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Theran Shan?


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I think there were a few more. I know there were a couple in the swamp and then when they come to find you at the fight with Heskal when you reveal the emperor is inside your head. There is a flirt there. You can flirt with him when going to join HK and then you tell him not to get himself kill (flirt) and he comes back with a cute response and then at the fight with Arcann and he comes to help you especially if you don't take the emperor's help. So there is a few more flirts than two.


The only time he flirts back is the time with HK on the roof, every other time he acts like he either doesn't notice, or that you're being weird ex: "this is why I don't give compliments." The two flirts thing was an exaggeration, but the point still stands. You barely know each other and have had only 2 reciprocated flirts (one on the roof, one in the cantina where you kiss him) and he acts like you're soulmates and he'll die without you in his letter (again, made more jarring by the fact that we had little interaction and none of it romantic for like 6 months between when they kissed and when he sent the letter).

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The only time he flirts back is the time with HK on the roof, every other time he acts like he either doesn't notice, or that you're being weird ex: "this is why I don't give compliments." The two flirts thing was an exaggeration, but the point still stands. You barely know each other and have had only 2 reciprocated flirts (one on the roof, one in the cantina where you kiss him) and he acts like you're soulmates and he'll die without you in his letter (again, made more jarring by the fact that we had little interaction and none of it romantic for like 6 months between when they kissed and when he sent the letter).


Couldn't agree with this more!


I've yet to find enough time to play this new chapter and the lack of romance acknowledgment doesn't entice me to do it that much. I've come to a point where I'm no longer expecting anything when it comes to romances. In fact, I'm expecting it to get even worse, because if they can't do it now, with only 7 romanceable companions (Theron, Lana, Koth, Jorgan, Kaliyo, Vette, Torian), how will they handle it when all the romanceable companions will be back? I fear that a nice reunion and some letters will be all we have to look forward to here.


I could go further and say that any kind of companion interaction besides the ones the chapter is focused on are really really lacking. We have so many companions, more and more each chapter, and yet they seem less like companions, and more like gameplay features, or some cosmetic toon. I'd rather have less companions and have them matter more. I miss the small crew I had with my class story, and talking to them after the missions. They didn't have that much interactions, but this was still way better than now.

Edited by lanawinst
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Couldn't agree with this more!


I've yet to find enough time to play this new chapter and the lack of romance acknowledgment doesn't entice me to do it that much. I've come to a point where I'm no longer expecting anything when it comes to romances. In fact, I'm expecting it to get even worse, because if they can't do it now, with only 7 romanceable companions (Theron, Lana, Koth, Jorgan, Kaliyo, Vette, Torian), how will they handle it when all the romanceable companions will be back? I fear that a nice reunion and some letters will be all we have to look forward to here.


I could go further and say that any kind of companion interaction besides the ones the chapter is focused on are really really lacking. We have so many companions, more and more each chapter, and yet they seem less like companions, and more like gameplay features, or some cosmetic toon. I'd rather have less companions and have them matter more. I miss the small crew I had with my class story, and talking to them after the missions. They didn't have that much interactions, but this was still way better than now.

I feel the same way :( so disappointed with the lack of romance content but I agree with you that it will probably get worse and not better. We might not get any flirts, letters, or romance content(aside from the one time companion reunions like Vette, Kaliyo, etc...) ever again aside from maybe something small at the very end of the KotFE story. It sucks because I like all the stereotypically girly things. I like the romance, the drama, the friendships and relationships, I like roleplaying, choice, dialogue options, etc...I don't care much about the action, explosions, and so on and I downright HATE the combat. It's getting more and more...depressing? To play, especially with how obsessed I was with the 1-50 class stories (40+ alts not counting the ones I've deleted or redone). Funneling all the classes down to two factions and then even farther down to one storyline has definitely taken away most of the replayability for me and the number of alts that makes it through KotFE is getting smaller and smaller. I think I'm going to start playing characters up until their love interest shows up and then abandon them ex: my female trooper and male warrior have had their day, my one male agent who went with Kaliyo instead of Theron will be played until he gets to her chapter, etc...:(

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Damn it T_T what about any of the others? (Koth, Lana, Kaliyo, Jorgan, and Vette not that I atually think there will be anything)


Just did my first run through with my character who romanced Lana and as far as I can tell there was nothing, no flirts and no acknowledgement. So what's this nothing with Lana now since Chapter 9 in the Cantina (excluding the letter when we went missing as it's not a proper cut scene)? :(



I think they missed an opportunity when Lana talks to us via holo to relay Theron's data to maybe be concerned about us as she doesn't seem to trust the Mando's. A good opportunity for a simple one-liner to, "be careful" or something along those lines.



