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Jeff Hickman has promised we will NOT be getting any new MMO content this year.

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Unless you can PROVE anything you say regarding how the new content is arranged you'd be better off just keeping quiet. It's saying crap like that that is how the asinine rumors get started.



Yeah. it is not like people playing video games would or should ever speculate about yet-to-be-released games' design choices, features etc?;o


Just pure guesses, guesstimates and hunches. I don't think it absolutely needs to be underlined at every single turn.



Approach of " Unless you are 100% sure new expansion isn't The Promised One of every world religion, then don't assume it won't be!!! When you saying it ain't it is guessing!" isn't exactly the optimal way to approach these conversations imho.

Edited by GalacticStarfigh
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Yeah. it is not like people playing video games would or should ever speculate about yet-to-be-released games' design choices, features etc?;o


Just pure guesses, guesstimates and hunches. I don't think it absolutely needs to be underlined at every single turn.



Approach of " Unless you are 100% sure new expansion isn't The Promised One of every world region, then don't assume it won't be!!! When you saying it ain't it is guessing" isn't exactly the optimal way to approach these conversations imho.

I have been lurking for a long while and I have to say to you, in particular, that you are rather hostile to anyone who doesn't share your opinion on this situation. Here's a question: who cares whether Bioware doesn't work on raids/PvP/etc. aside from those who do them religiously? I certainly don't. What you want doesn't mean that you'll get it, at all, even. Here's a suggestion for you: stop while you're ahead. It's clear that you're not going to listen to anyone who doesn't share your narrow-minded view of things anyway.


Personally, I am super excited for the expansion. I don't mind that people want to do raids/PvP/etc. but they have to wait... which is good. If you don't like that, well, you'll still have to wait.

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Yeah. it is not like people playing video games would or should ever speculate about yet-to-be-released games' design choices, features etc?;o


Just pure guesses, guesstimates and hunches. I don't think it absolutely needs to be underlined at every single turn.



Approach of " Unless you are 100% sure new expansion isn't The Promised One of every world religion, then don't assume it won't be!!! When you saying it ain't it is guessing!" isn't exactly the optimal way to approach these conversations imho.


It's one thing to speculate it's another to talk like that is how it is going to be and pretty much all of your posts have been the latter not the former.

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Hello Luna! :) Somehow I knew you would be jumping in here.


I'm excited about the stories and going back to BW's strong suit. And... I raid, pvp, and do all the rest of it too.


It's all good here, except for that Theran situation. lol


He hee, you know me all too well lol. :D I'm mostly excited about the companion stuff. I've been dying for that forever. My SW is currently a little worried. She kissed Theron. Twice. She's really hoping Malavai didn't see...She's been practicing her justification speech..."Oh Malavai, those kisses didn't mean anything--it was just me lulling the SIS agent into complacence...you never know when you might need one...you know I love you...and what's a couple of kisses to forgive...I forgave you, about you know what. And maybe if you'd not stopped talking to me...well..." *demurely kicks a pebble*.


My agent behaved...so she's not too worried, unless a pretty joiner showed up...in which case, I'm totally getting my assault rife...and the rest of the crew are all patiently waiting for Theron. Especially my Jedi lol :D

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Did he really say "I promise, there will be no new MMO content this year"?


When I chose to read this thread based on the title, I assumed I would see a link to a definite source that would confirm this idea. Instead I see the same quote that every other person who assumes focus on (A) equals ignoring (B), ©, and (D).


I like Raiding, I like GSF, I like flashpoints, I love the fact that many people in the community are willing to help others get through group content, something I found sorely lacking in some of my recent forays into other MMO's.


What really has set this game apart at least in my experience is the way the story is presented, I love that my character has a voice, facial expressions and body language. I love that mission givers throughout the entire game were not just posts, but real characters.


You may not enjoy all aspects of the game, but please do not disparage people who enjoy what you do not.


Neither Jeff Hickman nor anyone else, with any authority to say so, has confirmed in any way that there will be no new Operations or Flashpoints.


