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Fallen Empire and Implications on Current Raiding


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So if we're getting a raise in the level cap, which presumably comes with a new tier of gear, but we aren't getting new ops and only scaled ops, do you think this means that all the current ops are going to do a gear reset? IOW, we'll have to grind a new set of gear just to continue doing the ops we're working on now (namely, HM Ravagers and ToS)? Edited by JasonNH
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they said they will boost 55 and 60 stuff to be endgame again


Im not even made with how the game is headed, but just gotta accept this is now and Online RPG, don't expect raiding, pvp and flash points to be even near to priorities

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There will be new raids and from my understanding from other people, the rescale of other content are not for those who are not 65, correct me if I'm wrong. I think we will get a new raid at level cap and another one when chapter 16 hits.
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Where did you see the info about new raids coming?


Just a assumption since we don't know anything more yet. But we can't assume it's going to be the death of raiding either, Hell, they haven't "officially" announced the worlds yet

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Where did you see the info about new raids coming?

There wont be any new raids until q3 1016 at the earliest. Thats why they are rescaling old content to 65.


Jeff Hickmann flat out said it in the polygon article:

"We just have a focus right now on the story. We're doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations and raid bosses and PvP and that stuff. But it's all about story this year."


And yes, it will be the death of raiding and of the endgame as we now it. Swtor will become an Single Player Online RPG.

Edited by AMightyKnight
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There wont be any new raids until q3 1016 at the earliest. Thats why they are rescaling old content to 65.


Jeff Hickmann flat out said it in the polygon article:

"We just have a focus right now on the story. We're doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations and raid bosses and PvP and that stuff. But it's all about story this year."


And yes, it will be the death of raiding and of the endgame as we now it. Swtor will become an Single Player Online RPG.


The First part of his quote that you left off was:


"I want to be really clear to our fans out there who are deep MMO fans. We're not forgetting about that part of the game either,"



But he also said:


"We can look at this stuff and say, 'look, if you want to go and play the standard MMO game — PvP, doing a flashpoint, operation raiding — we have that. We've always had that. We continue to expand on that."


and this


"Despite all these changes, BiowWare is clear on thing: The Old Republic is still very much an MMO, with all that genre entails. It's just been streamlined, with new options for the way each player approaches the game."

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I'm looking forward to those changes, it has been way too long since I ran EV/KP/EC and had to heal someone, it's just not fun when everyone takes 0 damage.

Ever since Forged Alliances, I was afraid that the devs now focus purely on story and we would not get a new operation at all, so my expectations were very low. With the Polygon article, Jeff reaffirmed that MMO content is still in development. It may not arrive anytime soon but eventually. :)

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There wont be any new raids until q3 1016 at the earliest. Thats why they are rescaling old content to 65.


Jeff Hickmann flat out said it in the polygon article:

"We just have a focus right now on the story. We're doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations and raid bosses and PvP and that stuff. But it's all about story this year."


And yes, it will be the death of raiding and of the endgame as we now it. Swtor will become an Single Player Online RPG.


Isn't SOR and Rothc story driven expansions and yet we got raids for those two? don't assume just because they are focusing on story doesn't mean they can't working on anything else. I sound like a broken record lol

Edited by mastersdr
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The First part of his quote that you left off was:


"I want to be really clear to our fans out there who are deep MMO fans. We're not forgetting about that part of the game either,"


[/Quote] Yes and?

Ist just talk, he is begging for MMO players to stay. 'We are not forgetting something' never meant more than 'sry, we dont have the resources atm, as us again in a year' in this game.

They dont have anything beyond rescaled old stuff lined up or they would have said so.


But he also said:


"We can look at this stuff and say, 'look, if you want to go and play the standard MMO game — PvP, doing a flashpoint, operation raiding — we have that. We've always had that. We continue to expand on that."

[/Quote] Yes exactly, 'we have that'. And we continue to have all that. Expanding it to level 65.


and this


"Despite all these changes, BiowWare is clear on thing: The Old Republic is still very much an MMO, with all that genre entails. It's just been streamlined, with new options for the way each player approaches the game."

Yes, translation: Of course Swtor is still an MMO. Only it isnt anymore going Forward. Please stay. We really need our sbs.


Isn't SOR and Rothc story driven expansions and yet we got raids for those two? don't assume just because they are focusing on story doesn't mean they can't working on anything else. I sound like a broken record lol

SOR was a story driven expansion but it also advertised new Operations and Flashpoints. KotFE is advertised as having more story than ever before and rescaled old PvE Endgame content.

So why should i assume they are keeping their work on new ops a secret? Why?? They never had anything more in an expansion than they advertised. It would be total bs to sell the expansion on rescaled content while they are releasing new Endgame Content.

Edited by AMightyKnight
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Yes and?

Ist just talk, he is begging for MMO players to stay. 'We are not forgetting something' never meant more than 'sry, we dont have the resources atm, as us again in a year' in this game.

They dont have anything beyond rescaled old stuff lined up or they would have said so.


Yes exactly, 'we have that'. And we continue to have all that. Expanding it to level 65.


Yes, translation: Of course Swtor is still an MMO. Only it isnt anymore going Forward. Please stay. We really need our sbs.



SOR was a story driven expansion but it also advertised new Operations and Flashpoints. KotFE is advertised as having more story than ever before and rescaled old PvE Endgame content.

