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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Theran Shan?


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No need to be sorry. :) We all have our opinions about various characters, no biggie.


I actually do agree with you about how he is portrayed in game. Don't get me wrong, I adore his character in game but it almost feels like (if you compare events in the book to the game) they are "borrowing" certain elements. Such as Theron going on Administrative Leave, which I think will play a part in "finding" Vitiate.


Just my opinion, and overly creative mind speculating. :D


I agree, the game hasn't really done a whole lot to make him seem as effective at his job as he really is. I think it helped reading Annihilation, because you see the crazy lengths he's willing to go to, to do the right thing, and save people he cares about. The Duros people would have been decimated, if he hadn't managed to get the Republic fleet to show up when it did. He also went toe to toe mentally, with a dark Council member, with unique abilities and a connection to the ship. There were several instances where he had to come across as an Imperial in order to achieve his ends.


The game makes him seem like little more than a gifted slicer. I do like the way his personality comes across, and I do feel that by the end of the quests in the game, he's evolved a bit...he's starting to see that he doesn't have to work alone, and that there are people he can rely on. Someone who's had self doubts and rejection issues for such a long time isnt' going to recover and completely embrace a new way of being instantly...so it's logical that he backslides a bit and goes off on his own, because that's his stand by MO.


I do think he had every right to be angry with Lana for her betrayal. While they did make progress because of it, I feel he should have been told, and had that happened, we would have seen him as a top notch spy in action, because he knew his mission and convincingly acted to achieve his ends, rather than being suckered by Lana. I know they did it to make tension, but it was poorly done at the expense of Theron's character.


He is a brilliant character with a lot of potential and I'm hoping we'll get to see that evolve in the future chapters :)

Edited by Lunafox
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I agree, the game hasn't really done a whole lot to make him seem as effective at his job as he really is. I think it helped reading Annihilation, because you see the crazy lengths he's willing to go to, to do the right thing, and save people he cares about. The Duros people would have been decimated, if he hadn't managed to get the Republic fleet to show up when it did. He also went toe to toe mentally, with a dark Council member, with unique abilities and a connection to the ship. There were several instances where he had to come across as an Imperial in order to achieve his ends.


The game makes him seem like little more than a gifted slicer. I do like the way his personality comes across, and I do feel that by the end of the quests in the game, he's evolved a bit...he's starting to see that he doesn't have to work alone, and that there are people he can rely on. Someone who's had self doubts and rejection issues for such a long time isnt' going to recover and completely embrace a new way of being instantly...so it's logical that he backslides a bit and goes off on his own, because that's his stand by MO.


I do think he had every right to be angry with Lana for her betrayal. While they did make progress because of it, I feel he should have been told, and had that happened, we would have seen him as a top notch spy in action, because he knew his mission and convincingly acted to achieve his ends, rather than being suckered by Lana. I know they did it to make tension, but it was poorly done at the expense of Theron's character.


He is a brilliant character with a lot of potential and I'm hoping we'll get to see that evolve in the future chapters :)


Completely agree with everything you said, Luna! Honestly, I really wasn't upset, at all, about him not calling Naelah right when he found out about things on Ziost. I was just like, "meh it's Theron being Theron."


If they portray him, in game, to show how far he's willing to go to save people...that is what concerns me. I don't think he is head over heels (if you romanced, or are in good standings) for our characters, right now. It's obvious he cares, and if/when he gets word of us being frozen/killed/captured/whatever angle they go with. I can see him doing to crazy foolish things and getting into some trouble.


I hope he doesn't get into trouble, though. No trouble!!


I'd also add that he wasn't the only person to be angry about Lana's "betrayal."

Edited by Amadahy
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Completely agree with everything you said, Luna! Honestly, I really wasn't upset, at all, about him not calling Naelah right when found out about things on Ziost. I was just like, "meh it's Theron being Theron." If they portray him, in game, to show how far he's willing to go to save people...that is what concerns me. I'd don't think he is head over heels for our characters, right now. It's obvious he cares, and if/when he gets word of us being frozen/killed/captured/whatever angle they go with. I can see him doing to crazy foolish things and getting into some trouble.


I hope he doesn't get into trouble, though. No trouble!!