Might give my Smuggler who romanced Koth a run next.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I feel the same way so disappointed with the lack of romance content but I agree with you that it will probably get worse and not better. We might not get any flirts, letters, or romance content(aside from the one time companion reunions like Vette, Kaliyo, etc...) ever again aside from maybe something small at the very end of the KotFE story. It sucks because I like all the stereotypically girly things. I like the romance, the drama, the friendships and relationships, I like roleplaying, choice, dialogue options, etc...I don't care much about the action, explosions, and so on and I downright HATE the combat. It's getting more and more...depressing?


I fully agree, this SUCKS. To Theron lovers and Lana/Koth. Again, they keep implying these really big deal emotions but we never actually see them in play, just have to be like oh okay. *** COME ON. This is one of the longest running and active subjects. I'm pretty sure based on some of the complains from here, that they pay attention to this thread. We got Theron as a companion, we got him as a romance companion. Lana too. We we're given this amazing letter and emotions and all this stuff. We've complained about things in depth on here and had them addressed the next chapter, they're listening.. just to have it fall flat on the face....


okay, I get part of the problem is everyone wants something specific and no one is ever going to be happy with what they get.


People want companion interaction and the ability to rp and more storyline

People want to beat up everything

People want to beat up each other

People want to run instances and raid

People want to run instances and raid solo

People don't want to do anything but rp and story

People hate rp and story and want to do nothing but PVP, Raids

People want more PVP

This chapter had way too much fight

This chapter had way too much dialogue...


It's a balance. and Bioware is trying to find it. I get that. But please up the game for us. You all have so much right now. You've got the new story, you've got the voice actors, you've got the guy who wrote Annihilation (aka the book on Theron Shan), artists etc. I get its new and trying to figure it all out, and lots of fans being mean about it all. But hang in there.


I would personally suggest for each chapter::

1 hour of new gameplay

Preferably with more dialogue than fighting

At least 10 min additional of companion interaction time.


10 minutes is a lot, its asking for a lot I know. But put it through the chapter. Not including the hour. Give us time to interact with our LI's and actually experience the relationship that you're trying to get us to believe is there. When you actually work on it, you guys hit it out of the ballpark. like with the letters etc. We believe in you, we've watched you do it! Look at how popular your other games that you do this are. We just want the story to feel more real, and that aspect keeps up with it. Also if you continue any LI relationships, keep dialogue/flirts/fade to blacks stuff coming, we love it.

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In happy response time...




I screen grabbed the heck out of it while recording lol


Loved when he first walks up and sees you. I have it in pics and the graphics are really well done. He's walking and looking down, deep in thought. Then looks like he spots your boots or something and it's registering in his mind that someone new is there. Then he starts looking up and you see this look of recognition and disbelief/shock on his face, then to total shock. It's really well done graphic wise. Ch response of the same is well done too.



BH grabbing his armor and yanking him in for a deep kiss was adorable. Very reminiscent of the proposal. She's like... "#$#MIT COME HERE NOW." It was funny because in one stills of the kiss his hand is near her butt and I couldn't figure out what he was doing for a moment. Then it registered, shock. It's like he was trying to lift his hand up to do something and forgot what. Of course this is a normal response for someone who thinks their wife has been dead for 5 years only to walk into the war tent one day and oh hi.


I also loved the comment during the party starting "Forget the victory celebration, let's go celebrate a lone." It just fit the character so well. I missed Torian so much! :D



I'm pretty happy with the reunion itself. I wish it had been longer and a bit more catching up, but they're mandos, and at war. So I get it.


I was a bit confused with


Shae Vizla, she acts like you're a no one, then someone she knows, but has no idea you and torian are together/ know each other. Um... lady.... I beat the crap out of you and then fought revan with you. How do you NOT know that?


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Also this may just be me, but I feel that the 'payoff' being the last chapter would suck. I mean, okay, it makes sense. But there has been no real buildup. I don't believe after 5 years and both his letter and what he tells you, that Theron and Character are not having pretty regular private time. It's even hinted at with the one flirt "You just want me alone."
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Also this may just be me, but I feel that the 'payoff' being the last chapter would suck. I mean, okay, it makes sense. But there has been no real buildup. I don't believe after 5 years and both his letter and what he tells you, that Theron and Character are not having pretty regular private time. It's even hinted at with the one flirt "You just want me alone."


