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buff madness single target


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make it so the dots that get spread with deathfield do like 15% less dmg and buff the dmg of demolish by like 20% and lightning by like 10-15%. Or ad a building dmg effect to lightning so the longer you cast it the more damage it does, this would make it worth casting a full lightning and would put madness back on the radar for single target
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  • 3 weeks later...

Since they seem so wedded to DoT Spread, make it only apply to Weaken Mind/Affliction, then buff Creeping Terror/Sever Force, Vanquish/Demolish, and Disturbance/Lightning Strike.


Probably not a good idea to create more incentives to spam Force Lightning/Telekinetic Throw.

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make it so the dots that get spread with deathfield do like 15% less dmg and buff the dmg of demolish by like 20% and lightning by like 10-15%. Or ad a building dmg effect to lightning so the longer you cast it the more damage it does, this would make it worth casting a full lightning and would put madness back on the radar for single target


^ yes please. has madness ever been on the radar for single target?

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Madness was excellent before 3.0. It was the easiest ranged rotation pve and still viable in pvp.


In 3.0 they removed the Force Lightning Damage Buff from Creeping Terror. Which allowed you to lay down an incredible amount of burst using only 1 stack of recklaceness. This Major nerf is the single biggest reason why madness sucks right now in my opinion. They spread out your damage over other skills, making them all pretty lackluster.


I don't see any problem with encouraging spamming of Force Lightning. If you like to have a lot of different skills to click, thats what lightning is for. Going crazy and shooting everyone with uncontrollable force lightning channels is what the emperor did after all.. Didn't see him mix up his rotation much in the movies.

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  • 5 weeks later...

actually madness / balance is 400dps behind lightning in same gear but it should be 200-300 dps better then lightning. so its obviously broken in pve. any chance that madness is good again in swtor 4.0 ?

i dont need subscription if my favourite class forces me to play a specc i dont like.

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I would really like to see (from my PVP yes PVP perspective) this op dotspread removed. It is boring, easy to use and extremely strong.

I really notice the bad st damage of madness.

My suggestion: remove dotspread, demolish now has a cooldown of 12 seconds (down from 15)

I really don't know how that would apply dps-wise (if it would make our dps op), however things like that can be adjusted on the pts!

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Since dot-spread is here to stay, the only way to buff madness single target damage would be a complete rework. Something like in the following lines, with some changes pretty obvious:


-- Spread dots either have half the duration or do half the damage. This is a pretty big pvp nerf of madness as it hits both survivability and group damage.

-- Buff damage of primary dots.

-- Buff wrathed lightning strike damage.

-- Wrathed lightning strike reduces the cd of crushing darkness.

-- Increase number of deathmarks to 21.

-- In madness discipline shock costs 50% less and has a 25% chance to trigger a 2nd attack for 25% damage. Works cumulatively with the same skill.

-- If mobility is necessary to be increased for whatever reason then force speed allows to channel next force lightning on the move.

-- If really needed when FL is interrupted then wrath is proced, or alternative the cd of shock is finished.


Numbers can be worked out so that it provides sustained dps that is up to the dot specs.

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Well, I hate my dotspread, it's extremely strong and the core of our damage(pvp)... THIS SHOULDN'T BE THAT WAY. Really, I think that's boring.


What I would do:

-remove dotspread

-dots heal you for 100% (up from 25%) of the damage they deal (less dots-> less healing, balances this out)

-wrath no longer increases the damage of your next demolish

-demolish has now a base cooldown of 7.5 seconds

-lighningstrike has it's force cost decreased by 75% if used with wrath and grants a buff to your force regeneration for

15 seconds

-shock has no longer a force cost applied to it in madness spec

-Force lightning channels for 3 seconds for a total of 6 ticks and deals 25% more damage if the target has CT on it

-Force leech is now instant cast if used with force mobility ( as in my eyes madness gets the least benefit out of this

talent: both corruption and lighting have their very low cooldown very important spells on this, madness' force

leech is more of a filler spell with a longer cooldown)

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I would like to say it is unbelievable that we still have this discussion so many months after release of 3.0, but unfortunately it is not unbelievable. It's rather sad.


I don't like DoT spread for 3 reasons

1) it cripples my ability to cc other players in PvP

2) it makes all these clueless kiddies whine about how OP sorcs are, because all these kiddies do is look at the overall damage at the end of each match.

3) because the overall damage is so high in PvP, I don't get decent single target dps and pretty much every other class and dps spec outperforms me here.


Therefore I would like to see DoT Spread being removed and in turn single target dps boosted.

I think a nice way to handle DoT spread is to turn it into a DoT Refresh / Re-apply. This way the devs still got something that looks pretty much like their current "baby", but also allows to tackle the issues Madness has.


