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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Temple Chair (Basic) Exploit


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Not to mention all the people colluding to do just what you outlined, but instead of listing it for some low amount for anyone to buy, are working together to buy expensive items and launder them through the GTN to their own accounts or the accounts of their friends.


They are openly stating Bioware can't or won't be able to tell the difference between someone finding a deal on the GTN versus them colluding to launder ill gotten gains through the GTN, and that to correct this issue, Bioware would have to roll back everything for everyone and / or ban everyone who bought or sold something on the GTN.


Or... Bioware has a log of vendor transactions, and the GTN won't mean anything. They'll just suspend/ban people who sold more than a hand-full of the chairs back to a vendor...

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No I only bought and 'learned' 50. As I said, I'm worried for those players who only sold 1 back thinking they only got 1 credit back. Not everyone in the game is a scammer...tho unfortunately there are more then there should be.
Because you're worried about a "friend" who did this, right?


I'm pretty sure they can tell the difference between someone who sold back a few chairs either accidentally or because they ended up with a few too many and the people who "accidentally" sold back 50,000 chairs.

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Just to be clear, I have been low-key about this in hopes that particular Facebook page won't be suddenly erased. Right now it's publicly accessible, and so is the evidence, including players' real names. I'm hoping BW is paying attention.
Or you could be proactive about it by screenshotting it and sending it to Eric.
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Why I think SWTOR/Bioware Should not use this practice. Because of a Micro Transaction/Market it is the MMOs responsibility to delivery a game that fixes these bugs are fixed PRIOR to patch deployment. This practice is too easily abused from the player as well as the company that uses this practice. Its not transparent, its too easy for both sides to use this for gain. SWTOR knows that there is a problem and wants to ban players when it knows this is going to happen. Its a calling card for trouble. Bait and Ban, Its a horrible practice. :mad:
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What is this?! I never of such thing?

The economy in this game is very tight as it is 100 credits won't do me a thing to help

What about 100x100 creds? What about 100x100x100 creds? Etc., etc., etc.


Why I think SWTOR/Bioware Should not use this practice. Because of a Micro Transaction/Market it is the MMOs responsibility to delivery a game that fixes these bugs are fixed PRIOR to patch deployment. This practice is too easily abused from the player as well as the company that uses this practice. Its not transparent, its too easy for both sides to use this for gain. SWTOR knows that there is a problem and wants to ban players when it knows this is going to happen. Its a calling card for trouble. Bait and Ban, Its a horrible practice. :mad:

Yeah, BWEA forced the poor, innocent exploiters to do it.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Or you could be proactive about it by screenshotting it and sending it to Eric.


Admitting that to the world and telling everyone exactly what has been done in great detail is not exactly the definition of being "low key," is it? Being subtle, I take it, is not your strong point.

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You are wrong. I just checked and the Expert's Medpack costs 1,000 credits and can be sold for 100 credits, resulting in a 90% loss, same as with all vanilla items. Maybe you bought a stack of 20, then the sales price is 2,000 credits but you would have spent 20k to buy them.


No, i'm not wrong. I didn't buy any of them actually. I was there to sell of some junk to the npc and highlighted the medpack I had in my inventory when I was moving stuff around. Thats how I noticed the sell price to the npc was 2000 and the listed price from the npc was 1000. clearly its been fixed since then


You can clone/change/Spoof your MAC address


You can spoof it but you can't actually change it without physically changing the network interface card. Spoofing it essentially puts an emulated software layer above the real MAC address. Such things can be detected and bypassed if the admin knows what they are doing

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That would be a reference to mailing your account items and credits. Or possibly only buying/selling to your other account. That is about the scope of it.


If I were a scammer, I would buy items from 200 people, and then resell them for cheap up to potentially 200 other people. At which point, who would they ban, and how would they know which one is my account?


Well the 200 random people get a few credits ... big deal? Either way your scammer account gets deleted along with everything in it.


As for selling to 200 people how do you propose on doing that? The GTN is a harsh beast to sell on at the best of times so good luck quickly moving 200 items that way ( ignoring the 100 limit ). If you do it to singular people your actions stick out like a sore thumb as it wouldn't be the "norm" thus that alone would warrant further investigation.


