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Theran Shan?


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My point is, aren't flashpoints meant to be played with multiple people? That whole everyone rolls the dice and the highest roll gets to speak, how the heck would that work for a storyline like this?



Whaaaat? No way! It's totally childish to be emotional when your spouse betrays and tries to murder you. Any normal person will totes be stoic and professional or snarky and flippant, neither will really care at all. That's the way adults do things! I mean the way it was handled with Quinn? So perfect! Being able to boredly tell your husband that he would make the right choice and not try to kill you or just act like he's an underling who has started to choke on his aspirations and then never have a conversation about it? Definitely what I would do in that situation. There's no middle ground either, showing emotion at all obviously means you're rolling around on the floor screaming and flailing your arms and legs.


*rolls eyes* Not to mention I already said I didn't like how Quinn was dealt with (on multiple fronts let alone taking him back while married) but thanks for proving my point. You clearly can't act reasonable in a discussion. Not to mention whining about something you clearly didn't even bother getting any information on because if you did you'd know your "can't show emotion" complaints were a pile of garbage unless you want your PC to throw a freaking fit like they're a child. But it's better to whine about something you can easily figure out for yourself right? :rak_02:

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Everything is hypothetical at this point...we don't have all the details. For all we know, things could be said with a *wink wink* facial expression...but we don't know and everybody is jumping to conclusions. I don't think there's much point in freaking out about it until we all get to see everything.


Either way, a bunch of people (myself included) already got modsmacked for talking about it, so I would exercise caution.


We have most of the dialogue (and good lord Arcann's letter afterwards *fans self*) and I'm aggravated because of how Quinn was dealt with. It was either act like a lovestruck teenager or like you've seen your coworker (well that and overbearing rage) there was nothing in between. I have the same issue with the Theron dialogue. It's either baby come back or I will murder you. I mean there's not even an option to call him out on his awful justification if you're LS.

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But jumping to conclusions is how I get my exercise :( anyway if things don't turn out the worst they possibly can in every way then I'll just be pleasantly surprised lol. Best to expect the worst and be pleasantly surprised than expect something good and be extremely let down right?


I jumped to the same conclusions as well, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that there's really no point in freaking out til we know for sure because everything at this point is taking completely out of context.

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Can't say I'd look forward to having to sit through the betrayal ten times if I want to get the Stronghold. Once will be heartbreaking enough - I don't think I'll even take my romanced Inquisitor through it until we find out more info which could be months or even longer for more story to get through it.


Yeah, I've pretty much decided my characters are not playing Umbarra, at least until there are a few more patches and there's an idea of what will happen to the traitor and other characters I am worried about.


And when I do eventually play it through, I think I may actually end up spacebar-ing that scene, and I never do that...but I can't see wanting to sit through that 10 times either, regardless of what happens later. :(

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Yeah, I've pretty much decided my characters are not playing Umbarra, at least until there are a few more patches and there's an idea of what will happen to the traitor and other characters I am worried about.


And when I do eventually play it through, I think I may actually end up spacebar-ing that scene, and I never do that...but I can't see wanting to sit through that 10 times either, regardless of what happens later. :(


I don't know you made it through that godawful Voss scene 10 times the traitor should be a cakewalk comparatively :p (I'm sorry but I just hate that walker with every fiber of my being).

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I don't know you made it through that godawful Voss scene 10 times the traitor should be a cakewalk comparatively :p (I'm sorry but I just hate that walker with every fiber of my being).


I absolutely hate that walker too, LOL. It's why I won't replay that chapter in KOTET now. It's funny, I LOVE the mouse droid scene and the giant robot in Chapter 5 is a trip because you basically get to be Godzilla, but that Voss walker is so clunky...I can't get through that sequence without dying about seven times. Even the walker in C8 has better mechanics by far.

