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Theran Shan?


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My bad, she still looks great! Her hair going down nicely offsets Theron's hair going up. And I'll count my Sorc and Slinger as part of the Hug Theron Brigade. Where's my screenshots?


Mmmm, hotstuff! Love the screenies and welcome to the Hug Theron Brigade :D


I agree with this SO much!


If you read Annihilation you can really get to see this part of his character. Unless I'm mistaken, part of his mission to Nar Shaddaa was to protect Tiffi'tih and save Pub citizens. (If I'm off let me know, it's been a while since I've read it) Additionally, I think this very reason is why I like the character so much. I can understand his social anxiety and master wall building.


What I am curious about, is what happens when we are "frozen" and how he will react. Will it damage him further? What happens when we wake up, and return? Will he have closed himself off again, and we have to try 10 times hard to get in?


The more I speculate about Theron, and our characters, the more he is reminds me of Cullen from Dragon Age. Both damaged beyond belief, low self-confidence, until someone comes along to say, "you're worth it!" Hopefully this all makes sense, and it's not just me rambling lol. I'm still working on my morning coffee. :)


Oh, and nice Trooper!! I just started mine yesterday.


You're remembering correctly, he looks upon Teff'ith like a little sister and even though they part ways, he says he'll keep an eye on her, 'because that's what family does.' That line always stuck with me. He creates his own family from the people he trusts and cares about.


I can't see how he'd blame us for being frozen for 5 years, but I think he'll take it pretty rough, but will come around. At least I hope he does. We'd better get him as a companion. And you're right, he needs someone to reaffirm his 'worth'. :D


Adding to the Theron love fest....I only have one toon (at the moment) with Theron but.....



Pucker up, Agent Tightpants!

Ah yeah!!

My absolute favorite shot, ever, to date


Oooh more awesome pix. So much love. Makes me happy :D


Did your consular wind up with a kid from him? Cause mine did. My poor girl, she got all knocked up and he still strings her along. :mad:


*The kid is via legacy tree only.


Not my Consular, but I won't talk about my Knight...that would be telling, I don't want to spoil my fanfiction lol. I suspect there are a few new Shans running about. :D


You hit the nail on the head and I'm sure that he will turn to our characters more in the expansion, because as we see when he's romanced he knows we are someone he can count on.


Thanks :D And I do believe you're right. We were already seeing signs of his regret at not turning to us sooner, during the Ziost story. I think Bioware is just torturing us.

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I want Theron to rescue me, not Lana. I am pretty sure he will become a companion though. SOR was kind of a prequel for the expansion. I think they wouldn't have introduced him like that alongside Lana if he wouldn't become one.

Me too! I just don't click with Lana at all, I might as well be rescued by the ship's droid for all the camaraderie we have together.


My bad, she still looks great! Her hair going down nicely offsets Theron's hair going up. And I'll count my Sorc and Slinger as part of the Hug Theron Brigade. Where's my screenshots?

Keep up the good work gentlemen! :D


I think the lone wolf thing is a wall he puts up to protect himself. He really cares about people, perhaps too much, in the sense that losses will pain him more than most people in the same line of work. He wants to form bonds, but is afraid, like was mentioned earlier in the thread...he was abandoned by his mom, never got a chance to know his dad, got rejected by the Jedi, and such. After all that rejection, and training, on some level he thinks there is something wrong with him, that he doesn't measure up, and he closes off to people, because he's concerned about being hurt. It's easier to be alone behind a wall, than to go through the devastation of another rejection.


He has the worst sort of social anxiety...it's easier to be alone, than to face rejection in any form.


PS: My troop has mobilized... :D



Maybe that's part of why I like him so much, I'm exactly the same way but to an even more extreme degree :eek:

We'll be at full Theron-loving platoon strength in no time! :D

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The only one, that Theron seems to be happy to be romanced by, is my male Smuggler. My male operative he's kinda cold to. Poor male operative *hugs him*. But at the end of that scene, I was expecting Theron to turn around and ftb my male smuggler with the way he just about tells my smuggler how he feels. We'll see. Though if Theron can't become a companion I'll be highly pissed off. I like both Lana and Theron, I do, they do work great together in a strange way, but I'm REALLY hoping that it's more like Lana is for Imps and Theron is for Pubs type of deal. Not saying this will happen or anything and I'd prefer if either can get either.


(Bolding mine.)

No, I really hope not.


Lana and Theron are really our only two SGRs in the game right now, as Cytharat and Lemda are confined to Makeb (unless they make reappearances in KotFE, which is unlikely since Cytharat can be killed by the actions of the PC in RotHC)... Then we'll just get uneven representation - have to be Imperial if you want a f/f romance option, and Republic if you want a m/m romance option - and that's pretty damned unfair to those of us F/F or M/M fans who like the opposing faction to the LI.


If there were more variety in SGR presented in KotFE, then it might not be as big a problem. But yeah, please don't segregate Theron or Lana to one faction only.


ETA: Now I feel silly. You're saying you hope Theron rescues Rep players, and Lana rescues Imp players... That could work. But only as long as both are available to both factions in the long run.

