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Theran Shan?


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Hi there, this is me joining the ranks of the Theronites. :)


At the moment my hope rests on that cutscene from the "Choose Your Path"-trailer, and that they just don't want to reveal his part in the story just yet.


I need Theron especially for my smugglers, because for some strange reason the female smuggler doesn't have a romance option in the 1-50 story. :p


Welcome and thank you for the support! :D


Theron really is, aside from Corso's fans, our only romance option. I see more smuggler players, romance him, than other classes. Of course, this isn't to say other classes don't romance him, but it just seems like Theron is more prevalent with smugglers.

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I romanced him with almost all my other characters, but my smugglers are the only ones who are really without a love interest. Even with my trooper (who doesn't like Aric), but for her there's still Jonas out there somewhere. I hope.

No such luck for my gunslingers. So yeah, Theron is needed.

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I romanced him with almost all my other characters, but my smugglers are the only ones who are really without a love interest. Even with my trooper (who doesn't like Aric), but for her there's still Jonas out there somewhere. I hope.

No such luck for my gunslingers. So yeah, Theron is needed.


Jonas!! What little of the trooper story I played, he always stuck out in my mind. I am seriously hoping we see him return as well.


I romanced Theron on all my smugglers, and one agent. The others I didn't have the heart to make them "cheat" on their LIs.

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Hello fellow Theronmancers! Don't usually post on this forum but I figured I'd poke my head in.


Romanced Theron with my Agent, loved it a lot! It was a little tragic, but... I'm hoping they'll see each other again! My agent has had a rough time, he deserves a little happiness... as does Theron!

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Hello fellow Theronmancers! Don't usually post on this forum but I figured I'd poke my head in.


Romanced Theron with my Agent, loved it a lot! It was a little tragic, but... I'm hoping they'll see each other again! My agent has had a rough time, he deserves a little happiness... as does Theron!


You guys somehow practise divination using Theron? What do you use? The bruise patterns he always seems to get? :p

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Theronmancy = the art of causing simultaneous disaster and romantic feelings.


Yea, I do kind of feel bad for Theron. He spends all his time getting film-noir'd in the SIS, and not one but both parents barely speak to him.


Dude needs a better haircut though. That fauxhawk makes me cringe so much.

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I romanced him with almost all my other characters, but my smugglers are the only ones who are really without a love interest. Even with my trooper (who doesn't like Aric), but for her there's still Jonas out there somewhere. I hope.

No such luck for my gunslingers. So yeah, Theron is needed.


Jonas!!!! I love him so much, he's one of my favourite flirt options in SWTOR. My Trooper pines for him. D=



No touchy the fauxhawk. D:


Seconded. I'm usually not a fan of fauxhawks, but Theron makes it work (and sexy!).

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Theronmancy = the art of causing simultaneous disaster and romantic feelings.




All this anti-Corso talk makes me sad. He's truly one of my favorites. So is Aric. And Jonas. Heck, I even like Quinn.


Of course Theron is at the top of my list. C'mon SDCC Story Panel. Throw us a bone!

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Lots of love for Theron in this thread - I like it.


All this anti-Corso talk makes me sad. He's truly one of my favorites. So is Aric. And Jonas. Heck, I even like Quinn.


I love all the LIs, especially those mentioned by Xonell. I'm really excited to see what happens to Quinn and my SW in the expac!


For me, the main thing I want the new expansion to bring is options. Not just in terms of LIs but all the companions, new and old. I've seen a thread wanting Scourge as a LI ... I personally think a Zenith romance has a lot of potential - that would be an awesome inclusion in the expansion, for me at any rate. I think the idea of recruiting companions from different class stories is very exciting as well - LI or not.


But on the subject of LIs, I do feel BW has neglected its female players in the past (ME2, for me, was ALL about Thane Krios - I thought he was an amazing character & so, so poorly handled in ME3) and noticing the absence of Theron in anything KOTFE-related so far is making me nervous. I romanced Lana on my BH to see how that developed & imo, the Lana/Imp romance surpassed the Theron/Pub romance - surprisingly it seemed more natural or more believable or ... something. The interaction at the conclusion of Ziost was quite sweet. Lana is a great character & she deserves a place in the expansion. Obviously there are a lot of people in this thread that think the same of Theron, and so do I.


Now, my characters don't want to sleep around but male agents got Kaliyo and Temple, warriors got Jaesa and Vette etc etc ... Male, female, same-sex, heterosexual or you know, whatever :p Just ... options, please BW & please don't neglect us ladies ;)

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I've been asked why my current favorite Star Wars thing is the ridiculous, ho-yay filled version of Spy vs Spy, complete with every time Cipher Nine gets mad that Lana has Theron do spy stuff.






I apologize for the image quality. Magic wand scanner with no editting on a pencil doodle may not have been my wisest choice, but it was what I had on hand.

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I've been asked why my current favorite Star Wars thing is the ridiculous, ho-yay filled version of Spy vs Spy, complete with every time Cipher Nine gets mad that Lana has Theron do spy stuff.






I apologize for the image quality. Magic wand scanner with no editting on a pencil doodle may not have been my wisest choice, but it was what I had on hand.


Love that drawing!!

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I've been asked why my current favorite Star Wars thing is the ridiculous, ho-yay filled version of Spy vs Spy, complete with every time Cipher Nine gets mad that Lana has Theron do spy stuff.






I apologize for the image quality. Magic wand scanner with no editting on a pencil doodle may not have been my wisest choice, but it was what I had on hand.