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I absolutely hate that walker too, LOL. It's why I won't replay that chapter in KOTET now. It's funny, I LOVE the mouse droid scene and the giant robot in Chapter 5 is a trip because you basically get to be Godzilla, but that Voss walker is so clunky...I can't get through that sequence without dying about seven times. Even the walker in C8 has better mechanics by far.


Oh yes the mouse droid scene can at least be rushed. No rushing that slow clunky walker. It doesn't help that a lot of the trash can be cleared faster on foot. Chapter 5 is super fun I don't get how they got it right...then proceeded right back to slow clunky walker. Why? T_T Least chapter 8 gave you homing missile cheese :D


And yeah I don't replay that chapter either I hate all the walker chapters so bad. Then came Iokath and I was all happy and what do I see but another of those abominations. :mad: (Least you don't have to use it tho. Small mercies).

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Whaaaat? No way! It's totally childish to be emotional when your spouse betrays and tries to murder you. Any normal person will totes be stoic and professional or snarky and flippant, neither will really care at all. That's the way adults do things! I mean the way it was handled with Quinn? So perfect! Being able to boredly tell your husband that he would make the right choice and not try to kill you or just act like he's an underling who has started to choke on his aspirations and then never have a conversation about it? Definitely what I would do in that situation. There's no middle ground either, showing emotion at all obviously means you're rolling around on the floor screaming and flailing your arms and legs.


How did you know I reacted to the news this way??????


Uh... I mean..



Gotta be tough kids.

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How did you know I reacted to the news this way??????


Uh... I mean..



Gotta be tough kiss.


:D Because I live under your bed, obviously! But yeah, I'm not expecting an emotional scene (outside of headcanon/fanfic) based on past moments that should have been emotional to varying degrees and either weren't at ALL or fell flat.

when SCORPIO betrays you (even as an agent) you act either angry or annoyed/terse rather than hurt in any way, when Vette or Torian is killed, your character is just kind of like "not cool, they didn't deserve that kind of treatment" I've heard this is the same even if your character is married to the one that dies and then of course after one line from Theron nobody speaks of it again. You have Master Orgus' death where they tried somewhat by having your Knight fall to their knees for a second but then the knight just speaks of it like "such a shame, welp let's all get on with life." Even if you play your sith inquisitor as completely trusting and obedient of Zash, when she betrays and tries to kill you, your reaction isn't shocked or betrayed it's more along the lines of "how uncouth." The previously mentioned Quinn betrayal was super disappointing and detached and so on. I have a lot of problems with DA:I but the scene where Solas erases the Vallaslin from a romanced Lavellan but then dumps her was great as far as emotion. Same with the scene in Trespasser where they learned the mark was killing them. Both the bitter/angry and the scared/sad reactions were great.


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Edit: Ugh it posted too soon. Oh well. I don't see why people act as though BW's set characters with some traits you can change are the same as a completely original PC. They're not. Most of their games have this issue. The only ones I think that don't are their characters that are unvoiced and even then there's a certain extent that they herd you. Certain classes (and since KOTFE decided one size fits all this makes it a bit worse since they'll have one class override one another traits) act in certain ways that are not tweak able.

Which is exactly why you're not gonna get hilarious things like the agent being hurt over Scorpio's betrayal. Why would they be they've been expecting something of the kind since they picked her up. Hell Scorpio goes out of her way to tell you she's using you. I'm still kind of upset I lost my super serene Shadow tho. The one size fits all gave him too much emotion where he was a literal brick in his class story. My smug also got less snarky/flirty which sucks.

(Then again they do put stupid things like the agent being dumb as a brick with the "keeper sent you too?" so sometimes you'll get the choice but not often).

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The previously mentioned Quinn betrayal was super disappointing and detached and so on. I have a lot of problems with DA:I but the scene where Solas erases the Vallaslin from a romanced Lavellan but then dumps her was great as far as emotion. Same with the scene in Trespasser where they learned the mark was killing them. Both the bitter/angry and the scared/sad reactions were great.


Yeah, the Quinn incident is so underwhelming.