I would guess based on past experience, that with a level cap will come new group content, do I know this for sure?




I will wait to see what will come, and if I get bored with the game, I will unsubscribe, without the outrage fanfare.

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Story is all fine and good for this expansion, unless I can run through the entire released part in a day or two or a few days, including watching all the scenes. Unless they added a team equal to the original dev team, we will get story that is doable in a few days at most...that will not keep people subbed.


I fear they are putting a nail in their own coffin on this one.


Listening to what we want...lol


they need to hire people who actually play the game to analyze their metrics...


All the story only people can be all happy until the game goes under in 2016 because they didn't release timely, high quality, steadily released MMO content.

Edited by Danw
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Dont bother OP. The white knights are out in full force, rady to decline and refuse everything in conflict with their narrative.

It'll always be either 'you dont know anything yet, so shut up' or 'nobody wants to do endgame anyway, so shut up'.


Many of them will indeed be in for a rude awakening and it'll be fun to watch.

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I think the OP is the one with issues here...


You're reading way too much into what he's saying because of your own fears and agendas.


"We're all about story this year" is a saying... (Like "stabbing someone in the back")

Doesn't mean they won't release a single thing at all besides single-player story this year.

Just means that's their main focus.


But I can see from your responses throughout the thread that you're not really open for debate on this. You see his PR-fueled statement as solid proof that there's not going to be any content.


I just hope you'll come back to this very thread and say "I was wrong" when there is MMO content released this year.

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Dont bother OP. The white knights are out in full force, rady to decline and refuse everything in conflict with their narrative.

It'll always be either 'you dont know anything yet, so shut up' or 'nobody wants to do endgame anyway, so shut up'.


Many of them will indeed be in for a rude awakening and it'll be fun to watch.


These people aren't white knights, just because they're excited about what's to come.


I know I sure as hell am no white knight. I railed and petitioned and carried on for the story, this game promised. I nattered about it all over the place. I was on a cantina tour witch hunt, because I felt it was money taken way from story development. I was a pain in the butt, I'm sure. But, I came here for epic adventure, I wanted to be the hero in my story, and darn straight I'm excited. It's new stuff. New stuff is great. Swtor sold itself to me as being a story game. And finally we're getting it, so I'm happy and excited. I'm sorry you're not...but your attitude is what you make of it, so have fun hoping for your schadenfreude. It's not as delicious as you might think.

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Are you happy Bioware has put all of their eggs in one basket here? . . . Do you think it is good or healthy how Bioware has evidently made a conscious decision to completely drop the ball on relevant, challenging or involving PvE/PvP/GSF/Anything content and completely focus on 10 hours of talking heads?


A problem, and great challenge, with viewing the world and its surroundings is to realize that you are Not the center of that world or for that matter; what makes a game developer to make certain decisions . . .


You, my friend, are a minority, are you really that unaware that you think that the decision to focus on story for six months is made on a whim???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is Star Wars more then it is a MMO, obviously does the average sub, you know those who actually makes this game last over the summer and through the past 3 years, one that prefer the story before getting abused in general chat in either PvP or OPS.


This is Star Wars and Star Wars is Story, it's not about blowing up the Death Star 5 - 10 times a week. Now if Story isn't what you want so do as any sensible customer would do, don't buy the product!!!!

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A problem, and great challenge, with viewing the world and its surroundings is to realize that you are Not the center of that world or for that matter; what makes a game developer to make certain decisions .


I promise you, if I made a purely subjective post focusing on them feels I feel about BW narrative or measure of focus it gets..it'd be a very different looking OP.


Majority of people SW:TOR has left are those who are actually unable to stop liking every single moment they get to listen to a talking head. That is fine. Each their own etc. When BW makes a decision to release a new expansion purely for this huge majority of people and have it so entire year is " all about story", that is giving the community exactly what they wants. It makes all kinds of sense, right? right.