I'd also add that he wasn't the only person to be angry about Lana's "betrayal."


He hee, I bet there were a few angry about it. I know my Jedi Knight wanted to choke the living beans out of Lana for what she did...needless to say my JK is darkside lol. My Sith weren't delighted about what happened either. :D

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He hee, I bet there were a few angry about it. I know my Jedi Knight wanted to choke the living beans out of Lana for what she did...needless to say my JK is darkside lol. My Sith weren't delighted about what happened either. :D


Haha, my agent was livid! I'm sure if Melena could have shot Lana right there, she would have. Instead, she just forced her to apologize.


Which was completely worth it..."DO IT!!" :D

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Guys, please don't feed the trolls (even if they don't realize they are trolling or being disingenuous about it). It's obvious from the (blessedly few) hate posts we've seen that some guys feel threatened by Theron Shan or have some hangup about him. Arguing isn't going to change that.


And by the way, fangirls in the thread are equal in number with fanguys. Theron's romanceable by anyone, remember. :jawa_wink:

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Guys, please don't feed the trolls (even if they don't realize they are trolling or being disingenuous about it). It's obvious from the (blessedly few) hate posts we've seen that some guys feel threatened by Theron Shan or have some hangup about him. Arguing isn't going to change that.


And by the way, fangirls in the thread are equal in number with fanguys. Theron's romanceable by anyone, remember. :jawa_wink:


The fauxhawk makes me cry. I don't know why he picked it up after Annihilation. ;_;

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His thing with rejection isn't simple put in the game to make him a wounded character. It is a pretty prominent thing in the book. It's part of his personality. Hell, we start the book with Satele giving birth in a cave, and refusing to even acknowledged his existence. Until Master Zyo practically forced her to give him a name.


Holy crap! I really need to read this book because wow just wow.

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Holy crap! I really need to read this book because wow just wow.


That particular scene also happens in a comic, although I don't know which. There's a "screencap" from it on Satele's Wookieepedia page. For trivia purposes, it shows Theron was born with hair.

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Guys, please don't feed the trolls (even if they don't realize they are trolling or being disingenuous about it). It's obvious from the (blessedly few) hate posts we've seen that some guys feel threatened by Theron Shan or have some hangup about him. Arguing isn't going to change that.


And by the way, fangirls in the thread are equal in number with fanguys. Theron's romanceable by anyone, remember. :jawa_wink:


Very good advice, and I usually do ignore them. I've put this newest one on my forum ignore list.


Holy crap! I really need to read this book because wow just wow.


You definitely should! It's a good read (or audiobook) on its' own but it's a must if you like Theron :)


I wish they would just let us know one way or another if he's in it. Each day that goes by without knowing makes me resent Lana more and more :confused:

Edited by Nefla
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Guys, please don't feed the trolls (even if they don't realize they are trolling or being disingenuous about it). It's obvious from the (blessedly few) hate posts we've seen that some guys feel threatened by Theron Shan or have some hangup about him. Arguing isn't going to change that.


And by the way, fangirls in the thread are equal in number with fanguys. Theron's romanceable by anyone, remember. :jawa_wink:


I'm a Quinn fangirl. I've grown very good at ignoring hate.

Edited by Damask_Rose
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I'm just a wee bit curious about one thing.


Have you by any chance read Annihilation? This is not a "you dislike my favorite character" type of post. I'm just very curious about it.


It is interesting to me, to see the opinions of those who have only encountered Theron in game. As opposed to those who have read the book, and really gotten to know his character.


His thing with rejection isn't simple put in the game to make him a wounded character. It is a pretty prominent thing in the book. It's part of his personality. Hell, we start the book with Satele giving birth in a cave, and refusing to even acknowledged his existence. Until Master Zyo practically forced her to give him a name.


As for him being a bad spy? Yes, the game does him a GREAT disservice by portraying him as a derpy spy. In his book, the man poured through documents (little to no sleep) to uncover a massive plot, that nobody else could figure out. He was only able to do so because he was placed on Administrative Leave for disobeying the Director's orders. So he could save one of the people he does trust. (Sounds familiar doesn't it?) Which is pretty awesome in my opinion


I won't go into great detail in case someone does want to read the book.