The companions are more emotional about it than your SW is. Vette is like, "yeah, let's kill this punk NOW," and Pierce is also angry he didn't shoot Quinn the first time he saw him and is offended when he's offered a spot with Baras. It would have been a really good moment for the SW to get incredibly, openly angry.


My SW would have killed him, but since she couldn't, I wish there had been some lines with my SW seething at him - basically saying, "your life will be hell on this ship from now on, and YES, EVERYONE will know what you did."


The only time I've ever really seen a character come close to losing it is the scene I mentioned in KOTFE where the companions are visibly upset that you've been stabbed by Arcann. Lana almost loses it in C7 when she's in the void, but they reel it right back again.



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Yeah, the Quinn incident is so underwhelming.

The companions are more emotional about it than your SW is. Vette is like, "yeah, let's kill this punk NOW," and Pierce is also angry he didn't shoot Quinn the first time he saw him and is offended when he's offered a spot with Baras. It would have been a really good moment for the SW to get incredibly, openly angry.


My SW would have killed him, but since she couldn't, I wish there had been some lines with my SW seething at him - basically saying, "your life will be hell on this ship from now on, and YES, EVERYONE will know what you did."


The only time I've ever really seen a character come close to losing it is the scene I mentioned in KOTFE where the companions are visibly upset that you've been stabbed by Arcann. Lana almost loses it in C7 when she's in the void, but they reel it right back again.




I think we probably would've been able to if he was killable as it is the PC pretty much forgives him (no matter how little sense it makes on a Dark V character >_> ) and invites him back to the fold begrudgingly (And he really really should've been killable. Him, Ashara, Skadge, Gault and Kaliyo all should've been killable. Instead the devs thought players couldn't deal with consequences and removed the options to get rid of them and the story suffered for it.) You get the level of rage you should've gotten on there instead on Iokath (but honestly as the saying goes too little too late.) That said you can tell him you're telling everyone on the ship (and they all clearly know even if you say you're keeping it a secret) being more blunt about it could've just been a cheery on top yeah. Like you can't even forgive him in a decent way it's just "oh that's fine. I forgive you." instead of mentioning any hold Baras may have held on him. You can even briefly mention how poor of an attempt it was but that's it. It's pretty much bad all around. I pretty heavily headcanon that scene because there's no real way for it to work for me because it feels like half the dialogue is missing. (like why wait so late to betray her in the first place? Why is there just two droids? What did he really think he was gonna accomplish :rak_02:) Least they changed it so you can't marry him before it now so that particularly bit of marriage bliss is taken out. (especially since the breakup didn't even work if you married him)


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I think we probably would've been able to if he was killable as it is the PC pretty much forgives him (no matter how little sense it makes on a Dark V character >_> ) and invites him back to the fold begrudgingly (And he really really should've been killable. Him, Ashara, Skadge, Gault and Kaliyo all should've been killable. Instead the devs thought players couldn't deal with consequences and removed the options to get rid of them and the story suffered for it.) You get the level of rage you should've gotten on there instead on Iokath (but honestly as the saying goes too little too late.) That said you can tell him you're telling everyone on the ship (and they all clearly know even if you say you're keeping it a secret) being more blunt about it could've just been a cheery on top yeah. Like you can't even forgive him in a decent way it's just "oh that's fine. I forgive you." instead of mentioning any hold Baras may have held on him. You can even briefly mention how poor of an attempt it was but that's it. It's pretty much bad all around. I pretty heavily headcanon that scene because there's no real way for it to work for me because it feels like half the dialogue is missing. (like why wait so late to betray her in the first place? Why is there just two droids? What did he really think he was gonna accomplish :rak_02:) Least they changed it so you can't marry him before it now so that particularly bit of marriage bliss is taken out. (especially since the breakup didn't even work if you married him)



Yeah, they should have always had the companion structure they have now, where you can set any companion to heal, so you could kill off Quinn or the others who betray or are just awful. Or had more than one healer. From what I have read (I never played with Quinn as a companion, he literally made my skin crawl so as soon as I got him I switched right back to Vette) he was an awful healer anyway.