It's just that when they release 4 mins of cgi and 10, 15, 20 hour long story... you give the community 20 hours and 4 minutes of " exactly what they want" That's your year of " all about story" It is completely, absolutely painfully clear how huge, loud majority here sees absolutely no problem with any of this at all. But maybe drop by to a thread similar to this on..say, Saturday following expansion's release on Tuesday. And see how you feel about them feels then.(plx note i don't know if expansion is released on tuesday, just an example)




Main focus in OP, and one almost everybody here just ignores for whatever reason, is supposed to be in concerns regarding the longevity behind focusing pretty fully on story for the on-going year and beyond.



How much you, I or everybody else likes the coming story is pretty subjective IMO vs IMO stuff. On the other hand, when I say the coming 10, 20 or 30 hours of story doesn't have that much excitement, longevity or replay value once you are done with it... I'd think this is much closer to something bit more objective, no? I realize actually are some people who actually enjoy listening through the same story 10 times, just picking " i kill puppoes" instead of " i like everybody" in the typical intersections. But for majority...I'd think 10 or 20 hour long story is meaningful, exciting content for 10-20 hours. Is there much i this that you disagree?

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How much you, I or everybody else likes the coming story is pretty subjective IMO vs IMO stuff. On the other hand, when I say the coming 10, 20 or 30 hours of story doesn't have that much excitement, longevity or replay value once you are done with it... I'd think this is much closer to something bit more objective, no?


No...that's pretty much the definition of subjective.

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The interview above marks the first time I've ever seen a major MMO dev being proud and happy about focusing on an expansion that comes without any core MMO elements. Direct quote from Jeff Hickman below:


"I want to be really clear to our fans out there who are deep MMO fans. We're not forgetting about that part of the game either," said Hickman. "We just have a focus right now on the story. We're doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations and raid bosses and PvP and that stuff. But it's all about story this year."



Now that at least some people have stopped being excited over absolutely awesome 8 million, 4 minute cinematic of daddy issues, could we please maybe talk a little bit about them implications here?


Are you happy Bioware has put all of their eggs in one basket here? Til foreseeable future, you will be playing an MMO where the MMO elements will be left without attention. Devs main focus and ambitions will be exclusively on storyline and narrative.


SW:TOR's F2P model is one that ultimately aims to make a monthly sub out of it's player... and then proceed to turn as many of these subscribers into Cartel coin using whales. I think it is a really good model and it has worked really well for TOR. Specially due to this, I look at their ongoing plans in utter disbelief. Subscribing to something, anything is all about longevity. You need wealth of content that remains relevant, exciting and interesting for months, even years to come. Investing tens of millions in in 10 hour story and 4 minutes of cgi is, in MMO context, surprisingly close to the "anti" of longevity I think.


We all (=ones actually able to post and reply here) are subscribers to an MMO with a lead dev who dismisses core MMO features as " stuff" that they " look into" at some point or another after next expansion and after the ongoing year. I wonder how many water cooler gangs EA office spaces have, where we make a running joke among people gathering.


Do you think it is good or healthy how Bioware has evidently made a conscious decision to completely drop the ball on relevant, challenging or involving PvE/PvP/GSF/Anything content and completely focus on 10 hours of talking heads?


"We just have a focus right now on the story. We're doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations and raid bosses and PvP and that stuff. But it's all about story this year."


Right there the guy says they are doing lots of stuff around FPs and Ops/raid bosses and even PvP. He's simply saying their main focus is story, not that its their ONLY focus. When he says they just have a focus on the story, its in the context of "that part of the game" (endgame stuffs), not just as in only, but as an extension of his explanation that they are not forgetting about endgame. The fact that he says after this that "We're doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations and raid bosses and PvP and that stuff." indicates they are working on FPs, Ops, Bosses, and even PvP.


tl;dr Translation: Majority of their focus is on story, but they are also working on FPs, Ops, Bosses, and PvP to some extent as well.

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"We just have a focus right now on the story. We're doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations and raid bosses and PvP and that stuff. But it's all about story this year."


"We're doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations and raid bosses and PvP and that stuff." indicates they are working on FPs, Ops, Bosses, and even PvP.


tl;dr Translation: Majority of their focus is on story, but they are also working on FPs, Ops, Bosses, and PvP to some extent as well.


