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What do you think will happen with the old romances in the new expansion?


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If anything, I'd be worried for non LIs and the less popular LIs who didn't get lines in SoR (Raina, Akaavi, ds Jaesa).


Did the LS Jaesa actually get new dialogues in SoR?


Also in regard to the DA:I thing; Mass Effect 3 had a similar setup.



6 out of 8 party members were actually romanceable. (Javik wasn't, and EDI pretty much already had a romance going on)

Edited by Callaron
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Did the LS Jaesa actually get new dialogues in SoR?


Also in regard to the DA:I thing; Mass Effect 3 had a similar setup.



6 out of 8 party members were actually romanceable. (Javik wasn't, and EDI pretty much already had a romance going on)


Nah, (not to my knowledge at least) but ls Jaesa wasn't a romance option hence why I specified ds -- though I hear you get some dialogue about having children with her so I guess you could sort of count her too? My SW recruited ls Jaesa but I haven't finished her story yet.

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DA:I had 6 of 9 companions be romanceable as well as 2 of the 3 advisors.
TOR has freaking Twenty main companion romances. Not 3, 6 or even 9 like Mass Effect 3. If they bring them all it will be highly surprising, not something anyone should resonably expect.
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I just hope there is some way to keep their gear, etc.

Having maxed out affection with all the companions in all 8 storylines <and working on getting a Lightside SW to the point where I can get LS Jaesa>,<although I'm still working on maxing HK on both Imp and Rep side ,maxed treek both sides>. SO..... I've spent quite a bit of time doing all that, plus gearing them all up to a moderate level - I don't want all my time and effort to be for naught.


So...... if I boot Skadge out an airlock, I want to keep his stuff.... ;)




I will have a lot of companions in their "underware" after the first chapter opening scene is done -- I too worked very hard on their gear -- and I want it back to sell if need be ( never can have too many credits ! ) only the healers will be left alone ..... I'll just ignore the fact that the gear isn't there if I have too LOL

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DA:I had 6 of 9 companions be romanceable as well as 2 of the 3 advisors. TOR already has some classes were 3 of 5 (unique) companions are romanceable (smuggler, agent, consular can have a flirtation with Tharan in addition to the normal 2 LIs, SW I am told can have a sex only thing with Pierce if female, and has 2 full fledged romance options if male via Vette and ds Jaesa, meaning only Broonmark doesn't have any kind of romantic/sexual relationship content for that class). Doesn't seem too far fetched to me.


If anything, I'd be worried for non LIs and the less popular LIs who didn't get lines in SoR (Raina, Akaavi, ds Jaesa). If they do get rid of all the LIs as companions *and* don't allow you to continue the relationship with now the companions now as NPCs (like the advisors in DA:I)... there's gonna be a lot of angry people and personally idk if I'll be interested in subbing for another year if they take my fave romance in anything ever as well as my fave Star Wars character away by getting rid of Ashara :/


Is the Jaesa romance actually unpopular?

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Is the Jaesa romance actually unpopular?


No, I don't believe she is. Vette might be more popular, but it won't be by much.

If Jaesa gets dropped it'll be because of some ******** numbers they set "like only two companions per Class get to talk" like they did with SoR.

Something tells me they might increase the affection bar to like 20000 or something for each companion.


Wouldn't surprise me.

Either that or give them a reputation faction. (Which would be kinda odd since rep's a Legacy feature and affects all the characters on that server)

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Have you seen Lady Insanity's vid about KOTFE? She talks about romances too.


Yes, I did! It made me feel more reassured about the fate of the romances, that's for sure. If you have to choose between your old romance and a new one, that definitely means that they play a large part in the story. It also makes me think they'll be back as companions from the way she was talking.


One thing is for sure, my SW and Quinn are going to have to have a very frank discussion about the state of their marriage.

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Have you seen Lady Insanity's vid about KOTFE? She talks about romances too.


I was pleased enough. I only have one character who's busily romanced others aside his romance partner. But from what Ashe is saying, even he will be able to carefully work things out with his wife. I mean, I'm keeping my fingers crossed, that the writers respect my Agent was just doing his job! IOW, there will be dialogue options galore that indicate he was trained in seduction for a reason! Get secrets from friends easier than enemies!


Every one of my other characters was duly faithful. Even my trooper sacrificed Jaxo. Poor Jaxo.

