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Jeff Hickman has promised we will NOT be getting any new MMO content this year.

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OP starts off with 100% accurate quote from lead dev. OP provides a direct link to the original source&context . How much more you mean to expect? Perfectly legitimate, appreciated news sites have editorials that come with no intention at all to explain the entire point in topic. it is usually better left for the meaty text part.


Didn't you make this same exact post like yesterday btw?

Since idea of hoping there'd be more TOS violations for you to report makes such legit day dream fuel for you, maybe you could start considering your own spamming of one and same post on that list of future TOS violation hopefuls?


The thread title is a lie and you do know that. We all know that. It'd be silly to bother debating simple reality with you. You 'should' feel bad about lying, but whatever. It's the internet. lol

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Every year is a year about everything. It can be that and be a majority story. Anyways it translates exactly that way for the reasons I explained. You are choosing to take snipets as literal when he clearly didn't mean literal, based on what he says after, that they are still doing stuff with stuff other than story. There will be some things done in regard to every aspect of the game this year, they simply let us know that the vast majority of it will be story based.


Edit: It was even elaborated on later by Eric here somewhere. We'll be getting a blog soon explaining what they are working on for endgame.


Edit: Link


Luckily we won't have to speculate on any of this for too long, huh? Once expansion is out, we'll see about how accurate, farsighted or misguided the voiced concerns and frustrations over perceived and severe lack of longevity were.


As this community has proven, it is entirely possible to get VERY excited about 4 min long multi million dollar costing CGI. I think it is entirely possible (and bit cheaper) to get excited about a single blog post as well. But it'd have to be a blog post that can be read. As opposed to a link to a thread where there is a promise of a coming blog post at some point "in coming weeks" that will supposedly be talking about "plans", heh.


Again,I'd urge anyone to pay a visit to a thread like this like 4-8 days after you've installed the new expansion. And see about them feels you feel.


The thread title is a lie and you do know that. We all know that. [b] It'd be silly to bother debating simple reality with you. [/b] You 'should' feel bad about lying, but whatever. It's the internet. lol


I think you have a surprisingly narrow approach to whole concept of " title" and " topic" imo. It isn't always supposed to be some magical 4 word TLDR about entire thread. Pages of a book is where most go to find them lies and truths; not the cover.


General Chat discussion forum isn't " breaking news" section of news site, instead, it is the place on news site where the editorials go. Reuters or CNN or Fox News or Huff Post, most consider it perfectly alright to have topics that make you read the piece. As opposed to always trying to stick with topics that make a TLDR X-ray to body. Measures of artistic freedom have always been allowed and often encouraged in title crafting. Nowadays it is all kinds of easy, highly fashionable and extremely tempting to call titles you mislike as clickbaiting and then proceed to pretend like you could dismiss the entire writing underneath in doing so. By all means keep at it if you like. Still. I'd appreciate if you could stop being so worried about wording in a thread title. Worry about the thread instead. Book,covers etc.


I think the bit in the quote of what you wrote that I boldened and underlined for your convenience is starting to approach the ball park of TOS violations. If you enjoy reporting them so much, I'd try my luck with that one. Bit of a long shot but hey, we take what we can eh?

Edited by GalacticStarfigh
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Dont bother OP. The white knights are out in full force, rady to decline and refuse everything in conflict with their narrative.

It'll always be either 'you dont know anything yet, so shut up' or 'nobody wants to do endgame anyway, so shut up'.


Many of them will indeed be in for a rude awakening and it'll be fun to watch.


Lol. The "white knight" lamentation is getting a little hollow isn't? Playing that card now doesn't have the same effect it did 6 months ago. Many replying here are anything but "white knights" but apparently, that only applies to people who don't agree with you or the OP.


It is fun to watch btw.

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Considering this MMOs "claim to fame" is their story driven content the fact that they are once again focusing on that makes me very happy. It was that story driven theme that got me into SWTOR in the first place.




I saw the SWtoR:FE trailer and resubbed for 3 months, I haven't really played SWtoR since, approx, Wildstar launched as I was tired of the rinse-repeat dailies and total lack of story content.


All The Best

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We all like different things :)


I haven't played anything new since sometime after Makeb. Knowing that they were giving us more story and most importantly COMPANIONS <3 <3 I resubbed again. Just played the first FP in Maanan last night.


