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Straw poll, Will you stop playing/subscribing if KotFE is without new Operations ?


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Let's see.... 8 classes with 8 stories....all of which can basically be played a minimum of 2 ways (LS/DS). THAT sounds like plenty of "replayability" to me. What you call "progression & replayability" I'd call "watching my dog chase his tail" (doing the same OP's, following the same routes, fighting/skipping the same mobs, the same way, EVERY time) ;)


it's not replay ability at all when the minor and I mean minor LS/DS choices have no effect on ANYTHING. The random quests, planetary quests, and bonus quests are one time and the same every time. Not only that but once you out level the content, there is no point to the content. So, even if you could run it again it would be of minimal value.


Replay ability is also in the eyes of the beholder, you might think it's great and can be replayed an infinite amount of times, where I feel at most a couple times, before it has no value to me.

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No new operation, then yes I'm likely to quit.


I have played the story (3 smugglers, 2 troopers, 2 knights, 3 consulars, 2 agents, 1 warrior, 1 Bounty Hunter and 1 inquisitor). Been here since beta and a sub since my 30 days free was up. Leveling isn't really appealing anymore seen the stories from 1 to 60 way too many times. Not really interested in doing old operations. Seen the fights way too many times already. Been getting close to burnout for a year now, so no operations would just add fuel to that fire. I would play the new story a few times, but with no new operations I really wouldn't have a reason to do dailies or other activities to make credits. 80% of everything I do in game is to make credits and obtain gear for operations, so without that and after I have seen the new story, I can't see the point of staying around. :(

Edited by mikebevo
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No new operation, then yes I'm likely to quit.


I have played the story (3 smugglers, 2 troopers, 2 knights, 3 consulars, 2 agents, 1 warrior, 1 Bounty Hunter and 1 inquisitor). Been here since beta and a sub since my 30 days free was up. Leveling isn't really appealing anymore seen the stories from 1 to 60 way too many times. Not really interested in doing old operations. Seen the fights way too many times already. Been getting close to burnout for a year now, so no operations would just add fuel to that fire. I would play the new story a few times, but with no new operations I really wouldn't have a reason to do dailies or other activities to make credits. 80% of everything I do in game is to make credits and obtain gear for operations, so without that and after I have seen the new story, I can't see the point of staying around. :(


Have fun. I recommend WoW, it's a raid-centric game that literally has nothing else going on.

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Are we pretending Ops don't play out the same way every time?


Op's are a challenge (on more then just story mode), story is not in this game (unless you don't know how to play the game). The story is designed to get you through it, laughably so.


Again, story has limited replay value, once you've seen it...Ops play out the same sure, but require you to play the game with others and cannot simply be button mashed through.

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No new operation, then yes I'm likely to quit.


I have played the story (3 smugglers, 2 troopers, 2 knights, 3 consulars, 2 agents, 1 warrior, 1 Bounty Hunter and 1 inquisitor). Been here since beta and a sub since my 30 days free was up. Leveling isn't really appealing anymore seen the stories from 1 to 60 way too many times. Not really interested in doing old operations. Seen the fights way too many times already. Been getting close to burnout for a year now, so no operations would just add fuel to that fire. I would play the new story a few times, but with no new operations I really wouldn't have a reason to do dailies or other activities to make credits. 80% of everything I do in game is to make credits and obtain gear for operations, so without that and after I have seen the new story, I can't see the point of staying around. :(


Hit the nail on the head!

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No new operation, then yes I'm likely to quit.


I have played the story (3 smugglers, 2 troopers, 2 knights, 3 consulars, 2 agents, 1 warrior, 1 Bounty Hunter and 1 inquisitor). Been here since beta and a sub since my 30 days free was up. Leveling isn't really appealing anymore seen the stories from 1 to 60 way too many times. Not really interested in doing old operations. Seen the fights way too many times already. Been getting close to burnout for a year now, so no operations would just add fuel to that fire. I would play the new story a few times, but with no new operations I really wouldn't have a reason to do dailies or other activities to make credits. 80% of everything I do in game is to make credits and obtain gear for operations, so without that and after I have seen the new story, I can't see the point of staying around. :(


I already do the 'play for a bit, drop for a bit' as I've completed every story at least twice, and outside of coming back to level on another server with 12X (which with cheap transfers is now kind of pointless), have little reason to play for more than a few weeks at a time to get my SW fix.


