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Jeff Hickman has promised we will NOT be getting any new MMO content this year.

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I call the kotor whinos selfish because they are saying "good riddance, we are happy they are ignoring all other content". That is in itself selfish. You obviously didnt read the first sentence of my post saying I loved this game and supported it and all its aspects for years, but that's ok, selective reading is obviously your thing.


It really wouldn't take much empathy to understand why huge portion of community feels angry, disappointed, let down or betrayed over this. Remarks implying there'd be any empathy what-so-ever usually doesn't seem to belong in dialogue wheel of them Talking Head fans.


People who love the story hear they are about to get a new expansion that completely abandons and ignores every single main pillar of this game besides the story. People celebrate this. People feel glee cause of this. It is very hard to understand. Ultimately you guys are in same MMO boat with everybody else. This drastic change of direction completely Fraks over everybody else besides you. Yet, it makes you happy. People you are in same boat with start rocking it and eventually switch ships. Less people to sail with. Have fun roving.


I wonder how many expansions that are " all about story!" it takes to reach a stage where it'll nothng about anything for this game.

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And you say * I * am reaching., heh. If self made lists and forum rage is all it takes to deliver proof, then I should be glad how this thread right here proves me right just as well.


SW:TOR launches with over 600 hours of story content and 2.5 million people playing it.

Few months later, significant majority of these people are gone. Just how much do you recon people really care about bugs and UI imperfections, in case they find 600 hours worth of narrative they wanna stick with? Bugs become a reason to leave the moment beef of the game stops being the reason to stay. Not sooner.


It takes a very, very unstable and broken and terrible game to leave it because of bugs, if there is much in there that'd keep you in.


It's not like SW:TOR was some exceptionally buggy mess at launch at all. Certainly not when you consider it's absurd size and scale. I don't remember suffering from crashes, disconnects, broken quests or anything like that. Precious little about the " story pillar" suffered from a significant bugs at all. It was about as solid as it is now.



I've said this to you once. I try one more time. Stop trying to undermine people behind posts. Focus on posts instead. It is 100% possible to write a reply without any of that. Look at how Alssaran disagreed with me and take notes.


Let us assume you are right. Vast, huge , significant majority of people who have ever bought SW:TOR almost immediately left it due to PvE and traditional MMO elements. Alright. Is this not a significant sign of how BW should re-align their focus pretty darn fast? Game launches with 600 hours of story and couple of PvE raids. If you honestly suggest PvE and the " MMO" in TOR is so incredibly important to huge majority of people who bought the game..then hell, you got some panic buttons to press just as well, Billy. Cause clearly end game is then much, much more important than I have ever thought. it needs much more focus like yesterday.


Wow, just wow. The post I linked you was a post just like the one you made here. It was one of the largest compilations of people who actually played during launch, and their complaints on why they quit. Yet, you are going to completely ignore that, and still state that it was because of PVE.


I don't care how much logic you try and put behind it. The post remains evidence on what actually happened to SWTOR. Yes, it was a extremely buggy mess. Most of the servers were unstable, there was an ability delay that for most people made it almost unplayable. This caused MILLIONS to quit.


Whats it matter though. Your going to repeat the same rhetoric over and over until someone finally agrees with you. You seem to want to speak for people that have spoken up in the past and change their opinions on what happened to fit your goals.


You sir, are just a troll. I've taken a look at your post history. You've been spreading toxic comments like wildfire for a while.


I don't deal with trolls.

Have a good life Billy, perhaps someday a MMO will come out that you won't have to resort to toxic hate-post about.


And by the way. Bioware knows what they are doing. They pulled one of the biggest comebacks I've EVER seen in an MMO. No amount of reddit cred with ever bring you up to the level and amount of skill it takes to run something as large as an MMO.


For now though, I'll let you get back to your toxic comments.

Edited by Tharenisis
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Wow, just wow.


^ I thought you were done, Billy


I never said people quit because of PvE.