I don't even get why it would have been an option there NOT to tell the rest of the crew, especially since he threatens them, too...it's like the SW loses all sense: "Sure, you just tried to kill me, knocked out my companion and threatened the rest of the crew. Come on back! We'd love to have you! And don't worry, this will be out secret!" *headdesk*


And even though they took out the marriage beforehand...if you are a female SW, in the last conversation with him, even if you NEVER flirted with him, there's a convo option where you can ask him to have babies with you. No joke. My FSW wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole, never flirted with him and was horrible to him after the incident, and that option was still there, which stunned me.


I head canon it all on my own. I had Vette with me - you know and I know she would have told everyone as soon as we got back to the ship. But I head canoned it that I DID get rid of him and replaced him with a cyborg. I put a mask on him so I'd never have to look at his face on my ship again and could keep my own version in place. :)




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I hate that the game forces certain companions on you (or in Quinn and Kaliyo's case forces you to keep them) without good reason. The people who didn't realize that if they kill the character, that character will be dead and therefore unavailable for combat...I mean maybe make a pop up for them with an "are you sure?" message. With characters like Vik it makes sense because you actually need his expertise and his recruitment is an order from your superior but characters like Theran Cedrax and worse, ones like Skadge you have no reason to take them and no reason to not kill Skadge in particular. Like either make their role crucial like Vik or Scourge or make it so you can opt not to recruit them. It's just more bad writing IMO. Edited by Nefla
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Yeah, they should have always had the companion structure they have now, where you can set any companion to heal, so you could kill off Quinn or the others who betray or are just awful. Or had more than one healer. From what I have read (I never played with Quinn as a companion, he literally made my skin crawl so as soon as I got him I switched right back to Vette) he was an awful healer anyway.


I don't even get why it would have been an option there NOT to tell the rest of the crew, especially since he threatens them, too...it's like the SW loses all sense: "Sure, you just tried to kill me, knocked out my companion and threatened the rest of the crew. Come on back! We'd love to have you! And don't worry, this will be out secret!" *headdesk*


And even though they took out the marriage beforehand...if you are a female SW, in the last conversation with him, even if you NEVER flirted with him, there's a convo option where you can ask him to have babies with you. No joke. My FSW wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole, never flirted with him and was horrible to him after the incident, and that option was still there, which stunned me.


I head canon it all on my own. I had Vette with me - you know and I know she would have told everyone as soon as we got back to the ship. But I head canoned it that I DID get rid of him and replaced him with a cyborg. I put a mask on him so I'd never have to look at his face on my ship again and could keep my own version in place. :)





They really should've. I like Quinn (mostly because I have trash taste in men and the mole is like...my super type.) But even then they screwed up that scene so bad. He was decent as a healer tho it's just his plot shield was so dumb that it kind of tainted everything.


Really O_O But why would that even be there?!? :eek: (It'd make some sense if he was from a strong in the force family but he's a pleb. What does SW have to gain from having kids with him if she's not in a romance with him :rak_02:) See you can ask Jaesa to have your kids if not romancing her but that actually makes sense cause her powers are extraordinary and super force babies. You'd think in that case she might as well ask Pierce for a baby donation. It makes as much sense. :confused:


LMAO rip. I mostly headcanoned them both being awful to each other and my PC's an absuive monster and that was his poor attempt at escape before Stockholm syndrome kicked in. But I love my romances toxic and awful so there's that. Seriously though it was so dumb the PC had to wait five years to kill him.


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I hate that the game forces certain companions on you (or in Quinn and Kaliyo's case forces you to keep them) without good reason. The people who didn't realize that if they kill the character, that character will be dead and therefore unavailable for combat...I mean maybe make a pop up for them with an "are you sure?" message. With characters like Vik it makes sense because you actually need his expertise and his recruitment is an order from your superior but characters like Theran Cedrax and worse, ones like Skadge you have no reason to take them and no reason to not kill Skadge in particular. Like either make their role crucial like Vik or Scourge or make it so you can opt not to recruit them. It's just more bad writing IMO.


