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Theran Shan?


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As a house warming gift, I offer to you, Theron's butt.


Dem cheeks [is promptly shot for such a terrible pun].


It's definitely a nice one, too. I've noticed Bioware REALLY likes... well defined butts.

There are some very nice ones in Inquisition, too.


I remember Dorian being particularly guilty of this, and I think Bull was too. Or maybe that was his pillowy chest. Very fun, either way.

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Dem cheeks [is promptly shot for such a terrible pun].




I remember Dorian being particularly guilty of this, and I think Bull was too. Or maybe that was his pillowy chest. Very fun, either way.


Dorian has a nice one, and Cullen as well.

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Just brightened up what's been a bad day.....thanks! :):):)


I think she made a lot of our days brighter! I know mine is :p


My husband is highly amused with my game infatuations. He was like... 'So Theron's a new one to add to the list?' Tacked on with Garrus, Alistair, Carth, Fenris, Cullen, and Solas. No particular order... except for Garrus. He was first.

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lol that's funny. at least your husband deals well with it :)


Ugh, I keep getting all freaked out. It makes no sense to me whatsoever, but Bioware keeps saying that we are losing spouses/companions. But then companions are being upgraded to be more useful somehow. Its contradicting. Also with the statement they will know if you cheated. Someone on reddit mentioned probably by holocall or mail. I'm really hoping bioware does not do that to us.....


Also if they give us Lana/Theron with no romance option or a really crappy plot, they are going to be in huge trouble.

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If they don't give the old LIs some screen time I'll have to play kotfe with just the chars who are single. I've come to terms with them not necessarily returning as companions but they could at least show up from time to time. Like Elara leads Havoc Squad now so she can't come with me, but she still has a quest or something...

just sending a mail would be so lame.

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I guess so. It just is a bit mind boggling to think esp if you had good relationships, that after 5 years of you being locked away your spouse would just be like 'meh. hi, I have to deal with this stuff'. In some cases I get it, but I would think they would be trying to get back to you. Like Vector and Torian are so dedicated and in love with you, I don't really see either of them just doing whatever. Maybe finishing something and then trying to get to you.


I dunno, its just weird :(

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I know! I'm still hoping that we can recruit them back after those chapters take place, I think I read that somewhere sometime ago. At least some of them.


Also I did the Alderaan bonus series just so I could meet my future father-in-law in person. Theron has his lovely honey eyes. I so hope he will reconcile with his parents in kotfe, I want them all to be happy.

Edited by Lichtfaengerin
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I know! I'm still hoping that we can recruit them back after those chapters take place, I think I read that somewhere sometime ago. At least some of them.


Also I did the Alderaan bonus series just so I could meet my future father-in-law in person. Theron has his lovely honey eyes. I so hope he will reconcile with his parents in kotfe, I want them all to be happy.


He technically already has in "Annhilation", at least with Malcom.

And I think we'll see him soon.

I believe they mentionned that at PAX Prime we would see a familiar face again.

Honestly, except if they resurrect Revan again, that leaves Theron, Jakarro and Satele. And I'd put my money on Theron since Satele will most likely not change a lot and no matter how much I like Jakarro, I don't see him working well with the (supposed) tone of KOTFE's story without a major rewrite.


As for returning companion, while they haven't said who would return, the announcement page for KOTFE seems pretty clear in saying at least some companions will return and, I quote, "Offer you their allegiance.". It most likely means they'll be recruitable again.

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I guess so. It just is a bit mind boggling to think esp if you had good relationships, that after 5 years of you being locked away your spouse would just be like 'meh. hi, I have to deal with this stuff'. In some cases I get it, but I would think they would be trying to get back to you. Like Vector and Torian are so dedicated and in love with you, I don't really see either of them just doing whatever. Maybe finishing something and then trying to get to you.


I dunno, its just weird :(




Given the screenshots released with Gamescom, between them and the trailer released it seems that for whatever reason, we meet with Darth Marr and get attacked/captured and most of Marr's fleet is destroyed (although the "press" toon is a JK so Imperial characters may meet with Satele instead). Long story short, our companions may think we're dead. If they think we're dead, and not on ice, after five years they pretty much are all going to have moved on.


Hell, even after five years just being frozen in carbonite on the homeworld of a hostile galactic power, most of them will probably have moved on anyway. They'll think about trying to free you every day, and then every second day, then once a while, and then one day they'll stop thinking about you altogether, and wake up next to someone else whom they realize they love.


Any character who cheated on the 1-50 LI will probably almost guarantee their spouse has moved on. "Well they're virtually un-rescue-able and/or dead, and they cheated on me anyway, so... **** 'em."




But then again, maybe Bioware will be much less cynical and a lot of the romance stuff will get dealt with satisfactorily pre-carbonite (they have a chapter and a half to do it)... but I might be too cynical to believe that. >.>

Edited by Diviciacus
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Yeah, I think it would actually be quite sad if someone couldn't move on after five years, but this is a video game and I want my one true disney love okay :p


I think it would depend. If they no you're alive, why wouldn't they keep looking for their love? If they think you're dead, that's a different story.