Edited by Zandilar
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(Bolding mine.)

No, I really hope not.


Lana and Theron are really our only two SGRs in the game right now, as Cytharat and Lemda are confined to Makeb (unless they make reappearances in KotFE, which is unlikely since Cytharat can be killed by the actions of the PC in RotHC)... Then we'll just get uneven representation - have to be Imperial if you want a f/f romance option, and Republic if you want a m/m romance option - and that's pretty damned unfair to those of us F/F or M/M fans who like the opposing faction to the LI.


If there were more variety in SGR presented in KotFE, then it might not be as big a problem. But yeah, please don't segregate Theron or Lana to one faction only.


ETA: Now I feel silly. You're saying you hope Theron rescues Rep players, and Lana rescues Imp players... That could work. But only as long as both are available to both factions in the long run.


I'm thinking they might both be options for either faction. They keep saying "choices matter" in KOTFE and I could see how your interactions with both Lana and Theron in SOR could result in which one you get as a companion. For example, if you sided with Theron on most things and were encouraging and/or romancing him you could recruit him as a companion. If you were discouraging to him then he would refuse to join you. Same with Lana. And if you managed to stay pretty much neutral with both of them, or made a pre-made 60, then you would either just get to choose one or the other or just get whichever one belongs to your faction. I'm just guessing here since we don't know much about how companions are going to work yet, but it seems like it would be a good opportunity to demonstrate the whole "choices matter" thing.

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I'm thinking they might both be options for either faction. They keep saying "choices matter" in KOTFE and I could see how your interactions with both Lana and Theron in SOR could result in which one you get as a companion. For example, if you sided with Theron on most things and were encouraging and/or romancing him you could recruit him as a companion. If you were discouraging to him then he would refuse to join you. Same with Lana. And if you managed to stay pretty much neutral with both of them, or made a pre-made 60, then you would either just get to choose one or the other or just get whichever one belongs to your faction. I'm just guessing here since we don't know much about how companions are going to work yet, but it seems like it would be a good opportunity to demonstrate the whole "choices matter" thing.

I really like this idea and I hope they at least remember the romance from SoR.

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So I went with the assumption that Lana AND Theron will be companions, that they will be cross faction, that they use medium armour, and that Lana has two lightsabers (based on her concept art) and that Theron has two pistols (based on SOR). I decided to make outfits for each, based on either faction. List of items is included in spoiler tags to save space. I tried to get these outfits saved on the concerning characters so I'm prepped for their arrival. Most of these items were sitting in storage or collections, so I didn't have to spend much on them. This is of course assuming they don't do something similar to Yavin comp gear (which I actually hope they do). If they do, expect the bracers, belts, and weapons to change. Sorry for the small image size, the preview window is pretty tiny. I'd love to hear some feedback on these ideas, particularly for Theron's since this is his thread after all.


The assumption of who will go with who basically goes like this:

Lana (Imp) - Vitarus (my Jugg), Quirenus (my Sorc)

Theron (Imp) - Quirenus (if I can have both. I'd love to have a good romance as well as an apprentice who I like that talks!)

Lana (Pub) - Antigonos (my Sent who I play as stupid evil, so he needs someone who's relatable even if Lana is far from stupid evil) [Bonus shot]

Theron (Pub) - Tarrquinn (my Slinger) [i call him Quinn for short, which can get creepy during the Malavai Quinn romance]

I still haven't decided for my Sniper, and my Scoundrel and Sin are way too low level (20 and 19 respectively) to worry about it now.


On with the outfits!

Lana (Imp) as modeled by DS Jaesa: Back Front Sabers The intention was to keep her characteristic green colour while giving her something armoured. I usually don't use the rebreathers since they clip on Purebloods and it drives me absolutely batty. On a human though, it works pretty good. I wanted her to have her typical red-orange (rather than the more marketable red), but the only red-orange I have in collections is a War Hero crystal and the ones on the GTN are going for extortion prices. So I gave her these colours instead.


Theron (Imp) as modeled by Andronikos: Back Front Pistols This was a bit of a struggle to do, as there weren't many good medium armour chest pieces on the GTN at the time. Instead I pulled this jacket out of collections and I think it works rather well with the rest of the outfit. The Sand People gloves are among the best looking in the whole game, and they work well here.


Lana (Pub) as modeled by Kira: Back Front Sabers I really tried resisting using the numerous Sith adaptive armours I have, and tried something more Jedi-ish. I settled on this which looks kinda Jedi-y in terms of the chest piece and what not, while keeping the Sith elements in terms of the mask and overall colour scheme. And I tried something different with the lightsabers, going for white and sliver blue rather than the coloured core that Lana uses.


Theron (Pub) as modeled by Tarrquinn: Back Front Pistols I went for a more Smuggler-y look on this one. This particular hat cancels out facial hair which is a pain on Tarrquinn with his goat patch, but should work fine on Theron as long as he hasn't changed his appearance too much. If he's got some facial hair, I'll swap it with a standard hat.


