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Why is there no pre-season? It would give people the chance to try out and learn new classes and compositions, and it would give people with less free time the chance to gear up so they can compete. I don't get it. We got one pre-season that never ended, and I get that it was frustrating for people, but what's wrong with having a short pre-season phase between seasons?
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I think the whole point of pre-season is to give players a chance to gear up. With the massive gear cost reduction and the fact that you won't need ranked comms to get ranked gear anymore, there is probably little point in having a pre-season post 3.3.
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I think the whole point of pre-season is to give players a chance to gear up. With the massive gear cost reduction and the fact that you won't need ranked comms to get ranked gear anymore, there is probably little point in having a pre-season post 3.3.


I don't think that's the whole point, but it is definitely part of it. There are other reasons I can think of, such as giving people the chance to test and practice with new builds in a competitive environment. During pre-season, people are more relaxed and wiling to try out different things. It's fun. It could also be a nice little break from the elo grind for some.

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So you're trying to expand the pvp community, making gear cheaper, and changing how rewards work, but you're not going to give the new players and rerollers any time to learn ranked or get accustomed to their new class or role?

You're playing a very dangerous game bioware.

You're always taking one step forward and two backward and despite the hype with the new expansion you're really risking burning your loyal subscription base beyond return

Edited by MotherAnimal
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You guys said there would be a preseason between 5 and 6 only for you to pull that? So basically we're never seeing a preseason again.


Whats the point in a preseason between 5 and 6? The gear will be the same and will be easier to get. And if they had a preseason then the actual season would be even shorter. Preseason before season 7 makes sense since the level cap is increasing which may also mean another tier of gear. And also he just told you there would be a preseason before season 7......

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Calm down. They've said time and again that there will always be a pre-season whenever new gear comes out. So the next preseason will start, probably, on October 20 (the date of early access). but definitely by Oct. 27.


I'm perfectly calm. I'm part of the "2%".

However, they're introducing plenty of new things and for a lot of people new gear.

Not a lot of people have dark reaver and not a lot of people feel like they have the means to compete in ranked.

So my point is, that they're pushing to get us more ranked pops and introduce people into the scene yet, they're not giving these people a chance to build confidence.

You know how toxic the pvp community gets when "noobs" rain down their elo parade

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Whats the point in a preseason between 5 and 6? The gear will be the same and will be easier to get. And if they had a preseason then the actual season would be even shorter. Preseason before season 7 makes sense since the level cap is increasing which may also mean another tier of gear. And also he just told you there would be a preseason before season 7......


They also originally said there'd be a preseason between 5 and 6, and look where we are now.

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They also originally said there'd be a preseason between 5 and 6, and look where we are now.


Its possible that they didnt originally intend to introduce the pvp changes of 3.3 so in their mind they may have been thinking season 6 would be in October with the xpac and they would have a preseason then. But with the QoL changes coming in 3.3, they may have decided to fit in an extra season instead.

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It's not just about the gear anyhow.


One of the goals of the developers seems to be getting more players involved in rated PvP, right? If we're trying to encourage more people to do ranked by helping them gear up more easily (which I do think is a step in a good direction), what's the point of having them go in completely unprepared otherwise?


It occurs to me that the new (to ranked) players who are willing to finally give ranked a shot thanks to the gearing changes may find it discouraging for a couple of diffeent reasons. A lot of them are in for a rude awakening, for one thing. They'll need to adjust to the new environment. Something that I've heard from a lot of "PvP-curious" players is that they'd like to try ranked, but they don't want to feel responsible for someone else losing ELO. During pre-season, there's no need to feel the pressure and responsibility for "ruining" someone else's game, so maybe they could feel more comfortable as they find their footing and gain some confidence and experience before putting their ranking and their teammates rankings on the line.


I guess if it's not going to happen, it's not going to happen, but it is disappointing. Maybe I'm crazy, but I honestly think I'd rather see the time slated for Season 6 as the pre-season, with Season 6 starting in October. No one asked me, though. :p

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It's not just about the gear anyhow.


One of the goals of the developers seems to be getting more players involved in rated PvP, right? If we're trying to encourage more people to do ranked by helping them gear up more easily (which I do think is a step in a good direction), what's the point of having them go in completely unprepared otherwise?


It occurs to me that the new (to ranked) players who are willing to finally give ranked a shot thanks to the gearing changes may find it discouraging for a couple of diffeent reasons. A lot of them are in for a rude awakening, for one thing. They'll need to adjust to the new environment. Something that I've heard from a lot of "PvP-curious" players is that they'd like to try ranked, but they don't want to feel responsible for someone else losing ELO. During pre-season, there's no need to feel the pressure and responsibility for "ruining" someone else's game, so maybe they could feel more comfortable as they find their footing and gain some confidence and experience before putting their ranking and their teammates rankings on the line.