IMHO that's one of the things they have improved upon in KOTFE/KOTET - that you can kill some companions and refuse to recruit some of the others in the Alliance Alerts. But even there, if my character had been given the chance to refuse to recruit certain people, she would have taken it. Every single character she's killed in the Alliance is someone she didn't want there in the first place. The only one you can turn down is

Arcann, but my character would have also kicked Senya out after the Scion stuff and refused to take on Kaliyo and SCORPIO if given the choice.


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Really O_O But why would that even be there?!? :eek: (It'd make some sense if he was from a strong in the force family but he's a pleb. What does SW have to gain from having kids with him if she's not in a romance with him :rak_02:) See you can ask Jaesa to have your kids if not romancing her but that actually makes sense cause her powers are extraordinary and super force babies. You'd think in that case she might as well ask Pierce for a baby donation. It makes as much sense. :confused:



Genetically I feel like Pierce would have actually made more sense, LOL - at least the kid might have gotten some physical strength out of it, since both Pierce and the Sith Warrior are really tall, strong types. It's weird, though - my Sith Warrior doesn't ever want kids, but if she did, I mean...dude, she's just established herself as the Wrath! That's not the time for maternity leave, ya know?!

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Genetically I feel like Pierce would have actually made more sense, LOL - at least the kid might have gotten some physical strength out of it, since both Pierce and the Sith Warrior are really tall, strong types. It's weird, though - my Sith Warrior doesn't ever want kids, but if she did, I mean...dude, she's just established herself as the Wrath! That's not the time for maternity leave, ya know?!


He really would've! Quinn is just an odd choice if you're not romancing him. My warrior is fine with having kids but uh...yeah Quinn's gonna be doing most of the motherly stuff. She'll stick to teaching them how to fight and dress (my PC likes her clothes lol). But to be honest the way every single romance in the base game ended with talk of babies (save I think the agent's LIs) was weird and offputting. Quinn made sense because he's a good little imperial bootlicker but then you have Revel talking about kids and my Inquisitor was just like :rak_02: don't we have a hard enough time keeping ourselves alive?

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He really would've! Quinn is just an odd choice if you're not romancing him. My warrior is fine with having kids but uh...yeah Quinn's gonna be doing most of the motherly stuff. She'll stick to teaching them how to fight and dress (my PC likes her clothes lol). But to be honest the way every single romance in the base game ended with talk of babies (save I think the agent's LIs) was weird and offputting. Quinn made sense because he's a good little imperial bootlicker but then you have Revel talking about kids and my Inquisitor was just like :rak_02: don't we have a hard enough time keeping ourselves alive?


My SW currently has 13 outfit slots and has gone through like 5 hair styles, so I hear you, LOL! :D I wouldn't say she's particularly stereotypically 'girly' but she loves her clothes and makeup. In KOTFE in that scene where the Outlander wants to know about her crew and ship, I think mine would have actually also asked if any of her clothes had been saved...


It was off-putting that there was so much talk about babies even among the non-romanced characters. Jaesa also brought up my SW having kids, and she totally deflected it, with something like, "Um, you go ahead and have kids, Jaesa, K?"

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My SW currently has 13 outfit slots and has gone through like 5 hair styles, so I hear you, LOL! :D I wouldn't say she's particularly stereotypically 'girly' but she loves her clothes and makeup. In KOTFE in that scene where the Outlander wants to know about her crew and ship, I think mine would have actually also asked if any of her clothes had been saved...


It was off-putting that there was so much talk about babies even among the non-romanced characters. Jaesa also brought up my SW having kids, and she totally deflected it, with something like, "Um, you go ahead and have kids, Jaesa, K?"