I am always more than happy to discuss a character's positives and negatives. So long as the conversation does not being with a, "lulz he sucks!!" Okay, tell me why and let's have a good ole debate.


Damnit, Janet! Now I need to go to Barnes and Noble and buy the book if they still have it. Grrrrrrrrrrr. lol

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I wish they would just let us know one way or another if he's in it. Each day that goes by without knowing makes me resent Lana more and more :confused:


Well, just keep your resentment to yourself or make a new thread for it, please. I'm here because I want Theron in the game, I want them to announce him, I like most of the people in here, and I'm annoyed at Bioware for being laggards on this issue... But I am a Lana fan first, and resenting her here will drive me (and probably other Theron-and-Lana supporters) away. :(


(But Bioware are always laggards, just check out the SGR thread, and understand that you're probably going to find out about Theron in a shorter space of time than we did on SGRs in game. (But having said that, now... Come on Bioware, don't make me into a liar!))

Edited by Zandilar
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Well, just keep your resentment to yourself or make a new thread for it, please. I'm here because I want Theron in the game, I want them to announce him, I like most of the people in here, and I'm annoyed at Bioware for being laggards on this issue... But I am a Lana fan first, and resenting her here will drive me (and probably other Theron-and-Lana supporters) away. :(


(But Bioware are always laggards, just check out the SGR thread, and understand that you're probably going to find out about Theron in a shorter space of time than we did on SGRs in game. (But having said that, now... Come on Bioware, don't make me into a liar!))


Um...k? :confused: I made one short offhanded comment, sorry if it offended that wasn't my intention. I recognize that my growing bitterness and resentment are unfair to Lana and that's kind of my point. An unintended side effect of keeping us in the dark: bitter jealousy :p

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You know it is completely possible for someone to resent Lana but like the character, right?


I know for myself, I like the character of Lana on some of my toons. I even respect her, but I have to agree a bit. As we wait for news on Theron I do find myself resenting her. Because she is practically 100% confirmed, and I'm just "Uhhhhh....Theron?!"


Additionally, please please let's try not to take offense at someone disliking our favorite characters. Whether it's Lana, Quinn, or who ever. It's okay if someone can't stand a character, it's their opinion/preference. So long as name calling, and other childish antics do not come into play...no harm no foul. :cool:


Now have some Theron!


Happy Theron

Posting for the dialog lol

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Additionally, the last smuggler to join the Theronites....


I'm re-doing my main so that I can get everything done before KotFE. I am really digging this Naelah so much more than my other. She has a bit more of an attitude, and I seriously cannot wait to threaten Lana's life for the "Theron betrayal."


I just want to see what the dialog is haha


Naelah Revel Alcaeus

Daughter of Darth Nox & Andronikos Revel

As I said...

More attitude


She's coming for you, Theron!!



(Kind of sorry about the picture spam, but hopefully it will help get us back on track to our happy place)

Edited by Amadahy
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Um...k? :confused: I made one short offhanded comment, sorry if it offended that wasn't my intention. I recognize that my growing bitterness and resentment are unfair to Lana and that's kind of my point. An unintended side effect of keeping us in the dark: bitter jealousy :p


I was tired and grumpy when I wrote that, and we'd just had a troll in here bashing Theron. So basically, I was trying to cut hate off at the pass... I'm sorry it took me until this morning to realise I probably shouldn't have posted at all. :(


But my point about Bioware and being laggardly still stands. All you can do is wait, and try not to let it get to you.

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My usual respond to the downers is "Toast with that jelly?"


But I'm kind of a bad person on occasion. I'm actually pretty optimistic, though I in NO WAY think Bioware is above doing something horrible just to harvest the fantears they feed on. But it'll probably be decently written in that case. And I expect we'll be locked in with our suspense for a while longer.


Having tried to draw it, I 100% agree that the fauxhawke is kind of terrible, though... :D

Edited by AKHadeed
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I'm gonna apologize for likely starting that whole... well, episode. I actually feel pretty bad for that, and I'm sorry. This would probably be a classic case of "open mouth insert foot" on my part. I usually try not to judge others for their opinions and I really let this one bug me. I'm actively trying to be more respectful again, and I'm going to put this behind me. Shall we discuss something else?
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