoR storyline, but it does and I agree having to run all of my alts through a tedious, unchallenging stunfest is not fun. At least make saber throw stun stationary, that'd reward players who move out of it.

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I think the fact that you *can* AFK the fight says enough about how it needs fixed. I just don't even bother now that I geared up most of the comps I use. In fact...I pretty much don't even go to Yavin anymore unless doing the Walker or ToS.


One of the most disappointing planets yet in many regards.

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Yer - talking of AFK'ing the fight.

Sent a Guardian DPS to do it last night. Jumped in, did a couple of hits and on the first force choke I alt-tab'ed out to finish off something on a website.

Flipped back into the game to find my JK dead and the "Revive here or medcentre" option on screen. I revived there and this time watched the whole fight through. At no point was I anywhere near dying etc. So I dunno what happened, but I think that's the first time I've seen a dead character there since the fight was initially bugged and the orbs didn't appear.

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They can make it so the OP just walks in the instance and gets rewards if the OP isn't capable of completing the fight. I had ZERO issues completing it SOLO multiple times. I'm not trying to be rude but that fight is ridiculously easy and I'm not a raider. I'm a baddie.
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