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Temple Chair (Basic) Exploit


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As per ticket 17734200


I had bought 2 stacks of 50 (one to give to a friend who lags a lot when on fleet), and forgetting to leave the vendor before using my decorations. So ended up with a profit of 4950 as per the exploit (only one stack of 50).


Response to the ticket came fairly fast and was directed to this thread. Glad the exploit will be dealt with, not asking to keep the ill gotten credits or anything (less than 5k, so not that big of a deal to me either way).


The one handling the ticket let me keep them for now, pending the investigation, I just hope this accidentally sold stack of 50 isn't going to give me a suspension.


If this accident costs me 50k credits for example, so be it. A small price to pay if it helps you make a point.


Edit: And apparently there was a change of launcher message between I logged on and the ticket was handled and all. Explains why he assumed I already saw this thread, guess that's cause I was waiting on someone running into that other issue most likely so never logged.

Edited by Lyshar
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I have seen this warning message this evening when I've try to connect to the game but you said I try to sell something that a fraud. the problem is I haven't play today so how can I have done something wrong? my last connection was yesterday you can check so I don't understand why I'm ban for something I haven't done. That's not normal at all and I don't pay every month to be cut out for something I haven't done. please enlight me here because I'm lost.

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Did we really all get kicked from the server for some message about an exploit over some chair? Did that really just happen?


Listen Bioware Community department people. I appreciate the communication. Just don't log us off for these messages. Putting them in the launcher is fine. Just don't log us off for this.


Since we're on the subject of chairs, and since I was logged off to come and read this thread about chairs. What needs to be done, is to fix the chairs so we can sit on them like normal video game toons, not the /chair nonsense.







SOMEBODY FIX THE BROKEN CHAIRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ok. I hope we're done talking about chairs. Keep up the good work. Great game.

Edited by CommunityDroidEU
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I agree with "OddballEasyEight" I was just logging onto SWTOR after a nice nap, and was given "news" titled "Temple Chair (Basic) Exploit." Now that I think back, I did use a temple chair on my ship during an RP last night, however I am quite startled that it caused administrative action. I was unaware this exploit could be done, and I'll be sure to avoid it when I come by it. Other than that, I did bought the emote a few months back from my understanding. Thank you for your message, and again, please be able to differentiate between usage and exploitation.
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Hey everyone,


I see some confusion in the thread and wanted to clarify that seeing the Launcher messaging does not indicate that you personally have done something against Terms of Service. This messaging is displayed to the entire player base as a means to inform everyone that we are aware of the exploit and that participating in it will result in action.


If the launcher messaging brought you to this thread thinking that you have been banned or otherwise had action taken against you're account, don't worry - we are just trying to get the information to everyone as they log into the game.


- Tait

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I have seen this warning message this evening when I've try to connect to the game but you said I try to sell something that a fraud. the problem is I haven't play today so how can I have done something wrong? my last connection was yesterday you can check so I don't understand why I'm ban for something I haven't done. That's not normal at all and I don't pay every month to be cut out for something I haven't done. please enlight me here because I'm lost.



I have seen this warning message this evening when I've try to connect to the game but you said I try to sell something that a fraud. the problem is I haven't play today so how can I have done something wrong? my last connection was yesterday you can check so I don't understand why I'm ban for something I haven't done. That's not normal at all and I don't pay every month to be cut out for something I haven't done. please enlight me here because I'm lost. :(


Okay, you both have the exact same message... something seems fishy.

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Okay, I know about the exploit but do you know about the situation that when you click the chairs for your inventory that they do not go into your decorating inventory.


I brought 50 for my stronghold and 50 for my guild and neither have showed up.


I logged off and came back in 2 hours still not there. I suggest you look into this as well.

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Hey everyone,


I see some confusion in the thread and wanted to clarify that seeing the Launcher messaging does not indicate that you personally have done something against Terms of Service. This messaging is displayed to the entire player base as a means to inform everyone that we are aware of the exploit and that participating in it will result in action.


If the launcher messaging brought you to this thread thinking that you have been banned or otherwise had action taken against you're account, don't worry - we are just trying to get the information to everyone as they log into the game.


- Tait


Thanks! I just realized after some extra reading, that this is an SH decoration, and not an emote.... Phew. Now I know I'm not guilty! (Or am I? Only the administrative logs will tell...)

Edited by Arkajion
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Okay, I know about the exploit but do you know about the situation that when you click the chairs for your inventory that they do not go into your decorating inventory.