Treek is nice but not tied to the story as much as the ones with had previously so she did not do anything for me, same for HK but he was fun getting.


I have been waiting for quite some time to get a little bit new story with companions tied to it. Here below is an exchange from good old 2013, linky. All good things comes to those who wait, a few years in my case :p I did however only write that I wanted more companion-content in the future, next time I'll be a little bit more specific, pretty please in the near future.


Have fun everyone!



Please give us more conversations and quests with companions.

It was great to listen Doctor Lokin's stories, flirt with with Nadia or being betrayed by Kaliyo.


If you swing buy the lore-forum there are a few threads about more interactions with companions. Keeping my fingers crossed for more interactions and convos in the future.

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OP is pretty much a troll at this point. Great title. 11 pages and going.


It is rather futile and unconstructive to try to go on dismissing opinions you dislike as trolling. It usually just damages the conversation and your contribution to try doing that. Check post right above yours for a great example of how to completely and utterly disagree in a much more classy and meaningful way.


Thanks though, I agree it is a pretty good title, even if I say so myself.:)


If Jeff Hickman is allowed " figures of speech" in an actual interview, as was mentioned few pages back, then I think we get a free pass in that regard with our thread titles as well.

Edited by GalacticStarfigh
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Yep. It's ridiculous that people can straight up lie in their thread titles and leave it unchanged even if they weasel-word and backpedal their way out of their lies in the thread itself.

No lol. Sensational headlines work - they get you in here. You then chose to participate in the thread...it's brilliant if you ask me.

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It is rather futile and unconstructive to try to go on dismissing opinions you dislike as trolling. It usually just damages the conversation and your contribution to try doing that. Check post right above yours for a great example of how to completely and utterly disagree in a much more classy and meaningful way.


Thanks though, I agree it is a pretty good title, even if I say so myself.:)


If Jeff Hickman is allowed " figures of speech" in an actual interview, as was mentioned few pages back, then I think we get a free pass in that regard with our thread titles as well.


You are exhibiting all the characteristics of a troll.

Whether or not you are doing that unintentionally doesn't matter. You're still acting like a troll.

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It is rather futile and unconstructive to try to go on dismissing opinions you dislike as trolling. It usually just damages the conversation and your contribution to try doing that. Check post right above yours for a great example of how to completely and utterly disagree in a much more classy and meaningful way.


Thanks though, I agree it is a pretty good title, even if I say so myself.:)


If Jeff Hickman is allowed " figures of speech" in an actual interview, as was mentioned few pages back, then I think we get a free pass in that regard with our thread titles as well.


Damages the conversation!? Ha. If I didn't think this was a troll thread, I may have attempted a classy and meaningful response, but after 12 pages and you harping the same point (with that gem of a title) I just can't.


I'm all for figure of speech, but your thread is worded as fact. That's the problem, because no where in the article you linked, or anywhere for that matter, have I seen facts that there will be no MMO content this year.


Maybe you really do feel the way you do about what Hickman said, but I and many others in this thread don't think it's a logical conclusion. This is why you get response like this:


You are exhibiting all the characteristics of a troll.

Whether or not you are doing that unintentionally doesn't matter. You're still acting like a troll.

Edited by Papazmurf
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Just a fast reminder to people:


Main focus of this thread is meant to revolve around concerns of TOR's longevity. Focusing pretty fully on story for the duration of the on-going year and beyond brings question of how long a 10,15,20 hour long story, likely shared by all classes and both factions, is going to keep people playing and paying.


It'd be cool if we could talk about this longevity in SW:TOR instead of getting all weird just because title of the thread isn't to your liking.

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Just a fast reminder to people:


Main focus in OP is supposed to be in concerns regarding the longevity behind focusing pretty fully on story for the duration of the on-going year and beyond.


It'd be cool if we could talk about Longevity in SW:TOR instead of getting all weird just because title of the thread isn't to your liking.

To comment on the topic - does it really matter? Only time will tell, like it always does.


They've proven time and time again that their promises are meaningless, month to month. They promised cross server PvP, they promised a new and better Ilum for PvP, new ships for GSF, they claimed faster content releases (monthly even) when the game went F2P...now we're aiming for ONE big update a year lol. Holy balls...