Item List


Lana Outfit (Imp)

Head - Ablative Plasteel

Chest - Black Market Foestopper

Wrists - Fearsome Harbinger

Hands - Campaign Field Medic

Waist - Fearsome Harbinger

Legs - Blade Savant

Feet - Marauder

Mainhand - Vigorous Battler (Pink-Purple)

Offhand - Venerable Vindicator (Lime Green)

Dye - Gray/Green


Theron Outfit (Imp)

Head - TH-16A Master Medic

Chest - Primeval Stalker

Wrists - Theron Shan

Hands - Sand People

Waist - Agile Reconnaissance

Legs - Rugged Infantry

Feet - Rugged Infantry

Mainhand - M-305 Rancor-X (Pink-Red)

Offhand - R-105 Huntsman (Purple Outline)

Dye - None


Lana Outfit (Pub)

Head - Eradicator

Chest - Veteran Elder Blade

Wrists - Blade Savant

Hands - Tund Sorcerer

Waist - Blade Savant

Legs - Force Sentinel

Feet - Reaver

Mainhand - Vile Ancient Vindicator (White)

Offhand - Venerable Ardent Blade (Silver-Blue)

Dye - Dark Gray/Deep Red


Theron Outfit (Pub)

Head - Shrewd Rascal

Chest - Campaign Field Tech

Wrists - Theron Shan

Hands - Ventilated Scalene

Waist - Enhanced Surveillance

Legs - Advanced Slicer

Feet - Verpine Targeter

Mainhand - R-30017 Aikion (Derelict Purple)

Offhand - R-30017 Aikion (Mint Green)

Dye - Black/Gray



Edit: I was thinking of making a signature to show my support for Theron. How does, "The night is darkest before the Shan" sound?

Edited by Sangiban
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All of the armors look amazing!! I especially like Theron's Imp inspired armor. If we get him as a companion I may have to borrow that for my agent, or even my smuggler.


As for your signature idea, I really like it as well. Thank you for the support by the way. I'm so proud of this thread and everyone in it!

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Edit: I was thinking of making a signature to show my support for Theron. How does, "The night is darkest before the Shan" sound?


The armours look really awesome! And I quite like your siggy! Make it so! :D

Edited by Lunafox
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Not my Consular, but I won't talk about my Knight...that would be telling, I don't want to spoil my fanfiction lol. I suspect there are a few new Shans running about. :D



Yup, laughingly, my male smuggler's father is Tharan Cedrax, and my smuggler has the hots for Theron Shan. :p

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(Bolding mine.)

No, I really hope not.


Lana and Theron are really our only two SGRs in the game right now, as Cytharat and Lemda are confined to Makeb (unless they make reappearances in KotFE, which is unlikely since Cytharat can be killed by the actions of the PC in RotHC)... Then we'll just get uneven representation - have to be Imperial if you want a f/f romance option, and Republic if you want a m/m romance option - and that's pretty damned unfair to those of us F/F or M/M fans who like the opposing faction to the LI.


If there were more variety in SGR presented in KotFE, then it might not be as big a problem. But yeah, please don't segregate Theron or Lana to one faction only.


ETA: Now I feel silly. You're saying you hope Theron rescues Rep players, and Lana rescues Imp players... That could work. But only as long as both are available to both factions in the long run.


Well, I ALSO want them available for both, especially since my male operative is completely gay and has no interest in Lana aside from her being his boss, kind of. But if they HAVE to keep it separate, I want Theron rescuing the pubs and Lana rescuing the Imps, cause it would seem slightly odd to have Lana be the hero for both. Not that it can't work, but it would just feel odd. And no problem, my issues didn't seem to be written well by my self so all good. ;)

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I hate to share a tumblr post here but this Theron gifset made me laugh so much.



Eeee hee heeee. *Tom Hiddleston laugh* That's awesome, I love it :D


Yup, laughingly, my male smuggler's father is Tharan Cedrax, and my smuggler has the hots for Theron Shan. :p


It's gotta be something in the name maybe. :D

Edited by Lunafox
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And just how many of you are going to use Theron Mods to change his look anyways?


Hecks to the no! I hardly ever change any of my companion's looks (other than clothes) and I would never change Theron T_T <3


The only ones I change are the very non-human starting companions where it's mostly a color swap (Khem, Qyzen, T7-01) and the ones with bad hair (Corso, Mako).

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Hecks to the no! I hardly ever change any of my companion's looks (other than clothes) and I would never change Theron T_T <3


The only ones I change are the very non-human starting companions where it's mostly a color swap (Khem, Qyzen, T7-01) and the ones with bad hair (Corso, Mako).


:o Mako does not have bad hair! :p Plagued Qyzen in Beserker. It's like an undead cyborg trandosian! Corse's hair is totally bad. I also just recently changed Talos, but generally the same, I don't touch them, but I just noticed on fleet a lot of people seem to.


Could have just been today for me to see it though.

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Somebody at Bioware Austin like Th-vowel-r-vowel-n. Who next? Thiren, Thorun, Theryn, Thoran...


Haha. Well my consular's name is K'athryn and she has a kid with Tharan C, who is named T'orren. And she has a kid with Iresso and she's named K'aitlyn. lol

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