It doesn't translate that way at all.

If they had plans on doing "lots of STUFF around FPs, Ops and raid bosses and PvP" and have " all that STUFF" for the coming expansion, then it would not be a year that is " all about the story", it would be a year that is all about everything.


You have an accurate quote from lead dev spelling out there will not be a major focus on anything besides story in coming expansion. This year is all about story. All the " other stuff" is meant to come later. In some other year. This is exactly what he is saying.


Only concrete, actual promise about all that other STUFF given in that statement is that they " have not forgotten it"

Is that supposed to be promising or fun or exciting? To know they have not forgotten it?? I have not forgotten Eurodance. That doesn't mean 2 Unlimited should get excited, quit their new day jobs and head for studio.

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I promise you, if I made a purely subjective post focusing on them feels I feel about BW narrative or measure of focus it gets..it'd be a very different looking OP.


Majority of people SW:TOR has left are those who are actually unable to stop liking every single moment they get to listen to a talking head. That is fine. Each their own etc. When BW makes a decision to release a new expansion purely for this huge majority of people and have it so entire year is " all about story", that is giving the community exactly what they wants. It makes all kinds of sense, right? right.


It's just that when they release 4 mins of cgi and 10, 15, 20 hour long story... you give the community 20 hours and 4 minutes of " exactly what they want" That's your year of " all about story" It is completely, absolutely painfully clear how huge, loud majority here sees absolutely no problem with any of this at all. But maybe drop by to a thread similar to this on..say, Saturday following expansion's release on Tuesday. And see how you feel about them feels then.(plx note i don't know if expansion is released on tuesday, just an example)




Main focus in OP, and one almost everybody here just ignores for whatever reason, is supposed to be in concerns regarding the longevity behind focusing pretty fully on story for the on-going year and beyond.



How much you, I or everybody else likes the coming story is pretty subjective IMO vs IMO stuff. On the other hand, when I say the coming 10, 20 or 30 hours of story doesn't have that much excitement, longevity or replay value once you are done with it... I'd think this is much closer to something bit more objective, no? I realize actually are some people who actually enjoy listening through the same story 10 times, just picking " i kill puppoes" instead of " i like everybody" in the typical intersections. But for majority...I'd think 10 or 20 hour long story is meaningful, exciting content for 10-20 hours. Is there much i this that you disagree?


Of all the cookies I gave you, you chose that to quote, you're really digging yourself into a hole here. My friend, unless somebody is chaining you to this game I really don't see the problem . . .

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Of all the cookies I gave you, you chose that to quote, you're really digging yourself into a hole here. My friend, unless somebody is chaining you to this game I really don't see the problem . . .


I picked a quote and used it in attempting to explain my point further. I'd talk about the topic, not about me.

it is actually entirely possible to talk about the actual gist of the OP in this thread you know. You don't have to talk about me. Unless somebody is chaining you to topic of me I really don't see the problem . . .

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it would be a year that is all about everything.


Every year is a year about everything. It can be that and be a majority story. Anyways it translates exactly that way for the reasons I explained. You are choosing to take snipets as literal when he clearly didn't mean literal, based on what he says after, that they are still doing stuff with stuff other than story. There will be some things done in regard to every aspect of the game this year, they simply let us know that the vast majority of it will be story based.


Edit: It was even elaborated on later by Eric here somewhere. We'll be getting a blog soon explaining what they are working on for endgame.


Edit: Link

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It really should be an actionable offense to blatantly lie about stuff, especially in thread titles.


OP starts off with 100% accurate quote from lead dev. OP provides a direct link to the original source&context . How much more you mean to expect? Perfectly legitimate, appreciated news sites have editorials that come with no intention at all to explain the entire point in topic. it is usually better left for the meaty text part.


Didn't you make this same exact post like yesterday btw?

Since idea of hoping there'd be more TOS violations for you to report makes such legit day dream fuel for you, maybe you could start considering your own spamming of one and same post on that list of future TOS violation hopefuls?

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