Oh and make Force Leech an instant ability. It why do sorcs have to cast all their heavily hitting abilities while the other classes get abilities that hit way harder and are instant. Madness is based on DoTs and on Kiting - standing still to cast something does not really fit into that play style, especially since we already have to stand still all the time to cast FL anyways. And NO, Force Mobility is not really an option, unless you merge some of the other useful Utilities or significantly buff Force Mobility.



- Remove DoT spread / turn DoT spread into a refresh

- Buff single target dps by increasing the damage dealt by the DoTs, Force Leech, perhaps Death Field.

- Buffing Shock or Lightning Strike might be a viable option as well

- Don't put too much weight on the buff of Force Lightning to incease single target dps, as it will make Madness too reliant on FL

- Make Force Leech an instant cast

- Adjust survivability / healing received from DoT when you remove the DoT spread

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One easy change I'd like to see is that completing a channel of Telekinetic Throw always grants four stacks of Presence of Mind. If it's interrupted because the target dies or you lose LOS, that's fine , but far too often I'm getting only three stacks after completing the channel. I'm guessing it's because one of the ticks was resisted, but it should only look at the source (did I cast it?) instead of the target (did it take damage?). Edited by RAVM
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Something else I'd love to have back as a passive (we used to have it on our PVP bonus sets) is for the MInd Crush/Vanquish (Demolish/Crushing Darkness) DOT to provide healing again.


And I totally agree with making Force Serenity/Leech an instant cast.

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all pretty neat ideas, in addition i'd like to add some of mine, too, so we get a wish list for christmas:

-force in balance no longer spreads your dots, instead it applies 25 stacks of feathmark on the target

-force serenity(instant cast)now refreshes the duration of your weaken mind and sever force tto the target

-telecinetic throw(3 second channel again) also grants presence of mind if a tick of TT is dodged, resisted etc.

-vanquish no longer triggers the cooldown or consumes presence of mind if it is dodged etc.

-vanquish's cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds

-disturbance consumes no force if used with presence of mind

Edited by aristrokratie
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all pretty neat ideas, in addition i'd like to add some of mine, too, so we get a wish list for christmas:

-force in balance no longer spreads your dots, instead it applies 25 stacks of feathmark on the target


why you need 25stacks of the mark? stay @ 15 stacks and let it buff the dots a little more


-force serenity(instant cast)now refreshes the duration of your weaken mind and sever force tto the target


like this you would only need 5 skills (beside placing weaken mind & sever force) for the single target rotation, this would be a dps gain from ~300 when not more (didn't calculated that)


-telecinetic throw(3 second channel again) also grants presence of mind if a tick of TT is dodged, resisted etc.


i get a better idea ... let's change it to this: "If telecinetic throw gets interrupted, you get 4 stacks of presence of mind." no seriously, for me your idea sounds kinda like this, bc if you resist a hit, why should you get a bonus, i mean if a dot tick is resisted the target don't loose a feathmark stack, so why should you get a presence of mind stack, even if your telecinetic throw is dodged / resisted.


-vanquish no longer triggers the cooldown or consumes presence of mind if it is dodged etc.


you can't dodge vanquish, only resist it, if it's resisted, it doesn't consume the presence of mind stacks, but it gets the cooldown


-vanquish's cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds


Finally an idea, wich isn't to overpowered, but i would need a new rotation :(


-disturbance consumes no force if used with presence of mind


#nomoreenergyproblem or what?



again to your second idea. it would make the dot sage/sorc more static bc. he needs to cast more often telecinetic throw. on the other hand, it would be an to high dps gain for your single target dps. you would have an 100% uptime of your dots (beside vanquish) and you can use telecinetic throw and disturbance more often. it also would make the disciplin as easy like lightning, or like arsenal (merc), bc you only need to hit 5 keys to do decent dmg. It would make the dot sage/sorc to easy to make fun, bc it's just another easy faceroll discipline

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Madness was like one of, if not the best spec DPS-wise a few patches before 3.0 dropped


Yeah, back in 2.x I used to never tab dot; everything was single target, with 3-stack FL clips and switching targets every 9 seconds (creeping terror CD) for maximum dots/deathmark usage (unless someone needed to be bursted down). I didn't even use affliction in PVP (unless I was dying a lot and could afford the cost). Now I tend to focus more on dot pressure and team utility in PVP.

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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How about:


Buff Single Target Damage:


  • replace lighning strike with lightning bolt or any other instant ability that is around 20% stronger then lighning strike and make force leech instant
  • force leech refreshes all dots
  • increase the dot damage by 20% but remove dot spread


New Ability


  • phase walk for healers
  • prison bubble for dds: stun a target in a bubble, stunned target cant recieve health but takes damage.




  • 2 Parts - like old (180/186) 2 Part Set Bonus
  • 4 Parts - like old (180/186) 4 Part Set Bonus
  • 6 Parts - the new (192/198) 2 Part Set Bonus

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