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I was wondering about Jaxo, actually. Assuming she's alive, do you think they'll remember her enough to at least reference her romance? That got to be kind of a problem with the Kelly romance in ME 3 in parts.


I think it's unlikely, considering Jaxo can die.

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i have not crossed any wires with two comps and their love thing and always remained loyal to them after the marriage thing, no flirting or anything with any others except that specific comp. but id like to play the smuggler again and get corso reaction to every flirt the femsmug does with others, just for the lols at his jealousy, after that get the femsmug married to him.


anyways, i dont expect any female comps to throw any large objects at my male toons and i dont expect any male comps to start grovelling on the floor hoping to their the female toon back. but then again, they could cheat on your in the meantime, never know, you could be the one throwing heavy things at your comps. :p

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I think it's unlikely, considering Jaxo can die.


And Theron kind of took the spot of charming SIS boy (formerly belonging to Jonas Balkar)...a shame really but at least fair to all troopers out there :p


I was pretty bummed when my bethotred's vanguard could have someone on the side while my fem trooper got only teases and then absolutly nothing.


I have high hopes for everything romance-related in the upcoming expansion even though my agent will have to somehow tell Raina about his sudden change of heart... :(

Also glad I didn't cheat on Malavai although the temptation was there every time Theron appered on the screen :D

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Or she can live. All I was asking for was a reference or a cameo.


I always thought it'd be neat if she'd showed up again for those who saved her, while those who didn't would get to interact with a different character on that particular quest. (Similar to how they did it on ME3)


But alas, I don't think that'll ever happen. If we're extremely lucky we may get another letter from her one day, but beyond that my expectations are pretty low. :(

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I kinda hope that we'll have a bunch of cameos from potentially dead characters, Jaxxo included, since our choices supposedly matter 8'D (I'd love to see Cytharat again! Also Tormen, even if he wasn't a romance option. Poor Jaxxo died in my playthrough, though my Trooper had some serious trouble dealing with it <.<)


And the new info about romances being important has me so relieved *u* The one thing I was really anxious about regarding the expansion was this, because tbqh I'd rather have kept no new companion content if that meant my LI would safely stay with me :o


(And re: Jaesa, I was basing that off the fact that they didn't have her talk in SoR and anecdotal evidence, admittedly.)

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And the new info about romances being important has me so relieved *u* The one thing I was really anxious about regarding the expansion was this, because tbqh I'd rather have kept no new companion content if that meant my LI would safely stay with me :o

Well, some new content would have bee nice, but I totally agree about the romances. I love the LI's I picked. I would t want to lose them!


Although in at least one playthrough I'm going to have my SW choose Theron over Quinn. By that point the marriage will practically be a sham anyway.

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I never intended to marry Corso anyway -- it was a mistake (sounds lame, but it's true) -- not a real cool way to get out of a marriage, but it works -- I was just not ready yet ..... but getting down on one knee and asking ... THAT was just not fair LOL !

Besides, there was definitely something there for my smuggler and Theron ... yea I think I'll get out of the marriage....


Doc on the other hand .. ( he reminds me of my hubbie when we were dating, and we've been married over 20 yrs now -- yes he was a bit of a "scoundrel" )

I had to see if there were any "sparks " between Theron and me -- there really weren't --- so will do my best to get Doc back -- if I can't, I'll be minus one healer and a very lonely Jedi ....

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my IA -- currently has no love interest -- she told Vector "no" -- she's waiting on her one true love -- Saganu

no I will not cheat on him -- not seriously -- just in the line of duty -- IF they ever bring him back, I'll have a clean slate :D


my BH -- no love interest -- Torien reminded me of my real life nephew kinda ( the beard did it ) -- and I just went -- "ewwwww !" LOL

now -- if Theron can indeed cross over ... hum .... well we'll see, may change my mind ( and then there's Saganu again ... )

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On the plus side Torian and Mako will be around the Bounty Hunter's age now.


Assuming they don't hook back up again while you're mia as there is still attraction between them.and 5 years is a long time.

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Well, some new content would have bee nice, but I totally agree about the romances. I love the LI's I picked. I would t want to lose them!


Although in at least one playthrough I'm going to have my SW choose Theron over Quinn. By that point the marriage will practically be a sham anyway.


Yeah, I wanted new companion content really badly but... for the companions we already had. New ones are nice, but I really just wanna talk with Ashara more and have more cute romance scenes. What can i say, she *is* my favourite character :o

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