Also you missed the first part ... "if I were a scammer" as in you had already done the exploit ... kind ofeasy to see those people.

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That's really my point. The exploiters make their profit through GTN subterfuge, and I was asking Musco if they are actually going to track it all down and correct it. Otherwise, who cares whether a throw away account is banned and has its remaining credits removed. The scammer already got accomplished what they needed, which was getting rich, and, or items of value.


I wonder how hard line they will be here. They have the metrics to know what things are generally going for on the GTN within a range so if all of a sudden someone sells an item that goes for 100K for 10 million I would hope that they noticed this and take action against the person selling the 10 million credit item - this isn't a court so the burden of proof is wherever BWEA want to put it.


Likewise anyone buying everything from 1 person is fairly out of character for GTN and would likewise warrant attention/action.


In the end it should almost be clear if they look at certain accounts that held certain amounts of "wealth" that suddenly became rich out of character at this exact time that they are quite likely to be going to the trouble of exploiting and hiding it.


Whether they ban said people or investigate them and return all sold items during a set period and remove all credits explaining the sales appear to be from illegal exploiters buying their goods ( if they feel they can't fully prove the seller themselves exploited or was part of it )I would hope they do something to try remove the credits from the economy.


Likewise the effect might not be as bad as the doom sayers think in terms of the economy.


I know as a person running constantly 300 CM auctions that the values of my goods over the past 2 days haven't sky rocketed or dropped at all ( they're for the most part where I would expect ) nor have I had a massive influx of purchases etc. so from my experienced and educated position as a long time GTN "player" nothing is crashing or even changing currently for the general not cheating players.

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No, i'm not wrong. I didn't buy any of them actually. I was there to sell of some junk to the npc and highlighted the medpack I had in my inventory when I was moving stuff around. Thats how I noticed the sell price to the npc was 2000 and the listed price from the npc was 1000. clearly its been fixed since then

It was never "fixed" because it was never there. You were just trying to muddy the waters. We can all guess why.

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Ok so i just log in after almost 3 weeks not playing and the first thing i see is a warning for using this exploit... what the?


Go back and read up on this. It's a warning not to use the exploit......it's not a warning that you used it. It's just telling everyone not to do it.

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Why I think SWTOR/Bioware Should not use this practice. Because of a Micro Transaction/Market it is the MMOs responsibility to delivery a game that fixes these bugs are fixed PRIOR to patch deployment. This practice is too easily abused from the player as well as the company that uses this practice. Its not transparent, its too easy for both sides to use this for gain. SWTOR knows that there is a problem and wants to ban players when it knows this is going to happen. Its a calling card for trouble. Bait and Ban, Its a horrible practice. :mad:


LOL, come on, get real. This was an obvious exploit and error. We have never been able to vendor CM stuff (other than selling back rep items for the purchase price) let alone make a profit on vendoring them. Anyone who took advantage of this deserves the punishment coming their way. Anyone who did this knew the Temple Chair had just be released and went to buy it on Day 1. We're talking about experienced gamers who regularly play this game. This isn't something that some rookie video game player stumbled across. So people knew this was a bug and an exploit and they knew what they were doing.

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I have seen many exploits in my time in this game, from the cartel crystal r/e ing for mats, the ziost exploit, the oricon ops exploits, the list goes on and on and through it all i have kept my nose clean and avoided said exploits. Then i see the weak sauce bans handed out to exploiters the admins are a laughhing stock go bot in wow and see how fast your arse gets booted sub or not not this pissweak one week ban. I understand fully why people keep exploiting this game and abusing known exploits - the penalties are weak as piss. Add to that your "refer a friend system" which has increased spammy ingame chat with people trying to sell ref link clicks to get free cc's and other ****, the fact you seemingly are unable to eradicate credit sellers from your game they openly advertise on fleet and now friggin use in game mail to "sell credits" heres an idea drop the refer a friend garbage and actually attack and remove credit sellers and not for a week or a month - permanently.