I've loved the ending story because it has my Shadow feeling like a Shadow. :) Though I'm sure more could be done to feel like one is operating from the shadows.

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I've been asked why my current favorite Star Wars thing is the ridiculous, ho-yay filled version of Spy vs Spy, complete with every time Cipher Nine gets mad that Lana has Theron do spy stuff.






I apologize for the image quality. Magic wand scanner with no editting on a pencil doodle may not have been my wisest choice, but it was what I had on hand.


Love the character in this drawing. Well done. :)

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Well, the second SDCC Cantina has happened. To my knowledge, they haven't said anything of substance, or acknowledged any of the threads on Theron Shan, companions, or addressed any of the concerns people are having about the direction of the story. They didn't answer any of the questions in the "Ask the story panel questions" thread that they started. Bioware want us to be excited about the all shiny new stuff like this Jerk Dad Emperor and the Dysfunctional Twins and Cleavage Window Lady and the fact that Lana wakes you up and I'm just... not excited. At all. Sorry. I don't feel like Bioware really understands why its fans like the game as much as we do. Given their track record with Mass Effect and Dragon Age, I am getting all kinds of red flags that this expansion is not the sort of thing I want to buy into. In Star Wars parlance, I have a bad feeling about this.


So I think, with a heavy heart, this seals the deal for me. My sub ends as of August 1st. I may return to the game at a later time, after the reviews of all released KotFE content is in and a few more monthly chapters are released. I'll just have to be okay with spoilers.


I'm posting this here because this is where I've made the most connections with other like-minded players. I didn't want to start a new thread and invite rando "can i hav ur stuff" people to comment. No, you cannot have my stuff. I might want it next year. :p


I'm saddened by this, but I think this break comes at the perfect time for me. I've spent way too much time in the game as it is. Now I'm moving to a new city, with new work responsibilities and way too much stuff I really should be doing. Maybe by the time I'm settled in, I'll be more confident about putting my money and time in this game again. I'm truly thankful to the people at Bioware for making such a great game in the first place. I will miss living in this universe. I really do hope the new expansion is everything people want it to be.

Edited by Xonell
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Xonell, I wish you the best of luck with life and moving. :)


I cheated on all of my spouses with Theron because they didn't react but with the expansion I'm afraid I will get my comeuppance! :eek:

If one of your spouses is Quinn, I have a strange feeling he won't have much to say on the topic. :rolleyes:

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Bioware want us to be excited about the all shiny new stuff like this Jerk Dad Emperor and the Dysfunctional Twins and Cleavage Window Lady and the fact that Lana wakes you up and I'm just... not excited.

I hear you.

Valkorion and his fugly brats = enemies, kill on sight. Nothing more.


If one of your spouses is Quinn, I have a strange feeling he won't have much to say on the topic. :rolleyes:

That would be bad, because Quinn is the only one I really care about. :(

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Aww, Xonell if I cling to your leg saying noooooo will it make a difference? I do wish you the absolute best of luck, and you know where to find. :)


I am extremely disappointed, that they made that topic for us to ask questions. They also asked on facebook, and twitter, but none of the questions were asked. Plus we are still in the dark about Theron.


I will keep my sub, to play through the chapters. "Disavowed" has me very interested concerning our Theron situation. Gamescom is coming up next month, so maybe just maybe they will release more information.

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Aww, Xonell if I cling to your leg saying noooooo will it make a difference? I do wish you the absolute best of luck, and you know where to find. :)


I am extremely disappointed, that they made that topic for us to ask questions. They also asked on facebook, and twitter, but none of the questions were asked. Plus we are still in the dark about Theron.


I will keep my sub, to play through the chapters. "Disavowed" has me very interested concerning our Theron situation. Gamescom is coming up next month, so maybe just maybe they will release more information.


If anyone had actually paid any attention to the SDCC descriptions, Bioware seriously was expecting people to ask questions solely concerning the CGI trailer. Of course no one cared about that because it's been more than a week since it released. And their answers showed: they had no answers for the actual questions people had, because the higher-ups didn't greenlight answering questions about anything other than the trailer.

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Xonell, I wish you the best of luck with life and moving. :)



If one of your spouses is Quinn, I have a strange feeling he won't have much to say on the topic. :rolleyes:

I haven't gotten to SoR with my female warrior yet so nope. Though what if you cheated on him and instead of being uppity towards you he gets depressed and emotional or something. That would be even worse T_T

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I haven't gotten to SoR with my female warrior yet so nope. Though what if you cheated on him and instead of being uppity towards you he gets depressed and emotional or something. That would be even worse T_T


If anything, he'd be happy and/or terrified. The Quinn "romance" is such obvious abuse of power and r*pe that he'd be equal parts happy you're not after him, and terrified that in not being after him, you're just going to kill him.

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AKHadeed, I love the pic! I admire everyone who can draw; the best I can usually do is a stick figure, and even that is debatable. :p


Xonell, best of luck to you! Hope we will see you back sooner rather than later, though.


I too am disappointed to have not heard more about Theron (and other people too, but mostly Theron). I know it was supposed to be mostly about the Sacrifice trailer, but it would've been nice to hear something. Even the thing with Malgus they kind of walked back, so I don't know what to make of that, either.


I haven't been able to find too much else about what happened at the cantina (I've read what Dulfy has posted already). Is there any place where we can find out more about what they said there?

Edited by Ereiniel
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