It will definitely suck if the very end is the "payoff" and the last time we get romance content but I feel like that's the best we can hope for at this point past the recruitment chapters for those who previously romanced the companions being recruited and if we're lucky maybe we'll get another letter. :( I'm getting pessimistic to the point that I start thinking maybe there won't be any more romance dialogue ever and the last scene will be like the love interest standing there beside your character looking off into the distance or something. :(

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"This chapter had way too much dialogue..."


Said nobody, never. I am not learning enough about these worlds, the characters and motivations. I want much more of that.


Believe it or not, there are some people out there who play ONLY for the combat and spacebar through all dialogue and cutscenes. It always blows my mind sine I find SWtOR's combat mind numbingly boring and I've always said if you're playing a BioWare game for something other than story/characters/RP then you're doing it wrong lol :p

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I miss the chapters where you had quests to "go check on Lana" and the other companions. Companion characters are always one of the best parts of BioWare games, I wish KOTFE would capitalize on it. Especially since they don't have to write eight different stories now. I mean I'd like more romance stuff too but even just more general interaction that's more personal and not directly related to some mission every now and then would be great.
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I miss the chapters where you had quests to "go check on Lana" and the other companions. Companion characters are always one of the best parts of BioWare games, I wish KOTFE would capitalize on it. Especially since they don't have to write eight different stories now. I mean I'd like more romance stuff too but even just more general interaction that's more personal and not directly related to some mission every now and then would be great.

Same here, companion interaction is what I live for :(

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I feel the same way :( so disappointed with the lack of romance content but I agree with you that it will probably get worse and not better. We might not get any flirts, letters, or romance content(aside from the one time companion reunions like Vette, Kaliyo, etc...) ever again aside from maybe something small at the very end of the KotFE story. It sucks because I like all the stereotypically girly things. I like the romance, the drama, the friendships and relationships, I like roleplaying, choice, dialogue options, etc...I don't care much about the action, explosions, and so on and I downright HATE the combat. It's getting more and more...depressing? To play, especially with how obsessed I was with the 1-50 class stories (40+ alts not counting the ones I've deleted or redone). Funneling all the classes down to two factions and then even farther down to one storyline has definitely taken away most of the replayability for me and the number of alts that makes it through KotFE is getting smaller and smaller. I think I'm going to start playing characters up until their love interest shows up and then abandon them ex: my female trooper and male warrior have had their day, my one male agent who went with Kaliyo instead of Theron will be played until he gets to her chapter, etc...:(


Couldn't agree with this more!


I've yet to find enough time to play this new chapter and the lack of romance acknowledgment doesn't entice me to do it that much. I've come to a point where I'm no longer expecting anything when it comes to romances. In fact, I'm expecting it to get even worse, because if they can't do it now, with only 7 romanceable companions (Theron, Lana, Koth, Jorgan, Kaliyo, Vette, Torian), how will they handle it when all the romanceable companions will be back? I fear that a nice reunion and some letters will be all we have to look forward to here.


I could go further and say that any kind of companion interaction besides the ones the chapter is focused on are really really lacking. We have so many companions, more and more each chapter, and yet they seem less like companions, and more like gameplay features, or some cosmetic toon. I'd rather have less companions and have them matter more. I miss the small crew I had with my class story, and talking to them after the missions. They didn't have that much interactions, but this was still way better than now.



I feel the same way guys. There needs to be more romance in the story. If you haven't already, please consider adding to my suggestion thread about spicing up the romances...Here is the link:


Thanks. :)



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According to the developers livestream, Theron , SCORPIO and Senya are the main characters for chapter XV, which has early access on June 28.


I don't want to get my hopes up but at least this has potential for more dialogue with Theron. Keeping my fingers crossed!

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According to the developers livestream, Theron , SCORPIO and Senya are the main characters for chapter XV, which has early access on June 28.


I don't want to get my hopes up but at least this has potential for more dialogue with Theron. Keeping my fingers crossed!


That's good to hear, I've not listened to any live streams for a few months now, never seemed worth it. Like you I don't want to get my hopes up at this stage but anything at all with Theron (or Lana or Koth) LI wise would be fantastic.