your current penalties are not a strong enough deterrent to prevent people from abusing exploits and until you fix this people will continue to exploit your game. Furthermore i come to this thread from the launcher in the derpy popup window and to reply I had to "login" and after I did I had to reload the page link from the launcher - which it then decided to load in my browser so I had to login again - that means I logged in THREE times to make this comment - what the actual F$#K once in the launcher once in the popup and again in my browser, and every time it doesnt return me to the page I am viewing like every other forum in existence.


getting quite pissed off with your weak punishments for exploiters and what does the straight do everything right subber get for avoiding all the exploits? stuffall

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Well, I never read that thread. I didn't even know about the Ziost exploit until it was fixed. Just saying, if that's a policy they should have sent out an e-mail to subscribers so we'd know. If I had known that I would have just reported it and done nothing else.

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Devs have repeatedly said "Do not recreate exploits in order to report them." This has been repeated every single time an exploit has been found.


Ravagers exploit was basically a phasing issue. You could, if you grouped with someone who cleared Ravagers, go into the instance by yourself, teleport to the "island" at the end, then get free loot.


I am not suggesting they haven't, I am just saying that I rarely check these forums. I have never heard about an exploit until after it was fixed. Obviously they put the message on the launcher to reach as many people as they could and direct them here (how I found this thread). They should have done the same thing when that became the policy. I mean I get marketing e-mails all the time, I can't get an e-mail telling me this important policy in order to protect my investment of time and money into the game?


Again, I did what I did because I thought I was being a "good" member of the community. I will be really bummed if I get punished for that.

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If you know it's an exploit, there is no legit reason to engage in it.


I didn't know it was an exploit. I saw the price discrepancy, sold them back to make sure the credits were actually given. Bought the stuff back and destroyed it and then reported it. If it didn't actually give back the credits I wasn't going to waste my time or theirs reporting it.


Believe it or not, I thought I was being a "good" member of the community. Doing it once and then sending a bug report is obviously not the same thing as buying hundreds or thousands of them and selling them back. Again, if this was the policy, I really feel cheated that it wasn't disseminated more widely. I rarely check/use these forums, because it's mostly threads about people ************ about BioWare.

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I saw a notification of this today when I tried to log in. I only started playing a few days ago and I just bought my first stronghold. I did buy and resell several furnitures, but I honestly didn't know that there was an error. I don't even check the price...I am not sure why I received a notification pointing me to this thread, but if I violated it I am willing to resell it for free. How can I tell if I committed the exploit?

Edited by Windegg
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I didn't know it was an exploit. I saw the price discrepancy, sold them back to make sure the credits were actually given. Bought the stuff back and destroyed it and then reported it. If it didn't actually give back the credits I wasn't going to waste my time or theirs reporting it.


Believe it or not, I thought I was being a "good" member of the community. Doing it once and then sending a bug report is obviously not the same thing as buying hundreds or thousands of them and selling them back. Again, if this was the policy, I really feel cheated that it wasn't disseminated more widely. I rarely check/use these forums, because it's mostly threads about people ************ about BioWare.


Doesn't matter-you're expected to fully read the terms of service, which states that performing an exploit for any reason is bad.

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I saw a notification of this today when I tried to log in. I only started playing a few days ago and I just bought my first stronghold. I did buy and resell several furnitures, but I honestly didn't know that there was an error. I don't even check the price...I am not sure why I received a notification pointing me to this thread, but if I violated it I am willing to resell it for free. How can I tell if I committed the exploit?


It's the Temple Chair (Basic) purchased from the Extraan Exports (or something) vendor in the Cartel Market. If you've not bought any cartel packs and used the vendors there, then you should be okay. I did something stupid and sent a message to CS just in case (someone suggested that earlier), so you can do that to in order to be proactive, I guess.


Good luck. We'll need it.

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Seriously, some of you take the cake.


If someone sells a few stinking chairs, or even one chair, because they don't read the "sells for" amount and they're just ditching it, or because they can't believe that it will actually pay them 100 for a 1 credit item, you really think that they deserve to be banned for 7 days, and face other penalties? Even if they did it before the warning was put up?




Do the words officious or punitive or disproportionate mean anything to some of you?

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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