Once more,

People can quit because of bugs, UI imperfections or any variety of such reasons. But bugs or UI imperfections or such turn into reason to quit only once you run out of reasons to stay. Does anyone actually disagree with this?


WoW wasn't the first MMO out there, at all. Neither did spend it's first years in some vacuum. Everquest 2, Guild Wars launched almost at the same time. At least in Europe. Yet it was first and only truly huge one. Nobody at Blizzard thought it'd be half as popular as it was by the summer of 2006 or so. As a result, their servers were completely, utterly massively overrun. I don't speak of some initial rush of two weekends or something. No, every single popular WoW server was an utter mess. For several months. Unplayable measures of lag. Every sigle peak hour. Consistently. Every single day. Did people leave? It's not like there wouldn't have been tons of options out there. Everquest 2, Guild Wars, maybe even LOTRO was out back then already. Ad yet, did people leave? No. Absolutely game breaking measures of consistent lag for several months gave less reasons to leave than everything else gave reasons to stay.


If 600 hours of patented Bioware narrative would have been big enough reason to stay for significant majority, then significant majority would not have left.

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Heh, speaking of SWTOR's sub-reddit..



It turns out the collective melt down over yesterday's blog post is already much more popular post than the KotFE announcement megathread ever was.


I find this fairly hillarious, interesting and thought provoking little side note. Mayhaps one that deserves it's own thread!

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And by the way. Bioware knows what they are doing. They pulled one of the biggest comebacks I've EVER seen in an MMO. No amount of reddit cred with ever bring you up to the level and amount of skill it takes to run something as large as an MMO.


You consider this a comeback? Barely scrapping by? Barely releasing any content? Only half of the servers go "standard" in prime time and not a single one reaches high or very high (even harbinger the most populated never goes past "standard")


A game going F2P and just floating along isn't a comeback. No, that awards belongs to FFXIV:ARR. The original FFXIV was SO BAD that they fired the entire development team and replaced all of them and within two years rebuilt the entire game and relaunched it with a superior product and a 3 million strong community and two years later is still able to keep a subscription service. This game doesn't even hold a candle to what square enix pulled off with FFXIV. I would LOVE to see BW/EA even put in HALF the effort SE has done with FFXIV, especially since I would much rather play swtor as I'm a bigger SW fan than I am an FF fan but BW is giving me very few reasons to play.

Edited by Raansu
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^ I thought you were done, Billy


I never said people quit because of PvE.


Once more,

People can quit because of bugs, UI imperfections or any variety of such reasons. But bugs or UI imperfections or such turn into reason to quit only once you run out of reasons to stay. Does anyone actually disagree with this?


WoW wasn't the first MMO out there, at all. Neither did spend it's first years in some vacuum. Everquest 2, Guild Wars launched almost at the same time. At least in Europe. Yet it was first and only truly huge one. Nobody at Blizzard thought it'd be half as popular as it was by the summer of 2006 or so. As a result, their servers were completely, utterly massively overrun. I don't speak of some initial rush of two weekends or something. No, every single popular WoW server was an utter mess. For several months. Unplayable measures of lag. Every sigle peak hour. Consistently. Every single day. Did people leave? It's not like there wouldn't have been tons of options out there. Everquest 2, Guild Wars, maybe even LOTRO was out back then already. Ad yet, did people leave? No. Absolutely game breaking measures of consistent lag for several months gave less reasons to leave than everything else gave reasons to stay.


If 600 hours of patented Bioware narrative would have been big enough reason to stay for significant majority, then significant majority would not have left.


Billy my boy.

They left in droves actually. Played day 1 Vanilla release of WoW. Sir you're talking to someone who's been playing MMO's since Ultima Online. I've seen them rise and fall. One of my favorites was Shadowbane, a primarily pvp MMO.