Though since I've been playing off and on since launch, and since a sub doesn't cost much, I do plan to stay subbed through KotFE just for the extras (mainly the extra companion), though I doubt I'll stay subbed much past launch without new group / social content to hold my interest.


If I just wanted to play a single player game, I'd do so.

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ok, this is ridiculous.


Ever since it came out, on and off, we've been getting new raids, ops, fps, and wzs to the extent that almost no one could finish every single daily in 24 hours.


How much new individual class story content has been added since launch?


Well, let's see...RotHC caught us in the middle of doing what we do during the first part of the convo...same with SoR...other than that...nothing. Solo content is the same pretty much across the board, even with 2 factions.


Now they announce new individual class story content for each class...and you guys still want more fps, more ops, more wzs.


Give it a rest. You've got plenty.

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Have fun. I recommend WoW, it's a raid-centric game that literally has nothing else going on.

Not a MMO fan. Was here for Bioware and Star Wars. I never figured to stay around this long. Friends talked me into getting game. My plan was to play the story a few times and move on. However, one of the same friends got me into EV SM one night and I fell in love with operations and group play.


Who knows another friend I met in game is trying to talk me into pvp. Hear they are going to make it easier to get into it in a update, so maybe that will be just as fun as operations and give me something to do between operations. At least that is more unpredictable every time than trying to play DP, DF, S&V, TfB, EC, EV or KP for the 100th time.

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The number of responses that are not no is significant. If this poll was accurate and meaningful, then BW would be ensuring 100% that they had an Operation coming this year or risk losing 20-30% of players. But it is neither accurate nor meaningful, so the results don't matter.


your reply still does nothing to disprove my point. . .


It was about the perceived bias, not on validity.



two separate issues.

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If some of you really want to just raid with a large number of players you can always play WoW (World of Warcraft). There's so many people player that game that the Raid Finder/Dungeon Finder queue is pretty quick even if you don't want to tank or heal, though sometimes 20-30 min waits may occur, the wait time is drastically shorten if you queue as a tank.


The feeling of working with large numbers of different players is captured pretty well in WoW and Blizzard caters towards that style of endgame. For the smaller 5 man dungeons, the system they have in place is extremely efficient for grouping players up from across various servers and the game engine (some would say outdated but I like the artistic cartoon look) is smooth and fast. Mass 40 vs 40 PVP battlegrounds are great fun too and much more.


If KotFE doesn't have new operations I could care less because I prefer more Solo friendly options that I cannot find in WoW (which I still have a subscription to because I enjoy it). Stuff like Solo Flashpoints and GSIdroid/boost is possible because of the Solo friendliness of this game and in the future, summoning more than one companion for PvE is possible but the chances of that are further decreased if Anti-Solo folks keep bashing and bashing, crying and crying to ruin the fun for folks like me who were never going to group up with you in the first place.

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Why? Afraid to face the truth?


There are so many people out there playing this only to kill time, who have no interest in learning how to play, improving, or challenging themselves in the slightest. Sounds like a dinky browser game mentality to me.


Blizzard started it. They discovered that if you throw a few bones to the casual gamer (I dont know what else to call them) they throw money back at you.


Yes, God forbid that people dare to have fun while playing

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ok, this is ridiculous.



Now they announce new individual class story content for each class...and you guys still want more fps, more ops, more wzs.


Give it a rest. You've got plenty.


It's not individual class story, it's ONE STORY that all 8 classes will share! with few differences based on class/companions.


This is NOT 8 separate lengthy class stories, what was actually asked for by the community since launch.

