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Everything posted by myragoeshappy

  1. you know that there are still many people out there who wanted those things but still were to worse to kill those "easy" bosses? like Brontes Nim or Hatefull? There must be a reason why it was till the end possible to sell those things to people with a good guild. when you change those things to "normal" sm loot, it will make those "rare" items just another thing everybody can get
  2. again to your second idea. it would make the dot sage/sorc more static bc. he needs to cast more often telecinetic throw. on the other hand, it would be an to high dps gain for your single target dps. you would have an 100% uptime of your dots (beside vanquish) and you can use telecinetic throw and disturbance more often. it also would make the disciplin as easy like lightning, or like arsenal (merc), bc you only need to hit 5 keys to do decent dmg. It would make the dot sage/sorc to easy to make fun, bc it's just another easy faceroll discipline
  3. for your information the dots are ticking every 3 seconds, so if you're refreshing the dots 1-2 seconds before they run out, you will only loose 1 tick. The Rotation i use (this one) got also a nearly perfect uptime with the dots, but i don't loose this 1 tick. my prio list in my rotation is, Demolish (only with the 4 stack) Death Field Creeping Terror Affliction Force Leech Lightning Strike (only with the 4 stack & normaly only once between 2 demolish) Force Lightning
  4. maybe it is also just a bug wich appears in the operations, checking that this evening
  5. even if the buff isn't activ it's an instant... Edit* went online and it's gone, so yesterday it just was bugged
  6. on the republic side it's a instant, and it's a dps gain i use the wave there twice ea turbulence, so it's a dps gain and also a gain in mobiliti
  7. i just checkt my sage and my sorccer and i just found out that, my sage got a small buff, bc instant telekinetic wave (even without proc), but this talent doesn't have my sorcer. Watch the Skill Description on my Sorccer there isn't an instand, there is still a cast. Here is still a Activation Time Is this ment to be like this or not? I mean, my Sage like the Dps gain he got
  8. Zur allgemeinen Info. Der schaden wurde nicht abgeschwächt, er wurde sogar leicht angehoben so mache ich mit dem 3 sekunden cast ohne den Schadens abzug (laut Tooltip) 7323 DMG Wenn ich jedoch bei dem 2 Sekunden cast schaue, macht dieser über 2 Sekunde 5492 DMG damit die Cast verglichen werden können, rechnen wir den schaden über 6 sekunden hoch: so macht der ungekürzte über 6sekunden (7323*2) 14646 DMG, und der gekürzte über 6 sekunden (5492*3) 16476 DMG, das ist ausgerechnet ein Dps gewinn von 12.5% Zum Madnessbaum im allgemeinen, er macht im moment nicht viel weniger Schaden wie der Blitzschlag baum. Er ist nur um einiges schwerer zu Handhaben. Kann man die Madness skillung spielen, ist sie bei vielen Bossen im Vorteil, wegen den Dots die man auf mehrere Targets verteilen kann (Schwert Staffel als Beispiel).
  9. Erste frage: wo ist dir das aufgefallen (bossen, mob-gruppen,...) denn diese situation stimmt. Die Dots verteilen sich nicht immer, obwohl auf dem target die Stacks von MiG sind. Das Problem liegt hierbei, dass die Dots nur auf ziele übertragen werden, die in einer ununterbrochenen sichtlinie (dh. keine Wand oder ähnliches dazwischen) verbunden sind. MiG und seine stacks funktioniert anderst, weil dort alle ziele die getroffen werden die stacks bekommen (egal wegen der sichtlinie). Daher ist bei manchen OP-Bossen vorsicht geboten. Bei Drall z.B. sollte man die Dots mithilfe eines leicht vorstehenden Dralls oder Feuerlaster oder Feuergerät machen (um die dots auf 3 von den Geschützen zu verteilen).