This happens to every MMO. We could go on for days talking about how WoW became so big, that is not the point. There are but a few MMO's if any in the history of MMO's that have released without instability. SWTOR's however wasn't just unstable server crashes. The game, including bits of the story at points, were dang near unplayable, for WEEKS. The server side lag was so unstable, that moving your character foward was a chore. I really don't think you understand what I'm saying here.


Please bear with me, this is going to be really, really long. I'm going to try and rewrite my actual original post to make it more comprehensive so you can actually understand WHAT happened.


1. Back in beta, there were countless outcries that the game wasn't done. The servers were bad, there were widespread glitches and bugs, and alot of nasty issues with the game itself. However, the wallets at EA did not want to postpone the release date, and Bioware pushed out SWTOR in what many would describe as not completed. The game still had ALPHA issues.


2. When SWTOR was released, there were tons of servers. These servers were rapidly filled by the playerbase. Alot of the beta players actually had preselected servers, guilds already made, so forth. The influx of players multiplied the games issues by the thousands. Games like WoW and EQ2, and many we have seen released in the past ALL had these issues, it was to be expected, however. SWTOR was unprepared. A mix of crashing, serverside lag, bugs, lack of basic MMO elements, ability delay, class imbalance all compounded into one really destructive launch. Within a month, there was already thousands who has left the game. A month.


3. Your point on the millions that left due to there still being 600 hours of story play, is kinda mute, because people didn't leave at the beginning because of LACK of story, they left for lack of PLAYABILITY, and I will admit at this time I was really disappointed in BW's handling of all the issues. There was almost NO communication.


4. EV itself had some major bugs which made the difficulty of the raid itself a bit high. This has two effects. Within the first month, people rushed to max level like they do in every other MMO. They started knocking out flashpoints, boom boom boom, they geared up for EV and tackled the operation. SoA in EV was sooo bugged. He would randomly drop aggro and it made him incredibly difficult to get under the pillars. Your a raider so i'm sure you get what i'm talking about. This made EV REALLY hard. Now for alot of raiders, this was impossible to get past, but there were a few that did. The difficulty of this boss was unimaginable, especially to people coming from WoW who were used to fight mechanics, but once you had them down and the proper gear/dps whatnot, it was a cakewalk. However, it had kinda a side effect. I remember reading articles posted online about the "difficulty" of SWTOR's operations, and that people enjoyed how hard they were. This brought MORE raider's from their confort zones over to SWTOR, so for the second month there was this slight influx of players.


5. In patch 1.1.2 I think? They fixed alot of teh issues with EV. This dropped the difficulty of the operation down to normal. There was a massive cry then about the raid being too EASY, which caused a multitude of guilds to bypass the content and easily clear EV. Once they were done,....that was it, there was only EV at that time, and they left. That's what they came for, the raids. However, this entire time this is happening, there was this huge server bleed, people were leaving by the thousands, because of lag/bugs/ability delay.


6. One big hit that happened was BW actually completely remade some of the classes, they like, changed everything. Something that should of been done in alpha/beta as I mentioned before. Peopled had gone and learned their characters, leveled through the story, then to log on one day and find that their character had changed so dramatically, that it was almost a different toon. This caused thousands more to leave. As they didn't want to reroll another character. keep in mind this was before the legacy system was released as well.


7. Bug fixes upon bug fixes revealed more and more bugs... it was bad. Upon the third month so many people had left due to these compounding issues, all that was really left were the people who really were only there for the story. There wasn't any competitive pvp at the time, there wasn't any raids beyond EV. All that was left was a laggy game, and a small playerbase of around 500k, spread across way to many servers that were once filled.


8. Bioware ignored the playerbase again. This was were the big communication thing came into play. For some reason they refused to admit anything about the player bleed during the first three months, that it drove even more people away. People were crying that there servers were empty, and merges needed to happen, but were ignored. The only reason to really stick around at this point WAS the story. The few amount of raider's left still trying to finish EV, and the PvP'ers hanging on for the hope of upcoming PvP content and competitive play wasn't enough to even fill a good sized stadium.