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it's not replay ability at all when the minor and I mean minor LS/DS choices have no effect on ANYTHING. The random quests, planetary quests, and bonus quests are one time and the same every time. Not only that but once you out level the content, there is no point to the content. So, even if you could run it again it would be of minimal value.


Replay ability is also in the eyes of the beholder, you might think it's great and can be replayed an infinite amount of times, where I feel at most a couple times, before it has no value to me.


And OP's are also the EXACT SAME EVERY TIME. :confused: not only that, but from what I've seen, your (not YOU specifically, but ppl complaining about OP's in general) idea of replayability is doing the same thing over and over to get the special cookies that allow you buy new equipment in order to do the exact same thing in "uber WOW this is super duper hard nightmare aaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggg!" mode. ;)


Knowhatumtalmbout? :cool:

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If 3.3 is garbage from a PVP persepective and they break crafting by removing companions in the expansion, then I will quit once and for all.


The actual new game does not interest me on iota, the issue is, how much of the current game will they break in the process of rolling it out.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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If 3.3 is garbage from a PVP persepective and they break crafting by removing companions in the expansion, then I will quit once and for all.


The actual new game does not interest me on iota, the issue is, how much of the current game will they break in the process of rolling it out.


You may want to go play something like CS:GO or LoL if you're that big of a PVP fan. It's a side-game in TOR.


And I hope you're kidding and don't seriously believe they're going to REMOVE Companions in the expansion. Even the most cursory glance through the FE information would cure you of that delusion.

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From the results, it looks like BW knows what they're doing...


You can't necessarily say that. This poll has significant problems with sample self-selection, people not following through with what they are saying etc, etc, etc. However it is not just the ops community unsubscribing that is potentially a problem for Bioware.


That poll suggests that about 40% of the player base might unsubscribe due to the expansion not having ops content. That likely is a vast over-estimate due to sampling bias etc. Nevertheless even with such problems it suggests that a significant fraction of the player base could well go completely. The thing that it doesn't capture at all is what about those who only subscribe for part of the time? As I have said before there will be people who will subscribe for a month to get a slug of content, work their way through that content and then re-subscribe two or three months later to get the next slug of content. No idea how many people will do that, but some will and that also represents a loss of revenue for Bioware.


Is the fraction of lost revenue from subscriptions of those who quit the game plus the cartel market spending of those people and also the partial loss of revenue from people who move to subscribing part time when netted against any revenue from new subscribers enough to be an issue? Bioware have fixed costs and loss of subscription revenue will have a much more dramatic effect on game profitability than the percentage revenue loss would initially suggest. I don't know whether they will suffer a net loss or have a net gain in revenue.


Personally speaking if they do only scale up old ops content I will only subscribe for as long as it takes to enjoy the game to its full potential. I would therefore be one of those people moving to subscribing part time. I don't spend on the cartel market, so it would only be part of my subscription revenue that would be lost. Story content isn't repeatable and what I suspect will happen is that people will burn through the story content, wonder what comes next, get bored and unsubscribe. That is part of what happened at the start of the game and this time there is no F2P option safety net available.

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And OP's are also the EXACT SAME EVERY TIME. :confused: not only that, but from what I've seen, your (not YOU specifically, but ppl complaining about OP's in general) idea of replayability is doing the same thing over and over to get the special cookies that allow you buy new equipment in order to do the exact same thing in "uber WOW this is super duper hard nightmare aaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggg!" mode. ;)


Knowhatumtalmbout? :cool:


Again, story can be done solo and is exactly the same every time, exactly, regardless of conversation choices, including LS/DS.


Ops are repetitive that is true, but require team work and cooperation, knowing how to play classes/roles and are challenging, they are not hand fed to you and can't be played through regardless of how bad the player is (excluding over leveling, etc). Op's have the multi-player aspect to them that can make things unpredictable, story has no such elements.

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As I said before, you can safely bet on BW doing what will make them the most money. And since they're putting the expansion behind a sub wall, you could almost say that TOR is returning to a sub-based system, aiming to be less reliant on the CM to make their money.
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