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The constant disconnects of this game is ridiculous


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I totally understand this is a new game and all, but this is ridiculous. The lag spikes and eventual disconnects no longer send you to the character select screen, but rather server select screen, where, 10, 20, 30, 60 minute queues await me.


Is this some new mini-game? I wonder if you people even realize this is happening. Nothing more enjoyable than almost completing a heroic or a class quest, then to get disconnected from this game and find myself in the queue.


Maybe i should get some Legacy XP out of this. It can be a little game, where you lovely people at Bioware, disconnect me from the game, and send me to Queue-Dom, and for each minute of Queue time, i get .00003834829238 points of Legacy XP. After that, you can allow me to log into the game, where I can redo do whatever it is I was doing or find myself dead and either have to wait to be revived or clone to the med center. Either way, it's a fun game for me.


I'm willing to pay $30 bucks a month per subscription for me to not get disconnected and not have to be in queues. Hell, this will be a great micro transaction. For each $10 increment that you spend per account, you can have your queue wait time reduced from 60 minutes down to a measly 5 minutes.



TLDR version: garbage game, constant disconnects, long queues,


Reply Responses:


Don't care if it doesn't happen to you.

Yes I'm mad.

Yes I have multiple accounts.

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I had one disconnect during Beta, and just experienced another about 10 min ago. It is very frustrating but acceptable. They mentioned something about an update or something; When STO brought out a new anything, the whole game got twitchy as Hades.


Then again it could be nothing at all. Only time will tell.

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I have played several other MMO's using multiple computers behind a router (dlink dir-825 all connected computers are wired) and I have never seen so many lag spikes and odd disconnects as this game. I have not changed any router settings that could cause this particular game these problems. Lag spikes will only hit certain machines even if we are all together and some will result in disconnect and a trip back to the que. Again, never had this issue in WOW, AOC, SWG, Rift, Aion Etc. I plan to try some router tweaks tomorrow just to see if perhaps this game is sooooo new that it requires a specific setup but I really doubt this will be the case.

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This issue just started tonight for me. My internet is fine. Disconnected every 30-45 minutes. Quite aggravating.


By the way, a common forum fallacy is if it's not happening to you, then CLEARLY it's not happening at all. Clearly...

Edited by Polly_Pocket
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Alright, guys, let's try to be a little more constructive and have some sympathy.


To the original poster: you really should contact technical support, and yeah, that means you're going to have to contact tech support for multiple vendors since most likely this is a problem at your end, with your ISP, or an incompatibility between the game and your router (a sadly common occurance with MMORPGs).


Try doing some ping tests and traceroutes. If they turn up any obvious problems, then the problem is either in your house (your computer or home network), or with the ISP.


If they don't show any obvious problems, see if the problem happens with other online games. If similar problems happen with other games, then once again the problem is somewhere at your end, but the ping/tracert didn't show the problem (at this point expect to be frustrated).


If the problem is only with SW:tOR and if the server you are playing on is not dealing with an unusually large player population (in which case everyone on that same server will be experiencing the same problems, so you can quickly determine if this is the case just by asking a few questions in game), then it's probably one of those game-router incompatibility things... which take forever to fix unfortunately.


If you think this is the case, then contact SW:tOR technical support and report everything you've tried. They'll probably have you repeat some of the tests and try a few other things before you get elevated to someone capable of dealing with that sort of problem. If this is indeed the case, then it will take Bioware a long time to test and implement a solution (even longer if the fix requires new firmware for the router, since the router manufacturer probably doesn't give a crap about your game incompatibility). Either way, you'll have to try swapping in different routers (warning: with the way some ISPs have things set up, you may have to give them a call after doing this) to allow you to play until a fix is implemented.

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In the twelve days i've had access to the game its booted me out just once and thats just to my character screen so I was able to get back in within about 20 seconds of being kicked. I was expecting to be pushed to the back of a queue like i was when i first logged in but i wasn't thank god.
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I don't think it is the ISP on his side. Why? Because my sister and I both play on the same network. I (knock on wood) have not yet disconnected in over 20 hours of play. However, my sister disconnects every hour it seems.


Well maybe its a setting on her computer.


I play from Australia and have yet to disconnect

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TLDR version: garbage game, constant disconnects, long queues,


Reply Responses:


Don't care if it doesn't happen to you.

Yes I'm mad.

Yes I have multiple accounts.


You SHOULD care if it doesn't happen to others, because that probably means its a problem at your end.

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There is something going on with your end. either your networking gear, internet connection, or PC related.


I have yet to have 1 disconnect, including beta testing.


Same boat here, OP really should check this with his own ISP first, instead of coming bashing here and wasting everyones time.:cool:

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