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Married but flirting


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Quick question. So my toon is married to his companion... But still getting flirt options. What would happen if you actually picked one of these? Other then me being a horrible person ofc.


Depends on where you do it. In the 1-50 content you'll generally lose affection (and sometimes receive snippy comments from your companion if they are present), in most of the 50+ content they've decided that you're beyond hope and stopped caring completely. :p

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In the main storyline if you flirted with someone (or even went further) and your romance was present, they would express their intense displeasure and you would lose affection, but that's it.


In the expansions the companions don't really do anything but stand there during conversations. As a test, I had my FemQuizzie kiss Theron Shan in front of her husband, but he does nothing. Hopefully in the expansion they put in more dialogue and such for romances if you choose to be flirty with another person.

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I was wondering when someone would ask this question -- I have the answer -- I've done it twice,

both my Jedi and Smuggler had "one night stands " with Theron ( yes they are married) -- of course their hubbies weren't there -- but no affection was lost either -- and yes I "feel guilty " ... it'll be interesting to see if that lack of concern will be reestablished in the new expansion or not --

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I was wondering when someone would ask this question -- I have the answer -- I've done it twice,

both my Jedi and Smuggler had "one night stands " with Theron ( yes they are married) -- of course their hubbies weren't there -- but no affection was lost either -- and yes I "feel guilty " ... it'll be interesting to see if that lack of concern will be reestablished in the new expansion or not --


I doubt that the fling will come up in the expansion, but I'm planning on having both my Consular and Warrior sleep with Theron for my own enjoyment and RP purposes. My Consular is secretly in love with Tharan Cedrax, and she sleeps with Theron in the hopes that maybe it'll help her move on, and my Sith Warrior sleeps with Theron as both an attempt to get back at Quinn for hurting her, and because she feels really lonely.


However, I fully expect that in the expansion, your companions will have plenty of dialogue concerning who you end up romancing, be it your former lover/spouse, or someone new. I'm rather excited to see what happens.

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A lot will depend on if we get Theron as a real companion or not -- dear sweet Corso may have to have a very heroic, but tragic end (if I get that option ) --- and of course I'll cry and mourn -- but IF I have Theron ( which we have no idea if he'll even be a companion option or not ) -- well, even if he isn't, I still may become a widow ...... frees me up to flirt again .....


My Jedi broke the Jedi Code for Doc -- she won't leave him -- besides, it feels very "weird " to date your boss's son;

I've already broken one rule -- I don't need to make it worse


My Agent is staying single for Saganu one day ( well, we can dream can't we ?) --- so until - if -- when - she will have some fun


And I do so hope dear Nico can be flrted with -- yes -- my Bounty Hunter will love it -- she too is not attached ... so... no guilt there


Hurry up October .......

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I just hope I can leave my "wife" who I haven't spoken to in over 2 years.


Heh, yea that doesnt help remain loyal. I remember going back to the ship and being like "ill visit my wife" .. click ... random dialogue ... i was like ... what i cant even give her a kiss? Sucked. But o well. ima continue flirting then. Scumbag awayyyyy *flies off*

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My Agent


Was Married to Vector before we hit Voss, but the agent decided to "consumate" the fake marriage with the Voss guy aaand Vector was ok with it



All my characters male or female pretty much cheated on thier counterparts with Lana Beniko. :p

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My Agent


Was Married to Vector before we hit Voss, but the agent decided to "consumate" the fake marriage with the Voss guy aaand Vector was ok with it



All my characters male or female pretty much cheated on thier counterparts with Lana Beniko. :p


I need to look up some YouTube vids of her romance. I like her, but not enough to choose her over Theron.

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My Darth Imperius married Andronikos but flirted and slept with numerous men and women. I've pretty much seen it as him being cool with it all (primarily the same-sex flings). Her latest fling was with Theron, done for multiple reasons.
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My Agent


Was Married to Vector before we hit Voss, but the agent decided to "consumate" the fake marriage with the Voss guy aaand Vector was ok with it




Same deal with Temple. She doesn't like it, but she accepts it as "part of the job". :p



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For my Agent...


I haven't TRIED it, but I imagine Kaliyo would be perfectly happy if I brought someone home for "us" to play with...



and from experience with my Smuggler:



When I had the chance to flirt with an old jedi friend of Risha's, she at first took a VERY big affection hit, so I backed out of the conversation and was more of a gentleman.... but after Risha and I were married, I took a 90pt hit (and stuck with it) for telling the Jedi that, "I've never worked ~under~ a jedi before"... wink wink... and Risha groans, "Ach, you're incorrigible". ;D


Oh, and when I had the chance to invite onto my ship a woman whom I had bedded in the past ("Come with me and see the galaxy!), Risha took like a -480pt affection hit, so I backed out of THAT convo.


Then when the guards were leading that NPC away, Risha did this cute little half-curtsy thing with a finger-tip wave as if to say, "Buh-bye". HILARIOUS.