I guess until they tell us what they're doing next, I don't believe it's worth fussing over.

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To comment on the topic - does it really matter? Only time will tell, like it always does.


They've proven time and time again that their promises are meaningless, month to month. They promised cross server PvP, they promised a new and better Ilum for PvP, new ships for GSF, they claimed faster content releases (monthly even) when the game went F2P...now we're aiming for ONE big update a year lol. Holy balls...


I guess until they tell us what they're doing next, I don't believe it's worth fussing over.


One big expansion per year with monthly content updates.

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Some more food for thought:


Few words about Hutt Cartel GSF, in context of this thread:

Almost everybody who gets past first bends of learning curve in GSF comes to think very highly of it. Of course, majority of playerbase has absolutely no intention of trying to do anything of the sort. Additionally, BW kinda messed up with monetization and marketing of GSF. As a result, it isn't among most popular activities in game. Yet, GSF community is sizable enough and steadily increasing in size. (certainly much more popular now than it was 12 months back.)


I know plenty of people who stick around exclusively because of GSF. They keep playing and/or paying due to it. It has been years after it's last relevant development push. Yet, it continues to be sole/major reason for hundreds of people to remain in-game. It was largely developed by one single epic hero developer. He prolly worked with a budget for it that wouldn't buy one week of McDonalds breakfasts for the guys who made the daddy issue cgi. Yet, due to it's very design, GSF (as is the case with all pvp, casual or not) is highly resistant to repetition. Hundreds or thousands of people consider GSF among main reasons as to why they are here. I am sure we all can agree that it contributes to longevity in very real and obvious way.


While keeping all of that in mind..let's look at Hutt Cartel.

Unlike GSF, Hutt Cartel milks from the richest of them udders. It is a juicy slice of famous BIOWARE STORYTELLING in Bioware RPG. It ain't no irrelevant bit boring side business that can be dismissively called as " STUFF" by TOR*s manager. No, this is it. The heart of the matter. BW story in BW game! Awesome, right? Due to way game is designed, more or less everybody who has it in them to reach lvl 50+ is familiar with Hutt Cartel. It was the thing everybody did, for a time. ..


....and now, it is old content. With some small exception of new players, do you recon there are many people who consider story and BIOWARE NARRATIVE of Hutt Cartel as a main reason for paying and playing SW:TOR in 2015, or 16, or onwards? I don't think so. Do you? Here is the problem of story content; Shelf life before it stops being among things that matter to people just isn't that long. That is the future of every single compact, cross class, cross faction 15 hour post vanilla story. I'd - guess- this is already happening in peoples minds for like..Revan expansion, too. How common you recon it is to think " ah man. I kinda wanna quit playing but I really need to see what happens in that Manaan FP and Rishi! Again!!! "?


Majority of community busy loving the BIOWARE STORYTELLING inevitably has approach similar to locust swarm towards the portion of game they enjoy. : They keep asking for new class stories or new LIs to LI or whatnot. Now and again, they receive what they ask and swarm it upon release. They devour through it in 15 hours...

..and then they start asking for more. Story content lasts like a glass of milk on table in sunny summer afternoon.


Meanwhile a humble, pure hearted, heroic and handsome GSF enthusiast would be happy for years if you just released couple more maps, ships, game modes. Longevity. It lasts like Alderaanian wine in oaken barrel. Same applies to ground pvp, certain PvE content, Conquest, stronghold improvements..you know. STUFF.


Longevity. It is important, yo.


I suppose decision to offer new players opportunity to skip to current lvl cap(isn't this a thing in coming expansion?) speaks volumes about BW's faith in obsolete story content.

Edited by GalacticStarfigh
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One big expansion per year with monthly content updates.


Huh? Monthly "content"? Monthly? Where did you see that? And even if they did say that, I don't believe they'll deliver on that promise for more than 2 months.

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At this point the original poster keeps saying the same things.


Most others are simply concerned that the original post will chase away players, because they assume the title is factual.


He will not be convinced, and he is becoming belligerent.


As far as I am concerned there is only one response that doesn't make me feel used by a troll for his own amusement:


Point and laugh kids.