So why should i assume they are keeping their work on new ops a secret? Why?? They never had anything more in an expansion than they advertised. It would be total bs to sell the expansion on rescaled content while they are releasing new Endgame Content.


Just call them liars and get it over with.

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If there are no new Ops, SWTOR's raiding community will die. The community is already bleeding hard with how slowly and bug ridden the content has been released thus far, but no new content and recycled old content will be the absolute end of it.


I don't know if they care about this or not, all signs point to the fact that they do not. This is a good move for the casual player base, and I suppose they are where the money is. But they will eventually feel the hit of losing the top end players, because the top end players are just as essential to a game's health as the masses.

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If there are no new Ops, SWTOR's raiding community will die. The community is already bleeding hard with how slowly and bug ridden the content has been released thus far, but no new content and recycled old content will be the absolute end of it.


I don't know if they care about this or not, all signs point to the fact that they do not. This is a good move for the casual player base, and I suppose they are where the money is. But they will eventually feel the hit of losing the top end players, because the top end players are just as essential to a game's health as the masses.


To quote Ivan Drago: "If it dies, it dies." The SWTOR raiding community isn't all that big to begin with and they're focusing on story content, in part, because that's what the majority wants.


In my opinion, like a high maintenance girlfriend, the Operations player base is too expensive to keep happy.

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Just call them liars and get it over with.
Why? They are not lying, they are not holding it back.

Some here are just incapable of accepting the truth. Endgame is in maintenance mode, story is their way forward. Take it or unsub, we'll see if the game survives this change.

Edited by AMightyKnight
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Why? They are not lying, they are not holding it back.

Some here are just incapable of accepting the truth. Endgame is in maintenance mode, story is their way forward. Take it or unsub, we'll see if the game survives this change.


Well, considering most of the players are content with new story content, I think we'll be just fine even if the raiders and hardcore PVPers quit. It's not like there's a lot of either of those.

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In my opinion, like a high maintenance girlfriend, the Operations player base is too expensive to keep happy.


That seems to be Bioware's opinion as well based on what information we have so far. This will probably be a good financial move for them in the short term, since I am sure the casual player base is where they make most of their money with the CM.


But the casual community will eventually suffer for the loss of the top end players as well. No one will write their guides, no one will teach them mechanics, no one will craft their new gear, etc.


And also, I feel very confident in saying that raiders are the most likely group to pay a subscription, so Bioware will lose those subscriptions.

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That seems to be Bioware's opinion as well based on what information we have so far. This will probably be a good financial move for them in the short term, since I am sure the casual player base is where they make most of their money with the CM.


But the casual community will eventually suffer for the loss of the top end players as well. No one will write their guides, no one will teach them mechanics, no one will craft their new gear, etc.


And also, I feel very confident in saying that raiders are the most likely group to pay a subscription, so Bioware will lose those subscriptions.


You mean people will have to actually 'learn' the stuff on their own???? Shock and HORROR. lol It's not like the Raiders are all doing guides and videos. It's a handful of people doing those guides and videos and the rest of the Raider community are the ones watching those videos and reading the guides.


Again, I wager that the revenue brought in by Raider subs+CM purchases don't come anywhere near the cost of developing new Operations to keep that community happy.

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So if we're getting a raise in the level cap, which presumably comes with a new tier of gear, but we aren't getting new ops and only scaled ops, do you think this means that all the current ops are going to do a gear reset? IOW, we'll have to grind a new set of gear just to continue doing the ops we're working on now (namely, HM Ravagers and ToS)?


I am hoping for a gear reset not just in the ops, but in the FPs as well, and maybe even making it go back to needing to get earpieces, implants and offhands from Flashpoints, and the rest from operations.


There needs to be a reason other than bringing the level up to do old content again.


If they can do that, I am a happy camper all around.

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Well, considering most of the players are content with new story content, I think we'll be just fine even if the raiders and hardcore PVPers quit. It's not like there's a lot of either of those.

Yeah keep telling yourself, maybe you'll start believing at some point.


I have seen what happened to this game when they run out of fresh endgame content. Things wont be much different this time around.

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This is a good move for the casual player base, and I suppose they are where the money is. But they will eventually feel the hit of losing the top end players, because the top end players are just as essential to a game's health as the masses.


Quite a ego you got there. Think highly of yourself much? The other day I was messing around RPing with random people and trying to get my Treek Ewok and stick her face into random player's crotches.


The other day I was testing out different companions with 192 legacy armor and watching them eat through mobs doing heroic dailies, I don't often use Pierce or that Droid tank companion for the Jedi Guardian but it was fun to goof around with different companions or tank/healer/dps builds.


More Solo mode Flashpoints would've been nice, then I could have more scenarios where I can play around with companions.


Was also leveling a new Operative & Jedi Shadow to try out different builds and enjoy the story too...


There's a lot of different things a player can do to amuse him or herself and not one of those situations required such elite hardcore "top end players".


Still working on maxing out companion affection quests too, still haven't gotten around to that fully.

Edited by RoboArthurDayne
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Yeah keep telling yourself, maybe you'll start believing at some point.


I have seen what happened to this game when they run out of fresh endgame content. Things wont be much different this time around.


I trust EA to do what's best to gain them the most cash. And I certainly trust their corporate greed a lot more than random doom-and-gloom from random people on the internet.

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