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Arguably, the Agent has a very good excuse: seduction is part of the job.

Hell, Raina Temple even uses the test for seduction to seduce the agent in the Romance.

Besides, I'm sure you could argue that polyamorous characters could be a thing, or maybe an "open marriage" idea. Hell, there are no real specifics about how marriage is viewed in Star Wars.

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The lack of reaction from my spouse when my character flirts/romances another npc makes me think they get involved, open relationships ftw?


Either that or your companion didn't truly love you and just married you for your credits:(

Or the developers just didn't want to spend the money and resources recording the extra lines.


I fully believe that that will be rectified in the upcoming expansion, however. You better get your wild 'n crazy out of the way now, because I'm willing to bet that if you pull that stunt in the expansion while trying to win back your undoubtedly estranged spouse (5 years presumed dead and all that), they will be very happy to let you know exactly what they think of it. Chances are, they won't like it.

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Or the developers just didn't want to spend the money and resources recording the extra lines.


I fully believe that that will be rectified in the upcoming expansion, however. You better get your wild 'n crazy out of the way now, because I'm willing to bet that if you pull that stunt in the expansion while trying to win back your undoubtedly estranged spouse (5 years presumed dead and all that), they will be very happy to let you know exactly what they think of it. Chances are, they won't like it.


With the renewed focus on story I imagine you'll be right. :D

Ought to make for some interesting situations.

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I just hope we can get Theron as an LI -- gee whiz ... Bioware, I love the story thing, but maybe give a twist -- like give us a chance to change our LI ( I mean new characters come along, as they should -- and I'd love to be able to see some new content by changing .. ) --- a very honorable death of course -- I will not cheat on him, not my RP style ( or I'll just level up my trooper I guess ... not too thrilled with the female love interest -- sorry Cathars ! )
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We will have to see what the new storylines will bring. For some of my characters, they are faithful to their spouse.

For others... it depends on their own worldview.


For instance, my male inquisitor only flirted with other Sith purebloods, despite the fact that he romanced and got the full affection for Ashara, despite being fully V darkside. Although he did make a lightside decision to save the pureblood on Makeb and kissed him ... with NO... reaction at all from Ashara. He believes fully in the Sith Code in regard to passion, wherever that may lead him. But again, only finds fellow Sith to be worthy of his regard. Except for Ashara, she is the only non-sith species person he has ever been with.


For my Smuggler, he is scared ******** that if he ever even looked at another person, his spouse <Akaavi> would kill him in his sleep. So he's learned to restrain himself.

Both my Jedis are goody two-shoes and ... aside from romancing their companions in the first place, which violated the Jedi Councils rules of that time period ... haven't strayed, and will most likely look up their current spouses should that be continued in the new expansion.


For my LS bounty hunter, she is married to a Mando, This means she and Torian will bring up any future children together, as Mandolorians. This would mean any flirtation with another male would be out of the question. However, another female? Not out of the realm of possibility. And she has flirted with the girl in the SoR story with no reaction from Torian.


For my DS Sith Warrior, she was hurt deeply by Quinn's betrayal, which, for her, took place after they were already married. So she will sleep with whomever she wants, whenever she wants, and if Quinn complains, well, she just gets Vettes old slave collar out and threatens Quinn with it. The only reason she spared him in the first place after the betrayal is because of his healing talents. She didn't flirt with either one in SoR because she simply does not find them attractive.


My Chiss IA is married twice over, both the man on Voss and to Vector. Although she would find it more appealing to find another Chiss.

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Eh my married girls didn't flirt, especially since their husbands were right by their side. Or in the case of my Shadow, her boyfriend.


Besides, I kept thinking 'one day Bioware will bring it up some how and our husband/wife will be mightily angry we cheated on them.' So I didn't do anything. Sure, I'd toss an occasional flirt, but never went to the point I kissed or faded to black with Lana or Theron, so I'd assume I'm safe. Wondering if Bioware WILL bring this up in KotFE. That'd be awesome.


As it is, I found they've begun making the interaction a tad more detail specific. Like my male sith pureblood operative asked Lana about the Massassi and she seemed surprised that him being a pureblooded sith didn't know what they were. I liked that. So maybe we'll have more specifics. Who knows until the 20th. Great bday pressie for me btw. :D

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As some of said, post 50 the reactions just won't be there :(


However in the main storylines under 50, what you can expect is really going to depend on your class and what companion you are romancing.


Like someone else said, if you are a female agent with Vector, he will never show jealousy even if you are actually married.

I think the guy is a saint. When he proposed to me I told him I wouldn't wear the ring in public and he said he wouldn't expect me to blow my cover and just kissed me happily. Total love and trust.



However, CORSO on the other hand..... :eek: hell... I purposely will switch out companions and make sure he is with me just to flirt in front of him. Because obviously I'm sadistic :D ... I don't think any character in the game is as romantically hot-headed as that guy.... At least it is entertaining!

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