  10. willpower: 4375 power: 1912 crit: 252 accu: 756 alac: 240 surge: 370 11 willpower augments and 3 accu augments
  11. like i said yesterday, here my rotation: Opener Rotation: (precast) Demolish -> Polarity Shift + Creeping Terror -> Affliction + Adrenal + Recklessness -> Death Field -> Force Leech -> Force Lightning -> Lightning Strike -> Force Lightning -> Lightning Strike -> Force Lightning -> Froce Lightning (cancel the cast @ 1.5s) -> Demolish -> Death Field My definition of Rotation is the Time between 2 Demolish (means 15s rotation). My highest priority is Demolish in combination with Death Field. So that means that is my "normal opener" for a new rotation. The problem is to have always your dots Creeping Terror and Affliction up on the Target. For that i need to use a delay from 3s (2 gcd) in each rotation on those dots That means: "Rotation #1" Demolish -> Death Field -> Creeping Terror -> Afflitction -> Force Leech -> Force Lightning -> Lightning Strike -> Force Lightning -> Force Lightning (cancel the cast @ 1.5s) -> Demolish -> ... "Rotation #2" Demolish -> Death Field -> Force Lightning (cancel the cast @ 1.5s) -> Force Leech -> Creeping Terror -> Affliction -> Force Lightning -> Lightning Strike -> Force Lightning -> Force Lighting (cancel the cast @ 1.5s) -> Demolish -> ... "Rotation #3" Demolish -> Death Field -> Force Leech -> Force Lightning -> Lightning Strike -> Creeping Terror -> Affliction -> Force Lightning -> Force Lightning (cancel the cast @ 1.5s) -> Demolish -> ... "Rotation #4" Demolish -> Death Field -> Force Leech -> Force Lightning -> Lightning Strike -> Force Lightning -> Force Lightning -> Creeping Terror -> Affliction -> Demolish -> ... "Rotation #5" Demolish -> Death Field -> Force Leech -> Force Lightning -> Lightning Strike -> Force Lightning -> Lightning Strike -> Force Lightning -> Force Lightning (cancel the cast @ 1.5s) -> Starts with Rotation #1 Like this i always got my dots nearly full time on the boss. Only between Rotation #5 and Rotation #1 you got a little downtime of 1.5s Just to say, i'm using Force Leech always after Death Field bc you get 15 Force back when the target got some Death marks stacks. For Reference
  12. the one on dulfy isn't that bad, can maybe send my rotation tomorrow when i got a little more time
  13. I know :/ but you know some numbers for this phase to get ~500-600k
  14. Like i said, i wasn't in the last phase of revan so far, but i will try to prove you wrong. i don't know wich dps you need to do to get 500k-600k @ the core, maybe you got me some numbers? everything is a challeng, even to try "impossible" things I prefer worser classes over a good one. It's more challenging and more fun to out dps your teammates
  15. was ich damit sagen wollte, war: 3 geschützte werden getroffen, 3 haben die 15 stacks von MiG, aber nur 2 haben die Dots, weil wie du selbst sagst, eine Wand dazwischen ist. Daher die Theorie, dass sich die Dots nur auf "Sichtbare" Ziele aus sicht vom Dotinhaber (dem Geschützt) verteilen lässt.
  16. Mir is zum Thema Dot-Spread vor kurzem etwas interessantes aufgefallen Wenn man bei Drall Dot spielt und für eine Seite zugeteilt wird (geschützte), kann man mit MiG 3 geschützte treffen, es bekommen aber nur die Geschützte die Dots ab, welche an der gleichen Konsole stehen. D.H. als Bsp. die Geschützte von vorne rechts (1) bis hinten rechts (4) durch nummeriert Setzte ich die Dots auf die 2 und setzte mein MiG so, dass 1-3 getroffen werden, so bekommt nur die 1 die zusätzlichen dots, die 3 begnügt sich nur mit den MiG stacks. Meine Vermutung dazu, da eine Wand zwischen 2 und 3 ist, geht der dot spread nur, wenn sich die ziele direkt sehen. also ohne wand dazwischen. Beim Unterschleicher ist zwischen den adds eine unsichtbare wand (merkt man mit dem setzten von FQ/FS, da man die adds nur an bestimmten positionen trifft). Daher geht der Dot-Dpread nur, wenn der Unterschleicher in der richtigen posi ist & über ihn die Dots verteilt werden. Ich habe keine Ahnung ob meine vermutung stimmt, ist für mich aber die einzigste plausible art, wie der Dot-Spread von der Hexe/Gelehrte funktionieren könnte
  17. at the time you're not near the core, you still can up your dots on it. you don't do more dps as lightning when you need to stand away from the core. ofc he will start with its burst, but the madness sorc will also start with the dmg when he comes back to the core. he wont need to refresh the dots while he is near the core bc. you can do it a little earlier To play Madness for progress things, you need to think much more than as lightning to do the same amount of dmg like the others #Kappa
  18. as a madness sorc @ cora you're nearly everytime full bc. of your selfheal. this is one of the fights where madness is atm much stronger than lightning, just bc of the selfheal wich help the healers to keep yourself full. since i haven't seen the last phase of revan, i can't speak about the differents between lightning and madness but for my playstyle madness will be the right choice even for revan
  19. the buff is just 50-100dps i did 4.55-4.6k pre 3.1.2
  20. for my self i'm play my sorc now full time as a madness sorc (even for the HM content). why? it does the same dmg if you learned it how to use your skills correctly. i'm performing still realy good with my madness sorc (Revan beside). Just relearn Madness and everything is good for the actuel pve content (it's harder to play then Lightning, but is more fun and does in my opinion the same or even more dps then Lightning to the bosses)
  21. you don't need 450 alac to parse over 4.6k i parse without the 198 mainhand i'm using: 240 alac (~3%) 360 surge (~69%) 756 accuracy (109.99%) ~25% crit ~2020 attackpower to parse that high you need to figure out how to play with this new madness/balance tree i would say, it's possible to get full min/max 198 4.75-4.8k dps (in a lucky try) my average is atm @ 4.5-4.55 on the 1million dummy
  22. after around 40 tries with madness, my average is aroud 4500-4550 so now, they parse nealry the same
  23. as a example i did as a Lightning @ the SS (ToS Boss 2) 4.2-4.4 in a average fight i did with madness in a average fight around 4-4.1k dps now it should be the same dps, but you got ~800 more hps wich is a nice support for the healers
  24. i'm just saying, if you know how to play your madness spec on a boss, you will do now as much dps like a lightning not every boss, but with the single target bosses
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