I brought 50 for my stronghold and 50 for my guild and neither have showed up.


I logged off and came back in 2 hours still not there. I suggest you look into this as well.

You must have done something wrong then, the decoration is not bugged for me. I still have 50 of them both in my personal decorations and the guild decorations, even after relogging, and I can place them down just fine. Maybe you are confusing them with another decoration?

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Hey everyone,


I see some confusion in the thread and wanted to clarify that seeing the Launcher messaging does not indicate that you personally have done something against Terms of Service. This messaging is displayed to the entire player base as a means to inform everyone that we are aware of the exploit and that participating in it will result in action.


If the launcher messaging brought you to this thread thinking that you have been banned or otherwise had action taken against you're account, don't worry - we are just trying to get the information to everyone as they log into the game.


- Tait


You should probably make the link in the message an actual link. I couldn't click on it.

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You must have done something wrong then, the decoration is not bugged for me. I still have 50 of them both in my personal decorations and the guild decorations, even after relogging, and I can place them down just fine. Maybe you are confusing them with another decoration?


No, I didn't do something wrong. They were not there when I went to decorate the guild with some of them. I logged off to make this post and then logged back on and now they are there.

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Hah I bought and sold 5 of these before reading the news. :eek:


On another note I imagine some massive inflation hit after this night :D People around the vendor are going crazy and no one cares about the exploit warning...

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OMG, you guys scared the living hells out of me, when I saw this red thing pop up. I thought I had done something wrong unknowingly. Uhm, gentler messaging next time?


:eek: I agree, I was all ready to Google "Temple Chair (Basic) Exploit" to see how I got it and what I could do to remove it. I haven't finished uploading the update (I have the game on two machines and do them one at a time) I didn't know there was even something called "Temple Chair (Basic)" or where to buy one. Is there an event going on?


I'm glad I clicked the message link before allowing my panic to overpower me.

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Hah I bought and sold 5 of these before reading the news. :eek:


On another note I imagine some massive inflation hit after this night :D People around the vendor are going crazy and no one cares about the exploit warning...

They will probably care once they lose their credits and get banned.

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I understand that the exploit is obviously an issue. But what I do not understand is how a company as large as Bioware and Electronic Arts can't fix it immediately.


Ways to fix this with minimal server downtime:


1) Take the Temple Chairs off the vendor that sells them. Holy crap. Problem solved.

2) Don't allow the chairs be sold to a vendor. Errrrrrrmahgawd, a ton of stuff is already NOT sellable to a vendor, this isn't hard to do either.


Bioware/EA can make this huge game with all these goodies and requirements for items/gear/loot/etc. But can't fix a chair and then says "It's an exploit, don't use it," instead of fixing the issue as soon as it's known. Great game, don't get me wrong, but the developing/programming side has some serious drawbacks on some issues.

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Hey everyone,


I see some confusion in the thread and wanted to clarify that seeing the Launcher messaging does not indicate that you personally have done something against Terms of Service. This messaging is displayed to the entire player base as a means to inform everyone that we are aware of the exploit and that participating in it will result in action.


If the launcher messaging brought you to this thread thinking that you have been banned or otherwise had action taken against you're account, don't worry - we are just trying to get the information to everyone as they log into the game.


- Tait


Need some clarification:

Is just buying the chair an exploit? In that is it an item that the price is wrong and ]b]not[/b] one of those 1 credit deals like those in the past, or is selling it back to the vendor for the profit the actual exploit. Because if the price is supposed to be 1 credit, I certainly want to pick them up.

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Just like every other greedy gaming company. They are quick to take your money. God forbid someone or everyone take advantage of a mistake which will benefit the gamer..


Personally, I have stopped buying cartel coins in hopes of making these greedy S.O.B.s aware of the financial dangers of pissing off paying customers.

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I'm seriously starting to wonder what this exploit entails . Is it that you get multiple chairs - and other stuff- if you login with each character and talk to the SH advertsiement bloke ? If that's the case I'm wondering how that can be an exploit...hence me asking. Folks could be violating some rule without even being aware ( and because everyone gets this message they will start wondering what they did wrong )
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The part that makes me giggle about this is that these nearly-free items placed on vendors are usually put there to make up for some past problem, like server downtime or a bugged cartel pack. So essentially they have goofed up the thing they put out there to make up for something else they goofed up.
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