XD fashionista SWs unite! And yeah same my girl likes her clothes and hair nice but will still wander through some mud to kill some fools. And yes my SW wouldn't have been happy about all her things going missing :(


It really was. Whoever wrote the final conversations was baby crazy and I have no idea why. It's just such the oddest thing to interject into near every single class story. The only exception was agent where instead of kids they talk about newbie agents for you to teach. Another reason Agent is the best.

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XD fashionista SWs unite! And yeah same my girl likes her clothes and hair nice but will still wander through some mud to kill some fools. And yes my SW wouldn't have been happy about all her things going missing :(


It really was. Whoever wrote the final conversations was baby crazy and I have no idea why. It's just such the oddest thing to interject into near every single class story. The only exception was agent where instead of kids they talk about newbie agents for you to teach. Another reason Agent is the best.


:D Totally! :D That's exactly it, my SW will happily get her hands dirty but she also wants to clean up well. :) Right now she's even got special desert and ice planet outfits, one for Official Sith Business, etc...


Whoever wrote those endings did have babies on the brain apparently - it was very weird. I have not played my Agent through to the end of her story yet (Sith 4 Life over here! Love my LS Sith Warrior best) but it's a fun story, I will say that. :)

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ones like Skadge you have no reason to take them and no reason to not kill Skadge in particular. Like either make their role crucial like Vik or Scourge or make it so you can opt not to recruit them. It's just more bad writing IMO.


I happen to love both of those companions, because I play DS mostly. :eek::D I'm actually still sad we can't recruit Vik in KOTFE. He was my fave trooper companion. My tank, when you needed a tank to play.

As for Skadge, I love Skadge, he makes me laugh with his comments :D if you play a DS bounty hunter, he's like your best companion ever. Plus, he's the leader of the underworld gang Black Sun. And... he killed Nem'ro the hutt :cool:


"Long as I'm runnin' with you, you're Black Sun." - Skadge :D:p:cool: #TeamSkadge LOL

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:D Totally! :D That's exactly it, my SW will happily get her hands dirty but she also wants to clean up well. :) Right now she's even got special desert and ice planet outfits, one for Official Sith Business, etc...


Whoever wrote those endings did have babies on the brain apparently - it was very weird. I have not played my Agent through to the end of her story yet (Sith 4 Life over here! Love my LS Sith Warrior best) but it's a fun story, I will say that. :)


XD same. Clothes for on the town, clothes for when she's being a BAMF as Empress, clothes for when it's time to kick some teeth in and so on :p


I remember being so confused as to why everyone no matter how much sense it made wanted babies. Quinn, Corso (of course farmboy wants babies), Jaesa (especially crazy Jaesa) I get. Everyone else came off as various types of "well that's kind of random" or "This doesn't make any sense." I have way too many agents and they're mostly the same too so it's not even like I have different characters. :D I'm just agent crazy :rak_03: Act 2 tho. OMG act 2. I play agent all day just for that.

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XD same. Clothes for on the town, clothes for when she's being a BAMF as Empress, clothes for when it's time to kick some teeth in and so on :p


I remember being so confused as to why everyone no matter how much sense it made wanted babies. Quinn, Corso (of course farmboy wants babies), Jaesa (especially crazy Jaesa) I get. Everyone else came off as various types of "well that's kind of random" or "This doesn't make any sense." I have way too many agents and they're mostly the same too so it's not even like I have different characters. :D I'm just agent crazy :rak_03: Act 2 tho. OMG act 2. I play agent all day just for that.


I currently have a clone of my main SW going along because I wanted to play through the planetary quests and the romance with Lana again. She has made some slightly different choices (she's got DS Jaesa this time, and I plan on having her refuse to save the reactor in Zakuul, but she is still mostly LS...except that she does not forgive and will kill people who cross her). And...um...I wanted my SW to have different makeup. :D :D :D So right now there's one SW with more understated look and her clone who is trying to be a Galactic Goth. :D

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