9. Illum was announced, and an influx of players returned with hope that BW had gotten it's **** together finally. Nope, just like launch it flopped so hard that the impact reverberated across the internet. It was REALLY BAD. What players did come back left almost immediately. It was rediculous.


10. Pass time until F2P.


11. F2P wasn't a decision, it was a necessity. The only way BW was going to be able to make the money back was the new CM. New toys, and to entice people back into the game for free, and then lure them into Subs by offering more access to different ingame things. Alot of bugs had been fixed by this point, and the game was overall in a better place. We all know what has happened since then. More Ops were released, more PvP maps, Strongholds, and GSF. Alot of great things have been added to the game.


However, I can guarantee you. If it wasn't for the players, that 500k that stuck around through all the bugs, glitches, for the STORY, which at the time was all the game was really about, we would not be having this discussion because EA would of closed the door's on SWTOR forever. Those 500k players dorkin around being nasty casuals, are what really kept this game alive up until F2P.


Those players however, haven't really gotten much love in the past few years. This game needs story. Operations and flashpoints will come, but the story needs to continue. Upon the wallets of the casual's did this game keep afloat, and those casual's need to finally get to reap what they have sown in KoTFE.


This is my point. The game is not going to fail for the next year if no MMO content is released. However, the game WILL fail, if KotFE doesn't deliver the story needed to keep the core players enticed for another year or so. Yes the casuals are the core player of SWTOR, there is no denying that. Bioware has stated as much. They are the majority, they are the income, they are the ones whom are going to keep this game afloat. BW has these numbers, they know what the majority of players desire, and have stated as much. BW cannot afford to fail them with this expansion, thus they are are going to FOCUS on the thing they desire most. That their numbers, show.


This is what is happening. Jeff Hickman is going to focus on what is keeping the game alive. He is not making the RIGHT choice. He is making the choice that keeps this game running.

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You consider this a comeback? Barely scrapping by? Barely releasing any content? Only half of the servers go "standard" in prime time and not a single one reaches high or very high (even harbinger the most populated never goes past "standard")


A game going F2P and just floating along isn't a comeback. No, that awards belongs to FFXIV:ARR. The original FFXIV was SO BAD that they fired the entire development team and replaced all of them and within two years rebuilt the entire game and relaunched it with a superior product and a 3 million strong community and two years later is still able to keep a subscription service. This game doesn't even hold a candle to what square enix pulled off with FFXIV. I would LOVE to see BW/EA even put in HALF the effort SE has done with FFXIV, especially since I would much rather play swtor as I'm a bigger SW fan than I am an FF fan but BW is giving me very few reasons to play.


Dude. FFXIV was terrible and still is terrible. It's a grindfest. Stop comparing the two games, this is the second post i've seen of yours that is comparing these two games that are completely two different monsters.


FFXIV is -----> that way. Have fun.

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I was here when game launched as well. Picture you paint is an inaccurate one. Comparatively speaking, SW:TOR had a perfectly fine launch. I remember well being annoyed by measures of bugs. Maybe occasional lag.None of it was game breaking. None of it made some great obstacle on one's path.


I will state core of my argument for you to digest once more. Meat, main focus and crown jewel of the game was in perfectly fine condition at launch. Those 600 hours of story were readily at everyone's disposal. Something like incredibly awkward GTN UI, class imbalance or irritating companion joined spam when in OPS window won't count for all that much if staggering, respectable hunk of 600 hours of story stands on it's own feet. For 2.5 million people, it did not.


SW:TOR recovered and found its own healthy niche once they brought in F2P and began piling some good old MMO elements on top of that sturdy 600 hour story content. Ever since, they've given somewhat equal measures of attention to vast amount of different gameplay aspect. Story bits have always been included.


Now they've chosen to steer away from everything besides story.