Since it's moving to a one story fits all now, there is also no reason that all the characters love interests didn't keep on waiting, as there are not eight different hero stories going on now, but only one hero, so it's just that one hero's love interest who held onto hope.

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In another thread (in general) someone said thet devs indeed had said SoR has hints for Kotfe. Things like that usually slip from me, but I would be VERY surprised if Theron wouldn't be a companion and LI. The last conversation in Ziost hinted imho so strongly for that. Theron says he "might be persuaded another time" and "he should have called him earlier, next time he will make sure he does that" (don't remember exact words and too lazy to check but anyways). At that moment I was like YEP! I have two guys here waiting for your booty. And it would be utterly unfair if only Lana would be a companion (I know, I just dislike her but let's forget that).


Anyway, I don't believe we saw the last of Theron Shan yet. And if we will, I might not unsub but I might Force Choke and Shock some devs.

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In another thread (in general) someone said thet devs indeed had said SoR has hints for Kotfe. Things like that usually slip from me, but I would be VERY surprised if Theron wouldn't be a companion and LI. The last conversation in Ziost hinted imho so strongly for that. Theron says he "might be persuaded another time" and "he should have called him earlier, next time he will make sure he does that" (don't remember exact words and too lazy to check but anyways). At that moment I was like YEP! I have two guys here waiting for your booty. And it would be utterly unfair if only Lana would be a companion (I know, I just dislike her but let's forget that).


Anyway, I don't believe we saw the last of Theron Shan yet. And if we will, I might not unsub but I might Force Choke and Shock some devs.


I think that has far more to do with the class-specific single quest on Rishi than it does Theron's end-of-Ziost talk on Carrick Station with Republic characters. There's most likely other hints that aren't so obviously hints, but like a prophecy, we won't notice until it comes to pass.


Regardless, my poor Sentinel needs her Theron fix!

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I have now finished Ziost this morning, with my smuggler man and romanced with Theron. I do hope to see him in the expansion as companion. Otherwise I'm going to explode or something... :eek: I really love Theron now. My smuggler needs him! :p
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There's most likely other hints that aren't so obviously hints, but like a prophecy, we won't notice until it comes to pass.

Probably they ment things like


the SW having a vision of his/her and companions death upon starting SoR, SI finds artifacts of a strange civilization from the Rishi Maze, Consulars hearing voices during their meditation etc.



I'm pretty excited to revisit SoR after playing KotFE and find them all ;)

Edited by Asheris
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In another thread (in general) someone said thet devs indeed had said SoR has hints for Kotfe. Things like that usually slip from me, but I would be VERY surprised if Theron wouldn't be a companion and LI. The last conversation in Ziost hinted imho so strongly for that. Theron says he "might be persuaded another time" and "he should have called him earlier, next time he will make sure he does that" (don't remember exact words and too lazy to check but anyways). At that moment I was like YEP! I have two guys here waiting for your booty. And it would be utterly unfair if only Lana would be a companion (I know, I just dislike her but let's forget that).


Anyway, I don't believe we saw the last of Theron Shan yet. And if we will, I might not unsub but I might Force Choke and Shock some devs.


My head was nodding so much reading this. its precisely these thoughts that are keeping 'my only hope' alive until 19//10.....

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Probably they ment things like


the SW having a vision of his/her and companions death upon starting SoR, SI finds artifacts of a strange civilization from the Rishi Maze, Consulars hearing voices during their meditation etc.



I'm pretty excited to revisit SoR after playing KotFE and find them all ;)


That's what I was referring to by "class-specific quest" :p


Also, since everyone was talking about Theron's butt earlier, observe: Callipygian.

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I feel like even if old companions all come back, the new companions will get the most attention in KotFE. So I've been shifting most of my attention to the characters who romanced Lana or Theron. If Theron's romance doesn't end up continuing on in the expansion, I'll be super bummed. It really does seem to me like it will be continued, though. As I said, I think the focus will be on new companions, so Theron and Lana both make sense as the two more established companions. Ideally they won't be the only love interests but if old companions get reduced roles, it would be nice to have at least a couple of options for a continued romance.
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That's why I've been leveling multiples of each class. One single, and one with a romance option. But most of my characters fit better with Theron or Lana. I'll be rather depressed if he isn't back as a romance option. My jedi sentinel will be a sad panda, as will my gunslinger... and one of my shadows. A few others, too :p


I honestly can't help myself on my Empire characters. He gets so flustered.


But I like to be optimistic! So here's hoping.

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I decided to practice drawing Theron some and threw my Agent into the practice as well. Hopefully will be able to draw him more in the future!


That looks amazing! Good job!



The twitter is funny but im pretty sure its just someone being silly



hehe Consular totally romanced him. Agent flirted a bit then cut it off. I'm leveling my second SW to romance him XD

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