I guess if it's not going to happen, it's not going to happen, but it is disappointing. Maybe I'm crazy, but I honestly think I'd rather see the time slated for Season 6 as the pre-season, with Season 6 starting in October. No one asked me, though. :p


Most of you are forgetting that they are reworking the rewards system for season 6. Even someone just starting out will be able to earn these new "tokens" to get the rewards offered at the end of the season. They may have to play A LOT of games to do so but they will still be able to if they want to. A preseason would mean a shorter season which would mean less time to earn tokens which would mean less rewards. I dont see how this is difficult to understand?

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You guys said there would be a preseason between 5 and 6 only for you to pull that? So basically we're never seeing a preseason again.


What? Last time they talked about it they said they plan on only doing preseasons if the gear tier increases. Season 7 will be KotFE which will obviously come with new 65 gear.

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If they're waiting until a new gear tier for a pre season, that would leave us with a roughly 3 month season 6.

I don't see the big deal with taking a week or or two to let people adjust to changes.

Despite the rewards changes, the rating system for Top 96 is still in place and I'd prefer that people get accustomed to ranked before just hopping in a tanking other people's rating.

I mean if 2 whole weeks is going to keep you from getting tier 1 rewards you're hardly going to deserve it anyway.

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So they changed their minds big deal does it really make that much of a difference or is it that surprising they changed their mind?. Still waiting on the fabled better than cross server announcement yet lol.


There's never going to be a "better than cross server" announcement.

The only credible thing they said about server population and working on getting better pops for FPs and PvP was they had plans to improve.

They have announced their plan for that and it's going on as we speak.

"Oh you want cross server? How about you reroll on a different server or transfer off instead?"

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With so many people returning for the upcoming expansion (not to mention the player driven server consolidation) a pre-season would be perfect, it would give these players a chance to get ranked experience without the pressure of having a rating attached to their name.
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Has there been any talk from Bioware on letting people choose to play Regs Arena vs War Zone, rather than just a random chance of getting an Arena? It really would give people an option to "practice" before entering Ranked. Although it may have an effect on the que times.
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There won't be a break between Season 5 and 6 but there will be a Pre-Season 7.


There should be a preseason before the start of EVERY season. Preseasons will help those who have never participated in ranked before a chance to practice in the competitive atmosphere and those who played before a chance to get used to the new class changes (and maybe even report bugs that could break the class like the shadows lowslash or mandos Suit FOE utility.) At least give us an entire week of preseason before season 5 starts.

Edited by Clogski
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all the complaints I see about no preseason seem weak to me. imo, the only reason for a preseason is for balance. F*&(ing BW needs to balance at the start of preseason and then again at the start of the season to fix what the screwed up at the start of preseason. all this other stuff is immaterial, especially with the changes to gear grind/comms/gear cost.
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Most of you are forgetting that they are reworking the rewards system for season 6. Even someone just starting out will be able to earn these new "tokens" to get the rewards offered at the end of the season. They may have to play A LOT of games to do so but they will still be able to if they want to. A preseason would mean a shorter season which would mean less time to earn tokens which would mean less rewards. I dont see how this is difficult to understand?


I don't care about the rewards and my personal score whatsoever, but my poor performance impacts 3 other players. I find arenas interesting, but i find it unethical to get my thrills at the expense of others. I would have liked the experience of the arenas in preseason. I care a great deal about the high ranking players who have been there for years and do not need or want someone new sinking their ELO.


Preseason is great for one reason: you can play the arenas and only arenas without finding yourself with seven jaw-dropping names in your pull and knowing that you are going to cost your team a loss, and that those folks will have to grind and grind to restore the points of rating your 'participation' gotten them. I have seen Krea's rating gains at a high ELO bracket and it's miserable, while the way the system works, despite my ELO being low, those guys will lose tons of points.


It's sort of like 8x8s in the testing environment on the PTS, where you've got a chance to see the international creme de la creme players in action, get facerolled, but nobody was bashing you for trying because it was understood you were there for a good reason and your participation was necessary.


I personally was grinding the entire time during the last preseason in regs, hoping to put together a set and practice for the pre-season before Season 5... that was cancelled. I tried to play ranked in 'real time' Season 5, and after 8 zones it became clear to me that what I actually want is a preseason, rather than the season that allows to enjoy the arenas in a non-ELO'd environment. So, I've decided to wait.


Well, nothing for it.

Edited by DomiSotto
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