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I was here when game launched as well. Picture you paint is an inaccurate one. Comparatively speaking, SW:TOR had a perfectly fine launch. I remember well being annoyed by measures of bugs. Maybe occasional lag.None of it was game breaking. None of it made some great obstacle on one's path.


I will state core of my argument for you to digest once more. Meat, main focus and crown jewel of the game was in perfectly fine condition at launch. Those 600 hours of story were readily at everyone's disposal. Something like incredibly awkward GTN UI, class imbalance or irritating companion joined spam when in OPS window won't count for all that much if staggering, respectable hunk of 600 hours of story stands on it's own feet. For 2.5 million people, it did not.


SW:TOR recovered and found its own healthy niche once they brought in F2P and began piling some good old MMO elements on top of that sturdy 600 hour story content. Ever since, they've given somewhat equal measures of attention to vast amount of different gameplay aspect. Story bits have always been included.


Now they've chosen to steer away from everything besides story.


I've already answered your 600 hour thing you keep repeating. Has nothing to do with why people left. Are you stuck on loop? Screaming the same sentence at the corner over and over isn't going to make the point any more relevant. It has nothing to do with what happened.


If you think SWTOR's launch was perfectly fine, then you didn't play launch. The 2 million something subscribers that left within the first two-three months would like to have a word with you about it's perfectly fine launch. You just lost ALL relevance in this discussion, as you just admitted to knowing absolutely nothing about this game's origin and why we are at the crossroads that we are. Even AFTER I laid it out for you. Good job sticking your own foot in your mouth.;)

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I've already answered your 600 hour thing you keep repeating. Has nothing to do with why people left. Are you stuck on loop? Screaming the same sentence at the corner over and over isn't going to make the point any more relevant. It has nothing to do with what happened.


If you think SWTOR's launch was perfectly fine, then you didn't play launch. The 2 million something subscribers that left within the first two-three months would like to have a word with you about it's perfectly fine launch. You just lost ALL relevance in this discussion, as you just admitted to knowing absolutely nothing about this game's origin and why we are at the crossroads that we are. Even AFTER I laid it out for you. Good job sticking your own foot in your mouth.;)


You are very eager to belittle and dismiss opinions of others. People are not wrong and relevancy is not lost simply at the moment when you declare this to be so. This isn't how world works. Your own personal class story isn't one I had, you know.


One and only truly crippling issue with launch had to do with such massive amount of servers. Once snowball began rolling, it got worse very quickly and delivered stigma of a failing game. Chicken-Egg though. Bioware never expected to lose them millions so fast. Had they, they'd never made so many servers.


I have to repeat my remarks n hopes of finding order for the said words that'd get through to you. It isn't working though. I have no idea just how smooth a launch you think people as collective are expecting from an MMO. I'm quite sure it doesn't and it won't go much better than what SW:TOR had. Two million people didn't leave because of semi-mythical bugs and launch issues simply because you decided that is the case. SW:TOR was never all that broken. I've repeatedly explained bugs don't make people leave if awesome game underneath would make them stay.


SWTOR was unpolished. SW:TOR was never broken. You try to paint launch of this game as some sort of a buggy, broken disaster. This simply was not the case. Stop altering history to fit your narrative. The casual, story aligned person who mostly wants to solo through his class story had very, very little difficulties at launch of this game at all.

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You consider this a comeback? Barely scrapping by? Barely releasing any content? Only half of the servers go "standard" in prime time and not a single one reaches high or very high (even harbinger the most populated never goes past "standard")


Of course he does. He's an excuse maker. He's so caught up in his own addiction to this game, that he's unable to see the reality of it. Happens in most MMOs.

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Of course he does. He's an excuse maker. He's so caught up in his own addiction to this game, that he's unable to see the reality of it. Happens in most MMOs.