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In happy response time...




I screen grabbed the heck out of it while recording lol


Loved when he first walks up and sees you. I have it in pics and the graphics are really well done. He's walking and looking down, deep in thought. Then looks like he spots your boots or something and it's registering in his mind that someone new is there. Then he starts looking up and you see this look of recognition and disbelief/shock on his face, then to total shock. It's really well done graphic wise. Ch response of the same is well done too.



BH grabbing his armor and yanking him in for a deep kiss was adorable. Very reminiscent of the proposal. She's like... "#$#MIT COME HERE NOW." It was funny because in one stills of the kiss his hand is near her butt and I couldn't figure out what he was doing for a moment. Then it registered, shock. It's like he was trying to lift his hand up to do something and forgot what. Of course this is a normal response for someone who thinks their wife has been dead for 5 years only to walk into the war tent one day and oh hi.


I also loved the comment during the party starting "Forget the victory celebration, let's go celebrate a lone." It just fit the character so well. I missed Torian so much! :D



I'm pretty happy with the reunion itself. I wish it had been longer and a bit more catching up, but they're mandos, and at war. So I get it.


I was a bit confused with


Shae Vizla, she acts like you're a no one, then someone she knows, but has no idea you and torian are together/ know each other. Um... lady.... I beat the crap out of you and then fought revan with you. How do you NOT know that?


Ohh... This sounds wonderful! But I will wait with lvl:ing a Bounty Hunter until I know that Torian has all his conversations back. Don't want to miss out on anything. Still have a trooper that is going to romance Theran before that PT so I think I'm covered for some time at least.

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In happy response time...




I screen grabbed the heck out of it while recording lol


Loved when he first walks up and sees you. I have it in pics and the graphics are really well done. He's walking and looking down, deep in thought. Then looks like he spots your boots or something and it's registering in his mind that someone new is there. Then he starts looking up and you see this look of recognition and disbelief/shock on his face, then to total shock. It's really well done graphic wise. Ch response of the same is well done too.



BH grabbing his armor and yanking him in for a deep kiss was adorable. Very reminiscent of the proposal. She's like... "#$#MIT COME HERE NOW." It was funny because in one stills of the kiss his hand is near her butt and I couldn't figure out what he was doing for a moment. Then it registered, shock. It's like he was trying to lift his hand up to do something and forgot what. Of course this is a normal response for someone who thinks their wife has been dead for 5 years only to walk into the war tent one day and oh hi.


I also loved the comment during the party starting "Forget the victory celebration, let's go celebrate a lone." It just fit the character so well. I missed Torian so much! :D



I'm pretty happy with the reunion itself. I wish it had been longer and a bit more catching up, but they're mandos, and at war. So I get it.


I was a bit confused with


Shae Vizla, she acts like you're a no one, then someone she knows, but has no idea you and torian are together/ know each other. Um... lady.... I beat the crap out of you and then fought revan with you. How do you NOT know that?


Just to add to the Torian reunion:


The letter he sends is a wonderful addition and unexpected. I hope they continue this trend ongoing since I was very disappointed that I never got anything from Jorgan after the reunion. Torian also sends a letter to the non love interest characters as well, it was cute. And there is even a letter from Khomo Fett.


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You know this has confused me before but the art for the upcoming chapter made me think on it more: what ethnicity is Theron? In the game he and Satele look Asian but in ALL the art he looks Caucasian, what gives? Which one is real?
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You know this has confused me before but the art for the upcoming chapter made me think on it more: what ethnicity is Theron? In the game he and Satele look Asian but in ALL the art he looks Caucasian, what gives? Which one is real?


Using his parents I would guess half-Asian and half-Maori. The concept art has been strange for a lot of characters so I wouldn't put much stock into it.

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You know this has confused me before but the art for the upcoming chapter made me think on it more: what ethnicity is Theron? In the game he and Satele look Asian but in ALL the art he looks Caucasian, what gives? Which one is real?


I think I'm missing something, he doesn't look asian to me at all in-game, Satele sure, but not Theron... ah well. He seems to take after his dad more then his mum anyway, in looks.

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For romance:



There will be some content in Chapter 16, if your character has an active romance with any of the current companions in Kotfe. They will have a cutscene.



I will really look forward to this, it'll be a long time coming! Anyone know any "rumours" if we get anything for any LI's in in Chapter 15? :i_angel:


Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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