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Huh? Monthly "content"? Monthly? Where did you see that? And even if they did say that, I don't believe they'll deliver on that promise for more than 2 months.


They are giving us the first 9 chapters of Fallen Empire at release then they will be releasing the other 7 episodically. HOWEVER, That doesn't mean they will be releasing them every month like he claims they could just as easily release them every two months or three.

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I like it when people backpedal so hard that they almost break the pedals :rolleyes:


Thread title: Jeff Hickman has promised we will NOT be getting any new MMO content this year.


From the first post: (Edited for brevity, the post is still there to read in full)


The interview above marks the first time I've ever seen a major MMO dev being proud and happy about focusing on an expansion that comes without any core MMO elements. Direct quote from Jeff Hickman below:




Are you happy Bioware has put all of their eggs in one basket here? Til foreseeable future, you will be playing an MMO where the MMO elements will be left without attention. Devs main focus and ambitions will be exclusively on storyline and narrative.




We all (=ones actually able to post and reply here) are subscribers to an MMO with a lead dev who dismisses core MMO features as " stuff" that they " look into" at some point or another after next expansion and after the ongoing year. I wonder how many water cooler gangs EA office spaces have, where we make a running joke among people gathering.


Do you think it is good or healthy how Bioware has evidently made a conscious decision to completely drop the ball on relevant, challenging or involving PvE/PvP/GSF/Anything content and completely focus on 10 hours of talking heads?


Aaaand then we have the OP trying to convince us that this is not him saying that they will absolutely not make any FP's, Ops, PvP/GSF content at all during the year, but instead he's just talking about the "longevity of the game" in very general terms.


That's some really impressive backpedaling there buddy.



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Huh? Monthly "content"? Monthly? Where did you see that? And even if they did say that, I don't believe they'll deliver on that promise for more than 2 months.


7. When will Chapters be released?

Knights of the Fallen Empire will launch with the first 9 episodic Chapters of the story. The remaining chapters will be released monthly starting in early 2016.




The more you know....*shooting star*

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The thread title is misleading in the extreme, and i find the OP to be quite tedious. I, like many others, are here for the story. I am NOT an MMO fan who happens to like Star Wars. I AM a Star Wars fan who happens to play an MMO. Were it not for the Star Wars themed storyline of this MMO, i would not play MMOs at all. In fact, after seeing several friends and acquaintances destroyed by EQ and UO, I swore to never play an MMO. I lumped it in with Heroin and cheating on taxes in the list of things i would never do. Then SWTOR came along, with it's voice acting and branching plot lines with cutscenes. So i've been subbed up since jump. I have raided, done ops and fps, but mostly because i was friends with the people doing it and i enjoyed their e-company. I am here for the Star Wars. To paraphrase another poster, I am here to play Malibu Darth Barbie and live the dream. Well, maybe not malibu darth barbie, but the gist remains the same.


So for me, the future looks bright indeed.

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Some more food for thought:


Majority of community busy loving the BIOWARE STORYTELLING inevitably has approach similar to locust swarm towards the portion of game they enjoy. : They keep asking for new class stories or new LIs to LI or whatnot. Now and again, they receive what they ask and swarm it upon release. They devour through it in 15 hours...

..and then they start asking for more. Story content lasts like a glass of milk on table in sunny summer afternoon.


Meanwhile a humble, pure hearted, heroic and handsome GSF enthusiast would be happy for years if you just released couple more maps, ships, game modes. Longevity. It lasts like Alderaanian wine in oaken barrel. Same applies to ground pvp, certain PvE content, Conquest, stronghold improvements..you know. STUFF.



Pretentious much? "Humble, pure hearted, heroic blah blah blah"?

I get humor, don't misunderstand me. But just because YOU dislike the focus on story content, everyone agreeing with you is a good guy and those who don't are greedy ****tard out to ruin Bioware by asking them to willingly deprive your perfect friends of content? That's insulting to me.

See, I don't give a flying **** abut GSF, about Operations or PvP. They don't appeal to me. Story does. And I don't care about new class stories I just want STORY. Well written, well acted, competently paced STORY.

Yes, I tend to finish new story content quickly. And yes, I sometimes am disapointed.

That doesn't give you the right to call me a greedy, self-serving moron just to prove a fallacious point and stroke your overblow ego.

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