Yeah jeez. The frenetic frequency and shrillness of their posting now is a sad sight to behold. If someone is satisfied with something and confident in their position, the natural reaction should be to not feel threatened or offensively defensive. But alas, junkies gotta junk. :w_rolls_eyes:

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Lack of endgame MMO content is what lead to SWTORS downfall and move to f2p after launch. I'm sure they have to be aware of that.. Story is great and happy they are adding it.. but unless its 100's of hours of story content people we burn through it pretty fast.. so there will need to be after the story content or history will repeat it self.
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Lack of endgame MMO content is what lead to SWTORS downfall and move to f2p after launch. I'm sure they have to be aware of that.. Story is great and happy they are adding it.. but unless its 100's of hours of story content people we burn through it pretty fast.. so there will need to be after the story content or history will repeat it self.


Thats about my exact stance and thinking that scaling up ops that are from 1 year to 4 years old will be some amazing player retention option given gamers that run OPS have done them to death is a mistake.


Maybe BW thinks the REP /companion grinds will take a long time. They sure thought it would take a long time for players to complete story content. Man were they wrong there.

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the game failed at launch for a thousand different reasons


But, it's a common theory for people to latch onto one reason and insist that their chosen reason is why the game failed and oh no, they're repeating their mistakes omgomgomgcollapse


But, whatever. Game will be fine. And in six months, people can come back in and proclaim the death of TOR is imminent again. Because that ever ever ever gets old.

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Thats about my exact stance and thinking that scaling up ops that are from 1 year to 4 years old will be some amazing player retention option given gamers that run OPS have done them to death is a mistake.


Maybe BW thinks the REP /companion grinds will take a long time. They sure thought it would take a long time for players to complete story content. Man were they wrong there.


Lack of endgame MMO content is what lead to SWTORS downfall and move to f2p after launch. I'm sure they have to be aware of that.. Story is great and happy they are adding it.. but unless its 100's of hours of story content people we burn through it pretty fast.. so there will need to be after the story content or history will repeat it self.



Yeah, I agree..

..SW:TOR found it's stability, life and place under the sun by standing on multiple different pillars. GSF, PvE, PvP, Story, Conquest, Strongholds.. I used to be quite happy about how diverse the directions game kept expanding. Nobody liked it all. Almost everybody has ties to multiple of these different facets. Now the game is done expanding and begins contracting for some reason. Now they mean to abandon all of these pillars but one til foreseeable future.


It won't work for them or us. Even the talking head fans will eventually suffer from it.

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the game failed at launch for a thousand different reasons


But, it's a common theory for people to latch onto one reason and insist that their chosen reason is why the game failed and oh no, they're repeating their mistakes omgomgomgcollapse



I would like to try and agree with you on how people focus on one thing but you know. BW pretty much said it themselves. The game did have other problems but guess what, it all boiled down to one major one in the grand scheme of it all.


According to Ohlen, the real problem for the SWTOR team, and ultimately the game itself, resulted from the team not being prepared for how fast players consume content in MMOs, a genre Ohlen pointed out that BioWare had no experience in before SWTOR.




Do you really think worn out ops that are from one year to 4 years old is really going to sustain max level players? that somehow once we quickly consume the story, the rep grinds will hold gamers till 2016 as we wait for the next SINGULAR chapter?


This reeks of the SWTOR launch problem. The story alone cannot sustain the game. We have seen this.

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the game failed at launch for a thousand different reasons


But, it's a common theory for people to latch onto one reason and insist that their chosen reason is why the game failed and oh no, they're repeating their mistakes omgomgomgcollapse


But, whatever. Game will be fine. And in six months, people can come back in and proclaim the death of TOR is imminent again. Because that ever ever ever gets old.


Lol. It is funny what time does to peoples memories. The fact is that shortly after launch people left because there was nothing to do. There was only one Op. One! There was no continuation of the story. There were barely any dailies areas and they were bugged. Lol. Yes, that is a recipie for disaster.


This time the situation is much different. New players and old players will be coming back and there are 10 Ops, plenty of HM flashpoints, and 9 chapters plus an monthly installment until we to to 16. That is hardly the same situation that players faced at launch.


Sure there will be vets that say, it is the same old stuff and they may leave. But the scaling of the Ops and the new and returning players will usher in a new guard, and the old that stays and plays will get just as much out of it as the new because they will be leading the way.


I'm seeing it right now play out in our guild exactly that way and I look forward to much more fun in the coming months.


I'm in baby. I just wish this would start now so that those that can't handle it can go, and we can bring in the new and get the party started.

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Do you really think worn out ops that are from one year to 4 years old is really going to sustain max level players?


I think a majority of the players don't give a single flying fart about new raids. I think a majority of the players are excited about the new content that's coming.


I also think that you continue to ignore the fact that the content won't be easily consumed since the new content is likely to revolve around new rep grinds and companion grinds with weekly caps.


Oh, but I can already hear you say "a player with 15 alts can get all the rep tokens they need to hit legen...wait for it...dary in a WEEK!!!!"


yes, but they can't hit Legendary in a week. So, if some dude decides to rush through with a ton of alts and get all the tokens he needs for maxing rep in a week, he can do that. Yay for options. But I'll sit there and mock him when he whines about having nothing to do while the rest of us are still doing the content.


In short, I really really really don't care what the locust players think, say or do. This game is not designed around them.

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This reeks of the SWTOR launch problem. The story alone cannot sustain the game. We have seen this.


It is like people willingly forget or try to re write history. Game launched with 600 hours of story. Remember what happened?


No matter how much some of you love them Talking Heads, a question:


Do you actually feel an urge to play through more of narrative content with a quality of Makeb/Revan/Emperor? Cause isn't that just what you'll be getting, in all likelihood?


People need to stop dreaming of some rose tinted KOTOR things and consider Emperor and Revan instead. Awesome storytelling. Stuff that totally carries like six games. amirite?

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Yeah jeez. The frenetic frequency and shrillness of their posting now is a sad sight to behold. If someone is satisfied with something and confident in their position, the natural reaction should be to not feel threatened or offensively defensive. But alas, junkies gotta junk. :w_rolls_eyes:


It's comical...Bioware should buy them all new keyboards for the wear they've endured recently. Just 2 weeks ago, the defenders were busy attacking anyone who saw this coming. Then yesterday, they were busy attacking anyone who didn't see it coming...it's been unreal lol.

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I think a majority of the players don't give a single flying fart about new raids. I think a majority of the players are excited about the new content that's coming.


I think you'd have to be silly to think players don't care about OPS. but yes, all players want new content and guess what. New stories and New OPs are both content players want.


I also think that you continue to ignore the fact that the content won't be easily consumed since the new content is likely to revolve around new rep grinds and companion grinds with weekly caps.


Weekly cap or not, if alts are allowed to get rep like we have before, the weekly cap only matter since you can max a rep out the first week by collecting the tokens. Then just turn them in at the start of the following week, never really needing to touch the grind again. I think that will be more prevelant given everyone will now have more alts than normal after the 12X bonus months.


Oh, but I can already hear you say "a player with 15 alts can get all the rep tokens they need to hit legen...wait for it...dary in a WEEK!!!!"


yes, but they can't hit Legendary in a week. So, if some dude decides to rush through with a ton of alts and get all the tokens he needs for maxing rep in a week, he can do that. Yay for options. But I'll sit there and mock him when he whines about having nothing to do while the rest of us are still doing the content.


Yea, too bad all thats left is old OPS and his only other option was to postpone a rep grind till the next week so he could pretend it was new.


In short, I really really really don't care what the locust players think, say or do. This game is not designed around them.


to bad it's not designed to incorporate the great story content BW does create and the good OPS they used to make. You know, the best of both worlds that just happened to help stabilized the game after it started to flop by relying on story content too much.

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